Chapter 379 Capital investment, Changjin Lake released (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
After hearing Taylor's words, Gu Chenfeng did not answer him immediately. Instead, after a long silence, he asked, "Mr. Taylor, have you considered expanding the studio?"

"Of course I thought about it!" Taylor replied without hesitation, and then said helplessly: "Many people wanted to inject funds into my studio before, but the price they gave was too low. And also want to have the dominance of the studio."

"The studio I have worked so hard to build, if someone else takes the lead, I will definitely not accept it."

At this time, Pete understood the meaning of Gu Chenfeng's words, looked at him and asked, "Mr. Gu, do you want to invest in Taylor's studio?"

"I really have this idea!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, looked at Taylor and asked, "Mr. Taylor, what do you think the market value of Weta Special Effects Studio is?"

The reason why he had this idea was because the Weta Studio was not large in size, and he had already started to lay out special effects for movies a long time ago.

Both Li Mu and Li Haiquan have been developing in this direction. Originally, Gu Chenfeng thought that after he became a shareholder of Disney theaters, he could arrange for Li Mu and the others to enter the Disney special effects company to study.

But it turned out that he was thinking too much.

Disney's special effects company is not that easy to enter, especially for Chinese people, it is basically impossible to get in and learn.

Not only the Disney special effects company, even other well-known special effects companies in Hollywood are like this, and these companies are all controlled by Hollywood film companies, and there is no chance of investing in them.

At the same time, there is no opportunity to enter the study.

If Weta Special Effects Studio is really good in film special effects technology, Gu Chenfeng really wanted to invest in it, and then arranged for people to come and learn.

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's question, Taylor thought for a while, stretched out two fingers, and said, "At least 20 billion US dollars."

Gu Chenfeng hadn't spoken yet, but Pete next to him heard Taylor's offer and exclaimed, "Taylor, are you crazy?"

The total assets of Weta Studio are only worth 20 million U.S. dollars at most, but Taylor actually wants [-] billion U.S. dollars. Does this really mean that Mr. Gu is being taken advantage of?
However, Taylor said confidently: "Peter, the most valuable thing about Weta Studios is not those instruments, nor those resources, but talents, especially myself, who is a top talent in film special effects."

Gu Chenfeng was quite rascal about the virtues of the Wang Po of the Lighthouse Country who sold melons and boasted, and said: "Mr. Taylor, talents are not the same as assets. If assets are yours, they are yours. No one dares to deprive them of them for no reason, but talents are not. Same thing, you can't guarantee they'll always work for you."

Taylor thought for a while, frowned and said, "Maybe what you said is right, but if you want to invest in our studio, 18 billion US dollars, this is my bottom line."

"Hehehe!" Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly, and said, "It's too early to say the price. After I finish watching the studio for him, if it feels good, then let's talk about the price."

"If I don't like it, then I'm sorry, don't talk about investing, I'm afraid I won't even hand over the post-production special effects of "Lord of the Rings" to you."

Taylor shrugged and said, "I believe you will definitely like it."

Gu Chenfeng smiled, but did not speak.

Half an hour later, the car parked steadily under an office building not far from the city center.

This is the headquarters of Weta Studios.

Taylor took Gu Chenfeng and his team to visit the Weta studio. There are more than 20 rooms in total, with a total area of ​​more than 3000 square meters. Compared with those top special effects companies, this place is obviously too small.

However, although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, each department of Weta Studio is very clearly divided. Everyone performs their own duties and the division of labor is clear. It can be seen that the management is still very good.

After visiting the studio, Taylor invited everyone to his office.

Sitting on the sofa, Gu Chenfeng looked at Taylor and said, "Weta Studio is so far away from Hollywood, yet it can still have such a good working atmosphere without being polluted, which is very good."

Taylor said proudly: "That is, I have always believed that the best special effects can only be produced with seriousness and concentration. Mr. Gu, leave "Lord of the Rings" to us."

"I guarantee that I can create a huge Middle-earth world for you."

After taking a sip of water, Gu Chenfeng looked at Taylor and said, "Mr. Taylor, the assets of your studio are less than 60.00 million US dollars. I will give you one billion, and I can invest [-] million US dollars to buy [-]% of your studio. shares."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Taylor's face changed greatly, and he said a little excitedly: "Impossible, Mr. Gu, I will sell up to 40.00% of the shares."

