Chapter 398 The interstellar past, the final choice (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
Gu Chenfeng took a sip of wine, looked at Wu Jin and asked, "I want to know the name of this movie and what kind of story it mainly tells.",

Wu Jin replied: "This movie is adapted from a science fiction novel, and it mainly tells the story of an interstellar civilization."

"Interstellar civilization?" Hearing Wu Jin's words, Gu Chenfeng fell into deep thought.

If we were to say that when we were on Earth, which science fiction novel was best written in terms of interstellar civilization, it must be Mr. Liu's "Three-Body Problem". This novel is quite popular on Earth.

Gu Chenfeng clearly remembered that at that time, the No. [-] person in the Lighthouse Country sent an email to update this novel, so one can imagine how powerful this novel is.

But he has also watched the first part of the Three-Body Problem, and felt that the content involved was too extensive. If he wanted to shoot it, it was still very difficult to make it according to the shooting technology and special effects technology on earth at the time.

Even in this world, and Gu Chenfeng also filmed "The Wandering Planet", but at this time, it is not an easy task to bring a science fiction novel like "Three-Body Problem" to the big screen.

It's not that Gu Chenfeng doesn't have that much money to invest, but that even if he has money, he can't achieve the effect he wants, so he hasn't taken any action.

At this time, Wu Jin told Gu Chenfeng that he had a buddy who wanted to make a sci-fi movie about interstellar civilization, which immediately made Gu Chenfeng interested.

So he asked: "Tell me specifically, what kind of interstellar civilization story is this. What is the name of this movie?"

Wu Jin replied: "The name of this movie is "Once Upon a Time Interstellar". More than 4000 concept drawings have been created, and the scripts are also very good."

"As long as the special effects can keep up, I dare say that "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" will definitely be a hit."

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Since you are so optimistic about it, why don't you play it yourself?"

"No schedule!" Wu Jin said with a wry smile, "I took the leading role in a red drama, and I really don't have time to act."

Gu Chenfeng looked at Wu Jin suspiciously, and said, "Why do I feel that this is a trap, brother Jin, you are not fooling me, are you?"

In fact, at this time, Gu Chenfeng already had some interest in the script called "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", and through Wu Jin's words, Gu Chenfeng felt more and more like "Three-Body Problem".

The reason is very simple, because the trilogy of the novel "Three-Body Problem" on Earth is actually called the "Earth's Past" trilogy, and it is also about things like interstellar civilization.

"How is it possible?" Wu Jin immediately assured: "We are brothers, even if I cheat myself, I will definitely not cheat you!"

"How about this~~~" Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "Then send me the script and concept art first, I'll take a look first, if it feels good, I can consider it."

Wu Jin snapped his fingers immediately, and said, "I'll send the script to your phone, and the concept map is in my car, just wait."

After speaking, Wu Jin ran out to get the concept map.

Seeing Wu Jin's series of operations, Gu Chenfeng said a little bit dumbfounded: "Good guy, the credibility of this brother Jin's words is getting lower and lower. It's obviously premeditated."

At this time Li Liangjie said: "Chenfeng, don't worry, I believe that Jin Zi will not cheat you, even if he planned it in advance, it is up to you to decide whether to act or not, he will definitely not force you to go, After reading the script, if you don’t like it, then don’t go!”

Yu Qian also followed suit and said, "That's right, but if the script and concept art are not bad, I think you can help me, and it can be regarded as a contribution to our domestic films."

Gu Chenfeng looked at Yu Qian and asked with a smile, "I'm definitely willing to make a contribution. If this movie lacks investment, I wonder if you can invest some money, Mr. Qian?"

"What? Lack of investment? Your Qingchen company is so rich, you still need me?" Yu Qian immediately turned sloppy.

Gu Chenfeng put the wine glass on the table, and said with a shocked face: "Share the risks, Mr. Qian, your wealth is not much less than mine."

"I have a lot of money from you, so I woke up from a dream laughing." Yu Qian began to cry poorly.

In fact, everyone knows that Qingchen Entertainment Company has less than tens of billions now. If you calculate it this way, although Yu Qian is rich, he really doesn't have as much money as Gu Chenfeng.

Of course, if you add Gu Chenfeng's overseas investment, then Yu Qian will not have as much money as him.

Soon, Wu Jin came over with a large stack of concept drawings.

The three looked at it and couldn't help but make a sound.

