Entertainment: Taking her daughter out of the house, it is popular on the Internet

Chapter 509 The World's Most Popular Variety Show Chapter

Chapter 509 The World's Most Popular Variety Show

"I now find that peeling eggs in a Chinese restaurant is really a miraculous job!"

"That's right, the sisters of the Wang Group, the five star group of the island country, the princess of the Tai country, and now even the Leopold family have come."

"People who can buy eggs in Chinese restaurants are either rich or expensive. Like the Leopold family, they can be worth trillions of dollars."

"I also want to go to a Chinese restaurant to peel eggs, even if it's a small fee."

"Don't say you have money and power if you haven't peeled an egg in a Chinese restaurant."


The views of those foreigners are similar to those of Chinese people. Mary's neighbor is a very familiar person to Europeans.

Such a noble person is actually happily peeling eggs in a restaurant. Who would believe it?

At this time, many netizens sent other bullet screens.

"By the way, have you noticed anything?"

"Did you notice it too?"

"Yeah, I've noticed it since I opened the live broadcast room in the morning, and I thought I was wrong!"

"Why has the number of online users on the call not changing?"


Just as the audience was in high spirits, cheering for Xin's day-long live broadcast, and preparing to frantically swipe barrage and gifts, everyone discovered a very strange thing.

That is the upper right corner of the live broadcast room, which represents the number of people in the live broadcast room, and it has not changed in any way.

It has been fixed on the eight nines, which looks particularly eye-catching.

And this data has been frozen for an hour.

Zhang Han in the director's office had already noticed this situation, and quickly contacted the backstage of the live broadcast of Orange Channel.

Soon there was a phone call.

After Zhang Han accepted it, he asked, "What's going on? Why is the data in the live broadcast room always fixed at eight nines?"

The person in charge of the background explained with a wry smile: "That's because the number of people in your live broadcast room has exceeded the server's statistical limit."

(⊙o⊙) What?
Zhang Han couldn't understand, and asked, "What do you mean?"

The person in charge said with a smile: "It means that the number of people in your live broadcast room has exceeded 100 million. This is something that has never happened before. For many live broadcast rooms, it is not bad if the number of people can reach [-] million."

"And your live broadcast room started with a few million people from the beginning. During this period of time, there will often be skyrocketing situations. Today is even more extraordinary. It actually broke through the unprecedented [-] million."

"I can pat my chest and say that the number of viewers in your live broadcast room is definitely the number one in the world."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Han was a little confused.

The number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded the [-] million mark?

This will break the billion profit?

So dreamy!
The world's first?

Would it be a bit exaggerated! "

But if you think about it carefully, it's not too exaggerated. After all, live broadcasting has only emerged in recent years. In the past few years, there have been no such international events as the Olympics and the World Cup.

So this live broadcast data of over [-] million has become the world's number one without exaggeration.

Although Zhang Han also had a premonition that the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant" would be very popular, but he did not expect it to be so popular.

While Zhang Han was happy, he didn't forget to ask: "Then what should we do next? Is the live broadcast data just kept?"

The person in charge of the background said with a smile: "Don't worry, our technicians are upgrading the server. It is estimated that the statistics of the data will be normal in the evening."

Zhang Han nodded and said, "Well, thank you for your hard work."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Han was so happy, the live broadcast data exceeded [-] million, the number one in the world.

Just because of this data, those sponsors will increase their sponsorship fees again.

These are all written in the contract. After the recording of the Chinese restaurant is over, they must give Gu Chenfeng and others a big red envelope.

Netizens in the live broadcast room, seeing the data that has not been moving, many people gradually understand what is going on.

"Fuck, awesome, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded the statistical limit of the server."

"So now there are more than [-] million people online in this live broadcast room?"

"My God, will there be so many people watching the live broadcast, is it so exaggerated?"

"It seems exaggerated at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, there are 233 wages and 75 billion people in the world."

"Except for China, there are 232 other countries with a population of 60 billion at the first level, and more than half of the live broadcast rooms are Chinese people, and the other half are 60 million of the 5000 billion population."

"It is still very strong to attract 5000 million foreigners."

"I think most of these foreigners stayed for Mr. Gu."


When netizens were scrambling to discuss because of the number of people in the live broadcast room, the operation of the Chinese restaurant was still going on normally.

For eleven people, peeling [-] eggs is simply a trivial matter, and then the glorious and arduous task of opening the lid of the pressure cooker is handed over to the next door to Mary, Mary One, and Li Liang.