"Don't be so excited, listen to me first." Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and continued: "My 60.00% shares can be divided into two parts, of which 40.00% is owned by me personally, and the other 20.00% is distributed to All of Weta's technical staff will be used as their future dividends."

"If Weta Studio wants to retain these talents, it is definitely not enough to rely on salary alone. In addition, I will lend another [-] million US dollars to Weta Studio to purchase related equipment and recruit technical talents."

"The scale of 100 people is too small, at least 500 or more, and after I become a shareholder, no more than 20 people will be arranged to study in the studio."

"And after I become a shareholder, the management of the entire studio is still in your hands. Unless more than half of the technical staff express dissatisfaction with your management, I will not interfere with any of the studio's affairs."

"Mr. Taylor, this is my final decision. If you agree, we can sign the contract now."

"If you don't agree, then forget it. According to the old saying in our Huaguo, we can't make friends if we don't do business."

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Taylor fell into silence. The few things Gu Chenfeng said just now are actually very beneficial to Taylor.

First of all, he can earn 20.00 million US dollars immediately, secondly, his management rights can be guaranteed, and finally, he can give all technical staff a [-]% dividend. This alone can make Weta Studio grow rapidly. .

What's more, Gu Chenfeng also said that he would provide a loan of [-] million US dollars to let the studio develop talents, which is simply a great thing.

So, Taylor was really hard to say no to.

Unable to make up his mind, Taylor looked at Pete next to him and asked, "Hey, buddy, what would you do if it were you?"

"Of course I agree!" Pete replied without hesitation: "Taylor, you don't really think that your own studio is worth $18 billion, do you?"

"You have to know that Mr. Gu can use the money to set up a new special effects company. As long as he is willing to take out 20.00% of the equity as dividends for the technicians, do you think you, the technicians of Weta Studio, can still do it? How many are left?"

"Hehe!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Pete, you have seen the essence of the problem."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Taylor again and said, "Mr. Taylor, the main reason why I am willing to spend so much money to support Weta Studio is that you are a top talent in special effects for movies."

"If Weta Studio didn't have you, I wouldn't even take a look at this studio, because it has nothing to attract me. Of course, although I admire you very much, I believe that at the same price , I can definitely find special effects talents who are as good as you."

Taylor smiled wryly after hearing the words: "Mr. Gu, thank you for your attention to me. I agree with your proposal."

He knew that what Gu Chenfeng said was indeed true. With so much money, even if he went to Hollywood, he could find special effects talents with skills similar to or even better than his own.

The corner of Gu Chenfeng's mouth curled up, showing a smile, and said: "Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Taylor quickly raised his hand, held Gu Chenfeng's hand, and said, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

Pete stood up and waved his arms fiercely, and said, "That's great, Mr. Gu, did you leave the special effects for your "Lord of the Rings" trilogy to Weta?"

"Of course!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said to Serna, "Serna, let the company team enter the Weta studio with [-] million US dollars immediately, and I will arrange people from China to study later. You take care of it."

"Remember, the people who invest in the company are only responsible for financial issues. The people I arrange to study from China are only responsible for learning and must not interfere with the management of the studio."

"Okay, I understand!" Serna nodded.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Taylor again and continued: "Mr. Taylor, I need you to recruit more technicians, and then work with Pete to make the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and I also hope that you can bring more China. Someone from an internal company to take pictures of."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to teach them." Taylor nodded.

Taylor is not at all surprised that Gu Chenfeng would arrange special effects people to come to study, because many companies in Huaguo like to do this, invest in the company, and then arrange people to come to study.

At this time, he thought of something again, looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "By the way, Mr. Gu, I think I still know how much the investment cost of "Lord of the Rings" is?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "The production cost of the three "Lord of the Rings" should not exceed US$15 billion at most."

Taylor counted with his fingers, looked at Pete and asked, "Peter, how much does the filming cost for the crew, I'm talking about excluding special effects!"

Pitt replied: "If the three films are filmed together, there should be no problem with [-] million US dollars, but if one is filmed one after another, then it is not easy to say."

Gu Chenfeng said: "There is no turning back when you open the bow, and the three parts have been filmed together."

Taylor said: "If this is the case, then there will be an investment of 12 billion US dollars in special effects, no problem at all."

"Then act as soon as possible!" Gu Chenfeng clapped his hands and said, "Director Pete, you will find all the actors, but the actors who play the leading role must get my approval."

"No problem!" Pete made an OK gesture.

