Chapter 402 Starlight Award Presentation Ceremony

Gu Chenfeng said bluntly: "5% share dividend, you know that I don't have any ambitions for Chenghai Entertainment Company, and I only invest to make money. Now I can get so much money by raising my hand. , I will naturally not refuse."

"Chu Yuehua, if you can give me a [-]% share dividend, even if I go all out to violate my own principles, I'll definitely be awesome to you."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Chu Yuehua on the other end of the phone fell silent, and then said coldly, "You're dreaming."

Then hung up.

A trace of disdain appeared on Gu Chenfeng's face, and he said, "Compared with Lu Cheng, Chu Yuehua is really far behind."

Luo Qingcheng asked very puzzled: "Why?"

Gu Chenfeng explained with a smile: "In this world, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. If Lu Cheng and Chu Yuehua were to change places, I dare say that Lu Cheng would do everything possible to win me over. of."

"Even if it's to lose face."

"However, Chu Yuehua clearly knew that my shares in the board of directors were very important, but he insisted on not taking any action. Instead, he called me slowly after Lu Cheng had made an action. It's really stupid!"

At this moment, Luo Qingcheng asked again: "Then husband, if Chu Yuehua came to you first, would you agree to him?"

"Of course not." Gu Chenfeng said decisively: "Although I don't like Lu Cheng very much, Chu Yuehua makes me even more disgusted by comparison, and that Ding Minghui is not a good thing either. "

Naturally, Luo Qingcheng also knew why Gu Chenfeng said that, so he echoed: "Indeed, these two guys are so bad, they even teamed up to bully you, even though you bullied them back in the end."

Hearing Luo Qingcheng's words, Gu Chenfeng laughed out loud.

the other side.

In Ding Minghui's villa.

Chu Yuehua put down the phone, and said indignantly: "Gu Chenfeng is a complete bastard, he has already chosen to support Lu Cheng."

Ding Minghui frowned, and said: "I told you before, don't let him enter the game, you don't believe me."

"If he doesn't join the game, judging from today's situation, I'm afraid Lu Cheng has already obtained 50.00% of the shares, and already has the controlling stake in Chenghai Entertainment Company." Chu Yuehua explained.

There is no doubt about this, it is because Gu Chenfeng is a bigwig in the film and television industry, so that everyone can willingly give him [-]% of the shares, if it is someone else, it is simply impossible matter.

Ding Minghui naturally understood what was going on here, so he asked, "Then what should we do next?"

Chu Yuehua sneered and said, "The old fox Lu Cheng is indeed very scheming, but he has one of his greatest weaknesses, and that is his son."

Ding Minghui was taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes widened, and he said, "Lu Cheng actually has a son? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Chu Yuehua said: "I also got the news an hour ago that he has an illegitimate child in Las Vegas."

Speaking of this, Ding Minghui instantly knew what Chu Yuehua wanted to do, but he still asked in disbelief, "You want to attack his son?"

The reason why he doesn't believe it is that in normal business, or even some people in the society know that the disaster is not as good as the family. It is immoral to seek trouble for other people's family members for their own benefit. .

"Yes!" Chu Yuehua nodded, and said, "Lu Cheng's son is called Lu Youwei, and this guy is indeed young and promising. , almost made Lu Cheng mad."

Ding Minghui frowned when he heard this, and asked, "Mr. Chu, even if you have obtained the evidence of his son, do you still want to blackmail him? You must know that this is a crime!"

Chu Yuehua smiled and said: "Extortion is to use improper means to get the other party to give money. As long as we can force Lu Cheng to sell the shares to us, and we buy them at the market price, it is still considered extortion. ?"

"This is a good way!" Ding Minghui thought for a while, and continued: "Mr. Chu, then we can say our ugly words first, and our brothers will settle accounts clearly. If the matter is over, who will have the final say in Chenghai Entertainment Company?"

Although this approach is somewhat immoral, if it is moral, there is no way to succeed. Therefore, in Ding Minghui's view, it is very necessary to use some special means at certain times in order to succeed.

