At this time, Mary No. [-] immediately followed the words and taunted: "That's right, brother, at least two of the three gifts for the twelfth sister are made by myself."

"Although your gift is expensive, I'm afraid you didn't do anything but pay for it yourself?"

Everyone in the family knows that among the heirs, the three eldest brothers, Mary No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], are the most competitive.

Mary's next door first said that she got three sons, then five daughters, then sons, daughters, and then two sisters, Mary Twelve and Mary Ten Ann.

First of all, as the oldest and most senior of the three sons, their competitiveness is the greatest, and Mary Twelve is a girl, and the hope of inheriting the family is very slim.

Therefore, open and secret fighting between the three sons often happens.

How could Mary [-] and Mary [-] easily let go of an opportunity to run Mary [-] in front of their father?
Although Mary Twelve got a property worth 300 billion U.S. dollars at such a young age, they were somewhat jealous, but a girl was not a threat to the three elder brothers.

Mary No. [-] also smiled and said: "Yes, big brother, the twelfth sister has grown up for so long, so she should also get some industrial chains, why? Do you think your father gave too much?"

Hearing this, Mary No. [-] quickly waved her hand and said, "How is that possible? Father's decision is always correct. I also think that Twelfth Sister should be in charge of some of her own industrial chain."

As the owner of this large consortium next door, Mary is equivalent to the emperor of a business empire, and his sons and daughters are equivalent to princesses and princes.

What I give you is yours, and what I don't give you is not yours.

The next door to Mary enjoys it very much now. If this feeling of monopolizing power makes him unhappy, in a word, he can take back everything that Mary No. [-] has now.

Therefore, even if Mary One is unhappy, she can only hold back.

Mary Twelve also knew this, so this was true for Mary One.

"Father, what do you think of these three dishes?"

Mary next door gave Mary a good look, feeling that he was ruining her enjoyment of delicious food, and then said with a smile: "It's great, you mean that you learned these three dishes from Taiguo?"

"Are these all Thai dishes?"

Mary Twelve shook her head and said, "No, these are Chinese national dishes."

Hearing this, Mary next door said with a smile: "I see, no wonder the taste is so good. Huaguo has a food culture of thousands of years, but I have asked chefs from Huaguo before, but no one seems to be able to cook it." Such a satisfying taste."

Mary Twelve bowed and said with a smile: "Father, everything in this world is divided into grades, and so is the chef. The teacher I worship is very powerful."

"There are many people waiting in line for the dishes he cooks every day."

As she said that, Mary Twelve took out her mobile phone, and quickly turned to some photos. It was a scene of many foreign countries having classes, queuing up to buy roujiamo, and queuing up for dinner.

"Father, please see."

Mary took the phone next door, checked it, nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that he is indeed a good cook. When I have a chance, I will go to Taiguo and let this chef cook for me alone."

Mary Twelve shrugged and said, "Then father may be disappointed."

Mary next door raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously, "What do you mean? Could it be that I can't pay?"

Mary Twelve said with a smile: "Father, you are really good at joking. My teacher is not a professional chef, but a star. They said that they recorded a video called "Chinese Restaurant" on Elephant Island in Taiguo. programme."

"Their recording period is 30 days. After the recording is over, they will leave Taiguo. Today is NO.11. In [-] days, they will leave."

Mary Thirteen was taken aback when she heard this.


My sister actually worshiped a celebrity as a teacher?
That star can have such good cooking skills, he must be a bad old man, right?

Mary next door nodded in understanding, and said: "That is to say, if you want to taste this chef's craftsmanship, you must go to Taiguo within [-] days, right?"

Mary Twelve nodded and said, "I'm afraid that's the case."

Mary Yihao hurriedly smiled and said: "It's not easy, just give him the money, let him come to our manor, and cook for father specially?"

"If I can really satisfy my father, I am willing to pay him a monthly salary of 100 million US dollars."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve cast a contemptuous look at Mary One, and said, "Brother, do you think you can do whatever you want if you have money?"

Mary No. [-] was taken aback, and asked back, "Isn't it?"

