Chapter 491 The King Is Coming Soon
Luzhu put the plate on the table of the guests and said, "Your chopped pepper baby dish is ready, please taste it."

The guests at this table said they were from the South American Pakistani team. There were seven people in total, so they ordered a large table of dishes. After seeing this dish, several people started to move their chopsticks.

When you come to a Chinese restaurant to eat, using chopsticks is a very ceremonial thing. Although the posture of using chopsticks seems a bit awkward, they can still put the food in their mouths after all.

After taking a sip, the guest exclaimed:

"Well, it's delicious."

"Crisp and refreshing, it's simply amazing."

"Wow, it turns out that green vegetables are so delicious after being processed like this!"

"Please express my full gratitude to the chef for me."

After hearing the appreciation from these people, Luzhu beamed with joy.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng said: "Let me introduce to you, the chef who made this baby dish with chopped peppers is this lady named Luzhu."

The guest couldn't help eating it after hearing the words, looked at Luzhu in disbelief, and said, "Such a delicious dish is actually made by this charming lady?"

"Oh my God, I didn't expect that this lady is not only beautiful, but the dishes she cooks are also very delicious."

"Oh, dear lady, please accept my thanks."

Listening to the compliments from the guests, Luzhu's heart was filled with a sense of happiness and pride. She had received such high praise for cooking for the first time, which was completely unexpected to her before.

In the palace at this time, the king was holding a tablet computer, and after hearing the guests' comments on the dishes made by Luzhu through the camera, a proud smile appeared on his face.

When a person is young, the son is honored by the father, but after middle age, the father and the son are honored.

Even if he said the king, he was also a father. Seeing those foreigners praising his daughter's cooking skills, as a father, he felt extremely proud and proud.

Through the screen, his fingers lightly touched Luzhu's cheek, very relieved.

Accidentally clicked the switch button of the barrage.

All kinds of bullet screens and gifts appeared on the tablet in an instant.

"Wow, Miss Luzhu is amazing!"

"And she is not only beautiful, but also very tasteful."

"Seeing a group of foreigners praising a foreigner that the Chinese cuisine is excellent, I always feel that there is something weird about it."

"This just proves that our food culture export has been successful!"

"Miss Luzhu, come on, I've bought ten planes for you."


Seeing these barrages, the king was startled and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Liang glanced at it and explained with a smile: "Reporting to Your Majesty, this is called Danmaku, and it is a new thing. Young people like it more. When watching videos, use Danmaku to chat."

"The meaning of the barrage is that many people are praising Princess Luzhu, and the beauty of the people is also the beauty of the cooking."

"These full-screen cartoons are gifts from Huaguo netizens to the princess, in order to express their love for the princess."

Hearing this, the king immediately smiled and said, "I never thought that my princess would be loved by so many people before the coming-of-age ceremony was held."

"But then again, are the dishes she cooks really that delicious? Can't it be her help?"

When the king said this, he thought for a while and said, "Xiao Liang, please make arrangements. I will go to this Chinese restaurant for dinner tomorrow."

For the Chinese restaurant, after seeing off the last table of guests, the day's business came to an end.

Seeing Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia holding empty plates and collecting dishes from the guests' plates, Luzhu asked Du with some doubts: "What are you doing collecting these leftovers?"

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng frowned, and said: "It seems that you are really a princess. Now I will teach you to recite an ancient poem from our country of Hua. Come, learn from me."

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat drips down to the soil, who knows that every grain of the food on the plate is hard work!"

Gu Chenfeng read it in Mandarin, and Luzhu also tried to learn it in Mandarin.

After hearing her recitation, Gu Chenfeng was a little surprised. He didn't expect her Mandarin to be so good.

And this ancient poem can be recited very fluently, so he asked suspiciously: "Have you learned this poem before?"

Luzhu nodded and said, "Well, my father... bah, my father hired a Chinese teacher for me, and that teacher gave it to me."

Gu Chenfeng raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, Chinese teacher, no wonder she can speak Mandarin so well, it turned out that she went to learn it specially.

Many people in Taiguo can speak Mandarin. This is really not just talk, but people really learn it with their heart.

Thinking of this, Gu Chenfeng asked again: "Then can you understand the meaning of this ancient poem?"

Luzhu replied: "It is to teach us to cherish food."