"Of course it's you!" Chu Yuehua explained with a smile: "Lu Cheng's shares are all yours, and I only want the company's dividends in the future."

A bright smile appeared on Ding Minghui's face, and he said, "Then thank you very much, Mr. Chu."

"You're welcome!" Chu Yuehua said, "You want the company, but I want revenge. We each get what we need. It's a pity that that bastard Gu Chenfeng took advantage of it this time."

"If I had known in advance that Lu Cheng had a son, I would definitely not have sold the shares to Gu Chenfeng."

As soon as Gu Chenfeng was mentioned, Ding Minghui thought of the fact that he was drunk, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said: "Don't worry, Gu Chenfeng will have bad luck sooner or later."

the next day.

An event that affected the entire Huaguo entertainment circle blew up the entire Internet.

Chenghai Entertainment and Yuehua Entertainment merged to form the new Chenghai Entertainment.

The chairman and CEO is Lu Cheng, the deputy general manager is Ding Minghui, the president of Yunyi Network, and the major shareholders are Chu Yuehua and Qingchen Entertainment.

After this matter was exposed on the Internet, almost all the headlines and comment areas were netizens who were discussing this matter.

"Fuck, this is terrible, something big is about to happen in the entertainment industry!"

"Chenghai and Yuehua Entertainment Company, the big company that merged from the two, once it goes public, the stock will not double?"

"The thing that surprised me the most was that Mr. Gu's Qingchen Entertainment also participated."

"Chu Yuehua, Ding Minghui and Mr. Gu don't have a good relationship, how could they work together?"

"Hehehe, you upstairs are still young. In the entertainment circle, or in the whole world, there are always only eternal interests and no eternal enemies."

"I just want to ask, how can I buy the shares of Chenghai Entertainment Company?"

"Yes, if you can buy it now, when the company goes public, it will definitely be a lie!"


Seeing netizens asking about Chenghai Entertainment Company on Weibo one after another, Gu Chenfeng also responded.

He wrote on his Weibo: "I bought a [-]% stake in Chenghai Entertainment Company for the purpose of making money. I have no interest in the management of the company."

"As for the other two so-called colleagues, the relationship between us is still extremely bad. As the saying goes, we don't conspire with each other. Please don't make random guesses, thank you."

After Gu Chenfeng's Weibo came out, his Weibo comment area exploded again.

"Hahahaha, Mr. Gu is still so honest, investing is just to make money, there is nothing wrong with it."

"I just like Teacher Gu's frankness, what a man!"

"So, Mr. Gu, do you think it's appropriate to talk about those two?"

"What's wrong with this, Mr. Gu and them are not in the same way."

"The purpose of buying Chenghai Entertainment's shares is to make money. I give full marks to this answer."

"Mr. Gu, you are so honest, does Dr. Luo know?"


Time flies, and five days have passed in the blink of an eye, and the annual Starlight Film Festival was grandly held.

This time Gu Chenfeng didn't walk the red carpet with anyone. After experiencing Reba's scandal, Gu Chenfeng would choose to walk alone as long as he didn't bring Luo Qingcheng.

Although he doesn't care about these things himself, he doesn't want to cause so much trouble.

After all, people's words are scary, you can disbelieve them or ignore them, but you can't control what other people say.

But what is more interesting is that in front of Gu Chenfeng, there are two sisters, Yang Mi and Reba.

Today, Yang Mi and Reba are dressed very attractively. It can be said that they are glamorous. Yang Mi is wearing a purple skirt, which shows her elegance and grandeur. Reba is wearing a pink skirt. sweet and cute.

Two different types of peerless beauties appeared at the same time, which immediately attracted the attention of all photographers and movie fans.

The photographers pointed their cameras at Yang Mi and Reba one after another, and the flash lights immediately joined together.

Fans on both sides of the red carpet screamed excitedly.

"Oh my god, Mimi and Reba are so beautiful, it's a holiday in heaven, have the fairies come down to play?"

"You say, what kind of man can get such a beautiful woman?"

"I feel that in the whole country, I am afraid that only a man as good as Mr. Gu can match Mimi and Reba."

