Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 463 Asking you to open a restaurant, not selling abductees

Xiaoman explained excitedly: "You don't know yet?"

"Yesterday, the fact that you lined up here to eat Roujiamo and have dinner has become popular all over the world, and it has also been featured on too many TV stations."

"My grandfather saw this news on the news, so he sent our two sisters over to buy Roujiamo."

"He has been away from Huaguo for decades, and he said that he misses the taste of his hometown very much."

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll make some for the old man first, can he eat spicy food?"

Xiaoman thought for a while, and said: "I'm getting older, so it's still slightly spicy."

Several people were chatting when suddenly a familiar voice came from outside.

"Hahahaha, Boss, I'm here early today. I'm sure I'll eat Roujiamo. Give me ten."

Hearing this voice, Gu Chenfeng couldn't help but rub his forehead a little. No need to guess, this is the voice of that savage princess in Mary's business.

Xiaoman asked strangely: "Who is this?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled helplessly and said, "A guest."

While speaking, Mary Twelve had already arrived in the kitchen. Seeing Gu Chenfeng and others who were peeling eggs, she was surprised and said, "No way, the meal will be served soon, you are not ready yet?"

Gu Chenfeng took a deep breath, and told himself in his heart: Forbearance, I must hold back, this is a guest, I can't hate her.

"Mary Twelve, do you want to eat Roujiamo? If you want to eat, you have to work."

Mary Twelve was taken aback when she heard this, and said, "What? You actually want me to work for you?"

"I am the daughter of a noble in West Asia, a rich second generation."

"You actually want me to work for you? Are you out of your mind?"

Gu Chenfeng rolled his eyes.

Rich second generation?
I think you are a missing second generation, right?
When we met for the first time yesterday, Gu Chenfeng felt that this little girl was a bit of a second grader. Looking at it again today, it is really the case.

Don't want to work?

Let's see how my brother made you limping.

So Gu Chenfeng said mysteriously: "Miss Mary Twelve, do you know when is the most delicious time to eat?"

Mary Twelve asked curiously, "When?"

Gu Chenfeng said decisively: "Of course it is after labor. After you sweat, it will greatly increase your appetite. At this time, if you eat Roujiamo, it will taste particularly delicious."

Mary Twelve asked in disbelief, "Is it true?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded very positively, stood up, looked at Mary Twelve seriously, and said slowly in a more magnetic voice: "Not only that."

"Think about it, how would you feel if you peeled the egg inside the Roujiamo later on?"

"In other words, the success of this Roujiamo is generally due to you."

"Thinking about it this way, don't you feel a sense of accomplishment? A sense of honor and participation?"

At the end of the sentence, Gu Chenfeng changed his tone into a cadence and became impassioned.

Those who didn't know thought it was the leader of a brainwashing organization.

Sure enough, Mary Twelve was soon infected. She clenched her fists tightly and her eyes lit up: "Yes, that's right, what you said makes sense."

"I'm going to peel the eggs."

Gu Chenfeng said loudly: "Speak up, did you not eat?"

"Say, what do you want to do?"

Mary Twelve said in a high-pitched voice, "I want to peel the eggs."

"Speak louder."

"I'm going to peel the eggs."

Now Gu Chenfeng nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Okay, go wash your hands and peel the eggs."

So the blond and blue-eyed rich daughter hurriedly washed her hands, then sat down next to the big bowl of eggs, and began to peel the eggs seriously.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng curled his lips and smiled.

I just like this kind of rich second generation who has never seen the world, it's so foolish.

Huang Xiaoming and the others were also happy.

This little girl seems to be really lacking.

To be fooled so easily?

So he smiled and said to Gu Chenfeng in Mandarin: "Mr. Gu, you should sell abductees in the future. I think you can definitely make a fortune."

"Do I still need to make a fortune?" Gu Chenfeng smiled slightly.

Then he gave Mary Twelve a thumbs up, with a warm smile on his face, and said in Mandarin: "It's not so easy to meet such a rich second generation."

Mary Twelve looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked expectantly in English, "Are you complimenting me by giving me your thumbs up?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and replied in standard English: "Yes, I'm praising you for being smart and capable. People who can peel eggs like you are probably rare."

"I think the title of Little Egg Peeler must belong to you."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve was full of energy, and said triumphantly, "That's right, I'm a little expert at peeling eggs."

Zhao Wei and the others were really speechless.

What Gu Chenfeng said just now to fool Mary Twelve can be said to be full of loopholes.

This is why some scholars say that the heads of Chinese people weigh half a catty more than foreigners when they are dug out. This gap is too obvious.