"Yes!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "That's why we collect the leftovers from the guests, otherwise it would be a pity to throw them away. After all, these are not considered leftovers. What we are looking for are all food leftovers. The guest has not moved."

"Then we will fry two new dishes, which can be regarded as our dinner."

The reason why the five people in the Chinese restaurant did this is because Gu Chenfeng's cooking skills are good, and they don't want to waste, and those untouched foods don't have any psychological burden to eat.

Another reason is that it is now a live broadcast. Since it is recording a variety show, it is necessary to convey positive energy. The country is advocating CD-ROM action. As public figures, if they take the lead in wasting, they will definitely be criticized.

Many netizens have watched the live broadcast of Chinese restaurants in the past few days and found that they collect leftovers every day.

So everyone praised it.

"Wow, it's no wonder that he is my favorite star, and he really does what he does!"

"I threw away half a portion of rice today, and now I feel very ashamed."

"Who wouldn't like such a positive artist?"

"I love it, I love it, I love it, I decided to start saving food tomorrow."


The image of the five people instantly became taller in the hearts of netizens.

After the dinner was ready, Gu Chenfeng warmly invited Luzhu and the others to eat together.

Luzhu said a little depressed: "If I had known, I wouldn't have eaten that fish-flavored eggplant."

Gu Chenfeng laughed and said: "At that time, I didn't know that you would stay and help, but you already ate at six o'clock in the afternoon. After working all night, you should be hungry. Sit down and eat A bit."

Luzhu nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm really a little hungry, so I won't be polite."

During the meal, Luzhu admired Gu Chenfeng's cooking skills very much, it was even more delicious than those prepared by the royal chefs in the palace.

Gu Chenfeng looked at the scenery outside and asked, "Do you live in Elephant Island?"


"Then after dinner, I'll take you back home!"

"Send us?"

"Well, it's always a bit uneasy to let you two girls walk at night, or take a taxi back."

Hearing this, Six of Hearts smiled and said, "No need, we have..."

Just as she was about to say that there were bodyguards from the palace in her car, she was stared back by Luzhu.

Feeling Luzhu's gaze, Six of Hearts was too frightened to speak.

Gu Chenfeng said seriously: "Why don't you use it? No matter what, it's very dangerous for two girls to walk at night."

At this time, Huang Xiaoming also said: "Teacher Gu is right, after sending you to the place safely, we can go back to the hotel with peace of mind."

Luzhu smiled happily when she heard the words: "Then please come."

Saying that, Luzhu gave Six of Hearts a wink, Six of Hearts immediately understood, nodded helplessly, then got up and walked out of the restaurant.

In a hidden corner, the bodyguards of the royal family were watching there. Six of Hearts walked over and said, "The princess asked the people from this restaurant to escort her back. You can only protect in secret, and you must not show up."

"Otherwise the princess will be angry."

The bodyguards all nodded, and after the six of hearts were arranged, they returned to the Chinese restaurant.

In the restaurant at this time, after everyone finished their meal, they began to sit around in front of the restaurant and began to ask for today's profits.

Seeing the money on the table, Six of Hearts and Luzhu's eyes were dazzled.

Even if Luzhu is a princess, she rarely sees so much cash.

"My God, do you make so much profit in a day?"

Zhao Wei smiled and said: "So, we are really running a restaurant, come and help us count together!"

Luzhu nodded and joined the ranks of counting money.

Soon, the results came out, and today's daily revenue reached 64 baht.

After seeing this result, Luzhu and Six of Hearts couldn't help but gasp. They both knew very well what the concept of 64 baht was.

Don't say that Gu Chenfeng and others are not professional restaurant owners, even those who specialize in restaurant openings can hardly earn such a high income in a day.

Luzhu sighed, "You guys are really amazing."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "What is this? You must know that our highest daily turnover has exceeded 100 million baht so far."


At this moment, Luzhu was beyond shock. As a princess of a country, she had seen many expensive things, but none of them had such a strong sense of shock.

Because she also participated in the operation of the Chinese restaurant today, although it was just dinner, this sense of accomplishment cannot be brought to her by anything.

So she asked, "Then are there any shortages here?"

Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng and the others were all happy, and Gu Chenfeng asked: "Why, do you want to come here to work?"

"You may consider coming over tomorrow morning to help us make Roujiamo together!"

(⊙o⊙) What?
Luzhu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Roujiamo, what is that?"