"Mr. Gu? Don't think about it. After the previous scandal, as long as Mr. Gu can take Dr. Luo, he will always take Dr. Luo with him. He will never give anyone else any chance."

"Yes, although Mimi and Reba are very beautiful and fairy, but Dr. Luo is not bad, Mr. Gu will not have three wives and four concubines like other bigwigs in the entertainment industry."

"Let's get back to the topic itself, Mimi and Reba are definitely the most beautiful boys tonight!"

"Isn't it the prettiest girl?"


Unlike other female stars, Yang Mi and Reba didn't stay on the red carpet for long, they just put up a few POSS to satisfy the photographers' photo needs and then went directly to the autograph area.

When they were signing autographs, Gu Chenfeng also started to walk the red carpet.

This time because he was alone, he went back to the way he walked the red carpet many years ago. It seemed like he was rushing for an exam. He passed the 200-meter red carpet in 1 minute.

Originally, he thought that both Yang Mi and Reba had already left, but unexpectedly, when he came over, Yang Mi and Reba were still there for an interview.

So Gu Chenfeng stood in the signing area and waited for a while, and then walked over after Yang Mi and Reba finished the interview.

This also happened to give those photographers a chance to take pictures. After all, on the red carpet just now, Gu Chenfeng walked too fast and did not capture any good photos.

The off-site host Xiao Wei saw Gu Chenfeng coming, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Gu, hello, this time "Changjin Lake" has been nominated for eight Starlight Awards, do you think you are the most worthy of my respect?" Which award is it?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "The best special effects award, after all, the scenes of the movie "Changjin Lake" are still very good, and I am personally very satisfied. This is a big scene in memory of the martyrs."

Xiao Wei asked again: "What about the awards for Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Actor?"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders, and said: "I'm lucky if I win, but I'm lost. To be honest, compared with trophies, what I value most is the reputation of the movie."

"Hundreds of thousands of movie fans gave "Changjin Lake" a score of 9.2, which means that this movie is already a success. For me, this is enough, and winning the award is just icing on the cake."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Chenfeng immediately thought of something, and added: "Well, what I said seems to offend the Starlight Award jury a bit, let me explain first, I don't mean to look down on the Starlight Award."

"Don't worry, everyone understands!" The host Xiaowei said with a smile.

"I heard that Mr. Gu, you are making a new movie now. When is this movie going to be released?"

Hearing this question, Gu Chenfeng was slightly taken aback. Whenever at the Starlight Film Festival, the hosts began to ask such questions.

However, for Gu Chenfeng, this was a good opportunity to advertise the new movie, so he naturally would not miss it, so he replied: "I am indeed participating in a new movie recently, the name is "Once Upon a Time in the Stars."

"What I can tell you now is that this movie is a sci-fi movie. As for when it will be released, you can look forward to it a little bit. After all, if you want to make a good sci-fi movie, the speed must not be so fast."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's answer, those netizens in the webcast room who wanted to know the news of Gu Chenfeng's new movie began to discuss it.

""Once Upon a Time Interstellar"? Teacher Gu is starting to shoot science fiction films again!"

"Great, our domestic sci-fi movies are finally about to take off again. Mr. Gu opened the door for domestic sci-fi movies before, but was closed by some little fresh meat. It's simply hateful."

"This also proves once again that not everyone can play sci-fi movies. Only people with strength and courage like Mr. Gu can make good sci-fi movies."

"I really hope that this movie will be released sometime. There are no good movies to watch now."

"Yeah, after watching Mr. Gu's movie, I feel like I don't have any movies to watch."


After Gu Chenfeng finished answering the questions here, he walked into the Beijing Grand Theater and sat in the second row under the guidance of the staff.

Behind him are Yang Mi and Reba.

Although Gu Chenfeng's coffee position is considered the top in China, so he sat in the second row, but Yang Mi and Reba's current coffee position is not low, so they can sit in the third row Row.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Hu Jun came over and sat next to Gu Chenfeng.

His performance in "Changjin Lake" is remarkable, and he was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor for this movie.

Seeing Hu Jun, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Teacher Hu, what are you up to lately?"