Li Liangjie said bluntly: "This concept drawing is too handsome, this director is definitely a talent!"

After speaking, he pointed to a picture of a warship with a strong sense of technology and said: "Look at this picture, it is simply too spectacular."

Yu Qian pointed to the concept drawing in his hand, and said, "Is this the warship of aliens? It's really amazing. If it can be filmed, there will be absolutely no problem at the box office."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Gu Chenfeng and said, "As long as there is a lack of investment, I will vote, even if it is a loss, I will vote."

"What? Are you going to invest?" Wu Jin didn't hear the conversation between the three just now, but when he heard Uncle Qian's sudden investment, he immediately asked expectantly.

"No, Uncle Qian said it, but we didn't say anything." Li Liangjie waved his hands quickly.

Hearing this, Uncle Qian raised his international friendly gesture, and then lowered his head to continue admiring the concept map.

On Gu Chenfeng's side, after carefully reading more than a dozen concept drawings, he looked at Wu Jin and asked, "Brother Jin, what is the production cost of this movie, who is the starring role, and who is the director?"

Wu Jin said: "The director's name is Guo Fan, and he has made several films with good reputation. The leading roles are two young rookies selected by him from hundreds of students in the Film Academy."

"As for the production should be [-] million!"

Hearing Wu Jin's words, Gu Chenfeng immediately put down the concept map and asked, "U.S. dollars?"

"Ruanmeibi!" Wu Jin replied.

Now Gu Chenfeng frowned even more, and said, "What kind of international joke are you making, [-] million will make the things on these concept maps? How trashy is that? ?”

"This..." Wu Jin didn't know what to say for a moment.

Seeing Wu Jin like this, Gu Chenfeng felt more and more that this was a trap, so he asked again: "Okay, I want to ask again, who are the investors of this film? Although it is said that [-] million is definitely not enough The things on these concept maps come out, but this is a lot of investment for the country.”

"Besides, according to domestic cognition, even if we, Qingchen Entertainment, want to shoot sci-fi films, the investment is between [-] and [-] million US dollars, while you only have [-] million soft sister coins, as long as you have a little bit of brains Everyone knows it's impossible."

"So, I don't believe any company would be so stupid."

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Li Liangjie said with a chuckle: "Okay, Jin Zi, just tell the truth, Teacher Yu and I both heard that there is something wrong with your words, let alone the monkey-scented monkey-spirited Chen It's windy."

Wu Jin sighed, and said: "Well, to be honest, Guo Fan only has 1.2 million investment in his hands now, including his 5000 million and mine, and those film and television companies really think that this movie is not worth it. will succeed."

"Brother, I asked you to play a guest role. I actually hope that you can be an investor in "Once Upon a Time in the Stars."

Upon hearing this, Gu Chenfeng said angrily, "I knew you were impure."

Wu Jin said: "Isn't there really no other way, brother, tell me if it will work or not!"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "There is no problem with this concept map, but how about the script, I will study it carefully."

He has basically confirmed it now. Judging from these conceptual drawings, this "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" is Teacher Liu's "Three-Body Problem" on Earth. As for whether it is true or not, we have to read the script to know.

If it is really "Three-Body Problem", if you want to shoot it, let alone [-] million soft sister coins, even [-] million US dollars may not be enough.

Therefore, Gu Chenfeng said to Wu Jin again: "How about this, I will give you an answer tomorrow about whether to appear or not. As for investment, didn't Master Qian just say that he wants to invest?"

"Then give him 5000 million shares and let Uncle Qian also invest in it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Liangjie and asked, "Brother Jie, do you want to go together?"

Li Liangjie thought for a while and said: "If you go to act, I can consider it."

"That's right, that's right, I am the same way. If Chenfeng you go to play the role, I will also consider investing." Hearing Li Liangjie's words, Yu Qian immediately echoed.

Because they all know that as long as Gu Chenfeng joins this project, even if he can't make a lot of money, there is definitely no problem with capital preservation and small profits.

So as long as Gu Chenfeng participated in the show, they dared to invest in this "Once Upon a Time in the Stars".

Hearing what the three of them said, Wu Jin slapped his thigh, held up his glass and said to Gu Chenfeng, "Brother, thank you in advance, I would like to toast you."

"They are the ones who are likely to invest, why don't you toast to them first?" Gu Chenfeng asked with a smile.

Li Liangjie and Yu Qian looked at each other, and said in unison: "If you don't go, we will definitely not invest."

"Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!" After Gu Chenfeng finished speaking, he picked up the wine glass and touched Wu Jin, then drank the wine in the glass, and asked: "Brother Jin, I'm curious about how you and Wu Jin are together." What is the relationship between this Guo Fan, and it is worth your effort for him?"

Wu Jin said with a smile: "He is my childhood friend and classmate. When I was in high school, he even saved my life. Otherwise, I would have reported to the Heavenly Court."

Gu Chenfeng groaned, and said: "So it turns out that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring, not to mention that you are already a kindness of saving lives."

After drinking and eating, everyone dispersed.

On the way back, Wu Jin called Guo Fan: "Fanzi, how is the movie going?"

Guo Fan sighed, and said: "Although the actors are very good, but the special effects team is too rubbish and the efficiency is too low, Jin Zi, didn't you say that you asked me to find Mr. Gu to invest in, what's the situation now?"

Wu Jin said: "I have given him the script and the concept map, and he will reply to us tomorrow."

"Great!" Guo Fan on the other end of the phone became excited immediately.

In his opinion, as long as Gu Chenfeng reads the script and concept art, he will definitely be interested in this movie.

And as long as Gu Chenfeng joins, the door of science fiction movies in Huaguo, which has been closed by some people, will be opened again.

However, Wu Jin poured cold water on it and said, "Don't be too happy, Gu Chenfeng has very high requirements for movies. Your concept drawing has passed the test, but can the script work?" If you pass the customs, then it’s not necessarily true.”

Guo Fan said confidently: "I believe in my script."

After Gu Chenfeng returned home, the first thing he did was to print out the script of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars".

Luo Qingcheng next to him asked curiously: "Honey, you wrote another script, are you planning to make a new movie?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and explained: "I didn't write this, but a movie Wu Jin introduced to me called "Once Upon a Time in the Stars". I saw the director's concept art and thought it was quite interesting, so Just going to read the script."

""Once Upon a Time in the Stars"?" Luo Qingcheng was taken aback, and asked, "What kind of story is this exactly?"

Hearing the name, she knew it was a sci-fi movie, but she didn't know what kind of story it was.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "I haven't read it yet, but I have seen the concept map. If you want to see it, it's on the desk over there. You can go and have a look."

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng nodded, and ran to the desk to look at the concept map.

Gu Chenfeng sat down and began to read the script of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars".

Half an hour later.

Before Luo Qingcheng finished reading the [-] concept drawings, Gu Chenfeng had already finished reading the script.

Now he can basically be sure that this is the "Three-Body Problem" written by Mr. Liu on Earth, but some of the plots in it have been slightly changed, and the scenes are not as grand as in the original novel.

This is probably due to funding issues or special effects technology issues, so Guo Fan did not bring out everything from the original work.

But in Gu Chenfeng's view, if you don't bring out all the things, you won't be able to give people a very shocking feeling.

And for the box office, it will definitely be greatly discounted.

"Husband, these concept drawings are so beautiful!" Luo Qingcheng exclaimed after reading the concept drawings.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "This script is not bad! At least there are no logical problems!"

"The most important thing in sci-fi movies is the special effects. Husband, now Mr. Li of Qingchen Company, can they make the effects shown in these concept drawings?" Luo Qingcheng asked with some concern.

Although she is not an insider, she has been with Gu Chenfeng for such a long time, and she is also the proprietress of Qingchen Entertainment Company, so she still has some understanding of these things.

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said: "No, it is basically difficult to do it at the current level of special effects in our country. Of course, if Li Mu and Liu Haiquan have studied well in Weta Studio, there will be possible."

"Also, in this kind of sci-fi movie, the performance of the actors is actually not that important, the most important thing is the level of the director."

Luo Qingcheng nodded half understanding, and asked: "Then husband, are you going to act? Or do you want to invest?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "I have this idea. I will go to Hengdian Film and Television City tomorrow to see the shooting situation of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", and have a good chat with Director Guo. If there is no problem, I can achieve If it's my standard, then I'll help."

Luo Qingcheng asked again: "Then what about your current "Seven Deadly Sins"?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "This type of movie itself has its limitations. Even if I go out to promote it every day, the impact on the box office will not be hit."

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng nodded, and after a reply, he didn't say anything more.

