Chapter 382 Interview with the Sixth Princess, A Bright Song (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)

While netizens were discussing enthusiastically, the Department of Culture also spoke highly of Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng's charitable deeds on the homepage, and congratulated the completion of the Qingchen Orphanage.

The Department of Education put Gu Chenfeng's speech in the most prominent position on the homepage, and asked all schools in Huaguo to publicize the article "Huaguo Youth Talk" to children, so as to deeply understand the meaning of this article.

The Department of Civil Affairs gave full affirmation and recognition to the orphanage founded by Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng, and said that they would arrange school buses for the 560 six children to take them to and from school every day.

Now, Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng's Qingchen Orphanage instantly became popular all over the country.

Reporters from major media came to the entrance of the orphanage one after another, wanting to interview the teachers and children here, but they were all stopped by the guard.

At noon, the movie channel of Huaguo TV Station walked into the orphanage and happened to meet the children eating.

Gu Chenfeng, Wu Jin, Luo Qingcheng, Wang Yao, Yu Qian, Huang Xiaochu and many other stars have turned into chefs and are cooking meals for the children.

What is worth mentioning here is that although Luo Qingcheng is not a celebrity, because she is Gu Chenfeng's wife, netizens pay no less attention to her than the first-line stars.

After the photographers saw this detail, they immediately took a snapshot and recorded this loving scene.

The host Xiaowei walked up to a little girl who bought it before and asked, "Little friend, what are you eating?"

Although the little girl was a little shy, she still answered the reporter's question and said, "Chicken leg, cabbage, garlic yellow, tomato and egg soup."

Xiaowei fondled the little girl's hair and asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Delicious." The little girl nodded vigorously and replied.

Xiaowei asked again: "Then you also ate these things before?"

The little girl thought for a while, and said: "I used to only eat braised pork once a week. Since last year, we have been able to eat meat for every meal. I heard from grandma that Brother Gu and Sister Luo bought these for us. "

Xiao Wei asked again: "Then do you like Brother Gu and Sister Luo?"

The little girl's head was like a chicken pecking at rice, and she kept ordering, saying: "I like it, I like it so much, they are all good people, and I will definitely repay them well in the future."

Xiaowei smiled and said, "Then have you thought about how to repay them in the future?"

The little girl said innocently: "I want to be the wife of Brother Gu's son!"

"Pfft~~" Xiaowei couldn't help laughing after hearing this, and said, "Stupid boy, haven't you heard what Brother Gu said, the best way for you to repay him is to become a good friend to the society, the country, and the world? useful person."

The little girl stretched out her small fist and said, "I'm sure I can do it."

The other children around also raised their fists one after another, and said with appreciative expressions: "We can do it too!"

Looking at the firm light in the eyes of the group of children in front of her, Xiaowei couldn't help but feel her eyes turn red, and said, "Okay, okay, my sister believes in you."

Next, Xiaowei interviewed the dean and several teachers of Qingchen Orphanage, and finally interviewed Gu Chenfeng under a big banyan tree in the orphanage.

Xiaowei looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Mr. Gu, it took a lot of money to renovate this orphanage!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled, and said: "Actually, there are not many. Anyway, my company's headquarters is not far away. The reconstruction of this orphanage alone is about [-] million."

When Xiaowei heard this, she exclaimed in surprise, "Isn't [-] million more?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "You know, the box office of the movies I shot before were not bad, and our Qingchen company also made a lot of money, so [-] million is actually not too much for me. .”

"Of course, this is used for charity. If it is used in other places, I will feel distressed."

When the host Xiaowei heard this, she couldn't help smiling and said, "Mr. Gu, do you know that you are the first person to show off your wealth on our Huaguo TV movie channel."

"But your charitable way of showing off your wealth is not at all a plan for people, and we even hope that there will be more and more ways of showing off your wealth."

That's right, there was really no one who dared to show off his wealth in front of the sixth princess before.

Gu Chenfeng was really the first.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Then I'll take it as you are praising me."

"I'm really complimenting you!" Xiaowei said, "Mr. Gu, have you calculated the approximate expenses and expenses of these children?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "I'm really sorry about this, I really don't know, I'm usually busy, most of the things are taken care of by my wife, and our characters just let them eat well Dress well, play well and study well, as for how much it costs, neither my wife nor I have ever cared."