The moment the pot lid was opened, the tangy smell immediately captured their sense of smell.

Looking at the guests who were excitedly breathing and thinking of each other, the people next door to Mary were also deeply affected.

Later, when I tasted the taste of Roujiamo, I was astonished.

After selling the Roujiamo, Gu Chenfeng started to prepare lunch.

Maoxuewang, boiled fish, spicy chicken, stir-fried beef and so on.

Since Mary's neighbor likes spicy food, prepare some Sichuan dishes.

At the same time, for people like Zhou Tongyu who can't eat spicy food, they also fried non-spicy dishes.

These kinds of Sichuan dishes, compared to the ones that Mary ate next door, were a joy, and she kept laughing.

"Spicy and cool, really happy!"

After lunch, Mary's next door offered to help Gu Chenfeng and the others make the rougamo ordered by the guests.

It was one person who quickly gave it all to last night.

With a little time left, Mary Twelve took a document from the assistant, walked up to Gu Chenfeng, and said very respectfully: "Teacher, please sign this agreement!"

Gu Chenfeng was stunned, and looked at the agreement in confusion: "What is this?"

Mary Twelve said with a smile: "This is the share agreement. Because of the teacher, I can get an industry worth 300 billion US dollars, so I am willing to distribute 5.00% of the company's shares as a gift to the teacher. I hope the teacher will not refuse."

(⊙o⊙) What?
Gu Chenfeng hurriedly said, "Don't, don't, don't do this, you make it difficult for the teacher, and you know, I'm not very poor personally."

Normally, if you don’t participate in the company’s operations, you can get dividends from the company’s shares. In a $300 billion industry, even a 5.00% dividend is very objective.

Although I know that the little girl Mary Twelve knows how to repay her kindness, it is too generous to directly share dividends.

Besides, Gu Chenfeng himself is not short of this little money, it is completely unnecessary.

Mary Twelve said: "I know that the teacher is not short of money, and the teacher's worth is much higher than mine, but this is my share, and please accept it, teacher."

At this time, Mary Thirteen also persuaded: "Yes, teacher, you can accept it. This is a decision I made after discussing with my sister."

"When we came to Taiguo, my mother also specifically explained that we should thank you well. If we don't do anything, we will definitely be scolded by our mother when we go back."


Hearing this, Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, then nodded, and said: "Okay, but there is one more thing to add, that is this agreement, you can terminate it at any time."

Mary Twelve thought about it, and knew that if she didn't do what Chenfeng said, he would definitely not sign it, so she agreed.

After signing the agreement, Gu Chenfeng said to Mary Thirteen: "Since you are also in the entertainment industry, if you want to develop in Hollywood in the future, remember to contact me at any time."

"The teacher has no other skills, but it's no problem to protect you in Hollywood."

Hearing this, Mary Thirteen thanked happily: "Thank you, thank you!"

Gu Chenfeng's guarantee can be said to have added a huge umbrella to Mary Thirteen's development in Hollywood.

Gu Chenfeng's industry in Hollywood, from production to distribution, is completely unimpeded.

After chatting for a while, Mary Twelve and the others were about to leave.

There are already five cars waiting at the door of the Chinese restaurant.

They took a car directly to the tarmac on Koh Chang, and then took a helicopter to Mangu for a few games.

Gu Chenfeng gave them Dabao [-] Roujiamo, [-] catties at most, as well as some semi-finished Sichuan dishes, and a few packets of hot pot seasoning.

With the culinary skills of the two sisters, Mary XII and Mary 13, there should be no problem in making these into finished products.

While walking, the next door to Mary stopped suddenly, took out a stack of papers, filled it out, then tore off a sheet, handed it to Gu Chenfeng, and said, "Mr. Gu, please keep this check. , I’m a businessman, and I’m more about transactions than human relationships.”

"Accept this check, and I won't pay any more if I eat your dishes in the future."

Gu Chenfeng couldn't help sighing, what a wealthy family!
Of course, what Mary's next door said was all about this, and it would be hypocritical for Gu Chenfeng to refuse, so he took the check.

Said: "Okay, Mr. Leopold, whenever you want to eat Chinese cuisine, you can come to China at any time."

Mary next door nodded and got in the car.

Mary One followed suit.

Mary Twelve and Mary Thirteen chatted with Gu Chenfeng for a while, and then reluctantly said goodbye.