Hu Jun replied: "Filming, what else can you do, Director Gu, I heard that you are currently filming a science fiction film called "Once Upon a Time in the Stars". Is this going to lead the rise of domestic science fiction films?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "I don't know if it is rising or not. Anyway, I can only say that I try my best to shoot every work well, and I am just an investor and art director for this movie. The director is someone else. .”

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Hu Jun smiled and said, "It seems that you are very confident in this movie!"

"Of course." Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "I gave this movie to the Monkey King. Maybe the box office will surpass the "Wandering Planet" I shot before."

Hu Jun exclaimed: "Really, this is not a sci-fi film that you and Director Zhuo collaborated on. Can it surpass your previous "Wandering Planet"?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "I believe there is no problem, I have read the script of this movie is very good, and the most important thing for a sci-fi movie is the plot and special effects."

""Once Upon a Time in the Stars" has no problem with the plot. In terms of special effects, I invited three of the best special effects teams in the country, and my team of Li Mu and Liu Haiquan from Qingchen Entertainment came back to produce it together. , I believe it will be possible to create a domestically produced hardcore sci-fi movie that shocks the world."

After 15 minutes, the Starlight Film Festival Awards Gala officially began.

The host is Mr. Sa Beining, the head host of the national TV station. He is matched with only one actor, Huang Bai, who performed very well in the previous film festival.

As soon as the two came up, Sa Beining made fun of Huang Bai.

"Brother Bai, let me ask you a question. From June last year to June this year, which movie impressed you the most. I can only say one."

Huang Bai said without hesitation: "Of course it is "Changjin Lake". Apart from the box office of the movie, many people can only admire it, and more importantly, it is Teacher Gu's work."

Sa Beining said: "Then why didn't I see you in "Changjin Lake"?"

When Huang Bai heard this question, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at Sa Beining, and said, "It seems that you didn't ask this question during the rehearsal, right?"

Sabining said with a smile: "Some accidents will always happen at any party, just get used to it."

Huang Bai said: "Habits are habits, but your accident is too early. I didn't find the reason. It may be that my temperament is slightly inconsistent with "Changjin Lake"!"

Sa Beining said: "Is it slightly inconsistent, or very inconsistent, Mr. Gu, what do you think?"

The photographer's lens immediately focused on Gu Chenfeng.

A staff member quickly gave him a microphone, and Gu Chenfeng stood up and said, "I even have the microphone ready for me, and you said there was no rehearsal, who would believe it?"

"Hahahaha!" The audience and artists at the scene all burst into laughter.

Gu Chenfeng said: "The reason why I didn't find Brother Bai is mainly because I think Brother Bai's appearance and temperament are too shocking. To put it bluntly, "Changjin Lake" is an anti-war film, and it is really not worthy of Brother Bai."

Huang Bai glanced at the corner of his mouth when he heard the words, and said: "The whole sentence sounds like a compliment to me, but if you take it apart and listen to it, it's just mocking me."

"Hahaha!" Everyone at the scene burst into laughter again.

Sa Bining on the stage also suppressed a smile, and continued to ask: "Then what kind of role do you think Brother Bo's shocking appearance and temperament are suitable for?"

Gu Chenfeng said: "He is more suitable for the kind of very characteristic roles such as petty thieves, illegal traders, local hooligans, etc., which can be said to be rare in a century."

Hearing this, Huang Bai said angrily, "Isn't there such a thing after 100 years of relationship?"

The audience roared with laughter again.

Numerous netizens also had a round of fairness in the webcast room.

"I'm going, this is too funny, this is an awards ceremony!"

"Sa Beining, Huang Bai, and Gu Chenfeng, this is simply a humorous group!"

"Teacher Gu is really amazing, his reaction is too fast, a few words can detonate the audience."

"If Mr. Gu can be the host once, the show will definitely be very popular."

"I don't know if they have rehearsed. If not, it will be amazing."

"There must have been no rehearsal. Mr. Gu just came to the capital today."


It is true that the three of them had no rehearsal before, and the reason why Sa Bining and Huang Bai approached Gu Chenfeng was mainly because they had confidence in him. Sure enough, the humorous opening was perfect, and the atmosphere was instantly opened up.

