Hearing Xiao Li's words, Liu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said, "Xiao Li, after joining Qingchen Entertainment Company, is there anything you need to pay attention to?"

Xiao Li thought for a while and said: "Actually, there is nothing special to pay attention to. The main thing is that the artist's private life must be checked and cannot violate morality and laws."

"Also, there are a lot of high-quality resources within the company, and there are also many artists with strong acting skills. It is inevitable that two artists will fall in love with the same role at the same time."

"If it was in other companies, those artists would definitely use various means to scramble for it, but in our Qingchen Entertainment Company, we can only use acting skills to rob it openly, and absolutely cannot use other means to rob it secretly."

"This is the iron law." When Xiao Li said this, he deliberately added the accent.

Then he continued: "Anyone who dares to disobey will lose resources in the slightest, and will be fired directly by the company in severe cases."

"Take the recent "Legend of the Condor Heroes" as an example. Almost all the male actors in our company want to play the role of Guo Jing. One of the newcomers' agent called the director to ask for help."

"As a result, when the company found out about it, it immediately disqualified him from the audition. After investigation, it was found that the agent made the decision without authorization, so the company didn't fire the newcomer."

"If it is found out that he has a relationship with that newcomer, then he will definitely be fired from the company."

After listening to Xiao Li's words, Liu Yu gasped and exclaimed, "This is too strict!"

Xiao Li shook his head, and said: "The internal competition of the company must be fair and just. Only in this way, other artists will be convinced. This is a good thing for the company and the artists, and everyone can be harmonious. getting along."

Wan Qianqian, who hadn't finished speaking, said: "I personally think that the company is doing the right thing. If it uses all means to compete for the role, then the company will definitely fall into endless battles. At that time, whether it is right or wrong It is not good for the company or for the artists."

"That's right, there is another point that requires unity!" Xiao Li added: "We don't bully others, but we can't be subject to others' ups and downs. If an artist is being bullied by outsiders during filming."

"No matter who the other party is, no matter what the status of the other party is, the artists of our Qingchen Entertainment Company must dare to resist, and the company and other artists must stand up and help with all their strength!"

"This is Mr. Gu's request. Of course, the premise of all this is that you must be reasonable."

"If you don't take it seriously, it's over. Not only will the company not help you get ahead, but it will also deal with you."

Liu Yu said with a smile: "No wonder Qingchen Entertainment pays so much attention to the artist's character and acting skills, that's why!"

Xiao Li said: "These three are the most important for an artist, and there are some other regulations. After you officially join the company, you can read the relevant manual of the company. It is clearly written on it."

Wan Qianqian asked suddenly: "By the way, does the company have any regulations on the marriage of artists?"

"No!" Xiao Li shook his head and said, "As long as it conforms to morality and law, the company will not impose any restrictions on the artist's personal affairs."

"I see!" Wan Qianqian nodded and said, "Xiao Li, thank you."

"You're welcome!" Xiao Li shook his head with a smile and said, "Okay, you guys can stay here for now, I have other things to do."

After speaking, he left the house.

After Liu Yu sent Xiao Li away, she came back and looked at Wan Qianqian and asked, "Qianqian, how do you feel?"

Wan Qianqian replied: "I feel that Qingchen Entertainment is fundamentally different from the entertainment company I was in before, or many entertainment companies in China."

"Yes!" Liu Yu also nodded with deep emotion, and said, "Qingchen Company not only steals the spotlight with its strength, but also treats artists very well. It can almost be described as pampering."

"Now I finally understand why artists in the entertainment industry want to enter Qingchen regardless of the cost, because, here is the real home, and it needs resources and resources, and more importantly, the company is so loving."

Wan Qianqian smiled and said, "Sister, I like the environment here."

Liu Yudao: "Sooner or later, you will be an entertainer of Qingchen, so don't worry, your most important task now is to get the audition for the heroine of "Traveling in the Stars". If you can get this role, it will definitely be an important turning point in your acting career .”