Li Liang smiled and said, "Mr. Gu, thank you."

He knew very well that if it wasn't for Gu Chenfeng, he would never have gotten the investment from Mary Twelve. This wave of investment is very important to the local economic development.

With the investment of this word, they will have more in-depth cooperation with the Leopold family in the future.

After a simple farewell, the car started and drove away.

Watching the cars of Mary Twelve and others go away.

Gu Chenfeng found that he was not as sad as when he parted for the first time, probably because he was used to parting.

Gu Chenfeng sighed, and said: "Every day we are greeted and sent away like this. I feel that our Chinese restaurant is really going to become Yihong Courtyard!"

Huang Xiaoming patted Gu Chenfeng's shoulder with a smile, and said, "I want to learn some cooking skills from you someday, and cook for my family when I go back."

Hearing this, Zhou Tongyu laughed and said, "I'm really envious of having such a loving husband."

"It's fine for you to keep your eyes open." Huang Xiaoming said with a smile.

At this time, Jin Mengjia looked at the check in Gu Chenfeng's hand, and asked curiously: "Mr. Gu, how much is the check in your hand? That Mr. Leopold is worth trillions of dollars, believe me The check he gave should be expensive!"

Hearing Jin Mengjia's words, Gu Chenfeng picked up the check and glanced at it.

Jin Mengjia next to him came over to take a look, and exclaimed, "Wow, there are so many zeros!"

A following photographer came over and pointed the camera at the check in Gu Chenfeng's hand.

Over [-] million viewers in the live broadcast room looked at the numbers together.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million..."

[-] million?
Gu Chenfeng and others, as well as the people in the live broadcast room, were all stunned.

Some were unwilling to believe the numbers in front of them, and several people counted again.

It turned out that it was really [-] million, and it was still in US dollars.

In the car, Mary next door and his children were heading towards the tarmac of Elephant Island.

Along the way, Mary's neighbor always felt a little awkward, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Finally, he thought of something, and hurriedly took out the stubs of a stack of checks from him.

After reading it, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Seeing this, Mary Twelve asked with concern, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

The neighbor next door, Mary, said with a sad face, "I added an extra zero to Gu Chenfeng's check just now. I originally wanted to give him 1000 million dollars, but I ended up giving him [-] million dollars."

When I was writing the check just now, I was so handsome that I didn't notice that I wrote an extra digit.

Mary's next door was so chic just now, but now she is so depressed.

But I can't blame myself for this, who made so many zeros after [-] million.

If you don't want to answer directly, how many zeros are there after [-] million, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to write directly.

Hearing what Mary's neighbor said, Mary No. [-] has already eaten. Although their family is rich, but a meal costs [-] million U.S. dollars, such a stupid thing, it is not possible to do it.

Mary No. [-] asked, "Father, why don't we turn around and go to the Chinese restaurant now and ask for that check back? Or ask the twelfth sister to call Gu Chenfeng and tell them about it?"

Mary next door thought for a while, then waved her hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, who am I, Leopold's Patriarch, the money given out is the water that was poured out, and you have to come back? It's too embarrassing, I lost I'm sorry for this person, just give it to him!"

After finishing speaking, the next door to Mary sighed deeply, she was so depressed!

At the Chinese restaurant, everyone was sure that the check was indeed [-] million.

Everyone took a deep breath, and netizens clicked their tongues.

"Oh my god, I gave you a hundred million dollars for a meal. Are you so proud?"

"I tried it just now, and I couldn't write [-] million correctly in one go. I'm really poor!"

"If [-] million U.S. dollars is exchanged for Ruanmei Coin, it will be [-] million yuan."

"To have money is to be willful."

"The assets of the Leopold family are trillions of dollars. If you take out one ten thousandth of the assets, Mr. Gu's face is really big enough!"


The reactions of those foreigners were similar, they all praised Gu Chenfeng for being amazing, he could actually make Mary's next door spend [-] million dollars to eat, and he still came by plane and left by plane.

In this world, who can have this face?
Then, many people became more and more interested in Gu Chenfeng.

Anyway, "Chinese Restaurant" will be over for a while.Keep going and see what other interesting things happen.

Finally, these foreigners did not forget to add: it is nice to have money.

It is estimated that Mary next door could cry and faint in the toilet when she heard these words.

TMD, I just wrote it wrong.

Zhao Wei looked at Gu Chenfeng and asked, "Teacher Gu, what do you plan to do?"