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Why, you don't know, isn't it that Roujiamo is quite popular in Elephant Island now, you don't know."

Luzhu shook her head and said, "I don't live in Elephant Island. I also played there that day at Xiangwang Temple, and then I went to other places. Later, I found out that you are an international star, so I came here by boat." of."

Gu Chenfeng looked at Luzhu and said: "That's okay, if you don't have anything to do tomorrow, you can come and participate."

Hearing this, Luzhu quickly nodded and said, "I want to participate. This kind of thing sounds very interesting. When will it start tomorrow?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while and said, "It's ten o'clock in the morning, you just come here and wait."

"Okay, we will definitely come over tomorrow." Luzhu said with a smile.

While they were chatting, the supermarket had already delivered all the ingredients they needed to make Rougamo. After Gu Chenfeng accepted these ingredients, he stewed the pork belly first.

Afterwards, the Chinese restaurant was proofed.

A group of seven people, plus a follow-up photographer, sat in Azhuo's pickup truck and went to the hotel where Luzhu and the others stayed.

After watching them enter the hotel, Gu Chenfeng and others returned to the hotel.

The next day, Gu Chenfeng and others first said they went to the pier to get bread, and then went to the bank to deposit the profits from last night.

"It's already 700 million baht, which is simply too much." On the way back, Zhao Wei sighed.

Gu Chenfeng and others were very happy with this achievement, and everyone talked and laughed along the way.

When they returned to the Chinese restaurant, Luzhu and Six of Hearts were already waiting there, and colleagues, a hundred glass fiber reinforced plastics and drunken shrimp were also delivered.

Luzhu curiously asked Du, "What are these for?"

"These are used to make drunken shrimp. This is our signature dish, and many customers have ordered it." Gu Chenfeng explained while starting to process the drunken shrimp.

Zhou Tongyu and Jin Mengjia went to the kitchen to cook eggs. After cooking, several people sat around and began to peel the eggs.

Looking at the pile of eggs, Luzhu asked Du ah suspiciously: "Are these the ingredients used to make Roujiamo?"

"That's right!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said, "Let's finish peeling the eggs, and then we can prepare the meat buns for sale."

Soon, the eggs were all peeled, and Gu Chenfeng, as usual, handed over the glorious and arduous task of opening the pressure cooker lid to Luzhu and Six of Hearts.

Looking at the long line of guests on the beach, Luzhu believed that this food called Roujiamo must be very delicious, after all, the eyes of the masses are discerning.

Sure enough, as soon as the lid of the pot was opened, the rich aroma made Luzhu swallow her saliva.

And the group of guests who lined up, smelling the fragrance, became even more excited.

Gu Chenfeng made one for each of Luzhu and Hongtaoliu, and then the dishes were officially sold.

"Wow, this is Roujiamo, it's really delicious!"

"Gong... Sister Luzhu, don't you want to lose weight and can't eat meat?"

"You can't blame me, it's mainly because the Roujiamo did it first."

After eating the Roujiamo, Luzhu and Hong Taoliu also joined the ranks of selling Roujiamo.

"Mr. Gu, can I worship you as my teacher?"

When Gu Chenfeng was busy, he suddenly heard such a sentence from Luzhu, which made him a little dazed.

"Worship me as a teacher?"

"Yes, your cooking skills are so good, I want to learn more Chinese dishes from you."

"You don't need to be a teacher. If you want to learn any dishes, I can teach you. If you don't have enough eggs, go to the kitchen to get some eggs."


The sale of Roujiamo is very smooth.

After lunch, Heart Six and Luzhu continued to help make the Roujiamo and Drunken Shrimp that the guests ordered.

At this moment in the palace, the king put on an ordinary dress, looked at Li Liang beside him, and asked, "Do I look like an ordinary person?"

Li Liang looked around and replied very seriously: "Your Majesty the King, no matter what clothes you wear, they can't cover up your aura."

This is of course not flattery. When a person has been in a position for a long time, he will gradually have a unique temperament. For example, Zhu Yuanzhang in the history of Huaguo, he is definitely a model of grassroots turning over. even lower.

Liu Bang of the Han Dynasty was also a pavilion chief at any rate, and he was an official, but Zhu Yuanzhang was different. His background was very humble, and he was an out-and-out farmer.

There is such a story, you are a migrant worker, because you stepped on the land of the landlord’s house while grazing cattle, you were beaten half to death by the landlord, and you dragged your injured body back to the dilapidated thatched hut, only to find that your parents They are all starving to death.