After teasing several other popular award-winning artists, the awards ceremony officially began.

As usual, the first award is for Best Screenplay.

With the film "Changjin Lake", Gu Chenfeng won another Best Screenplay Award without any suspense.

Gu Chenfeng took the trophy, stood in front of the microphone, and began to deliver his acceptance speech.

"I am very grateful to the organizing committee for awarding me the trophy of the Best Screenplay Award. I searched for each other, and your eyes are always so good."

"Hahaha!" Everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

Gu Chenfeng on the stage continued: "The script is the beginning of a movie, and it is also the core thing. Once the script is written, even a bad director can make a good movie."

"If the script is not good, no one will buy the movie no matter how good your director is."

"But in the entertainment industry, the salary of screenwriters has always been very low compared to actors. I once heard that a very senior screenwriter spent three years writing a book and only got 200 yuan. Ten thousand."

"And a third- and fourth-tier actor can get far more than 200 million yuan in salary for shooting a movie. One can imagine how big the gap is."

"As a screenwriter, I am very aware of the pain of writing a script. Therefore, I dare to say something for all screenwriters in China. I hope that the producers and directors in the entertainment industry can pay attention to our industry and improve their performance. Screenwriter's remuneration."

"Only in this way can more people be attracted to the screenwriting industry. If there are more screenwriters, there will be more scripts, and the chances of being cheated will naturally increase greatly."

"Okay, that's all I want to say today, thank you everyone."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng bowed to the audience, then walked off the podium and returned to his seat.

However, there was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

Because no one expected that Gu Chenfeng, who has always been somewhat humorous, would say these words so solemnly in this award acceptance speech.

The webcast room was full of barrage.

"I feel that Mr. Gu seems to be different from before!"

"Yes, I found out too. Could it be that Mr. Gu's mood has changed as he grows older?"

"Nonsense, anyone's state of mind will change with age."

"Sure enough, the ass determines the head. Mr. Gu is more concerned about the entire industry now."

"But Mr. Gu is right. In comparison, the remuneration of screenwriters is indeed too low. Their remuneration should be increased."

"That's right, some screenwriters have spent a long time writing a script, but the result is not as high as those stars who starred in it for half a month."

"Support Teacher Gu, support the screenwriter."


After Gu Chenfeng won the best screenplay, he won two awards for best editing and best sound effects.

However, these Gu Chenfeng seemed very indifferent, without any excitement or excitement.

Every Starlight Awards gala will always be interspersed with some performances, and the guest of this performance is Gu Chenfeng.

It's just that the program team didn't disclose that Gu Chenfeng would sing.

After the Best Visual Effects Award was awarded to Zhang Yimou, Sa Bining walked onto the stage and said, "Next, I would like to invite you to enjoy two songs, singing about an excellent movie that has won three awards before."

"Who is this person, everyone still knows, don't I need to say it?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Gu Chenfeng!"

Sa Beining smiled and said: "That's right, then let us give the warmest applause and welcome Gu Chenfeng to bring us a song "Infernal Affairs."

Amidst the warm applause and cheers of the audience, the scene of the classic film and television work "Infernal Affairs" also appeared on the big screen behind the stage.

"give me a chance!"

"How can I give you a chance?"

"Before I had no choice, now I want to be a good person."

"Okay, go tell the judge and see if he tells you to be a good person."

"Then you want me to die?"

"Sorry, I'm a policeman!"

"Who knows?"

The classic lines and characters immediately outline the fans' meeting with this movie, there is no way, this movie is too classic no matter it is on earth or in this world.

After the dialogue ended, the prelude to the song "Infernal Affairs" sounded.

Wearing a black suit, Gu Chenfeng took the elevator and slowly appeared in front of everyone.

There was a clear applause at the scene.

Gu Chenfeng basically seldom sang on stage since he participated in King of Singers, but everyone knows that he has perfect singing skills, and his creative ability is even more amazing.

Therefore, every time he sings live will make everyone feel very rare.