"If you want to know, you can ask the orphanage's finances. They have bills there."

Xiaowei shook her head with a smile, and said, "No need, the children are lucky to have such a big brother like you."

"We have all seen the video of your speech at the flag-raising ceremony this morning. The article "The Story of the Youth in Huaguo" was praised by the Department of Education and countless parents. What kind of original intention did you write such a speech? What about a speech?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "It was about a week ago, and you also know that my movie "Changjin Lake" is still in theaters, and the main purpose of this movie is to tell the children that our current life It didn’t come easily, it was bought with the blood of countless ancestors.”

"At that time, I decided to participate in the flag-raising ceremony of the orphanage. Since I made this decision, I have been thinking about what to say to the children."

"After some thinking, I decided to use an article to dispel the bad things in these children's hearts. After all, they are psychologically different from normal children, or they have more negative things in their hearts. .”

"So I want to use this article to awaken their yearning and expectations for the future, and awaken them to see the light of this world."

"So, "Huaguo Youth Talk" came out. I hope that the lofty sentiments revealed in this article can have a positive impact on the hearts of children."

"You did it." Xiaowei nodded and said, "Not only will it have a positive impact on the children in the orphanage, but it will have a positive impact on the children of the whole country. So what do you expect from these children?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "It would be the best if everyone could be like a dragon and a phoenix, but it is basically impossible. I will provide them with a good life and education. As for what height they can reach in the end, That depends on their own efforts."

"My bottom line is that I can't hate society, I can't be a useless person, and I can't be an unpatriotic person."

"How will you manage this orphanage?" the host Xiaowei asked again.

Gu Chenfeng said enthusiastically: "Militarized management, a flag-raising ceremony is held at 06:30 every morning, and "Huaguo Youth Talk" is recited aloud, and then punches for 10 to 10 minutes to enhance physical fitness."

"Start breakfast in the morning, take the school bus to go to school, come back in the afternoon to finish homework after dinner, and then practice Jihui, the rest of the time is arranged by themselves."

"If we talk about weekends or winter and summer vacations, I will find some teachers to teach the children according to their interests, such as music, calligraphy, painting, football, basketball, etc."

"As long as it's what they want to learn, I don't have any problems here. My wife will come to plan this matter later, and that's probably it."

Xiao Wei nodded and said, "Then have you ever thought about accepting donations from society?"

"No!" Gu Chenfeng said decisively: "First of all, I think I can afford this orphanage. Secondly, to receive social donations, I need to establish a charity foundation. I really don't have the time and energy to manage it."

"Haven't you already established a charity foundation?" Xiaowei asked.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "But the number of people is small, and it's fine to only be responsible for my donation. At that time, I will send a few people to check the whereabouts of the donation. If the scale is large, it will not be a day or two. Something happened."

Xiaowei asked again: "Now that you have funded an orphanage, will you still donate to the Red Cross in the future?"

"Of course I will." Gu Chenfeng said without hesitation: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In order to make "Changjin Lake" break into the top three positions in the global box office this time, I increased the ticket price by five yuan. $44 became $49."

"In fact, people live with a clear mind. Now "Changjin Lake" is a success, but I have always been confused by the ticket price, so I plan to donate another [-] million to the Red Cross, so as not to feel uncomfortable. , can't sleep."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Xiaowei looked at Gu Chenfeng in a daze for a while, and then said with admiration: "Mr. Gu, you are really the most special person I have ever met."

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said, "I'm nothing special, I'm just an ordinary person who has made some money through movies. I belong to that kind of typical nouveau riche. If I have a lot of money, I just want to do something meaningful. things."

"When I am old, I can brag to my children and grandchildren."

When Xiaowei heard it, she immediately leaned forward and backward, but she respected Gu Chenfeng even more in her heart. She had interviewed many charity people before, and everyone answered them very tall, as if they A saint without selfishness.

Only Gu Chenfeng not only didn't have any high-level vocabulary, but used a humorous prophecy to express some of his four people lightly, which made people feel more real.

So Xiaowei secretly said in her heart: "This time, this is what a philanthropist should really look like. Those philanthropists who claim to be neither famous nor profitable are completely nonsense." '

In the afternoon of that day, the movie channel of Huaguo TV station broadcast the interview screen of Qingchen Orphanage.