Perhaps this rich second generation hadn't had time to experience the beatings of the society and the vicious tempering of people's hearts, but he met Gu Chenfeng in the end.

In three or two strokes, from a rich second generation in West Asia, he was fooled into a little egg-peeling expert.

I'm afraid the IQ of the kindergarten is much higher than hers.

Ai Wei whispered in Xiaoman's ear: "You should stay away from this guy named Gu Chenfeng in the future, don't be fooled by him and count the money for him."

Xiaoman blushed, and asked in a low voice shyly: "Sister, do you mean that Teacher Gu might attack me?"

"You don't need him to fool you, I just let him go with a limp."


Ivy suddenly found that her younger sister's IQ is not too high either.

It is said that the IQ of girls in the dating period is zero, and my sister is not in love yet, why is the IQ so low?
It's over, the family genes will be defeated by her.

With the help of the two sisters, Xiaoman and Avril, and Mary Twelve, who is an expert at peeling eggs, the eggs were quickly finished.

After cleaning the large vats, put all the eight hundred eggs and bean skins into the buckets, and the two large vats were easily filled.

Then Gu Chenfeng patted Mary Twelve on the shoulder and praised: "Miss Mary, you did a great job."

"Let me let you experience more deeply the feeling of labor, and help them clean the table."

Huang Xiaoming and the others were speechless. This is completely treating Mary Twelve as free labor!

Fortunately, her two bodyguards did not follow her outside, otherwise she would have to work with Gu Chenfeng to make up lessons.

After being encouraged by Gu Chenfeng, Mary Twelve nodded and said, "Okay, teacher."


Even Gu Chenfeng was stunned.


Wow, do I have such a high status in your heart now?

Suddenly Gu Chenfeng felt a little guilt in his heart, as if he was a grown man who cheated a child of his candy.

You have to do something to make up for it.

So he said to Mary Twelve seriously: "Miss Mary, do you know what is the most ceremonial thing about making Roujiamo?"

Miss Mary?

Huang Xiaoming and others went crazy again.

Mary Twelve's full name is Philip Leopard Mary Twelve, and it is an abbreviation for you to call Mary Twelve directly.

It's good for you, now just come to the abbreviation of the abbreviation.

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng said that he was going to continue fooling Mary Twelve.

Mary Twelve shook her head and said, "Teacher Hui, I don't know, is it time to chop up the meat?"

Gu Chenfeng shook his head lightly, pointed to the pressure cooker next to him, and said, "Do you know what's in it?"

Mary Twelve naturally knew it, and said, "It's meat, delicious pork belly."

Gu Chenfeng asked again: "Is there anything else?"

Mary Twelve shook her head, and said blankly, "Please ask the teacher to answer."

Gu Chenfeng was very satisfied with Mary Twelve's politeness, so he replied: "This is filled with aroma bombs. I stewed these three pots of pork belly for a day and a night."

"The inside has already had a strong meaty aroma. Once the lid is opened, the aroma inside will erupt immediately. Just smelling it will make people feel pitiful."

"So for Roujiamo, the most ceremonial thing is when the lid is opened."

Gu Chenfeng talked endlessly, and Mary Twelve was taken aback for a while.

But she still nodded and said, "That's right, I came to this restaurant yesterday because I asked about this fragrance."

Gu Chenfeng said very seriously: "Now, we are about to open the lid of the pot. This very ceremonial task is called on you. I hope you can complete this task with a sense of honor."

Mary Twelve was so excited that she shed tears.

Although she was a girl, she was a little afraid of these things, but she was still very excited when she heard what Gu Chenfeng said.

Of course, Gu Chenfeng has let go of his anger, otherwise, let alone Mary Twelve, even Huang Xiaoming would not dare to lift the lid of the pressure cooker.

At this moment, Mary Twelve stood at attention, raised her head with her abdomen in, and said loudly, "Teacher, don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Looking at Mary Twelve's tearful eyes, Gu Chenfeng felt a trace of guilt in his conscience, even the director Zhang Han was a little unexpected that this happened.

What the hell is this? I asked you to open a restaurant, not to sell abductees.

Also, that rich second generation, can't you have a little IQ?
In the kitchen of the Chinese restaurant.

Mary Twelve looked at Gu Chenfeng expectantly, and said, "Teacher, can I open the lids of these three pots?"

have to.

This time he was completely fooled.

Seeing Mary Twelve's sincere expression, Gu Chenfeng sighed, shook his head helplessly, and said, "No, today there are Xiaoman and Aiwei, and they also peeled eggs for us."