Soon, Selna drew up the contract, and after Taylor went to a professional lawyer to review it and confirmed that there was no problem, she signed her name.

"The money won't arrive until the end of the year!" Gu Chenfeng said, "I only have [-]-[-] million U.S. dollars in hand now, let's set up the shelf of "Lord of the Rings" first."

After all, "Changjin Lake" has not yet been released, and at the end of the year, he has dividends from other projects that will come back, so he will not be short of money at the end of the year, but now, the money has already been spent.

Taylor and Pete both nodded when they heard Gu Chenfeng's words, indicating that there is no problem.

After staying in Wellington for more than a week, after dealing with all the matters here, Gu Chenfeng returned to the gold market.

It is already mid-September at this time, and there is still half a month before the release of "Changjin Lake". Gu Chenfeng still chose the same publicity strategy as "Hero". Post on various forums.

There is also the trailer of "Changjin Lake", which has already appeared on the homepages of major video websites, and the number of hits and effects are very good.

On September 17th, the pre-sale channel of "Changjin Lake" opened, and it got a pre-sale box office of more than 600 million US dollars in the whole Europe and the United States. The author of Li Porter went.

Of course, after seeing the trailer of "Changjin Lake", many people felt that the movie was very real and the scenes were very exciting, so they bought tickets to watch it.

After Gu Chenfeng returned to Gold City, he rested at home for a day, and then led the "Changjin Lake" team to start publicity across the country.

Because the significance of this movie is extraordinary, Gu Chenfeng did not slack off this time, but personally led the main creators to promote it everywhere. The domestic promotion, as long as Gu Chenfeng is there, the scene is very lively .

After all, in China, Gu Chenfeng's face is almost a household name, and there are a large number of movie fans and music fans to greet him wherever he goes. With the addition of Qianxi, Wu Jin, Hu Jun and others, the popularity exploded all at once. .

Just after returning to the hotel that day, Gu Chenfeng received a call from He Ling and asked, "Hey, Teacher He, what instructions do you have?"

He Ling on the other end of the phone said, "Director Gu, you won't forget what you promised me, will you?"

"I've been really busy recently. If I forget something, I'm really sorry. I don't know what it is?" Gu Chenfeng asked with a smile.

He didn't have any free time for almost a year. First, he spent seven months filming "Changjin Lake", then went to the Lighthouse Country to deal with some things, and now he came back and ran non-stop promotion.

"What about "The King of Masked Singer"!" He Ling said helplessly.

He knew that Gu Chenfeng had been very busy this year, and it was normal for him to forget, and it was precisely because he was worried that Gu Chenfeng would forget, that's why he called in advance.

You know, now Gu Chenfeng will choose to participate in some singing variety shows, as long as he participates, the ratings will definitely be high.

"Oh, so that's what happened!" Gu Chenfeng suddenly said: "I also told you at the time that I have to wait until I have a schedule, so I need to wait until "Changjin Lake" is released before I can go there. "

Although Gu Chenfeng was 'framed' into "The King of Masked Singer" by He Ling at the beginning, Gu Chenfeng must not break his promise when he promised others, and he also said at the beginning that if he hits the schedule, it will be too late. powerless.

He Ling said: "Okay, we will start recording the ninth episode in early November, you have to prepare well, this time the show will be very powerful singers, you must not capsize in the gutter!"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter!" Gu Chenfeng said carelessly: "If the boat capsizes, it capsizes. Anyway, I don't rely on singing for food."

When He Ling heard this, he was speechless.

Time flies, and it is ten o'clock in the evening on September No. 30. Jinshi Longda Theater is brightly lit, and a long red carpet is laid directly from the entrance of the theater to the intersection, which is more than 200 meters long.

On both sides of the red carpet are thousands of movie fans and media reporters.

This is Gu Chenfeng's first movie premiere, and for this reason, he invited many friends from the industry to come and help out.

Including Zhang Yimou, Xu Zheng, Kong Sheng, Wen Mu, Teacher Huang, Chen Daoming, Guo Xiaogang, Yu Qian, and others, Qingchen Entertainment's own artists must be indispensable.

Even many artists from Yang Mi's company came to support Gu Chenfeng's movie under the arrangement of Yang Mi and Reba.

In addition to celebrities and entertainers, Gu Chenfeng also invited [-] famous film critics across the country, among which Hu Chan, the number one among the film critics, was naturally on the list.