Wan Qianqian nodded heavily, and said, "Yes, I understand."

The next morning, Wan Qianqian came to Qingchen Entertainment Company and knocked on the door of Zhang Qingqing's office.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng had arrived at the company and were waiting in Zhang Qingqing's office.

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhang Qingqing said to Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng who were drinking tea: "It should be Qianqian."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to the door: "Come in."

Soon, Wan Qianqian and Liu Yu walked in.

When Wan Qianqian saw Gu Chenfeng and Luo Qingcheng, she was slightly taken aback, but this trance quickly disappeared.

Gu Chenfeng stood up and greeted with a smile: "Miss Wan, hello!"

Wan Qianqian said respectfully, "Hello Director Gu, hello Ms. Luo!"

Luo Qingcheng smiled and said, "Hello!"

Gu Chenfeng saw that Wan Qianqian was wearing a white dress and a pair of slippers under his feet today. He nodded slightly and said, "The clothes you chose today are very suitable for the role of "Traveling in the Stars". Miss Wan, you Can you speak English?"

Wan Qianqian said: "When I was in college, I once went abroad to study. If it is normal English communication, there is no problem."

"Very good!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "The audition clip I gave you is a large paragraph of lines. Next, I want you to play a rival scene with me in fluent English. Note that I used Chinese."

"Now, you have five minutes to prepare."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Wan Qianqian took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to look for the feeling of the character.

After about 3 minutes, Wan Qianqian slowly opened his eyes, with a trace of madness and persistence in his eyes.

Gu Chenfeng knew that she was ready, so he spoke the first line in a completely emotionless tone.

Zhang Qingqing glanced at Gu Chenfeng from the side, and thought to himself, Teacher Gu is really a rotten person.

Speaking lines in English is not an easy task for Huaguo actors. Now Gu Chenfeng still speaks lines so dryly, without any emotion. For Wan Qianqian, the difficulty is undoubtedly increased. many times.

Fortunately, Wan Qianqian withstood the severe test and fully interpreted the role before she came out.

After the performance, Gu Chenfeng didn't say anything on the spot, while Luo Qingcheng and Zhang Qingqing applauded at the same time.

Gu Chenfeng frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "I'm auditioning, can you two stop making trouble?"

Zhang Qingqing shrank her neck and immediately became quiet.

But Luo Qingcheng said: "Husband, I think Qianqian's performance just now is very good!"

"Yes?" Gu Chenfeng looked at Wan Qianqian who had just recovered from the emotions of the character, and asked, "If the full score is [-], how much would you rate Miss Wan's performance?"

After a moment of silence, Wan Qianqian said: "Because of your interference, I think I only played 80.00% of my level, so I should be able to get six points."

"That's right!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "Your performance can reach 6.5 points at most, which is far from being excellent."

At this time Zhang Qingqing said: "Mr. Gu, you have adjusted the difficulty so high and deliberately affected her performance. It is very rare for Qianqian to be able to perform to this level."

Wan Qianqian smiled wryly, "Thank you, Sister Zhang and Miss Luo, for speaking well of me, and also thank Director Gu for giving me this chance to audition."

"I'm not the kind of person who can't afford to lose. If it doesn't work this time, then next time."

"I didn't say you couldn't do it." Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "You can memorize the lines fluently in one day, and you can get more than six points under my strong interference."

"Sister Zhang is right. This is indeed very rare. There are not many actresses in Huaguo who can possess this kind of acting skills."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Wan Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, but Zhang Qingqing said happily, "Why is Qianqian still standing there stupidly, why don't you hurry up and thank Teacher Gu?"

Wan Qianqian asked in disbelief, "Director Gu, you mean I passed the audition?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, took out a script, and said, "This is the finished script of "A Tour of the Stars". You can take it home and think about it carefully. I hope you can thoroughly understand this character before filming begins."

Wan Qianqian was full of surprises, bowed deeply to Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Thank you Director Gu, I will definitely not let you down."