"So the task of opening the lids of the three pressure cookers should be assigned to each of them."

Hearing this, Ivy was stunned.

Open the lid of the pressure cooker?I'm not interested in that.

Helping you peel the eggs is just a simple thought, and I can buy Roujiamo quickly.


Mary Twelve cast a sharp look of resentment at Ivy and Xiaoman.

Seeing this gaze, Ivy quickly waved her hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, about opening the lid of the pot..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaoman jumped up for joy, grabbed Ivy's hand, and said happily: "That's great, sister, I can actually be the one who opens the pot, such a ritual thing."

"I'm so excited, so happy!"

Well, this is another lame one.

Ai Wei couldn't help holding her forehead, and murmured: "Open the pot lid? I want to open your Tianling lid now to see if it's filled with brains or tofu!"

"I will not participate in the matter of opening the lid."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve was the first to react, and immediately excitedly said to Gu Chenfeng: "Teacher, that girl has already abstained. Let me open the extra pot lid."

Before Gu Chenfeng could speak, Xiaoman immediately jumped out and said, "What are you letting me do? I haven't spoken yet."

Mary Twelve said unconvinced: "What do you need to say? Your sister has abstained. Of course, the ownership of the pot cover belongs to the Chinese restaurant. You are only returning part of the rights granted to you."

"Therefore, you only have the right to drive, not all rights."

Hearing what Mary Twelve said, Gu Chenfeng was stunned.

Several other people were also stunned.

This rich second generation who is a bit of a secondary school student, actually knows the law?

Then why was Mao so easily fooled?

Sure enough, theory and practice are two different things.

Xiaoman thought for a while, and retorted: "You are wrong. When Teacher Gu asked us to open the pot, he didn't explain that after abstaining, the right will be returned to the restaurant."

"According to the laws of our new country, items that are not fully returned after waiver can be counted as part of the inheritance. Therefore, my sister's inheritance should be inherited by my younger sister."

As soon as Xiaoman's voice fell, Ivy slapped her on the forehead.

Ivy scolded angrily: "God's inheritance, your sister and I are still alive and well."

"Since you want to open the pot so much, you two can decide by guessing your fist."

Mary Twelve and Xiao Man raised their eyebrows and said in unison: "Good idea."

"Come on, guessing fist."

"Whoever wins, the task of opening the lid will belong to him."


The final result was that Mary Twelve won. She was so excited, those who didn't know thought she had won the 500 million grand prize.

On the contrary, Xiaoman, who lost, threw herself into Ivy's arms, sobbing, "My life is dark."

Ai Wei is speechless, if you don’t need to open a pressure cooker lid, life will be in darkness?

Sister, can you still pursue something in your life?

In the end, she could only shake her head helplessly, there are foolishness every year, especially this year.

No, especially today.

Mary Twelve happily left the kitchen, walked to the door of the restaurant, and said to the two bodyguards standing outside the door: "You two, come and carry the table."

The bodyguards were stunned when they heard her words.

"Raise the table?"

Mary Twelve scolded: "Don't be silly, hurry up."

Thus, the task of carrying the table fell to the two bodyguards gloriously.

Miss, Laoyeshan asked us to protect you, not to do coolies.

Although they have complaints in their hearts, they dare not speak out.

In the end, the two bodyguards lifted all four tables to the beach outside, arranged them, and then lifted the three pressure cookers out and placed them in the designated positions.

Items such as dough cakes, chopping boards, and kitchen knives were also taken out.

Assassin, there are already many customers standing outside the door, some of them have already tried the taste of Roujiamo yesterday, and they plan to eat it again today.

Some people lined up yesterday to buy some, but because there were too many monks and too little porridge, they could only smell the smell and failed to get what they wanted.

There are also some people who see so many people here and follow the herd mentality, come to see what it is.

Gu Chenfeng and others stood in front of the table, and Mary Twelve, Xiaoman and Ivy also stood by Gu Chenfeng's side.

In fact, Ivy wanted to queue up to buy. She was here to buy Roujiamo. Why did she suddenly become a person at the Chinese restaurant?

It was because Xiaoman couldn't hold back, so he could only bite the bullet and stand here.

Gu Chenfeng said loudly: "Everyone, please line up and come one by one, don't be crowded."

Mary Twelve also commanded her own bodyguards, and assisted Huang Xiaoming to line up the customers.

The two bodyguards were a little suspicious of life now.

We seem to be bodyguards, right?

Well, it should be!

But why did you suddenly help the Chinese restaurant to let the guests line up?

Why does it feel like we are now more like service staff in a restaurant?