Gu Chenfeng has a lot of confidence in the movie "Changjin Lake". Even if many of these film critics are known for their harsh tongue and harshness, he doesn't care.

After walking the red carpet, Gu Chenfeng invited everyone to the lounge to drink tea and chat.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the evening that I walked into the No. [-] cinema and started watching the red movie "Changjin Lake".

As soon as the movie came up, Gu Chenfeng and Qianxi were in Xianju, and Wu Qianli played by Gu Chenfeng returned to the fishing village with the ashes of his brother Wu Baili.

The scene where Gu Chenfeng kowtowed to the elders caused many people at the scene to whisper.

"As expected of Mr. Gu's movie, no matter what type it is, it looks very cool."

"This is just the beginning. I remember that there are many exciting scenes in the trailer, and the good show is yet to come."

"This is describing the background of the whole play!"

"This is really tear-jerking!"


When the screen changed, Wu Qianli played by Gu Chenfeng and Qianxi played the two brothers Wu Wanli, who were in the dock, when Wu Wanli wanted to see the gun.

"Order from the Ninth Corps Headquarters!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout outside, and Wu Qianli immediately stood up and ran out when he heard the sound.

"Orders from the headquarters of the Ninth Corps, all have~~"

"Who is Wu Qianli?"

"Here!" Gu Chenfeng who ran to the bow of the boat replied with a loud voice.

"If there is an emergency, stop visiting the house and return to the team at dawn."


A simple line without any big scenes, but it vividly shows that soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty.

Soon, the dawn in the play, Wu Qianli bid farewell to his family and was about to leave. Wu Wanli, played by Qianxi, wanted to go to war with Wu Qianli.

Here, there is a very touching scene.

Wu Qianli said to Wu Wanli: "Brother said, we both have finished fighting what we should have fought, so you won't be allowed to fight."

When the audience in the theater saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little sad. Why?

How could we have such a comfortable life today without the sacrifices of our ancestors? Everyone should go to work, talk to the right person, and occasionally watch movies?
The present happy life was bought with the blood of the ancestors and deserves to be cherished by everyone.

The picture on the screen turned again and came to Incheon overseas.

All kinds of planes and ships appeared on the screen. The fans enjoyed watching such a big scene. At the same time, everyone saw this and knew why Wu Qianli was urgently recalled.

"I'm going, this is really a movie adapted from a real accident!"

"It's a feast for the eyes to see the equipment from decades ago!"

"Now I finally understand why Teacher Gu and the others filmed "Bright Sword" before. It seems that they are accumulating experience for the movie "Changjin Lake"!"

"The foreshadowing in the front has been done very well. As long as the war scenes in the back keep up, then this movie will be absolutely stable."


While the movie fans were discussing in low voices, Chen Daoming sighed a long time when he saw this, and said, "Awesome, it is indeed a movie supervised by Bayi Studio. This scene is indeed better than those previous domestic anti-war scenes The film is far, far better."

"It's really the wave behind the Yangtze River that pushes the wave ahead!" Chen Daoming, who was sitting next to him, also said: "To be able to shoot an Anti-Japanese War movie from the perspective of a small person, and it is so smooth, Gu Chenfeng's director ability is truly amazing." It's amazing!"

Although everyone knows that there are four directors in this film, and everyone also knows that Gu Chenfeng did all the final planning, that's why Zhang Yimou is impressed by Gu Chenfeng's directorial talent.

After the camera came to Incheon, the new chapter of "Changjin Lake" officially began.

The scenes of planes and ships firing and bombing for several minutes made movie fans very enjoyable to watch, and they were immersed in the film without knowing it.

Soon, the plot came, the scene where the Ninth Corps was about to set off.

"Today, I met a kid who was arguing for the teacher to enlist in the army."


"Because he said that the state allocated land to their family, and now someone wants to take it back."

"This cannot be promised!"

"That's the reason, we just won the victory, and the bench under the ass is not warm yet."

"Fucking imperialism, I want to come and grab it, can we agree?"



The movie fans in the movie hall heard the soldiers in the movie answering in unison and high-pitched, and felt that the blood in their bodies was boiling.

Seeing this, Xu Zheng, who was sitting next to Gu Chenfeng, said, "Mr. Gu, you made this scene big enough. These people don't look like ordinary actors at all!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Because they are all members of the art brigade, I have worked with them before when I was filming Liangjian, so I chose them this time."

