In fact, Mary Twelve didn't like the island chief. She came here to play, but for some reason, the island chief found out.

They tried their best to come to visit, but in the end, they didn't chat a few words, and revealed that they hoped that the Leopold Foundation could invest in Elephant Island.

Mary Twelve didn't want to talk about these things at all. She had a good vacation, so why bother with work matters?

So after a few words, the order to evict the guest was issued. She is from West Asia, so there is no need to give the island chief too much face.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng suddenly said: "Mary, how do you talk to the guests? How many times have I told you to be polite to the guests? I forgot it so quickly?"

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Mary Twelve immediately said respectfully: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I just said I was too reckless."

"Don't worry, I will pay attention next time."

Li Liang and the island chief gasped when they heard this. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it if they were beaten to death. When he was a Chinese star, he was so respectful.


Could it be that the lady of the consortium worshiped this person as her teacher?
Even Mr. Wang has already eaten it. How could he have not heard of the name of the Leopold Consortium after he has been up and down in the mall for many years?
The strength of this consortium is much stronger than that of the Past Group, but I did not expect that the daughter of this consortium would be so polite to Gu Chenfeng.

Gu Chenfeng hummed, and said, "I won't train you this time, but be more careful next time."

Mary Twelve bowed slightly and said, "Thank you teacher."

Gu Chenfeng originally wanted to ask Mary Twelve to apologize to the island leader, but when Xiaoman introduced him just now, he could clearly feel the disdain from the island leader and Director Li. and haughty.

Although Gu Chenfeng didn't know why the island leader greeted Mary Twelve with a smile, he noticed that when the island leader called Mary Twelve Miss Leopold.

Director Li Liang's expression also changed, and even Mr. Wang's expression changed slightly.

Although he didn't know exactly what the identity of his apprentice was, but it was not easy for all three of them to change their attitudes at the same time because of the appearance of the name.

Besides, the person who will give away the multi-million dollar luxury car will definitely not be an ordinary BJ.

So Gu Chenfeng stopped Mary Twelve in order to intimidate Li Liang and the island chief in reverse. As for the effect, it must be very good.

In fact, if it wasn't for the arrogance and disdain of these two people at the beginning, Gu Chenfeng hadn't planned to do this.

Because in his eyes, whether it is the director or the island chief, that's all there is to it, and he has not developed here for a long time, so he is not allowed to flatter him at all.

But it's impossible to play prestige in front of Gu Chenfeng.

Sure enough, Director Li and the Island Chief now have a look in their eyes, and the arrogance they had just now was gone.

At this time, Huang Xiaoming and the others didn't know how to react, so they could only hand over the entire factory to Gu Chenfeng to control.

Gu Chenfeng turned his body to one side and said with a smile: "Everyone, stop standing at the door, please come inside."

"Mary, show the guests the way."

Mary Twelve responded, and immediately led Li Liang and the others like a waiter in a shop.

This made Li Liang and the island leader very nervous.

If a place wants to develop its economy, it must attract investment, especially in a third world country like Taiguo, which requires investment from large foreign-funded enterprises.

Moreover, a large consortium like Leopold is related to many large companies in the world, and many investment companies in Taiguo may be related to this consortium.

If he offended this young lady, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, even the director of Bangkok did not dare to be arrogant when facing the daughter of a world-class consortium.

After a group of people entered the restaurant, Gu Chenfeng had already prepared a dining table. This was a wooden dining table, which rarely looked high-end.

When "Chinese Restaurant" first started recording, the program team prepared it.

Compared with the dining tables rented by Gu Chenfeng and others later, these wooden dining tables are more Chinese.

On the other side of the dining table is a window, from which you can see the sea outside, and there is an electronic organ next to it.

After Mr. Wang, Ivy, Li Liang, and the head of the island sat down, Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia didn't dare to order food in front of them.

Because I am afraid of saying the wrong thing and causing unnecessary trouble.

So, this task fell to Gu Chenfeng again. Gu Chenfeng took the order book, patted Zhou Tongyu's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't be nervous, you and Mengjia go to make some tea."

When Jin Mengjia and Zhou Tongyu heard this, they were relieved and hurried to the kitchen.