After all, Luo Qingcheng is not a professional about Gu Chenfeng's work, so she has always expressed some suggestions based on her own knowledge as a listener, and the final decision is in Gu Chenfeng's hands .

As long as Gu Chenfeng made any choice, Luo Qingcheng would choose to trust and support him unconditionally.

And judging from the current situation, every decision of Gu Chenfeng is very correct, so Luo Qingcheng trusts him very much.

The next day, Gu Chenfeng had just finished his breakfast when Wu Jin called him.

"Brother, how are you thinking? If it's not suitable, just say it."

Gu Chenfeng said: "The script is not bad, I'm going to go to Hengdian Film and Television City in the afternoon to see your boy, and have a good chat with him."

Although the script has been cut a bit compared to the "Three-Body Problem" on Earth, but overall, Gu Chenfeng will give this script an 8.

Upon hearing this, Wu Jin on the other end of the phone said happily, "That's really great. I'll go with you tomorrow."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, see you this afternoon."

In the afternoon, the two came to Hengdian Film and Television City, and saw a man in his 30s with a full beard.

"Brother Jin!"


Wu Jin hugged him, and introduced to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, let me introduce you, this is Guo Fan, the director of my childhood "Once Upon a Time in the Stars."

After speaking, he said to Guo Fan: "Fanzi, I don't need to introduce you!"

Guo Fan immediately stretched out his hand to Gu Chenfeng and said, "Mr. Gu, hello, I am very glad that you can come to inspect the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars."

Gu Chenfeng shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "Director Guo, you're welcome, let's find a place to talk about business."

"Okay!" Guo Fan agreed, and then brought Gu Chenfeng and Wu Jin to the hotel where the crew stayed.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Guo Fan and said, "Director Guo, I have already seen your movie concept map, and I admire it very much. It can be seen that you are very interested in the concept map of "Once Upon a Time Interstellar". The attention of this work."

Guo Fandao: "I have been an aerospace engineer since I was a child, but unfortunately I didn't study very well. Later, I went to the Beijing Film Academy to major in directing. I always wanted to make a domestic science fiction film."

"Especially after I saw the "Wandering Planet" you made, I had a very strong desire, and then I saw a novel "Interstellar Past" on the Internet and felt very good, so I wanted to shoot it idea."

"So I spent 500 million yuan and bought the film adaptation copyright of this novel. For the past three years, I have been preparing for this film. Unfortunately, except for the sci-fi films produced by your Qingchen Entertainment Company, those Investors are not very optimistic about other people's science fiction films."

Gu Chenfeng said: "I heard from Brother Jin about this. You have only raised 1.2 million so far. I want to know how much money it will take to complete all your conceptual drawings."

Guo Fan glanced at Wu Jin, who smiled bitterly and said, "Morrowind is the winner of the Oscar for Best Picture, and his directing ability is definitely capable of winning the Best Director of Starlight. Experts among experts, just tell the truth." , don’t be sloppy.”

Guo Fan nodded and said, "I think at least [-] million."

"At least 1.2 million?" Gu Chenfeng smiled, and said, "You guys have only raised [-] million, and you dare to start filming, you are a bit bold!"

Guo Fandao: "Originally, Yuehua Entertainment Company agreed to invest [-] million yuan, but they had internal problems, so they withdrew."

Speaking of this, Wu Jin glanced at Gu Chenfeng, and said: "It's all your fault, you made so much money with Yuehua, they have no money now."

Gu Chenfeng laughed loudly and said: "Yes, yes, I really blame me a little bit, I didn't expect that I would unintentionally disrupt your investment."

"However, this also shows the fate between us, Director Guo, I want to go to your crew to watch tomorrow, do you object?"

"No objection!" Guo Fan said: "Mr. Gu, I'm not afraid of your jokes. The crew is a mess now, and there's nothing to watch if you go."

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback, and asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"It's mainly the special effects team!" Guo Fan explained: "In order to save money, the level of the team we found is really not good, and the attitude is not good, so I fired them last night."

Gu Chenfeng snorted and said, "Then let's talk about the filming of this movie. What kind of movie do you plan to make?"

Guo Fan said without hesitation: "Great, spectacular, grand and full of humanity."

Gu Chenfeng said: "Brother Jin told me that you want me to play a guest role as Wang Miao in this movie, but I found that the role of this character is a bit shallow. Did you delete a lot of his scenes?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Jin immediately gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up, and exclaimed: "After all, he is the best screenwriter of the two Oscars. You can see the problem at a glance."