After receiving the script from Gu Chenfeng, Wan Qianqian was so excited that she was about to cry. She has been in the entertainment circle for seven years since she graduated from university.

Only she knows the bitterness and bitterness of it. Today, Gu Chenfeng invited her to play the leading role in a sci-fi movie that can be screened around the world.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "I believe in you, go back and prepare well. If there are no accidents, the crew will start up after two months."

"Okay!" Wan Qianqian responded, and then said to Zhang Qingqing and Luo Qingcheng: "Thank you, Miss Luo, and thank you, Sister Zhang."

Afterwards, she left Zhang Qingqing's office.

After coming out of Qingchen Entertainment Company, Liu Yu who had been waiting outside hastily greeted her and asked, "Qianqian, how are you doing?"

Wan Qianqian shook the script in her hand and said excitedly, "Sister, I succeeded."

"Ouye~~~" Liu Yu jumped up excitedly when he heard it, and said excitedly: "That's great, Qianqian, I knew you would be able to do it."

After finishing speaking, she had already shed tears of excitement at this time.

At this moment, Wan Qianqian's eyes were also red, and she said, "Okay, sister, don't cry, there are still many people outside."

Liu Yu wiped away her tears, and said, "I didn't cry, I was too happy. By the way, I have something to report to Sister Zhang."

Wan Qianqian was taken aback, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Yudao: "Shen Longyuan just called me and asked you to film an idol drama."

Upon hearing this, Wan Qianqian frowned and said, "He did it on purpose."

"Yes!" Liu Yu said viciously: "The purpose of his doing this is not us, but to build a relationship with Qingchen."

Wan Qianqian asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Of course I went to tell Sister Zhang!" Liu Yu said without hesitation, "Have you forgotten what she said yesterday?"

Of course Wan Qianqian didn't forget it, but she just came to the company, and she wasn't even considered an official artist of Qingchen Entertainment, if she bothered Zhang Qingqing about this matter, she would feel somewhat embarrassed.

Liu Yu obviously saw Wan Qianqian's careful thinking, and said, "Actually, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. After you become popular in the future, just make more money for the company."

Five minutes later, Liu Yu put down the phone.

Wan Qianqian hurriedly asked, "What did Sister Zhang say?"

Liu Yudao: "Sister Zhang has equipped you with two female bodyguards to protect your safety. As for Shen Longyuan, Sister Zhang said that the company will take care of it. Let's go, let's have a big meal and celebrate."

"Okay!" Wan Qianqian said with a smile.

As long as this mess is resolved and she can film with peace of mind, for Wan Qianqian, that is the greatest happiness.

Two days later, a piece of news made Wan Qianqian and Liu Yu almost jump up in place with joy.

Shen Longyuan, who had always wanted to bully Wan Qianqian, was found out for tax evasion and was investigated by the relevant department, and the results of the investigation came out soon.

As the president of Longyuan Entertainment Company, Shen Longyuan used various methods to evade taxes as high as 12 million in the past 390 years. He was sentenced for ten years and fined [-] million.

After Liu Yu heard the news, he was so happy, and said excitedly: "Shen Longyuan, the bastard, finally went in. Now we are free."

"If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself!" Wan Qianqian said with a little emotion: "He is responsible for all of this. Sister, do you think this matter is the work of Sister Zhang?"

"What's the point?" Liu Yu said with a smile, "Longyuan Entertainment has been rampant in the industry for so many years, and nothing has happened to it. As a result, just after offending Qingchen, the president was arrested."

"If you say that there is no relationship between the two, do you believe it?"

Wan Qianqian shook her head and said, "The main reason is that I didn't expect Sister Zhang to be so powerful."

Liu Yu smiled and said, "Actually, Mr. Gu behind Sister Zhang is the one who is really powerful. He is the most powerful. However, the more powerful Sister Zhang is, the more we can sit back and relax and film well."

"You have always wanted to concentrate on making movies, and now that Qingchen Entertainment is behind you, it must be no problem."