Mary Twelve sneered and said, "He is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and he is not short of money at all."

In fact, she had the same idea as her brother before, thinking that money could solve everything. It wasn't until she met Gu Chenfeng and was educated that she had an epiphany.

"My teacher is not short of money at all, and money can only solve most of the problems, not all of them."

"I once offered a price of 100 million US dollars in order to eat a pancake from my teacher. In the end, I was not only rejected, but also educated. My teacher is a very unique person I have met."

"Even if he is not a millionaire with hundreds of billions of dollars, he is definitely not something that can be bought with money. Let alone whether you can bring him by force, even if you can, I'm afraid his cooking skills will not be able to be displayed."

Good guy.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Mary Twelve is educating the elder brother?
It's really amazing.

The neighbor next to Mary nodded and said, "No. [-], you are indeed not as thorough as Twelve in this regard, but this is indeed a chef who can surprise me."

"I'd love to be able to taste his culinary skills."

After finishing speaking, the butler who looked after himself asked, "I am in these nineteen days, do I still have time?"

The butler looked at the itinerary next door to Mary, and said, "No. 16 and No. 17 are two days, I can arrange time for you."

Hearing this, Mary nodded and said, "Twelve, after tonight's dinner is over, you can go to Taiguo and ask your teacher to prepare a dinner for me."

"If it satisfies me, I won't treat him badly."

In fact, when he heard that the teacher of Mary Twelve was worth hundreds of billions of dollars, he knew that money alone must not be attractive.

But as the owner of the Leopold Consortium, his face is very valuable.

Mary Twelve bowed respectfully and said, "Yes, father, I believe that with the teacher's cooking skills, you will never be disappointed."

Mary next door responded, and said, "Go back to your seat."


After Mary Twelve returned to her seat, Mary Thirteen immediately came over and said excitedly, "Sister, is your master really so good?"

"With just three dishes, you can win an industry worth 300 billion U.S. dollars!"

"That equates to $100 billion per dish."

With an industry of 300 billion yuan, the strength of Mary Twelve can be ranked eighth among the thirteen brothers and sisters. What kind of harvest is this!
Mary Twelve said with a full face of admiration and pride: "That's natural. My master is quite powerful. I told you about it a long time ago. Don't look at the price of my dishes for only ten dollars."

"You can still hang those gifts worth tens of millions of dollars."

Mary Shisan nodded again and again, with uncontrollable joy on her face, and said: "Great, with these 300 billion assets, we no longer need to be looked down upon by those brothers and sisters, and mother can also be proud in front of other aunts." gone."

Thinking of how she was speechless by Mary Shishi today, Mary Shisan felt uncomfortable all over.

But she knew that now was not the time to fight back. When her wings were full and the opportunity was ripe, it would not be too late to go back.

Mary Twelve laughed and said, "Yes, we can finally look up at those brothers and sisters with our heads up high."

"All this is thanks to my teacher. I can go back to see the teacher in two days. I wonder if the teacher misses me?"

"Who is helping to peel the eggs when I'm not around?"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Peel eggs?
What the hell is that?

Mary Shisan thought about it and said in a low voice: "Sister, when you go to Taiguo, can you take me with you?"

Mary Twelve was taken aback, and asked, "You want to go too?"

Mary Shisan nodded and said, "Yes, such a powerful teacher, I also want to learn some cooking from him, and I can use it to please my father!"

Mary Twelve thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with taking her sister there, as it was just enough for one more person to peel the eggs.

If Mary Thirteen knew that Mary Twelve Thirteen wanted her to go to a Chinese restaurant to peel eggs, she would be so depressed.

You know, she is now a famous entertainer in West Asia, with a history of acting and singing.

Let such a powerful artist peel eggs?

Did you make a mistake?!
But Mary Twelve didn't say anything, of course she didn't know what would greet her after arriving at the Chinese restaurant.

Mary Thirteen asked in a low voice: "Your teacher, is there anything you particularly like? I'll bring a gift to please him."