Xiaowei did not edit the interview video too much, but let the audience see a real situation, especially her conversation with Gu Chenfeng, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"Oh my god, I, a big man, suddenly found myself falling in love with Mr. Gu."

"Teacher Gu is really too frank. He only speaks the truth, but it sounds more comfortable than those so-called high-level words."

"I donated so much money, but it was just to pretend to be aggressive in front of my children and grandchildren in the future? I give full marks to this answer."

"After watching Mr. Gu's interview video, I feel that the previous interview videos of philanthropists are so fake!"

"Teacher Gu said it before, he has a good reputation for making charity pictures, and this is the real truth!"

"Charity without a name, I am afraid that only saints can do it!"

"No matter what the purpose of Teacher Gu is, as long as he truly does charity and helps those in need, then he is a true philanthropist."

"I feel that Mr. Gu is taking sonorous and powerful steps towards the throne of China's number one philanthropist."


The next day, Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng donated [-] million to the Red Cross again, which was once again praised by countless netizens.

Let their husband and wife have entered the top ten in Huaguo's personal charitable donation list.

And because of the Qingchen Orphanage and donations, Gu Chenfeng's Weibo fans once again ushered in a surge, reaching 2.5 million.

It is worth mentioning that after Wang Yao followed Luo Qingcheng and his wife to visit the Qingchen Orphanage, and after hearing Gu Chenfeng's article "The Story of the Youth in Huaguo", she was also quite moved.

He took out [-] million yuan on the spot and invested it in the operation of the orphanage.

Originally, Gu Chenfeng wanted to refuse, but Luo Qingcheng said that it was rare for Wang Yao to have such a heart, and she didn't have much time to do charity, so let her vote.

After Luo Qingcheng spoke, Gu Chenfeng naturally couldn't say anything.

Of course, this was just the beginning. Later, after Wang Yao had arranged her company's affairs, she followed Luo Qingcheng to concentrate on doing charity, and the Qingchen Orphanage in Jinshi was just the beginning.

Wang Yao and Luo Qingcheng will open Qingchen orphanages in several cities across the country in the future.

Of course, all this is for later.

Shonan City.

Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng walked out of the airport with the flow of people after the disguise.

He came to participate in the finals of "The King of Masked Singer" on Mango TV, and he came three days in advance, mainly because he wanted to bring Luo Qingcheng here to have fun.

This time, He Ling personally received the couple when they came here. Originally, Luo Qingcheng didn't like to show his face, but Gu Chenfeng said that after the establishment of the Qingchen Orphanage, she couldn't keep a low profile if she wanted to. Fang Fang walked around.

So Luo Qingcheng also came over to play.

At noon, He Ling took Gu Chenfeng and his wife to Haitao's shop for lunch. In the afternoon, he brought them to Mango TV.

After rehearsing in the studio for an hour, Luo Qingcheng sat under the stage and quietly listened to Gu Chenfeng's singing. The feeling of singing just for her was very good.

In the next two days, Gu Chenfeng took Luo Qingcheng to start a shopping mode in southern Hunan. They both went shopping, big and small, and all kinds of snacks.

Luo Qingcheng even bought a lot of clothes for Xiao Tianqi and Tangtang, as well as some local specialties.

As a mother, no matter where she goes, the first thing she thinks of is to buy some gifts for her daughter and son.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is the final day of "The King of Masked Singer".

Eight masked singers came to the rest hall one after another. Gu Chenfeng still wore the mask of Monkey King, making it impossible to guess his identity.

Luo Qingcheng sat in the auditorium under the arrangement of Teacher He.

Everyone sat there in the lounge, looking at each other, no one knew what to say instead.

It was Gu Chenfeng who coughed first and asked, "Does anyone know each other's identities?"

Everyone shook their heads,
A singer wearing a tiger mask said, "I accidentally saw a singer drinking coffee at Mingyue Cafe yesterday afternoon."

Gu Chenfeng said: "Who, hurry up and confess!"

The male singer wearing the Harry Potter mask raised his hand and said, "It's me. I glanced there too, but I didn't dare to admit it. Now I've confirmed the identity of Big Brother Tiger."

The singer with the tiger mask said with a smile, "Brother, long time no see."