"That's true!" Wan Qianqian nodded, and said, "Sister, Mr. Gu's script is very clever. In the next month or so, I will concentrate on studying the script and help me push off all other work. Bar!"

"No problem!" Liu Yu nodded heavily, and said, "The most important thing for you now is to get the character of "Astronomy in the Stars" done well. I have a feeling that this movie is very likely to become your world The most important step in cinema."

"Qianqian, come on, I believe you can do it."

Wan Qianqian hummed, and said, "I will definitely work hard."

On the other side, Gu Chenfeng brought the finished film of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" to the Lighthouse Country, and met Herman, the CEO of Disney Films.

The Disney film company today is completely different from what it was two years ago.

After the success of the "Harry Potter" series of films, Disney Films made persistent efforts and launched three consecutive box office hit films, and the market value directly soared to 500 billion U.S. dollars, ranking fourth among the six giants in Hollywood up.

And all of this can be said to be brought about by Gu Chenfeng's "Harry Potter", so Herman is very grateful and respectful to Gu Chenfeng.

"Mr. Gu, there is absolutely no problem with the release of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars". Can we watch the finished film in advance?" Herman asked very respectfully.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem."

Soon, Herman led more than a dozen people from Disney's film review department to the company's small theater and watched the movie "Once Upon a Time Between the Stars".

After more than two hours, the movie ended.

Herman stood up and asked, "Noke, you are the person in charge of the review department, please tell me first, how is this "Once Upon a Time Interstellar"?"

After a moment of silence, Nock said, "I think this movie is very good, both in terms of story and visual effects, and the sci-fi color cast it uses is different from Hollywood, and it looks very novel."

"If the full score is [-], I would give this movie an eight or more. The reason why I didn't give it a nine is because I am not sure whether this novel setting and shooting method can conquer movie fans."

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I have to tell the truth." After Noke answered, he smiled apologetically at Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "What I want is the truth!"

At this time, Herman asked other personnel in the review department, and everyone basically said the same thing as Nock.

After seeing this scene, Herman said: "Okay, then everyone will sign a non-disclosure agreement now, and then we can leave."

After everyone signed the non-disclosure agreement, they left.

Herman also brought Gu Chenfeng back to his office, and said, "Mr. Gu, we Disney is willing to bear all the expenses for the promotion and distribution of the movie "Once Upon a Time Between the Stars". What do you think?"

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Mr. Herman, didn't you hear that those film reviewers are not sure whether this kind of film can conquer fans."

"But the problem is that the movie "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" conquered me!" Herman said: "As an ordinary movie fan, I think this movie will definitely be liked by movie fans, so it will be a big hit at the box office."

"I don't want to miss this opportunity to make money."

Gu Chenfeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Then how much are you going to contribute, and how much of the box office will you take?"

Herman stretched out five fingers and said, "5000 million US dollars, 20.00% of the box office in Europe and America, what do you think?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "I need to discuss this matter with a few other partners. After all, I did not invest in this movie alone. If they are at the same time, I will ask professionals to negotiate with you. of."

"Okay!" Herman nodded and said, "I hope we can cooperate happily again."

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "By the way, besides dealing with the screening of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", I have another more important thing to do this time, that is, I am going to shoot a new movie. The name of the movie is "Traveling in the Stars."

"I checked the artists under the Disney Film Company before, and there are a few who agree with the key characters of the movie. Can you help me ask if they have a schedule?"

"No problem!" Herman's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and said, "Mr. Gu, how much did you invest in this movie? Is it about the same as "Seven Deadly Sins"?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head and said: "This is a science fiction film, and the investment is several times that of "The Seven Deadly Sins". My initial plan is [-] million US dollars. If Disney is willing to invest, I can give you a maximum of [-]% Ten's share."

The next filming needs to use the team under the Disney film company, and Gu Chenfeng doesn't mind giving them a little sweetness.