Zhang Yimou said: "For such large-scale war scenes, I also prefer to use people from the art brigade. It is really easy to use."

"That's right, during this filming, the actors of the Art Team are really dedicated, and you'll know it later!" Zhuo Le echoed.

The movie continues.

Wu Qianli, played by Gu Chenfeng, took the interspersed Qilian and boarded the train with other soldiers to go to Changjin Lake. However, before the train reached Changjin Lake, the train track broke down.

When everyone was waiting for the track to be repaired, they were spotted by enemy planes, so everyone had to abandon the train and walk on foot.

However, the next road is not so easy. There are traps set by the enemy everywhere, and there are enemy planes in the sky for detection. It can be said that every step is very difficult.

In order to escort the radio station and translators, the No. [-] Company led by Wu Qianli had to travel long distances to reach the designated location. However, they encountered an enemy plane before they could go far.

Since there was no bunker, all the soldiers could only lie among the rocks. When the enemy's bullets fell, even if their bodies were smashed, they did not move, fearing that they would be exposed.

When movie fans saw this, their eye sockets involuntarily became rosy.

The spirit of these martyrs ***, ***, everyone saw it again in the movie, and it is inevitable that they will feel extremely emotional in their hearts.

When Wu Qianli took the Seventh Company to escort the radio station to the designated location, other companies were also being blocked by the enemy's reconnaissance.

Soon, the Seventh Company encountered a battle, which was a battle between their brother troops and the enemy.

Since the equipment gap between the two sides was too great, our own side had been completely suppressed, and finally Wu Qianli decided to rescue him.

This is the first time in the entire "Changjin Lake" movie that Gu Chenfeng and others staged a battle scene with the enemy, and it is also the first time that the Seventh Company confronts the enemy interspersed in the plot.

At this moment, in the theater where Gu Chenfeng was located, no matter whether it was a movie fan, a movie critic, or a star artist, they were all staring at the screen, and there was no one at all.

The battle scene lasted more than ten minutes, it was a blood boil.

During the battle, Wu Wanli, played by Qianxi, was supposed to leave with the platoon leader, but unexpectedly he returned to the battlefield.

In a hut, because Wu Wanli, who was on the battlefield for the first time, did not have any combat experience, the scene of not daring to stab the enemy with a bayonet made many viewers extremely anxious.

He wished he could go up and take the bayonet in Qianxi's hand and stab the enemy.

But in the eyes of the directors, Millennium's performance at this moment is the performance that a recruit should have on the battlefield for the first time, which also made Millennium's acting skills recognized by the directors.

It wasn't until the entire battlefield plot was over that everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Yu Qian raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, and said, "This scene is too exciting!"

Guo Xiaogang smiled wryly: "Just now my heart was so nervous that it almost stopped beating. I give this movie ten points."

After hearing the comments from the surroundings, Zhuo Le, who was sitting next to Gu Chenfeng, whispered in Gu Chenfeng's ear: "Teacher Gu, we seem to have succeeded."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "The success of this film city is inevitable. The key is which one we can go to. This is the most important thing. Our goal is to hit the top three in the global box office rankings."

Under normal circumstances, the ticket price of a movie like "Changjin Lake" is around 45 yuan, and the ticket prices of the same period are all in this position, but Gu Chenfeng directly raised it by 49 yuan, which is the ticket price Set at [-] yuan.

The purpose is to rush to the top three in the global box office.

Of course, although the ticket price of this movie is higher than other movies, the domestic popularity and pre-sale box office are very good. After all, this movie can be said to be a fusion of the top few people in the Chinese film industry.

Although there is no traffic niche among the actors, it is enough to have Gu Chenfeng, the No. 1 movie in Huaguo, and the other actors are all acting online, so the quality is completely worthy of the 49 yuan ticket price.

The movie continues.

In the film, after several months of fighting, the enemy found Dayudong and bombed it. Everyone ran into the air-raid shelter, but one person died in order to save a map.

Subsequently, the Ninth Corps launched a general offensive at Changjin Lake.

The biggest battle scene in the whole movie is about to be staged, and everyone is holding their breath and staring at the screen.

The charge horn sounded.

Soldiers from all directions flocked to the enemy's position in the ice and snow.

This is the prelude to Raqqa, an extremely tragic battle.

"Some guns must be fired, and some guns may not be fired."