Gu Chenfeng thought for a while, and said: "Of course this is included in our turnover. After the recording of our Chinese restaurant is over, we will divide the profit equally."

Huang Xiaoming asked in disbelief, "Equal split?"

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Of course, the food expenses are paid by others, and everyone in the Chinese restaurant handles it. Of course, it has to be shared equally."

"And I plan to divide it into seven points at that time, one for each of the five of us, one for the program group, and the last share will be donated to charity in the name of our program group."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaoming and the others became happy.

Zhang Han is also very happy.

Originally, I wanted to give Gu Chenfeng and the others a big red envelope, but Gu Chenfeng prepared such a generous gift for them.

Huang Xiaoming pretended to be polite, and said: "It would be a little bad for us to share, after all, you are the one who contributes the most in the whole program."

Gu Chenfeng smiled and said: "Okay, don't pretend, everyone is working hard, I don't need to eat alone, it's getting late, hurry up and prepare dinner."

Gu Chenfeng has already thought about it, taking part of the money to do charity, and he will also use his own share to do charity.

First of all, he himself is not short of money. The reason why he followed up is because people have talked all about that fan. If he doesn't answer, he will lose face.

So take it over for charity.

After the netizens in the live broadcast room heard that Gu Chenfeng wanted to use some of the money for charity, many foreigners became fans of him.

Such a caring person, who doesn't love?

Although there are only five people in the dinner business, they have long been accustomed to their jobs. With the hard work of the five people writing, the day's business ended smoothly.

Today's income is very rich. After all, [-] million US dollars can have a good dream.

the next day.

According to the data of the live broadcast room, it has been repaired by the background technicians. When the live broadcast room is opened, the number of online users in the live broadcast room has reached [-] million.

After seeing this data, Zhang Han and other staff were startled. They thought it had just exceeded 2000 million, but they didn't expect it to exceed [-] million, and the backstage of the live broadcast room just gave Zhang Han a data.

People who watch the live broadcast of "Chinese Restaurant" now, except for Huaguo, other data come from 97 countries and regions around the world. audience.

Now is the initial stage of word of mouth spreading in these regions and countries. Through word of mouth, word of mouth spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands.

In the next few days, this data may skyrocket again.

The current server load data is [-] million, but judging from the current situation, [-] million may not be enough.

Just in case, they are urgently adjusting other servers and adding them at that time.

It needs to be increased to at least [-] million and in two, maybe it can bear it.

Hearing this, Zhang Han was completely shocked.

Five hundred million!

Will there be such a high number in the end?

If it can be achieved, Zhang Han will definitely jump up happily.

In fact, when he saw that the current figure was [-] million, he was already ecstatic.

The person in charge of the backstage said with a smile: "Now, the station has noticed the matter in the live broadcast room, and attaches great importance to it. Director Zhang, I have to congratulate you in advance. This year, you may be promoted and get a year-end bonus."

Although Zhang Han was happy in his heart, he still said modestly: "It's a bit early to say this now, this year hasn't passed yet, and "Chinese Restaurant" will be recorded in [-] days!"

"I don't know what it will look like in the end!"

After chatting with the person in charge of the backstage for a few words, Zhang Han hung up the phone.

Oh my goodness!

With [-] million data, is it possible to play it?

If it can be completed, it will definitely be the hottest thing this year.

The most important thing is that there are a lot of advertising spaces in the live broadcast room of "Chinese Restaurant", and these advertising spaces alone have already fetched a total sky-high price of 15 billion.

Compared with when the Chinese restaurant just started recording, there were no sponsors, no advertisers, and even many celebrity guests were unwilling to participate.

After all, the previous two seasons have lost word of mouth, and this season is a hit in the eyes of many stars.

Who knew that this show became the most popular variety show in the world because of Mr. Gu's joining.

Of course, Zhang Han also knew that the reason why Gu Chenfeng agreed to participate was because the purpose of the program was to promote the food culture of Huaguo.

If not, how could it be possible for Gu Chenfeng to participate in this variety show with his worth and status?

With Gong Ping joining, this variety show has become the most popular show in the world.

Yesterday you ignored me, today I let you down, turned serfs and sang, oh yeah!
After being excited for a while, Zhang Han looked at the live broadcast room again.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room flew across the sky.

"I really want to be an apprentice with Mr. Gu, he is a chef who makes too much money."

"I just want to work in a Chinese restaurant, even if it's a small change."

(End of this chapter)

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