"That's right, this role has indeed been cut a lot. I deliberately cut the script, in order to trick you into the crew first."

"If there are too many roles, there is a good chance that you will not participate in it."

Good guy.

This bluffer said it directly on the table.

Gu Chenfeng was speechless for a while, and said: "Brother Jin, it's a pity that you don't act in court dramas with your heart."

Wu Jin shrugged his shoulders and said: "There is no way, the main reason is that I have known you for too long. As the saying goes, those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black."

Gu Chenfeng shook his head, and said: "You are just superfluous, you just don't know how much loopholes will be caused to the whole plot without this character? If I look inappropriate, do you think I will Will you come?"

Wu Jin was taken aback, and said, "I really haven't thought about this question."

Gu Chenfeng rolled his eyes directly, and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's get down to business, Director Guo, tell us your thoughts carefully, I really want to hear your true thoughts."

Guo Fan nodded, and explained his thoughts on "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" from beginning to end.

This guy is not a talkative person, but once he talks about movies, he is like the water of the Yangtze River, eloquent.

It took a full 10 minutes before it stopped.

When Guo Fan was narrating, Gu Chenfeng did not interrupt, but listened very carefully.

After listening, he started to ask Guo Fan some questions. These questions contained many details. Guo Fan had already thought of most of them, but there were still a small number of questions that he hadn't thought of or considered.

However, Gu Chenfeng not only raised the problem, but also proposed a solution and his own opinion, which made Guo Fan admire Gu Chenfeng very much.

The two communicated with each other for more than two hours, stringing together the whole movie from beginning to end.

Wu Jin couldn't take it anymore, and said, "Two great directors, can we listen to it for a while, the wine is cold."

The two of them came back to their senses, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Brother Jin, I'm sorry, I got too involved in the chat."

Wu Jin asked, "So have you made a decision?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said: "Through the conversation with Director Guo just now, I think Director Guo's directing ability is still very strong, and I also agree with his shooting concepts."

"Teacher Gu has won the award." Guo Fan hurriedly said respectfully: "After communicating with you, I feel enlightened, I..."

"Fanzi, stop talking nonsense!" Wu Jin directly interrupted Guo Fan, and said to Gu Chenfeng: "Chenfeng, you mean that you agree to invest, right?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "That's right."

"Then how much did you vote for?" Wu Jin asked again.

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "Well, you should first ask Uncle Qian and Brother Jie if they want to vote. If they want to vote, I can give them a chance, but forget it for the others."

"From the production to the distribution of this film, as long as it is bad, I will cover it all."

Wu Jin said excitedly: "Brother, you are so awesome. I will ask Uncle Qian and Brother Jie, but their investment amount will not be too large."

He naturally knew that Gu Chenfeng was very optimistic about this movie, and the share of investment given to Yu Qian and Li Liangjie was not to share the risk.

For Gu Chenfeng, even if Yu Qian and Li Liangjie each invested 5000 million, it would only be [-] million.

Gu Chenfeng transferred more than one billion from Yuehua Entertainment in one and a half hours, would he care about that?
Obviously not.

Guo Fan's eyes turned red with excitement, and he said, "Mr. Gu, thank you for your trust in me."

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I have conditions."

Guo Fan said, "Say it."

Gu Chenfeng said: "First, I will be the art director of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars"."

"Great, this is what I wish for." Guo Fan said happily.

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and continued: "Okay, the second condition is to make an overseas version. I plan to bring "Interstellar" to overseas releases, and maybe I can get a good global box office."

"But in this case, we may need to increase the number of scenes we shoot by a quarter. Correspondingly, the investment will also increase, and your share will definitely decrease."

"Also, the [-] million you set is far from enough even if you don't shoot the overseas version. You need at least [-] million US dollars to perfectly present your concept drawings."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Wu Jin exclaimed: "Chenfeng, are you going to do something big?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Although my previous "Wandering Planet" can be counted as opening the door to domestic sci-fi movies, but in the past two years, after our Qingchen Entertainment didn't release sci-fi movies, it seems that this door has opened again. It was shut down."

"And I didn't have a good sci-fi script for a while, so I finally came across a script and naturally wanted to do a big job."

"I hope that all of our "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" will use domestic special effects teams and production teams. As for this, I will send the team from Allure Entertainment Company over."