Herman was obviously very interested after listening to it, so he asked, "Can I read the script?"

"Of course!" Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly.

Although Gu Chenfeng said it with a smile, he was actually a little unhappy in his heart.

He has cooperated with Disney so many times and made Disney make money every time, but even so, Herman still doesn't believe him. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't happy.

This kind of person is cautious at best, and indecisive at worst.

So Gu Chenfeng discovered that this guy had changed. When Disney was in crisis, Herman was very shrewd, but now that Disney succeeded, he seemed to have lost his motivation and became timid.

In the entertainment circle, it has always been like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Herman's change is not a good thing for Disney to come to Husou.

It took a week for Gu Chenfeng to finally set up the production crew of "Traveling in the Stars". He divided the production team into three groups and asked the person in charge to go out and find a suitable outer diameter.

In addition to the very attractive setting of "Traveling in the Stars", the most important thing is the production of special effects screens.

For this reason, Gu Chenfeng is the best special effects company in Huaguo, and the best special effects company in Hollywood, Industrial Light and Magic, Weta special effects company.

Before the filming started, the three special effects companies had already started the pre-shooting preparations.

After working for more than half a month, the trailer of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" appeared in front of fans all over the world.

Except for Huaguo and Asia, the promotion of the film in Europe and the United States is handed over to Disney. This is also a decision made after Guo Fan and others agreed.

In their view, it is already very good to be released globally, and it is hard to say whether the film will be successful globally, but now that Disney is willing to pay for the publicity, they are naturally happy.

Moreover, Disney not only won the promotion of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" in Europe and America, but also invested 5000 million US dollars in "Astronomy", accounting for [-]% of the shares.

The trailer of "Once Upon a Time in Interstellar" is very short, only 30 seconds, but the various special effects screens appearing in it, after watching it, fans immediately have a sense of grandeur.

The 30-second screen has attracted the attention of countless movie fans.

Compared with Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters, "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" is very unique in visual effects, giving people a refreshing feeling.

Countless movie fans posted messages in the comment area.

"Fuck, you are awesome!"

"Judging from the trailer, the movie "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" seems to be very unusual!"

"I'll go, are there aliens in there? And games can be played in this movie?"

"I really didn't expect that Huaguo would be able to make such a hard-core sci-fi movie. It is indeed a sci-fi movie that Mr. Gu shot, and it did not disappoint."

"Produced by Mr. Gu, it must be a high-quality product!"

"I hope "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" can be released sometime."


Not only domestic movie fans, but also many crooked movie fans, and their evaluations are also mostly positive.

"Is this really a sci-fi movie made by Huaguo?"

"The trailer for 'Once Upon a Time' is absolutely amazing, I'm definitely going to see it in theaters."

"As long as it is Gu's movie, I will support it."

"Gu never disappoints."

"I predict that "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" is likely to create a box office miracle!"


Not long after the trailer was launched, the pre-sale channel of "Once Upon a Time in Interstellar" opened. In just three days, the global pre-sale box office has exceeded [-] million US dollars, which caused an uproar among movie fans around the world.

Seeing that the situation is very good, when the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" was extremely busy, Gu Chenfeng also had to go to promote it.

Since among the actors of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars", except for Gu Chenfeng, others are not well-known overseas, so the overseas promotion work has become Gu Chenfeng's business alone.

After participating in five or six talk shows and variety shows in a row, Gu Chenfeng got on the plane again and returned to China to participate in domestic promotion.

There is no way, most of the actors in "Once Upon a Time in the Star" are newcomers, and Meng Beichen has just become popular, so the degree of topicality on them must not be able to support the promotion of this movie.

Therefore, only Gu Chenfeng can do it.

On May 22, "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" will finally premiere.

Guo Fan and Gu Chenfeng only invited a few close friends in the circle to watch the movie, and neither of the serious premieres was held.

Artists from Qingchen Entertainment Company, Reba, Yang Mi, Wang Yao and others also rushed over from their respective crews, even Zhuo Le, who was filming, also came back.