A sentence between the two brothers Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli showed the quality of Chinese soldiers in the fierce battle.

"There is no hero who can't be frozen to death, let alone a hero who can't be beaten to death, only the glory of a soldier."

When cleaning up the battlefield, a sentence that Mr. Duan Yihong said to Wu Wanli moved the fans very much.

Yes, which hero is immortal?
And they have never been afraid of death, because it is the glory of soldiers to die on the battlefield.

After seeing this scene, the famous film critic Lu Guodong wrote another line of words in his densely packed notebook: "The lines are extremely deep, and the actors' performances are extremely amazing. '

Just such a sentence is not only the extreme praise of this movie, but also the highest evaluation of the actors.

Seeing this plot, many directors were a little bit dumbfounded, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, Gu Chenfeng, who dominates any schedule, is back.

Gu Chenfeng, who created countless domestic records, contributed many classic movies, and opened the door to science fiction movies and animation movies in Huaguo, is back.

Different from the focus of filmmakers, most movie fans pay attention to the plot and the scene. When the film review was coming to an end, Lei Gong, played by Hu Jun, suffered extensive burns all over his body in order to take the marker bullet away, and finally sacrificed scene.

Many movie fans are extremely uncomfortable.

With Lei Gong's sacrifice, the whole movie is over.

The screen gradually went dark, and the lights of the theater came on.

Amidst the warm applause of the audience, Gu Chenfeng led the main creators of "Changjin Lake" onto the stage.

Gu Chenfeng picked up the microphone and said with a smile: "First of all, thank you for coming to the premiere of our "Changjin Lake" in your busy schedule. Now that the movie is over, I don't know how much you give our movie. Woolen cloth?"

"Mr. Chen, you have always told the truth, and I want to hear your opinion."

Everyone knows Chen Daoming's reputation in the circle. If he was asked to say something against his will and recommend a movie, he would definitely not do it.

When Gu Chenfeng was the first to ask himself a question, Chen Daoming stood up and said, "This is a movie that pays tribute to the ancestors. Whether it is the plot or the scene, if it is out of ten, I will give it a score of 9.5."

His words were very brief, but they were enough to explain the problem. You must know that there are almost very few movies that can be rated 9.5 points by Mr. Chen, even "Operation Blade Red Sea" at that time could not get such a high score.

"Mr. Chen, with your score, it's easy for people to think that you are my entrustment!" Gu Chenfeng joked.

Chen Daoming shrugged and said: "It doesn't matter, believe it or not is their business, I'm just expressing my own feelings."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, then looked at a film critic and said, "Teacher Liu Qiankun, what do you think?"

This Liu Qiankun's temper is notoriously stinky and tough, and he is definitely a famous existence in the circle of film critics. Most directors dare not invite him to watch movies at all, because his vision is too high. Saying a good word to him is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

Gu Chenfeng dared to ask him a question in the second, obviously he was very confident in the movie "Changjin Lake".

Liu Qiankun opened his notebook and said, "The script is solid and the editing is sharp, so I didn't have time to record anything from the beginning to the end."

"If I were to evaluate the movie "Changjin Lake" in one sentence, I would say that it is the pinnacle of the anti-Japanese war movies, not one of them."


"Papa papa!" The filmmakers and movie fans at the scene applauded one after another.

Liu Qiankun continued: "The only problem is that I have some opinions on Lei Gong's ending."

"How to say?" Gu Chenfeng was taken aback and asked.

Liu Qiankun said: "Under the circumstances at that time, why did you choose to let a gun platoon commander who was not very sensitive to drive the car and leave with that marking bomb, and he could completely advance when driving? The one who jumped off the car, but you made him sacrifice."

Gu Chenfeng nodded when he heard the words, and said: "This question is very good. In fact, when we were filming this movie, we specially visited some old companies at that time. Under such circumstances, any soldier would not be afraid Sacrifice, I just want to give my comrades more chances to survive."

"Their kindness of giving up their family for everyone may be incomprehensible in the eyes of many people today. Maybe he did have a chance to survive when he jumped off the car, but if he jumped off the car, More people will be sacrificed later, this is what Lei Gong does not want to see."

"In other words, the role of Lei Gong is to show the spirit of the predecessors at that time, sacrificing the small self to achieve the big self."

"Papa papa!" After Gu Chenfeng finished speaking, there was a round of warm applause in the auditorium.