And you end up becoming a beggar yourself.

So, under such circumstances, how do you overthrow the ruler and become the Yellow Emperor?

Please see how Zhu Yuanzhang did it?
Started with a bowl, followed by broken bowls to break through the world, and finally won the whole world.

Turned from a beggar to the Yellow Emperor, the temperament of being a beggar was replaced by that of the emperor after becoming the emperor.

Since then, even if Zhu Yuanzhang puts on commoner clothes, he is still imposing. That kind of noble temperament is not something ordinary people can learn.

The same is true for the king of the Tai Kingdom. Even if he wears the clothes of ordinary people, his soul is still a king, giving people the impression that he is extraordinary.

The king sighed when he heard the words, and said, "Is this what Hua people often say, a natural beauty is hard to give up?"

Hearing this, Li Liang wanted to explain to the king that this sentence was used to praise the lady, but seeing that the king was in a good mood, he decided not to make trouble.

So he nodded and said, "Your Majesty is right."

The king straightened his collar and said, "How is the arrangement at the Chinese restaurant?"

Li Liang bowed and replied: "I would like to follow His Majesty's instructions. I didn't tell the people in the Chinese restaurant about going to the Chinese restaurant this time. Colleagues, I have already asked people to queue up at the Chinese restaurant."

The king asked puzzledly, "Line up?"

Li Liangliang nodded, and said: "Your Majesty, you don't know. This Chinese restaurant only borrows a maximum of [-] tables of guests every night. Some of them are in short supply. If you don't line up in advance, you may not be eligible to eat."

Because the king's whereabouts are not easy to expose, and the king himself asked not to be exposed, saying that he wanted to surprise the Chinese restaurant and Luzhu.

So Li Liang couldn't identify Zhuo Wei with his own identity. As for whether it was a surprise, I don't know, but shock must be indispensable.

After hearing Li Liang's words, the king was very happy, and said, "Only thirty tables of guests can be received at most? Don't all the catering staff hope to have as many guests as possible?"

"Why is this Chinese restaurant so abnormal?"

Li Liang replied with a smile: "That's because they are all celebrities, and they are not professional catering. If there are too many entertainers, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep up with energy."

The king nodded when he heard the words, picked up a hat, put it on his head, and said, "Let's go, let's go and see, what is the charm of that Chinese restaurant!"

The Chinese restaurant is busy preparing for the dinner, and Luzhu is very happy to participate.

"Wow, this is the first time I've done these vegetable washing and cutting knife things."

Six of Hearts had never seen the princess so happy before, so he didn't open his mouth to stop her.

In fact, even if she spoke, she would definitely be frightened back by Luzhu's stare.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, there were two waves of customers who came here to feel it. They were all traveling in Taiguo. When they saw this Chinese restaurant by chance, they came to line up, but there was no queue for two days. It's my turn.

As the saying goes, what you can’t get is always in turmoil. Some tourists didn’t eat the food in the Chinese restaurant and left regretfully. Those whose holidays are coming to an end have to come early and queue up.

Jin Mengjia ordered a few drinks for them first, and told them that the Chinese restaurant would not start ordering food until after six o'clock.

Of course, these customers are very clear about this rule, but after six o'clock, there will be no seats soon. Anyway, the location of this Chinese restaurant faces the sea. They can go to the seaside to have a look while waiting for their meal. landscape.

Not long after, another couple came in at the door, and the man asked, "Boss, can I get a number in advance and come over to eat later?"

Zhao Wei raised his head and glanced at the Taiguo man in front of him, who was quite powerful, and said, "Sorry, we don't accept reservations for dinner here."

"Because we only accept [-] tables of guests, if they all make reservations, it would be too unfair to those who line up to eat. If you want to eat, you can cook here first, and it will start at six o'clock later. No."

This is the result of discussions between the five of Gu Chenfeng and the others. It's still the same sentence, they don't specialize in running restaurants, they just come to record programs to promote Huaguo cuisine.

If the reservation is accepted, what if the customer does not come?
If the guest doesn't come to let other guests stare at him, and then the reserved guest comes again, what should we do?
They don't want to waste too much energy on this, so they simply don't accept reservations.

If you want to eat in a Chinese restaurant, you just come and line up until you get there.

(End of this chapter)

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