Reba said softly: "Sister Mimi, Teacher Gu's popularity is so high!"

Yang Mi smiled wryly and said, "Have you seen that he has sung on stage recently? It's been a long time since he sang on stage, and now that he's on stage to sing, his fans will naturally be very excited."

"That's right, but Teacher Gu's singing is really good!" Reba dragged his chin with both hands, looking at Gu Chenfeng who was about to sing on stage, with a nympho on his face.

Seeing this, Yang Mi shook her head helplessly. Sometimes it's really hard to say about feelings, and Reba's feelings for Gu Chenfeng are undoubtedly like moths flying into the flames, but no matter how Yang Mi persuades her, it's useless.

On the stage at this time, Gu Chenfeng had already started to sing.

"No, I don't want to end;"

"I am not finished yet, the endless journey;"

"Look at my unstoppable steps;"

"Have forgotten where I am;"

"Who can change the length of life;"

"Who knows how terrible eternity is;"

"Who knows that survival is often crueler than fate;"

"It's just that no one wants to admit defeat;"


Gu Chenfeng didn't care about the enthusiastic feedback from the audience at all. He had completely substituted his emotions into the plot of "Infernal Affairs", with a calm, thick and magnetic voice.

A pair of melancholy and deep eyes, full of charming charm.

The wonderful filming of "Infernal Affairs" on the big screen combined with Gu Chenfeng's singing voice directly involved everyone.

"We are all on the go, forgetting the way out;"

"Pursue occasional gratification amid disappointment;"

"We all escape the pain of waking in our dreams;"

"Wandering in the dim light;"

"If you can't go to the end, go back to the origin;"

"Stay together on the endless road;"


At the end of the first stanza, everyone at the scene has been substituted into "Infernal Affairs", and everyone is intoxicated by it.

When the second paragraph was approaching, Gu Chenfeng interspersed the wonderful rivalry scenes in the film, and there were three loud noises, which shocked everyone's hearts.

The first sound was that Huang Zhicheng was thrown to death, the second sound was that Han Chen was shot to death, and the third sound was that Chen Yongren was shot in the face.

This is the most shocking part of the movie. After being edited together, the audience at the scene were not calm.

"Damn, I can't take it anymore."

"Teacher Gu is worthy of being a famous director, this editing is really awesome."

"After I go back, I must go online and watch "Infernal Affairs" twice."


In the second verse of the lyrics, Gu Chenfeng slightly raised the tone, making his emotions fuller and richer, vividly interpreting the impermanence of fate.

When it came to the chorus, everyone in the audience sang together.

"It's rare to be confused along the way;"

"Looking back along the way is rarely numb;"

"On this intimate road;"

"Let me be like you, and you be like me, how can I be lonely;"

"We are all on the go, forgetting the way out;"

"Pursue occasional gratification amid disappointment;"

"We all escape the pain of waking in our dreams;"

"Wandering in the dim light;"

"Since there is no end, go back to the origin;"

"I don't think we both...don't care;"


After the chorus was over, the overwhelming applause and cheers almost toppled the roof of the Beijing Grand Theater.

The webcast room is also very lively at the moment, and netizens leave messages and discuss it.

"This is the strength of a singer at the level of a king!"

"Teacher Gu sang really well."

"What I like to watch the most is Teacher Gu singing live."

"This singing skill is simply invincible!"

"Although Mr. Gu doesn't often sing on stage, every time he goes on stage, he can make people feel extremely amazing."

"I don't know what teacher Gu's second song will be about?"


At the scene of No Heaven, Gu Chenfeng said after singing a song, "To tell the truth, I actually feel that the song "Infernal Affairs" is a bit depressing and deep, so my favorite is something like "Serving the Country with Loyalty" song."

"Bold and generous, impassioned, can inspire people's spirits, so the name of my song below is "Hua Guo Wuhun", and it is about the unique narrow sense spirit of our Hua country. I hope everyone will like it."

After the voice fell, before the audience had time to react, the passionate drumbeats had already sounded.

Gu Chenfeng changed his melancholy when he sang "Infernal Affairs" before, and his gaze became lightning-fast, full of pride.