The Harry Potter mask singer nodded and said, "This should be the first time we've met since we attended the New Year's Eve party at the end of last year."

"Hahaha!" Tiger Singer laughed and said, "You young people have such a good memory!"

At this time, He Ling came over and said: "I really want to hear the laughter, everyone is so good, do you already know each other's identities?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "It's all guesswork."

"You can pull it down!" He Ling cut out and said, "I dare say that among the eight singers, you can guess at most two."

Gu Chenfeng said without hesitation: "Wrong, I can't guess any of them."

"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed loudly.

He Ling raised his hand and pressed it, and said: "Okay, I'm not kidding anymore. I just checked the playlist and found that everyone, without exception, is all singing new songs. From this, it can be seen that everyone attaches great importance to it." Our "King of Masked Singer"!"

"Next, we will determine our order of appearance by drawing lots."

"Get on the box."

After speaking, a staff member came up with a red cardboard box.

He Ling said: "There is a small ball in this box with a number on it, let's start drawing!"

Soon, the order of the lottery came out. Gu Chenfeng's luck this time can be said to be quite bad, and he got the first appearance.

He Lingdao: "Okay, now I will repeat the rules of the final. The final is divided into two rounds. The first round is for each person to sing a song. The top five will be determined according to the number of votes."

"The second round is a song for each of the top five, and the champion is determined. Note that the total number of votes is the sum of 30.00% of the first round and 70.00% of the second round."

"In order to show fairness, the order of appearance in the second game is completely opposite to that of the first game. Does everyone have any objections?"

"No!" Everyone nodded in unison.

He Ling said with a smile: "Okay, then I wish everyone good luck. By the way, who is number one?"

Gu Chenfeng stood up and said, "Me!"

He Ling couldn't help being happy when he saw it, and said: "Monkey King, your luck is really good enough!"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged and said, "No way, the road to championship is never smooth."

"Woo~~~" Everyone else let out an exclamation.

Soon, Gu Chenfeng and He Ling walked outside together. After the camera was gone, He Ling looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked: "Mr. Gu, I saw the name of your song, it seems to be rock and roll, are you going to Keep rock 'n' roll to the end?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "I've already pretended to this extent, so naturally I have to stick to it!"

"Okay!" He Ling shook his head helplessly and said, "I hope you can win the championship."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "I don't care if it's the championship or not. The key is to enter the second round, otherwise I will lose face this time."

After all, he entered the finals with nearly full marks before. If he was eliminated in the first round of the finals, it would be a real embarrassment to grandma's house.

Soon, the finals of "The King of Masked Singer" officially began.

As the host, He Ling stood on the stage and talked nonchalantly for 5 minutes before getting to the point, saying: "First of all, the first one to appear is our Monkey King."

"In the ninth game, he sang "Broad Sea and Sky" and won the championship with a full vote. The song is also regarded as a rock classic by friends who like rock."

"This time, what he brought us is also a rock song called "Brightness". Let us greet Monkey King with warm applause."

"Clap clap clap!"

Amidst the warm applause and cheers from the audience, Gu Chenfeng walked onto the stage with a guitar on his back, and said, "Some time ago, I saw a lot of news about Qingchen Orphanage on the Internet."

"This song "Light" is written for the lovely children in the video. I hope they can firmly believe that the light is far away."

"Papa papa!" Thunderous applause broke out again at the scene.

After the applause gradually subsided, Gu Chenfeng made a gesture, and then the music started.

"When ashes seal the frosty eaves;"

"When the chrysanthemum turns into dew in late autumn;"

"I made a bag out of stubborn dead vines;"

"Going to the foreign land full of thorns;"


"When the earth is covered with weeping leaves;"

"When the rhododendrons turn into mist in the distant sky;"

"Bless me!"

"My dearest relative;"

"That is the figure I bid you farewell to;"


The song "Brightness" is one of Teacher Wang's representative works on earth. The lyrics are simple and the melody is clear. As soon as he opened his mouth, he caught everyone's attention.

Compared with the last "Broad Sea and Sky", Gu Chenfeng's singing style has undergone a very big change. It is impossible for ordinary Hong Kong singers to sing such a Mandarin song with a perfect accent.

So everyone in the guessing group was very surprised.

Wu Xian even slapped his thigh and said, "I made a mistake, this Monkey King is not from Hong Kong Island at all."