Hearing this, Guo Fan was very excited and said: "The problem of investment share is not a problem at all, because the biggest investors in this movie are me and Brother Jin, and there is also a film company from Polaris, which invested 2000 million. "

"I will call the person in charge of Polaris tonight. If they want to take a share, then continue to flow. If they don't want to, then forget it."

Wu Jin said with a smile: "Huaguo Film No.1 has been sold. Unless the person in charge of Polaris Entertainment has lost his mind, he will definitely not withdraw the investment, and maybe there will be more."

Gu Chenfeng said: "If they want to increase investment, they can allow it."

"Okay!" Guo Fan nodded and said, "Teacher Gu, are there any other conditions?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "Finally, there is the issue of actors. I want to know whether other supporting actors have found suitable actors besides the hero and heroine?"

Wu Jin asked with a smile: "You want actors from Qingcheng to participate in the performance, right?"

"Of course." Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "If "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" can be released globally, I naturally hope to bring in all kinds of talented actors."

"But you can rest assured that Qingcheng's actors are all very good at acting, what is lacking is just opportunities."

Guo Fan said: "It is true that there are still some actors who have not been found."

Hearing Guo Fan's words, Wu Jin was taken aback, and said, "No, didn't you find everything?"

Guo Fan smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Jin, you forgot that all those artists are actors from Yuehua Entertainment Company. Now that Yuehua has stopped investing, those actors will naturally withdraw."

Wu Jin suddenly realized: "I was negligent."

"That would be great." Gu Chenfeng said: "After you go back, you can send me a list of roles, and I will study them carefully. After three days, we will audition for these roles together."

Wu Jin said: "What's the point of auditioning? I basically know all the actors in your Qingchen. Several actors' acting skills are similar to mine, or even better than mine."

Guo Fan nodded and said, "That's right, Mr. Gu, as long as their images are suitable, our "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar" mainly relies on special effects scenes, and the actors don't have much room to perform in it. It's just that there are problems with their acting skills. There is also enough time to adjust."

"Thank you then." Gu Chenfeng picked up the wine glass and said, "Director Guo, Brother Jin, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" The three wine glasses clinked together.

After deciding to join the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", Gu Chenfeng immediately called Zhang Qingqing and explained the situation.

After all, this is an investment belonging to the company, and now Zhang Qingqing is the vice president of the company and also Gu Chenfeng's agent, so Zhang Qingqing has to let Zhang Qingqing decide on the allocation of funds.

After listening to Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing exclaimed: "Mr. Gu, you are playing so well this time, are you not afraid of losing money?"

Gu Chenfeng said confidently: "With the quality of "Once Upon a Time in Interstellar", we can't afford to lose domestically. The key is to see whether it can succeed overseas."

"Taking a step back, even if overseas movie fans don't accept the film, I believe the domestic and Asian box office will be enough to smooth out our costs."

"It can be said that this is a movie that can make money without losing money."

At this time, Zhang Qingqing asked again: "How much is the cost of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars"?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "My plan is [-] million US dollars. Now, Sister Zhang, you hurry up and organize a production team, and there are still some characters in this movie that don't have suitable actors yet."

"You send me a list of our company's most recent and scheduled actors. Once the movie "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" is successful, they can follow the fire."

Zhang Qingqing said: "Okay, I believe these artists will be very happy to hear it."

Under the management of Liu Kuang and Zhang Qingqing, Qingchen Entertainment Company was very efficient. At ten o'clock the next morning, the production team composed of twelve company personnel arrived at Hengdian Film and Television City.

This was established by Liu Kuang before, so now it has become an independent production department.

And not only the production team, but even the special effects department, Gu Chenfeng was also brought over.

Of course, Qingchen Entertainment used to be basically an animation department, and there were not many people in the special effects department. When it comes to animated films, Qingchen Entertainment said it was second, and no one dared to say it was number one.

But in terms of special effects, Qingchen Entertainment is not the strongest, so Gu Chenfeng asked Zhang Qingqing to spend [-] million to contact the best special effects studio in China.

After learning that Gu Chenfeng joined the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" and became the film's art director and investor, many investors in the entertainment circle called Guo Fan, hoping to give them an investment opportunity.

There is no way, in the Huaguo entertainment industry in recent years, as long as the movies shot by Gu Chenfeng, they have never lost money, and there is not even a movie with a score lower than 9 points.

Now he is casting "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar", which directly made this movie a favorite in the circle.