Holding the microphone, he said in a loud voice: "Zhao Keman and Huying, Wu hooks are bright with frost and snow, silver saddles shine on white horses, rustle like shooting stars, kill a person in ten steps, and never stay behind for thousands of miles. name."

"Passing through Xinling to drink, take off the sword and knees, will burn Zhuhai, hold the cup to persuade Hou Ying, three cups of vomit, the five mountains are light; after the eyes are dazzled and the ears are hot, the spirit is full of vitality;"

"Save Zhao with a golden hammer, HD will be shocked first; the two strong men of Qianqiu will be the hero of Daliang City; the heroic bones of the dead will be worthy of being the best in the world; who can write Your Excellency, the White Head Taixuan Sutra;"

A piece of "Xia Ke Xing" was slowly recited from Gu Chenfeng's mouth. With the passionate drumbeat, it made people feel a burst of enthusiasm and goose bumps all over their bodies.

The word is simply too grand.

There seemed to be a knight-errant in front of everyone, walking around the world with a long sword in his hand, despising life and death, valuing promises, performing chivalry and helping the poor.

At this time, pictures also appeared on the big screen on the stage, all of which were edited by Gu Chenfeng from the previous martial arts movies, and then pieced together.

Coupled with the bold and majestic melody, it further highlights the ancient chivalrous spirit of the whole song.

"The clouds gather and disperse, and the flames rise;"

"Looking at the sea through the ages, who do you say is in the narrow sense;"

"Who are the children in the narrow sense;"

"Feelings are always there, love and hate;"

"Iron bones and steel knives dance upright;"


"Youdao is a confidant who is full of blood;"

"The thousand cups of wine offered to heaven;"

"Right and wrong in the world, good and evil will eventually be rewarded;"

"Ups and downs, joys and sorrows are endless;"

"Only the loyal liver and righteous courage, only the loyal liver and righteous courage;"

"He was moved!"


Gu Chenfeng's performance was high-pitched and heroic, full of the curiosity of the rivers and lakes, emerging like a mighty Yangtze River.

Listening to everyone's ears, people can't help but feel like screaming up to the sky, the adrenaline soars rapidly, and the blood boils.

Chinese people, whether male or female, have a martial arts dream, and Gu Chenfeng's singing is about this dream, so it can arouse great resonance from everyone.

Especially after everyone saw the scenes edited by Gu Chenfeng from more than 20 previous martial arts movies on the big screen, it made everyone even more excited and excited.

Netizens in the webcast room were also not calm.

"This song "Hua Guo Wuhun" is simply amazing!"

"Teacher Gu has completely sung the narrow sense!"

"When I heard Teacher Gu's song, I felt goosebumps all over my body."

"This is the real good song, it makes people's blood boil."

"Every time I hear Mr. Gu's songs, I can't help but be brought into the songs by him."


At this time, Gu Chenfeng continued to sing.

"Yin and Yang, heaven and earth, good and evil, wind and rain;"

"Look at the history of Bandai, who is writing the heroes;"

"Write heroic deeds;"

"Wandering in the rivers and lakes, life and death come and go;"

"Unyielding tenderness;"

"Youdao means keeping promises and emphasizing friendship;"

"The one who cares less about fame than gain;"

"Let me hold hands and look at the world of mortals and tears;"

"Flying in the sky, flying the whip and juechen to travel thousands of miles;"

"Only stay loyal and chivalrous;"

"Danxin and chivalry, he moved the world;"


When singing the second verse, Gu Chenfeng's voice was also desolate and heroic, with a turbulent atmosphere, especially when it came to the chorus, he directly raised it by an octave.

The sound was like a flood that broke a bank, and it was unstoppable, pushing the momentum of the whole song to the limit.

On the big screen at this moment, the sun is setting, the desert is windy and sandy, and Reba is riding a group of horses away.

When the last note fell, it happened that she tightened the reins, turned her head around, and her appearance was full of chicness and sharpness.

Zhang Yingxia in the sunset, the most handsome is a scene in "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate".

"I'll go, it's so beautiful!"