Variety star Wang Liang also said with a mournful face: "No matter how good a Hong Kong singer's singing skills are, when they sing Mandarin songs, they will more or less carry a bag of Cantonese accents. The direction we judged before is completely Wrong!"

Wu Xian urged: "Think quickly, among the mainland rock stars, who is the closest to Monkey King?"

When the members of the guessing group realized that they had been duped, the tune of Gu Chenfeng's singing rose in vain.

"Maybe the melancholy of being lost will tear my steps apart;"

"But I believe that the future will give me a pair of wings of dreams;"

"Although the pain of failure has left me covered in bruises;"

"But I firmly believe that the light is far away."


The song erupted completely at this point, and Gu Chenfeng's voice rose into the sky like a volcanic eruption, making one feel the blood spurting and the blood boiling.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has long been pouring down like a waterfall.

"My God, this singing is too awesome. Every line of the lyrics is pronounced very clearly. After listening carefully, you can feel the power of the lyrics."

"Yes, this lyrics is really inspirational."

"The lyrics in this song are telling us that if we are not afraid of setbacks, we must firmly believe that success is ahead."

"This time it's the first paragraph, and I can't control myself, so what about the second paragraph?"

"Monkey King's singing skills are definitely the top existence in the discourse music world, but who is he?"

"Could it really be Teacher Gu, but this height can't be explained at all!"


Listeners on the Internet gave unanimous praise to the song "Bright".

At this time, Gu Chenfeng on the stage had already started singing the second verse.

"When ashes seal the frosty eaves;"

"When the chrysanthemum turns into dew in late autumn;"


The tone of the second paragraph is higher than that of the first paragraph, and there are more sounds of hitting instruments in the arrangement.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng had already been fully immersed in the artistic conception expressed by this song. It seemed that the pain and setbacks he had encountered had appeared in front of his eyes, which made his voice even more contagious.

When it came to the chorus part, Gu Chenfeng directly raised it by two octaves, and his vicissitudes and heroic voice rolled like a tide.

"Maybe the melancholy of being lost will tear my steps apart;"

"But I believe that the future will give me a pair of wings of dreams;"

"Although the pain of failure has left me covered in bruises;"

"But I firmly believe that the light is far away."


Gu Chenfeng showed his explosive power and impact completely, and the audience's passion was completely ignited at this moment. Everyone stood up excitedly, cheering and shouting along with the rhythm of the music.

Luo Qingcheng, who was sitting in the auditorium, was extremely proud after seeing the scene. The man on the stage who sang hi to everyone was her husband, and he was always so outstanding.

In the lounge, everyone was extremely shocked. The singer in the mask of 'Big Cat' seemed to be very excited and said: "It's really amazing. I haven't heard a rock song like this for many years."

The singer of the 'Harry Potter' mask sighed: "Yes, but who is he? This kind of singing skills can definitely leave a strong mark on the Chinese music scene."

The 'Tiger' singer said: "Don't be so excited, anyway, there is still more than an hour before the mask will be revealed, won't we know by then?"

When other people heard it, it seemed to be the same reason. Anyway, today is the finals, everyone will take off their masks in a while, and then everyone will be able to know who the Monkey King is?
Gu Chenfeng on the stage became more confident after seeing the audience's reaction, and the whole studio seemed to be like his personal concert.

The already high-pitched melody raised another pitch, and Gu Chenfeng also stood directly at the edge of the stage, spreading his hands, and sang the fourth octave...

"I use my wings to set off the pie wave that changes the sky~"


"I hold up the blood-red sun with my body;"


"In this piercing and biting gale;"


"You will hear the cry of praise for the future;"


Every time Gu Chenfeng sang a line, the devil girl in the audience would let out an exclamation to cheer him on.

This also caused his voice to get higher and higher, and by the time of the last two 'shouts' he was already singing the fifth octave.

Crazy, downright crazy.

The whole scene has fallen into complete madness.

Guessing the flat pattern, you can calmly guess the identity of the Monkey King, and everyone is more excited and excited than the audience.

As for the singers in the waiting room, they couldn't sit still anymore, they stood up one after another, applauding and cheering for Monkey King's singing.