Looking at the diners queuing up, Gu Chenfeng said to Zhao Wei and the others: "Our responsibilities are still the same as yesterday. I am in charge of making Roujiamo."

"Hurry up, you are responsible for collecting the money."

"Tong Yu, Meng Jia, you are in charge of ordering food."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Mary Twelve and the others and said: "Miss Mary, Xiaoman, Ivy, I will make your meat sandwiches for you first, and after a while, you can rest after the pot is heated. "

Hearing this, Mary Twelve quickly shook her head and said, "Teacher, I have nothing to do anyway, let me stay and help you."

Xiao Man also said: "Yes, yes, there are so many people here, Teacher Gu, you must be too busy."

Ai Wei tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "Xiaoman, what about Grandpa?"

Xiaoman replied without hesitation: "Sister, you can send it to Grandpa first."

Ivy froze in place.

Forgot about grandpa so quickly?
God, this is too scary, sister, you must be thinking of tofu flowers.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng shouted: "Mary, Xiaoman, prepare to cook."

Mary Twelve and Xiao Man stood in front of a pressure cooker.

Gu Chenfeng shouted: "Get ready."

With a heart of pilgrimage, the two stretched out their hands and grabbed the handles on the lid of the pressure cooker in front of them.

Ivy looked at the two of them like idiots.

Gu Chenfeng continued: "Open the cover."

The two twisted the handle together, and the lid was opened.

A strong meaty aroma spread instantly.

It was the first time for the people queuing up to watch this fragrance at such a close distance, and they were all excited.

What does it taste like.

smell good.

Even people who are not hungry, after smelling this smell, they will immediately feel sympathetic.

Xiaoman and Mary 12, who were standing next to the pressure cooker, were already intoxicated.

This fragrant and tangy taste is really appetizing.

Ivy was also stunned, she didn't expect the taste of this meat to be so delicious, even she, who is obsessed with losing weight, wanted to satisfy her appetite.

Soon, the lids of the three pressure cookers were all opened. The meat in the three big pots and the aroma from colleagues were simply too tempting.

According to the promise, Gu Chenfeng first made [-] Roujiamos, gave them to Xiaoman and Mary Twelve, and said, "Thank you for your help, a little care is no respect."

Xiaoman took it directly, handed the Roujiamo to her sister, and asked, "How much?"

Gu Chenfeng shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said: "No money, you have done us such a great favor, I treat you to eat these, the next thing, we can do the work ourselves."

Xiaoman shook her head and said: "Then how can it be, sister, why don't you send it to grandpa first, and I will stay to help."

Ivy thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, after you finish your work, go back by car."

Mary Twelve put the Roujiamo on the table and said, "Teacher, I'll stay and help too. I haven't done too much, so assign me some work within my capacity."

Now Gu Chenfeng was a little embarrassed, and said: "This is not very good."

Both Mary Twelve and Xiao Man waved their hands at the same time: "No, no, leave it to us!"

Seeing that the two of them persisted, Gu Chenfeng couldn't say anything, and then directed: "Then you two, take all the pork belly out of this pot and put them into the other two pots."

"Then carry the brine in this pot to the kitchen, pour it into the bucket of egg and bean curd, cover the pot, simmer for 10 minutes, and then remove the marinated eggs and bean curd."

"Can you complete this task?"

Mary Twelve and Xiao Man replied in unison: "It's absolutely fine."

After Ivy explained a few words, she left.

Then Mary Twelve and Xiaoman worked together to fish out the pork belly, and then marinated the egg and bean curd.

Since Mary XII's two bodyguards were still there, the task of carrying the brine was left to them.

The two bodyguards were very helpless.

However, the young lady had spoken, and they had to stop doing it.

When the bodyguards came out of the kitchen, Gu Chenfeng came over, handed over four Roujiamo, and said, "Give it to you two, thank you for your hard work, and I hope you can accept this."

The displeasure of the two of them just now was written on their faces, so Gu Chenfeng thought it was necessary to win over Ren Xin, as the saying goes, harmony can make money.

The two bodyguards took the Roujiamo in a daze, and thanked: "Thank you."

Then went to the side.

Smelling the aroma of Roujiamo, when the lid was just opened, the tangy aroma already made their mouths water, and they wished they could queue up to buy it.

But they are also professionally trained bodyguards, and protecting the owner is the first duty, so they can only endure.

Now Gu Chenfeng gave them four, looking at the delicious food in their hands, the two couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as he wanted to go down, the two bodyguards were about to cry.

It's so fucking delicious.

This is simply a gift from God.

Then the two began to eat heartily.

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