Hearing this, Mary Twelve thought for a while, saw the chess in Mary Thirteen's hand, and said, "The teacher seems to like a kind of Chinese chess, which seems to be called Go. If you give him a pair of such a gift, he will You should be happy!"

Mary Thirteen said with a smile: "This is easy to handle. I will cover the jeweler who made this chess in a while to see if he can make Go."

The birthday party next door to Mary continued, and after the family dinner at noon, it was time to prepare for the dinner.

At that time, rich businessmen and some dignitaries from all over the world will come to participate.

On the other side, the Chinese restaurant and others don't know what's going to happen next.

They are still operating the Chinese restaurant, and after dinner is sold out on the day, they return to the homestay to rest.

On the second day, I continued to make the Roujiamo at noon, and when the Roujiamo was sold out, I started processing the things ordered by the customers.

After finishing all this, Zhou Tongyu and the others let out a long sigh of relief.

Huang Xiaoming thumped his back and said, "Hey, my old waist!"

Gu Chenfeng was overjoyed, and said, "Why, Brother Xiaoming, your waist is not working anymore?"

Huang Xiaoming was taken aback, how could a man say no?
Then he picked and said: "Jing is nonsense, my brother is alive and well, and it's not that tiring to process these roujiamo, but the quantity is a bit large, and you have to squat or sit all the time."

Jin Mengjia nodded, and said: "Yes, if I knew it earlier, I would find a way to keep Yui Aragaki and the others, so that we can relax a bit."

Gu Chenfeng said with a smile: "Stop thinking about it, rest for a while, and prepare dinner."

At this time, two people entered the Chinese restaurant.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Gu Chenfeng here?"

Everyone looked around, only to see two beauties standing at the door.

Gu Chenfeng hurried over and said, "Oh, why are you two here?"

Seeing this scene, Huang Xiaoming and the others were stunned.

I wondered in my heart, is Dr. Luo not worried at all if Teacher Gu attracts so many bees and butterflies?
Zhao Wei also walked over at this time, and smiled intellectually: "Yeah, it's you, welcome."


Jin Mengjia looked at Zhao Wei curiously, and asked, "Sister Zhao, do you know each other?"

Zhao Wei nodded, and said, "Of course I do. Oh, yes, you haven't met them before. We met these two at Xiangwang Temple when we went out to play last time."

"They took us to visit Xiangwang Temple."

Hearing this, everyone came over.

Gu Chenfeng smiled at Jin Mengjia and the others and said, "Let me introduce you, these two are friends we met in Xiangwangmiao."

"Her nickname is Luzhu, and this one's nickname... Uh, after I tell you, don't laugh."

"Her nickname is Six of Hearts."

Hearing this, Jin Mengjia and the others widened their eyes. If Gu Chenfeng hadn't reminded them before, they would have all laughed out loud by now.

Six of Hearts?
Someone actually called that name.

But although they didn't laugh, the netizens in the live broadcast room were already blowing up.

"Hahaha, the six of hearts is really 6666!"

"Although I know that people in Taiguo like to have nicknames, but isn't this name too ridiculous?"

"Fortunately, people in Taiguo don't think there is anything inappropriate about this name."

"What is the real name of a Taiguo person, you can use it as a nickname!"

"Hmph, you are all discussing other people's names, am I the only one who likes Miss Six of Hearts?"

"Go away, I just fell in love with her, beauty is justice."

"That's right, they're all so pretty, and their names are pretty good."


These Chinese barrages are sometimes mixed with characters from other countries.

Netizens were not used to it at first, but now they have gotten used to it. There is such a thing as foreign barrage.

In the director's room, Director Zhang Han was very pleased after seeing the data in the live broadcast room.

A few days ago, the arrival of Aragaki Yui and others made the online number of the entire live broadcast directly exceed the 1000 million mark, because many of these people who came were more than five of their fans.

After they left, Zhang Han worried for a while whether the popularity of the live broadcast room would drop drastically.

Unexpectedly, the data has actually stabilized, and now the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached 300 million, which is really an astonishing live broadcast data.