Seeing this situation, Guo Fan sighed inwardly. It turned out that no company was willing to invest even though he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma.

Of course he knew that all of this was because of Gu Chenfeng, so he didn't agree to anyone, and directly pushed everything to Gu Chenfeng.

Only Polaris Entertainment, which had previously invested 2000 million in Guo Fan, got the opportunity to invest.

Yang Jun, the boss of Polaris Entertainment Company, even came to the crew in person, invited Gu Chenfeng and Guo Fan to have a meal, and talked about the share of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars".

After returning, Yang Jun immediately took out another 1.6 million and invested it in "Interstellar Past Events". So far, Polaris Entertainment's investment amount has surpassed Guo Fan and Wu Jin and others, becoming the second largest investment company besides Gu Chenfeng. major shareholder.

Of course, the share is not much, only ten percent.

After all, 1.8 million soft sister coins are only equivalent to 3000 million US dollars, and the total investment is expected to be 3 million US dollars.

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that Gu Chenfeng's movies are the most profitable, but no one can get a piece of it, because Gu Chenfeng himself is worth tens of billions, and he is not short of money at all.

Yang Jun knew that he was able to invest because he invested in the film in advance, so he had the opportunity to cooperate with Gu Chenfeng, so he directly invested an additional 1.6 million.

Two days later, an actor from Qingchen Entertainment also arrived at the set.

The leader is Meng Beichen, and the others are all newcomers who have just joined Qingchen Entertainment Company.

Although these newcomers are not of the same age, they are actually old people in this circle. The shortest time in the industry has been in the industry for five years, and their acting skills are very good.

The four of them played other roles in "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", and Meng Beichen took on the role of Shi Qiang.

This role is very important in the play, and it has more scenes than Gu Chenfeng. As long as this movie can achieve good results, it will be enough for Meng Beichen to turn around completely.

A week later, the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar" was reorganized, and all the actors and staff were in place.

In order to be able to produce the best effect, Gu Chenfeng selected three from the top special effects companies in the domestic industry.

Guo Fan was extremely excited. Looking at the crew members who were immersed in their work, he said to Wu Jin: "Brother Jin, did you see that, our crew is changing from shot to shot now!"

Wu Jin said: "Of course, Gu Chenfeng is popular in the Huaguo entertainment circle. As long as it is his movie, whether it is an investor or an industry person, everyone hopes to cooperate with him."

"Fanzi, I have to remind you that Gu Chenfeng has already created the best environment for you, and you must give it to you."

"If the final box office fails to meet everyone's expectations, your reputation in the circle will really be completely stink, and the difficulty of making movies in the future will be greatly increased."

Hearing Wu Jin's words, Guo Fan suddenly felt a mountain pressing down on him, and said, "Don't worry, I will succeed."

Wu Jin said with a smile: "I'm going to my crew tomorrow, Fanzi, come on."

Guo Fan and Wu Jin hugged each other and said, "Brother Jin, thank you."

When "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" was at its most difficult, it was Wu Jin who gave him 5000 million, which relieved the urgent need. Now the crew is able to make it today because Wu Jin called Gu Chenfeng over.

It can be said that without Wu Jin, there would be no "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" project, so Guo Fan is really grateful to his brother.

Previously, "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" had already shot a lot of shots, Gu Chenfeng and Guo Fan re-examined it, only 50.00% of the shots were left, and all other shots were deleted.

After the assembly of the personnel was completed, the filming of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" resumed.

Among the crew, Gu Chenfeng produced work related to his own art direction, and did not give any instructions on the filming work.

Only when Guo Fan asks him actively, he will express his opinion. If there is a problem during the filming, Gu Chenfeng will only discuss it with him when no one is around, and he will always defend Guo Fan's innocence. position in the cast.

This made Guo Fan extremely grateful to him.

During this period, "Seven Deadly Sins" was also released.

Generally, a movie will not be released until at least a month after its release, and if the box office is good, there will even be singing and screenings.

However, Gu Chenfeng's "Seven Deadly Sins" was only released in 26 days due to the subject matter, and the global box office was finally locked at 46.87 billion US dollars, which is far lower than that of "Changjin Lake". box office.

But the rate of return of this movie has reached more than 25 times that of horror, which is simply terrifying.

The success of the two films "Changjin Lake" and "Seven Deadly Sins" has given Gu Chenfeng a firm foothold in the global film industry.

(End of this chapter)

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