Gu Chenfeng turned around, looked at Mr. Wang and his group, and asked, "Mr. Wang, what you told me yesterday was tofu brain, Dongpo pork, couple's lung slices, and Dengying beef. I've already prepared them." .”

"Besides these four dishes, is there anything else you would like to eat?"

Mr. Wang thought for a while and said, "These four dishes are the only ones I can think of now. Do you have any recommendations?"

Before Gu Chenfeng could speak, Xiaoman and Mary 12 shouted in unison: "Scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

Mr. Wang was stunned for a moment!

what's the situation?
Is my granddaughter also in charge of ordering the menu?
Mr. Wang didn't think much about it, after all, isn't the daughter of the Leopold Consortium also ordering food?
So he nodded and said, "Okay, let's have scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

Then Xiaoman and Mary asked in unison again: "Do you want tofu nao to be salty or sweet?"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Mr. Wang was confused again, it doesn't matter to him if he eats salty or sweet.

But does it always feel like something is wrong?
But he is also an old fox, said: "Give me a bowl of both flavors."

Then Xiaoman and Mary 12 looked at Director Li Liang and Director Dao again, and asked, "Do you want sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao?"

Li Liang and the island chief looked at each other.

What's all this about?
Why bother with sweet and savory?

But they are all human beings, and they replied: "We are the same as Uncle Wang, let's have a bowl of each."

Xiao Man nodded and said, "Okay, two plates of tomatoes and eight bowls of bean curd."


Ai Wei, who was drinking water next to her, almost choked, said: "Why are there only eight bowls? We are here to eat vegetables. You want us to eat only tofu nao?"

"Besides, when did I say that I want to eat tofu brain?"

Xiao Man curled her lips into a smile, and said, "Sister, you don't have the right to order, just wait honestly."

Then she and Mary Twelve looked at each other angrily.

It seems to say, just wait, today we must decide whether salty tofu nao is better or sweet tofu nao is better.

The previous ones were all guests, and the two of them were embarrassed to force others to evaluate, but today's table is different, there are no outsiders.

At first, Gu Chenfeng was like, recommending them some delicacies from the ground, taking cucumbers, etc., but seeing the posture of Xiaoman and Mary 12, it is estimated that eight bowls of tofu nao and two plates of tomatoes can almost eat these few dishes. Individuals are fed.

So Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Then let's cook for you."

At this time, Li Liang asked with some doubts: "Shop owner, you just said that there is a dish corner for husband and wife lung slices?"

"Why is it called this name?"

As soon as Gu Chenfeng wanted to explain, Xiaoman took the lead and said: "It means literally, the ingredients of this dish are dug out from the husband and wife."

(⊙o⊙) What?
Li Liang was startled, and said, "Is it an organ?"

Mary Twelve brushed her hair gracefully, and said, "That's right, and our couple's lungs are all lungs from young couples born after 00."

"It's still the kind of post-00 couple who just got married. When the lungs were dug, the two were still alive and kicking, and they were still struggling, but it was useless."

Hearing this, Ivy's expression changed, and she said, "Really...really? Are you planning to let us eat people?"

Xiaoman frowned and retorted: "Sister, how do you talk? This is a delicious dish, and this time we specially prepared it for grandpa, the young couple born after 00."

"It was just killed in the afternoon. The lungs are still fresh, and there are still blood streaks on the lungs. This kind of lungs are crisp and tender. If you want to take a bite, your mouth will be full of blood. It's exciting."

Hearing this, Ivy, Li Liang, and the island leader couldn't help but retch.

Ivy looked at the calm grandpa and asked, "Grandpa, are we sure we want to eat here?"

Li Liang couldn't help but said: "Yes, this is simply a black spot."

The island chief wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, "Should we call the police? He was killed just this afternoon, so the body should still be found now, right?"

What is husband and wife lung slices?

As Chinese people, Huang Xiaoming and others naturally know what this dish is about.

As a native of the old China, Mr. Wang certainly knew it. Looking at the panic-stricken Ivy and the three of them, he smiled without saying a word.

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "You guys chat first, I'll go and make couple's lung slices for you first, otherwise the lung slices would be stale."