This kind of spirit of giving up the small family for everyone was only available in that era. If it were placed in the present, I am afraid that many people have lost this kind of character.

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Liu Qiankun was dumbfounded. After a while, he shook his head and smiled wryly: "Director Gu has put his heart into it, which is admirable."

At this time Zhang Yimou stood up and said, "As the director, I want to ask a question."

Gu Chenfeng quickly said: "Director Zhang, tell me!"

Zhang Yimou said: "In the whole movie, the performances of all the main actors can be called actor-level, and the one that impressed me the most is Hu Jun's last scene. I really want to know how Hu Jun performed. That kind of feeling."

This question was obviously asked by Hu Jun, so Hu Jun answered: "In order to shoot this scene, I discussed with Director Lin and Director Gu for a long time. I originally planned to use special effects, but in the end I felt that the special effects were too effective. Fake."

"So, after many experiments, I still feel that the real burning is the most real, so the performance in the film is the most realistic feeling. The pain caused by the burning sensation comes from the heart."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to experience that state at all, and I wouldn't be able to act."

"Papa papa!" After hearing Hu Jun's words, everyone at the scene applauded in unison.

This is the old drama, this is the real actor.

Soon, the premiere of "Changjin Lake" will be held, and all the celebrities from all walks of life have accepted interviews from reporters.

"Director Zhang, what do you think of the movie "Changjin Lake"?"

Zhang Yimou said: "The pinnacle of Huaguo Anti-Japanese War films, there is no other film that can beat it, I give it full marks."

"Director Zhang, you didn't endorse "Changjin Lake" because Teacher Gu released the movie "Hero" for you, did you?"

When Zhang Yimou heard this, his face darkened immediately, and he said, "I, Zhang Yimou, am not that snobbish."

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of the movie "Changjin Lake"?"

Chen Daoming replied: "9.5 points, this is an Anti-Japanese War movie that everyone should watch carefully!"

"Could it be that "Changjin Lake" is better than those previous movies by Mr. Gu?"

Chen Daoming thought for a while, and said: ""Changjin Lake" is a new genre he shot, completely different from his previous genres, but as far as the script is concerned, "Changjin Lake" is definitely not as good as his previous ones. Any one of the scripts is bad."

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Yu, how much would you two give this movie, if the full score is [-]?"

Guo Xiaogang smiled and said, "It must be a perfect score, because I really can't think of any anti-Japanese war film that can surpass "Changjin Lake"."

Yu Qian echoed: "I think so too. Friends from the press, I advise you to go to the cinema to see it yourself. It's really exciting. It's best to take your own children to see it. Our current happy life is how come."


Whether it is a celebrity artist or a film critic, they are full of praise for the movie "Changjin Lake".

As for the movie fans, needless to say, after just half an hour, more than 10 people gave the movie "Changjin Lake" a super high score of 9.65 points on the professional film review website of the Department of Culture.

This is comparable to those of Gu Chenfeng's previous films, but except for Gu Chenfeng's own films, no film can achieve such a result.

The comment section is all praising the movie "Changjin Lake".

"Don't ask me why I gave "Changjin Lake" a full score, because I have to give it a full score."

"I used to think that the anti-war TV series "Bright Sword" was pretty good, but now it seems that the better ones are yet to come. "Changjin Lake" is even better."

"After watching "Changjin Lake", I have a feeling that domestic anti-Japanese war films are about to rise."

"When I bought the ticket, I felt that the ticket price of 49 yuan was too expensive, but after watching it, I realized that "Changjin Lake" was worth it even if it was 89 yuan."

"I gave this movie a score of 9.9, and the remaining score is 0.1. I hope Mr. Gu can make a better movie than "Changjin Lake" in the future, although the hope is not very great."

"There is no hero who can't be frozen to death, let alone a hero who can't be beaten to death. This is the glory of a soldier. Hearing this sentence makes my blood boil."

"The plot is exciting, the scenes are explosive, and the acting skills of the actors are all online, especially Teacher Gu and others in the ice and snow... No spoilers, go to the cinema and watch it yourself!"

"Please tell me that I mourned for those movies in the same period in advance. You are really very unfortunate to meet Mr. Gu's "Changjin Lake"!"

"Advice to other movies, if you want to release in the near future, adjust the schedule quickly. We will definitely not laugh at you, because "Changjin Lake" is really awesome."

"The domestic word-of-mouth and box office have stabilized, and we will see the overseas release tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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