"Mr. Gu, isn't the premiere of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" a bit too shabby?" Zhuo Le couldn't help but said after seeing this scene, "This doesn't fit your identity at all!"

Gu Chenfeng rolled his eyes angrily, and said, "Old Guo is making a new movie, and I'm in the Lighthouse Country preparing for "Traveling in the Stars". Where can I find the time to launch a big promotional event?"

"Besides, it's not like you don't know that for a movie, if you want to get a high box office, the key is to look at the quality. It's useless to rely on publicity alone."

"Understood, I understand everything!" Zhuo Le showed a cheap smile.

However, Wang Yao, who was next to him, retorted: "Director Gu, your reason is not valid at all, okay, what does holding a grand premiere have to do with you, and you don't need to hire someone."

"Human favor!" Gu Chenfeng said: "What kind of debt is the most difficult to repay in the world, it is definitely a debt of favor."

Yu Qianle said: "Chenfeng, if we come to the premiere, does that mean you owe us a favor?"

Gu Chenfeng said angrily: "Then you give me your share of the box office, and I owe you a favor."

Yu Qian touched his nose and said, "That's impossible, I was just joking."



Everyone on the scene laughed.

At zero o'clock, "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" officially started.

The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a specially processed picture of the period.

Originally, this "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" was filmed according to Teacher Liu's "Three-Body Problem" on Earth, but it is much better than the one on Earth.

Its main story is about the astronomer Ye Wenjie, who went through disasters during the period and was brought to the military's top-secret project "Red Shore Project".

Ye Wenjie used the sun as an antenna to send the first cry of earth civilization to the universe, and made a breakthrough in the search for alien civilization.

Under the dominance of the three irregularly moving suns, the "Three-Body Civilization" four light-years away has been destroyed and reborn for more than a hundred times, and is being forced to flee from the parent star. At this time, they received a message from the earth .

Desperate for humanity, Ye Wenjie exposed the coordinates of the planet to Trisolarans, completely changing the destiny of mankind.

There is an abnormal disturbance in the basic science of the planet. Wang Miao, a nano-scientist, enters the mysterious online game "Three-Body Problem" and begins to gradually approach the truth of the world.

When Wang Miao participated in a player party, he came into contact with a secret organization (ETO) formed on Earth in response to the arrival of Trisolarans.

Through the "Guzheng Project" of the Huaguo District Operation Center of the planetary defense organization, to a certain extent, the attempts of the Salvationists and the Adventists to disrupt the thinking of the human scientific community and other fields were thwarted. The world decided to invade Earth.

After using super technology to lock down the basic science of the people on earth, the huge Trisolaran fleet began to march towards the earth, and the end of mankind came quietly.

Every frame in the film is extremely shocking.

Strangely shaped aliens, grand scenes of planetary explosions...
Many movie fans were fascinated by it.

Li Liangjie said with a look of disbelief: "Is this really a picture that a domestic special effects team can produce?"

Wu Jin next to him said with a smile, "Brother Jie, the special effects team of the entire "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" is indeed domestic, not a single foreigner is involved, otherwise we wouldn't be making the slogan of a purely domestic sci-fi movie."

Li Liangjie said in admiration: "Huaguo movies have developed to this day, and they can finally compete with Hollywood. By the way, how much did this movie cost?"

Wu Jin thought for a while and said, "I don't know the specifics, but all of them add up to more than a billion."

When Li Liangjie heard this, he couldn't help exclaiming: "One billion? My God, you really dare to play!"

Wu Jin said with a smile: "It's not counting overseas. Disney has undertaken overseas promotion and distribution, accounting for [-]% of the box office share, which is considered cheap for them."

Li Liangjie nodded and said, "Although this movie cost a lot of money, I think it's worth it."

After more than two hours, amidst the tragic and atmospheric music, the entire "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" came to an end.

The theater where Gu Chenfeng was located was quiet, and the movie fans seemed to have not yet come out of the shock of the movie.