As he spoke, he led Xiaoman and Mary Twelve towards the kitchen.

After arriving in the kitchen, Xiaoman and Mary Twelve couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing.

Gu Chenfeng laughed and said, "You two little girls are really rotten and rotten."

"Look, those three guests turned pale with fright."

In the afternoon, Gu Chenfeng said that he started to prepare husband and wife lung slices, and Xiaoman and Mary 12 also asked the same question in confusion.

Why is it called husband and wife lung tablets?
At that time, Gu Chenfeng also frightened the two of them in the same way. The discarded lung slices were used by young couples born after 00 who were killed, and they talked a lot.

At that time, Xiaoman and Mary 12 were also frightened and their faces turned pale. Seeing their expressions, Gu Chenfeng was still very satisfied.

So he also said that there is another dish in Huaguo called saliva chicken. This dish is more complicated to make, and you need to spit into the pot while cooking.

What about urinating cow pills, you have to choose a two-year-old bull and kill it when it is urinating.

As for the wife's cake, it is necessary to kill one's own wife, then chop it up and bake it in the cake.

Hearing these words, Xiaoman and Mary were already trembling with fright.

However, Huang Xiaoming and the others burst out laughing at that time.

Later, Gu Chenfeng made them a discarded lung slice, and Xiaoman and Mary Twelve were surprised to find that there was no husband and wife in the couple's lung slice, not even a fucking lung slice.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and explained the origin of this dish to them.

This dish actually appeared in modern times, and it was sold by a couple. At that time, the name of the dish was "husband and wife waste film". '

Because the dishes contained beef offal, heart, liver, intestines, lungs and stomach, etc. At that time, in the eyes of those who slaughtered cattle, these offal were waste products, and if they were cut into slices to sell, they were husband and wife waste films.

Those who do business will only use vegetables, so they changed 'waste' to 'lung'.

Later, a calligrapher came to the store and finished eating. He was so hooked that he took a pen and wrote down the words "Husband and wife lung slices".

And so the golden signboard was born.

Later, they found that if the lung slices were put into the couple's lung slices, the taste would not be very good, so they canceled the lung slices.

But this gold-lettered signboard is already famous, so it will not be changed at all.

So, let alone husband and wife, there is not even a lung in this couple's lung slice.

After hearing Gu Chenfeng's explanation, Xiaoman and Mary Twelve breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death, I thought it was really made of human lungs!"

"Hahaha, the teacher is too bad to make such a joke."

However, these two imitators frightened Li Liang and the others just now by singing together.

Seeing their faces turn pale with fear, the two felt a sense of accomplishment.

Gu Chenfeng also had nothing to do with the two of them.

"However, Mr. Wang wants to get back the taste of the past. I don't know if there are any lung slices in the couple's lung slices he ate at that time?"

Gu Chenfeng pondered for a while, and then began to act.

As for the two Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia who were still grinding and making Pu'er tea, they had already brewed it long ago, but they didn't serve the tea for a long time.

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "What's the matter, two beauties, big stars, are you nervous?"

Zhou Tongyu nodded and said, "Of course, but what about the director?"

"I have never dealt with people in the system, and I am a little scared."

Jin Mengjia also nodded, and said: "Me too, if it is not handled properly, it will not be good if it affects the relationship."

Seeing the worried faces of the two, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Okay, then wait for me, and I'll go out with you later."

Gu Chenfeng had already prepared the Dongpo meat, couple's lung slices, and Dengying beef that Mr. Wang ordered.

Taking advantage of Mr. Wang's chance to order these dishes, the Chinese restaurant simply sold these dishes at night. These are all hard dishes.

And it is definitely very good to take it out for promotion. Sure enough, after tasting it, all the foreigners are full of praise.

Almost every plate was eaten.

So the income tonight is definitely not cheap.

As for the tofu nao, Xiaoman and Mary 12 insisted on taking over the job, so the tofu nao and scrambled eggs with tomatoes that the customers ate tonight were all masterpieces of these two people.

Because it is Gu Chenfeng's guidance, the taste is also very popular.

Gu Chenfeng quickly packed four dishes of Dongpo pork, couple's lung slices, and Dengying beef, of which couple's lung slices were served in two plates.