Everyone at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed.

After the song "Hua Guo Wuhun" ended, there was deafening applause at the scene.

Reba clapped his hands vigorously and said, "Sister Mi, how about it, the last picture of me is very beautiful!"

Yang Mi looked at Gu Chenfeng who was bowing to thank him on the stage, and said, "That's because he sang well and edited well."

While clapping his hands, Zhang Yimou said, "Chenfeng's singing skills are really outstanding. I have heard many excellent singers sing, but none of them can sing with such feeling."

"If any movie needs a theme song in the future, I can give it to him."

Xu Ke, the big director next to him, said: "I think the clips he edited helped a lot, and they matched his songs very well. After all, he is an internationally renowned director and a well-known domestic music creator. His strength is really too strong. "

Since "Seven Deadly Sins" got such a good box office, Gu Chenfeng's reputation as an internationally renowned director has been completely established, and his status in the director circle has also been greatly improved.

After Gu Chenfeng sang two songs, he returned to his seat.

Reba in the back row patted Gu Chenfeng on the shoulder, gave him a thumbs up, and said excitedly, "Mr. Gu, you sing really well."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "That's right, if it's not good, then there's something wrong."

Yang Mi said: "Teacher Gu, you really can't boast. Although I admit that it is really good, can't you be more humble?"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged and said, "What is humility, can it be eaten?"

Yang Mi was speechless.

Time flies, and the Best Supporting Actor began to be awarded in a blink of an eye. In the movie "Changjin Lake", two actors were nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

What made Gu Chenfeng happy was that Lei Gong played by Hu Jun beat the other six shortlisted actors and won the Best Supporting Actor.

Of course, this is well-deserved for Mr. Hu Jun, who is at the actor level.

Hu Jun walked to the podium with steady steps, and said: "Although I know that I have a lot of luck in winning this award, because in the movie "Changjin Lake", Mr. Duan Yihong's performance It's also very good."

"But I'm still very grateful to the upcoming jury for awarding me the trophy for Best Supporting Actor. I remember that when Director Gu sent me the script of "Changjin Lake", I read it no less than five times in one go."

"I feel that the setting of the characters and the idea of ​​the plot are really wonderful, and this script has its special meaning, and it is very different from the previous anti-war dramas."

"So I immediately called Director Gu and told him that I would like to take the role. I would like to thank Director Gu. Without him, my grandma would not be able to get on the podium for a few days."

When Hu Jun said this, the photographer on the scene immediately pointed the camera at Gu Chenfeng, and he applauded with a smile on his face.

After Best Supporting Actor comes Best Actor and Actress. Surprisingly, the Best Actor of the Starlight Awards this time has a double yolk egg, and they are all from the same movie "Changjin Lake".

It is Wu Qianli played by Gu Chenfeng and Wu Wanli played by Qianxi.

In the warm applause of the audience, the two walked onto the stage together.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Qianxi, you come first."

Qianxi hurriedly said respectfully: "Brother, you are the director, you come first."

Gu Chenfeng smiled wryly: "This is the fourth time I've come up here, I really don't know what to say."

"Hahaha!" The audience at the scene burst into laughter when they heard his words.

Hearing this, Qianxi was a little envious, and at the same time he knew that Gu Chenfeng was deliberately giving way to him.

So he walked to the microphone and said, "To be honest, I deserve this award, not to mention the other actors, but the big brother next to me is much better than me , so I am very grateful to the Starlight Awards jury for their recognition."

"The film "Changjin Lake" is the first time I have worked with Mr. Gu. In this film, although the conditions are very difficult, I really learned a lot."

"In front of Mr. Gu, I am really a student. During filming, Mr. Gu taught me many things, so here I would like to thank Mr. Gu grandly."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and bowed deeply to Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng originally wanted to turn around and not accept this gift, but now that so many people are watching, if he did this, wouldn't it embarrass Qianxi?
So in the end he still accepted the gift and nodded with a smile.

Although Gu Chenfeng felt that he could not bear such a big gift, in Qianxi's mind, Gu Chenfeng had taught him so many things, so he could fully afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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