"Maybe the melancholy of being lost will tear my steps apart;"

"But I believe that the future will give me a pair of wings of dreams;"

"Although the pain of failure has left me covered in bruises;"

"But I firmly believe that the light is far away."


With a high pitch of five octaves, Gu Chenfeng sang the chorus twice consecutively before ending.


"It's awesome, it's simply too awesome!"

"so amazing."

The applause and cheers from the audience almost knocked off the roof of the entire studio.

After the song ended, He Ling walked onto the stage and stood there for a full minute before the audience fell silent.

At this time, He Ling looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked with a smile, "Monkey King, how do you feel about your performance today?"

Gu Chenfeng replied: "It's not particularly ideal."

"Pfft!" He Ling couldn't hold back, he laughed outright, and asked, "It's already been sung like this, and you still say it's not ideal? Well, you won. Now, everyone in the guessing group, come on. Tell me!"

Wu Xian asked, "Monkey King, are you from Hong Kong Island or from the Mainland?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "I am an upright Chinese, whether it is Hong Kong Island, the Mainland or even Taiwan."

"well said!"

"Papa papa!" The audience applauded.

Lin Chengzi said with a smile: "Monkey King, your reaction is so fast, I suddenly have a very terrible guess."

He Ling heard the words and asked curiously: "What guess?"

Lin Chengzi said: "I guess this Monkey King is probably my idol, Mr. Gu."

"Absolutely not!" Wang Liang said, "Sister Lin, last time we measured the height of the Monkey King, it must not be Teacher Gu."

"It's true that you have measured your height!" Lin Chengzi: "Normally, it is difficult for ordinary people to change their height, but is Mr. Gu an ordinary person?"

When Wu Xian heard this, he immediately came to his senses, and suddenly said: "Yes, why didn't I think of it? I once heard that the master of Chinese martial arts said that after practicing kung fu to a certain level, it is possible to control the whole body's blood, joints, Muscles and bones are added to achieve ever-changing effects.”

"I don't need to say anything about Mr. Gu's kung fu. He can do it [-]%."

Speaking of this, Wu Xian looked at Wang Liang and asked, "Wang Liang, if you don't consider his height, do you think he looks like your idol Gu Chenfeng?"

After pondering for a while, Wang Liang said slowly: "Anyone who can write the two classic rock songs "Broad Sea and Sky" and "Brightness", and can control the live stage to this extent, whether it is singing skills or creative ability, The only thing I can think of is Teacher Gu."

Lin Chengzi pointed at Gu Chenfeng and said, "Sage Equaling Heaven, why don't you show your original shape soon?"

However, before the final juncture, Gu Chenfeng would definitely not admit it, so he said: "Although I wear the mask of Monkey King Monkey King, I'm sorry, but I really don't have his 72 transformation skills. "

"I'm a little skeptical now, do you read too many online novels, or do you think I'm really from Huaguoshan?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

At this time, Wang Liang said: "Monkey King, you know, the way you speak makes me more sure that you are Mr. Gu, because he is always so humorous on stage."

Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then what you say is true. With Mr. Gu's popularity, maybe it will give me more votes!"

At this time, netizens are also speculating about the identity of the Monkey King.

"I feel that the members of the guessing team should have guessed right."

"No way, is it really Mr. Gu?"

"If you put aside the factor of height, Monkey King is really like Mr. Gu in every aspect, and only Mr. Gu can write such a classic two-handed rock song in such a short period of time."

"That's true. If you don't look at the height, it might really be Mr. Gu. Anyway, in Huaguo's entertainment industry, there are really not many people who can surpass Mr. Gu in talent."

"Damn, that's the case solved. I feel more and more that the Monkey King is Mr. Gu."

"Don't worry, let's just wait and see. Anyway, today is the final, and all the masked singers will reveal their masks. Then we will naturally know whether this Monkey King who dares to make trouble in heaven is Teacher Gu. gone."


On the stage, He Ling saw that the guessing group had guessed closer and closer to the truth, and quickly said: "Okay, the time is almost up, please remember Monkey King and his work "Brightness"!"

After speaking, he said to Gu Chenfeng: "Monkey King, you can go down and rest now."

"Okay!" Gu Chenfeng responded, bowed to the audience, and said, "Thank you everyone."

After returning to the lounge, 'Tiger' shouted directly: "Gu Chenfeng."