One plate was old-fashioned with sliced ​​lungs, the other without sliced ​​lungs.

Then I made another bottom plate and took a bottle of white wine.

"I'll take these first, and you two should hurry up."

Seeing Zhou Tongyu holding the teapot and cups, Gu Chenfeng smiled and said, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenfeng came out with five plates and a jug of wine on a tray.

Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia followed behind him.

After the food and wine were served, Zhou Tongyu and the others quickly left and came to Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Wei.

Huang Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly: "You guys have come out, if you don't come out, I don't know how to deal with it."

Zhao Wei also said softly: "Yeah, why did the chief of Bangkok come to our place? Why didn't anyone inform us in advance?"

"Is this arranged by the program group? It doesn't feel like it."

Jin Mengjia patted his heavy chest and said softly: "It's too scary, my hands are still shaking."

Zhou Tongyu nodded, and said, "Anyway, I can't serve that table, so I'd better let Mrs. Gu serve it. Let's just fight and run errands."

On the other side, Gu Chenfeng pointed to the plate in front of him and said with a smile: "Try it, this is the couple's lung."

When Gu Chenfeng and the others went to the kitchen just now, Mr. Wang explained to Ai Wei and the three of them the origin of the couple's lung slices.

So, now they all know what's going on with the couple's lungs, but they still have to be angry if they know that Gui knows.

I don't know what Xiaoman is busy with now, so I take my anger out on Gu Chenfeng first.

Ivy pursed her lips and said, "Isn't this bullshit? What about husband and wife lung slices? The explanation is so bloody."

Gu Chenfeng smiled obsequiously, and said: "I won't blame you for this, it was Xiaoman who explained it to you, if you have any grievances, for a while, you can just say whatever you want to her."

Just kidding, a gentleman like me, how can such an excellent man quarrel with women?
It's like I can win an argument.

Besides, this matter has nothing to do with me, it was started by Xiaoman and Mary 12, if you want to quarrel, go to them.

Mr. Wang smiled and waved at Ivy, then looked at the dishes on the table, and asked strangely: "Why are there two plates of couple's lung slices?"

Gu Chenfeng explained: "Mr. Wang, the main purpose of you coming to eat Chinese cuisine is to find a meeting, so I am like, since you are the couple's lung slices that you ate decades ago."

"At that time, I didn't know whether the food you ate was improved or not? So I simply prepared a portion of both."

"Try it and see if you have the same feeling as back then."

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Mr. Wang looked at him kindly, and said, "Little Gu, you have a heart."

Then his eyes turned to the other dishes on the table.

It must be admitted that the presentation of these dishes is really good-looking, and the presentation is definitely very good.

I just don't know how it tastes.

When Mr. Wang picked up the chopsticks, his first target was of course the two plates of husband and wife lung slices.

"I'll try it first."

He first ate the improved husband and wife lung slices.


good to eat.

The meat is delicate, the taste is salty, spicy and fragrant, very refreshing.

Even for Mr. Wang, this is the best couple's lung slices he has ever eaten.but···
It always feels a bit different from the taste in my memory, and the first time is often impressive.

Although the first time I ate couple's lung slices was when I was very young, the taste seemed to have been engraved in Mr. Wang's heart.

Then, he extended his chopsticks to another plate of old-fashioned couple's lung slices, and he even picked up a piece of lung slices on purpose.

Put it in your mouth and chew it gently.

Mr. Wang raised his eyebrows, and his eyes lit up, as if the dusty memory of the past had been opened.

The most impressive taste is often related to an impressive past.

That was when Mr. Wang was very young. At that time, he was still a child of seven or eight years old, playing with his peers, and one day he went to the street with his father to sell carbon.

Walking around the streets, he sold a big son. He hadn't eaten all day, and he was really hungry. His father couldn't bear it, so he finally gritted his teeth and gave him a bowl of couple's lung slices.

The strong-flavored beef offal and the spicy taste are still fresh in the memory of a seven or eight-year-old child.

However, not long after, his father took him across the ocean to Xinguo. Since then, he has never tasted that kind of food again.

However, that taste seems to be engraved in the soul, and it cannot be forgotten no matter what.

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