Until the lights came on, everyone felt like waking up from a dream this time.

"Clap clap clap!"

"it is good!"

"This sci-fi film is simply too awesome. It's not far behind Mr. Gu's previous "Wandering Planet"!"

"The closed door of domestic sci-fi movies is finally about to be opened again."


Warm applause and cheers rang out in the theater.

Guo Fan brought the crew members, Gu Chenfeng, Meng Beichen and others to the stage, bowed to thank everyone, and then interacted with fans.

The media reporters outside the theater had already waited hopelessly.

Seeing the first batch of viewers come out, everyone immediately gathered around and interviewed, "Student, how about the movie "Once Upon a Time Between the Stars"?"

"It's super good-looking. This is another classic sci-fi movie in Huaguo. It's not much different from Mr. Gu's previous "Wandering Planet". It's even more exciting in its setting."

"Sir, if the full score is [-], how much would you give "Once Upon a Time in the Stars"?"

"More than 9.5 points!"

"Beauty, do you think the movie "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" can be compared with Hollywood sci-fi movies?"

"Hollywood? Sorry, our domestic sci-fi movies are the best. I dare say that "Once Upon a Time" is better than 90.00% of Hollywood sci-fi movies, and there are only one or two Hollywood sci-fi movies that are better than it. "

"Mr. Zhang, how do you rate the movie "Once Upon a Time Between the Stars"?"

"The picture is stunning, the setting is novel, the brain hole is big, the story is meticulous, it is definitely one of the most classic science fiction movies in the world. I never thought that Mr. Gu would be so successful when he made another science fiction movie."

"I didn't even think that the special effects industry in Huaguo has reached this level. It's simply amazing."

The Internet at this time was also very lively. Countless movie fans who watched "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" couldn't help but boarded the professional film review website of the Department of Culture to express their impressions of the movie.

"After watching "Once Upon a Time Interstellar", I just want to say that Huaguo science fiction movies have begun to flourish again."

"The real Huaguo hardcore sci-fi movies are even better than Hollywood sci-fi movies."

"The special effects can achieve this level, I am convinced."

"As expected of a big production with an investment of more than one billion yuan, "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" once again opened the door to science fiction movies in China."

"Ms. Gu's "Changjin Lake" is very weak in the domestic box office champion position. You will be broken by "Once Upon a Time in the Stars."

"Our goal is now the global box office champion."


It can be seen that after watching this movie, netizens like it very much, and they are also very optimistic about this movie.

The next day, the word-of-mouth of "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar" came out.

In one night, the film scored a super high score of 9.57 points on the professional film review website of the Department of Culture, and the number of people who rated it exceeded 18.

After Guo Fan saw this result, he was very happy and immediately called Gu Chenfeng.

"Mr. Gu, our "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" has succeeded." Guo Fan said excitedly after the call was passed.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Old Guo, do you know what is the most important thing in this century?"

"What?" Guo Fan was taken aback and asked in confusion.

"Calm down!" Gu Chenfeng replied with two words.

Guo Fan couldn't help laughing now, and said, "Mr. Gu, don't make fun of me. With such a high word-of-mouth score, I, a new director, really can't calm down!"

Gu Chenfeng said: "If you can't calm down with your grades now, then you will be in big trouble, because overseas scores will definitely not be lowered, so don't let your blood vessels burst with excitement!"

"That's not enough!" Guo Fan said with a grin, "My physical condition has always been very good. Mr. Gu, do you think "Once Upon a Time Between the Stars" can become popular overseas?"

"Of course!" Gu Chenfeng said with certainty, "I took "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" to be screened overseas. The first reason is that Huaguo's sci-fi movies can once again be recognized by fans all over the world."

"The second is to harvest the box office. I predict that the box office of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" is likely to surpass my previous "Changjin Lake"."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Guo Fan said excitedly: "The global box office of "Changjin Lake" is more than 70 billion US dollars. If "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" can achieve this result, then we will make a lot of money!"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, just wait and see!"