Zhang Han couldn't help sighing, Teacher Gu is really amazing, as long as most of the people who enter the live broadcast room can be attracted by him.

Obviously they are all fans of Aragaki Yui and the others, but after entering the live broadcast room, they will soon be attracted by Teacher Gu.

Therefore, because Gu Chenfeng continued to stay and watch the live broadcast.

What is even more surprising are those foreigners. According to the data given by Orange TV, the number of people watching the live broadcast from abroad has reached 50. This data is not to mention the live broadcast of variety shows.

Even for internet celebrities who specialize in live broadcasting, under the operation of various teams and brokerage companies, it will take a long time to accumulate such popularity.

Moreover, Zhang Han didn't know how much water those online celebrity store data had, but he knew that all the data in his live broadcast room were true.

I really don't know what this season of "Chinese Restaurant" will eventually evolve into.

At the Chinese restaurant, Gu Chenfeng also introduced Zhou Tongyu and others to Luzhu.

Looking at Zhao Wei, Luzhu said with a smile, "Could you be the one who played the little swallow in "My Fair Princess"?"

Zhao Wei smiled intellectually: "Yes, you have watched this TV series!"

Luzhu supported his forehead, smiled helplessly, and said: "Of course I have seen it. This TV series is also very popular in Taiguo. When I showed you the Xiangwang Temple that day, I felt that you looked very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere before." .”

"I didn't expect you to be a little swallow."

Then she looked at Gu Chenfeng again, and said, "Mr. Gu, it's Mei Changsu, the iron man, the clown from "Langya Bang"!"

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Have you ever watched these film and television works?"

Luzhu nodded. She didn't think about it before, but after Six of Hearts showed her "Langya Bang" that day, she discovered that Gu Chenfeng turned out to be a world-renowned star.

Thinking of this, Luzhu looked at everyone in disbelief, and said, "The five of you are all stars in Huaguo, right?"


"Then didn't you say that you run a restaurant?"

"That's right, aren't we just opening a restaurant now, don't you think this looks like a high-end club?"

"No, no, no, I just think it's a little unbelievable."

Gu Chenfeng pointed at the surrounding cameras and said with a smile: "Actually, we are opening a restaurant, that's right. Besides, we are still recording programs."

"Have you seen these cameras? This is a program called "Chinese Restaurant". We will operate a restaurant here for 30 days."

"By the way, as a kind reminder, our recording process was broadcast live."

Luzhu looked around, the cameras in almost every corner, said: "It's really recording a show, so is the fact that you opened the restaurant real or fake?"

Gu Chenfeng waved his hand and said, "No, no, no, it's true to run a restaurant, and it's also true to record a show. This kind of thing doesn't conflict."

"If you don't believe me, you can wait until night to see. By the way, we are going to buy ingredients in a while. Do you want to go together?"

Luzhu was stunned for a moment, her mind was a little overwhelmed, and she had watched a lot of variety shows.

But this is the first time she has seen the type of restaurant opening and program recording.

So, she took out the photo that Gu Chenfeng gave her before, and said, "So, it's true that you can eat for free with this photo?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded and said: "Of course it is true. Do you have anything you want to eat? You can order now."

Luzhu thought for a while, and said, "I don't know what to order. I just want to be vegetarian, but I also want to eat meat."

"That's easy to handle. Wouldn't it be good to have a plate of vegetarian dishes and a plate of meat dishes?"

"But my appetite is limited, so I can only eat one portion."

"You and I will make half of everything for you, so there shouldn't be any problem?"

"But in this way, wouldn't the other half be wasted?"

Gu Chenfeng clenched his fists slightly, and he kept telling himself in his heart, don't get excited, don't get excited, be calm and calm.

A good man can't do it.

Gu Chenfeng forcibly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Are you a princess?"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Hearing this, Luzhu's face changed.

Is my identity exposed?
No way, I still want to play freely for a few days, if I am recognized, I guess Gu Chenfeng and the others will be more restrained, right?

If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with it.

The problem is, now that my video and pictures are not leaked, how does he know my identity?

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