However, Gu Chenfeng's reaction was also quite fast. He knew that the other party was bombing him, so he looked back and asked in pretended surprise: "Hey, is Mr. Gu here? Where is he?"

'Tiger' snorted lightly, and said, "Are you really not Gu Chenfeng?"

"Ah?" Gu Chenfeng was stunned on the spot, and then pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and said: "Oh, I understand, you just called Gu Chenfeng suddenly, just to see my reaction, right?"

"Good guy, you are too smart!"

'Harry Potter' said: "That's right, judging from your reaction, you are indeed not Gu Chenfeng, otherwise it would be impossible for you to remain so calm in such an urgent situation without any flaws."

"But I'm curious, Monkey King, who are you?"

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "If you can guess it so easily, then my disguise must have failed too much!"

As time went by, the masked singers behind also came on stage one after another.

For this decisive battle, everyone obviously prepared very well. The quality of each new song is very good, but the singing effect is slightly inferior to Gu Chenfeng's "Brightness".

Soon, when it was the last singer's turn, the scene became lively again.

That's right, the last one is the singer wearing the 'Athena' mask. Because of her very hot figure, the audience is very excited.

After a brief introduction by He Ling on the stage, 'Athena' stepped onto the stage.

There were whispers in the prolonged applause from the audience.

"I'll go, this Athena's figure is also amazing!"

"I bet there is definitely a stunning beauty under this mask."

"It's just that I haven't guessed who this is. From her previous singing, I can't find any clue at all."

"Don't talk about you, I guess no one in the whole network can guess who she is."

"Not to mention, the masked singers this time are really good at disguising themselves, each of them is so difficult to guess."

"Who said it wasn't? It made me guess the singer's identity every day, and I didn't listen to the song well."


Just then, the music sounded, and 'Athena' sang the first line of lyrics.

"I have a flower planted in my heart;"

"It's budding and ready to let go;"

"Morning and evening, I am eagerly waiting;"

"Whoever has a heart comes to dream;"


The soothing melody, beautiful lyrics, and rich voice instantly made people feel very amazing. The audience who were still discussing the identity of Athena were all quiet at this moment.

This song "Women's Flower" is the representative work of Teacher Anita Mui, the queen of Hong Kong Island on earth. Whether it is the song or the lyrics, it is definitely the well.

The voice of 'Athena' was very clear, but for this performance, she deliberately made her voice thicker and deeper.

"A woman's flower is swaying in the world of mortals;"

"A woman's flower sways gently with the wind;"

"I only hope for a pair of gentle hands;"

"Can soothe my inner loneliness;"


"I have a flower, and the fragrance of the flower is all over the branch;"

"Who will really look for the fragrance, the flowers will not bloom for a long time;"

"Ah, it's worth breaking straight, women are like flowers and dreams;"


The tune of the chorus part is not high, but the melody is indeed very nice. 'Athena' interprets this song extremely beautifully and movingly.

Lin Chengzi from the guessing group said: "This song "Women's Flower" is simply amazing, I don't care who this Athena is, she is my idol anyway, and the song "Woman's Flower" is my favorite .”

Wu Xiandao: "Whether it is the song or the singing, they are all classics among the classics. In the entire Huaguo Yutan, it is difficult to find such a good song."

Contrary to the bursting "Brightness", the song "Women's Flower" can be regarded as synonymous with soothing, and the singing of "Athena" is also very calm, without any skill in the middle, but moving with emotion.

The audience at the scene raised their arms unconsciously and swayed gently with the melody.

"A woman's flower is swaying in the world of mortals;"

"A woman's flower sways gently with the wind;"

"If you have smelled the fragrance of flowers;"

"Don't ask me for whom the flowers are red;"

"Love is more important than knowledge, drunk is more than wine;"

"Flowers bloom and wither but are empty at last;"

"Fate does not stay, it comes and goes like the spring breeze;"

"Women are like flowers and dreams;"


After the song was sung, the palms of the audience were already flushed.

The masked singers in the lounge also stood up and applauded the wonderful performance of 'Athena'.

'Tiger' praised: "It's another classic production, this 'Athena' is really amazing."

'Harry Potter' saw Gu Chenfeng who was indifferent, and asked in surprise: "Monkey King, don't you think this song "Female Flower" is very good?"

(End of this chapter)

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