Soon, the box office of the world premiere of "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" came out, and it took in a total of 3.85 million U.S. dollars, of which Huaguo is the home of "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" and contributed 2.05 million U.S. dollars.
Among the films of the same period, it is a well-deserved box office champion, fully ahead of No.2 by [-] million US dollars.

What pleased Gu Chenfeng the most was that "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" adopted different shooting techniques and special effects from Hollywood sci-fi films, and won strong support from European and American movie fans.

On Rotten Tomatoes, "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" scored 90.00% freshness in one fell swoop.

""Once Upon a Time Interstellar" is a science fiction film, it has just been appraised."

"Atmospheric, full of humanity, this is the feeling of "Once Upon a Time" to me."

"Mr. Gu made another classic movie."

"Compared to Hollywood's special effects company in Huaguo, judging from this movie, it is even worse!"

"The success of "Once Upon a Time in Interstellar" fully demonstrates that the Huaguo film industry has made great progress in special effects. Coupled with a market that is larger than that of European and American countries combined, the rise of Huaguo movies is just around the corner!"


Driven by good word-of-mouth, "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" became more and more courageous.

The next day's global box office grossed $4.24 million.

On the third day, the global box office won 4.17 million US dollars.

On the fourth day, the global box office won 3.87 million US dollars.

On the fifth day, the global box office exceeded 5.51 million, reaching [-] million US dollars.

A week passed quickly, and the global box office of "Once Upon a Time Interstellar" has accumulated to 29.8 billion US dollars, sweeping the world film circle.

I'm angry!

This "Once Upon a Time Interstellar", which claims to be once again the backbone of domestic sci-fi films, has defeated countless films with an invincible attitude, and quickly became popular all over the world.

Even the news broadcast of Huaguo National Television took 3 minutes to introduce the movie "Once Upon a Time in the Stars".

The Department of Culture even expressed congratulations on the achievements of "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar" on Weibo, and called on movie fans to learn from the crew of "Once Upon a Time in the Interstellar" and bravely go out to spread Huaguo culture to the world.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng had already led the team of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" to Orange TV. After the movie exploded, Gu Chenfeng led the team to promote it for the last time, because he was going to rest for a few days before starting his own There's a new movie.

The program I participated in this time is called "Ace Vs Ace", which is similar to the one on Earth. The resident guests of this program are Shengteng, Jia Ling and Guan Xiaotong. The difference is that on Earth is Huahua, and here is Lu Qing.

After "Ace Vs Ace" was broadcast, it received very high ratings. Now Gu Chenfeng and others are going to record the fourth episode.

Ma Haibing, the director of Orange TV, and the program director personally received Gu Chenfeng and others in front of the building.

Seeing Gu Chenfeng coming out of the car, Ma Haibing immediately went up to meet him, and said with a smile: "Mr. Gu, long time no see."

Gu Chenfeng said: "Director Ma, we haven't seen each other for a while. I remember that when we first met, I thought you were not an ordinary director. Now it seems that my judgment is completely correct. "

When Gu Chenfeng was also promoting the movie, he came to Orange TV once, so he and Ma Haibing can be regarded as acquaintances.

Moreover, since Ma Haibing took over the Orange TV station, he has carried out drastic reforms, bought a lot of high-quality TV series with a lot of money, and recruited many talented variety show talents, and produced several variety shows with good responses.

Last year, the average ratings of Orange TV was second only to Mango TV, jumping from more than a dozen to No.2. This result directly shocked the entire TV industry.

Ma Haibing said with a smile: "I'm just making a fuss, how dare I compare with you, not to mention other things, the box office of "Once Upon a Time in the Stars" alone is enough for our TV station to work hard for ten years."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Master Ma, I found that you can talk more than me now!"

"You're too much." Ma Haibing said with a smile, "I'm nothing in front of you."

"Hahahaha!" The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

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