Chapter 520 Chapter 519: The Finale

The next day, everything was as usual.

The sun rose as usual, and Gu Chenfeng and others also came to the Chinese restaurant as usual.

The first thing to do is lunch, because this is the last day of the Chinese restaurant, even those who did not get the meal number did not leave, but took this place as a scenic spot and took a group photo.

After all, this place is full of magic. Staying in this place can not only be happy, but also meet many stars.

Since today is the last day of the Chinese restaurant, many people came to the live broadcast room. Everyone wanted to watch this magical program, and the curtain gradually came to an end.

Normal wake up at lunch time.

Luo Qingcheng suddenly noticed a group of Chinese people sitting on a dining table outside, including old people and children, whose backs were very familiar.

Walking in and taking a look, I immediately shouted in surprise: "Baby, parents, sister Zhang, why are you here?"

That's right, the people at this table were Zhang Qingqing, Liu Kuang, Zhuo Le, Tangtang and her parents.

Seeing Luo Qingcheng, Tangtang jumped up excitedly and said, "Mom, we are coming!"

"Girl, you don't do business in this restaurant, what about Xiao Gu, are you still cooking?" Luo Chen asked with a smile.

Luo Qingcheng hugged Tangtang, looked at Luo Chen and replied: "He is relatively relaxed today."

After finishing speaking, he shouted in the direction of the kitchen window: "Husband, come here, parents and daughter are here."

In the kitchen, Gu Chenfeng was guiding Wang Yao and the others to guess. There were still six tables of guests with unfinished meals, and most of the dishes were in charge of him, Wang Yao, Luo Qingcheng, and Wang Yao.

After hearing Luo Qingcheng's voice, Gu Chenfeng looked out the window sill, saw Tangtang and his father-in-law passing by, and hurried over.

After leaving for such a long time, Gu Chenfeng, who hadn't seen his daughter for a long time, was seldom excited.

When he came to the front, he hugged Tangtang directly, and said happily: "Baby, why are you here? You didn't tell Mom and Dad in advance."

At this time, Luo Chen said with a smile: "Afraid of disturbing your work, Tangtang happened to be on vacation recently, and this is your last issue, we just wanted to come and have fun."

"Yes, yes, Dad, you haven't been home for a long time, Tangtang missed you, and then asked grandpa and grandma to bring me and my brother here."

Gu Chenfeng kissed Tangtang on the cheek, then went to his mother and hugged his son.

Gu Chenfeng was very happy to see his family here.

"Husband, there are still dishes that are not finished. You can cook first. I'll just stay here with my parents and the babies." Luo Qingcheng glanced at the guests who were still waiting to be served, and said to Gu Chenfeng.

Only then did Gu Chenfeng reluctantly let go of his son, and said, "Baby, when Dad finishes his work, I will come to accompany you."

Then he went to the kitchen to continue cooking.

The lunch business was quickly over.

After seeing his family, Gu Chenfeng took his family out of the Chinese restaurant after lunch, took his son and daughter, and played together at the seaside.

Seeing the harmonious scene of a family of four and the four elderly people, countless netizens in the live broadcast room sighed.

"This is the real happy life!"

"I'm really envious of Mr. Gu's life like this. The family is in this place of Elephant Island, looking at the sea, it's very comfortable."

"Teacher Gu has a double harvest of career and love. This is a successful life!"

"For some reason, I suddenly envied Luo Qingcheng for finding such a good man as Mr. Gu."

"Come on, Luo Qingcheng has been with Gu Chenfeng since the very beginning. The two of them can be said to be a husband and wife who share weal and woe. Now they are sharing happiness. What do you envy?"

"Indeed, when Teacher Gu was in a difficult situation, Luo Qingcheng was always by his side. Now that Teacher Gu has succeeded, he has always been by Luo Qingcheng's side."

"A truly long-lasting marriage is two people who accompany each other!"


It's time for dinner. This is the last day that the Chinese restaurant will be open, and it will be the last dinner of "Chinese Restaurant".

This time, the Chinese restaurant turned away all the guests and no longer entertained anyone.

Of course, Tangtang and others must not be counted.

These are family members.

When night fell, the elder sister outside the Chinese restaurant was full of bodyguards, and the surrounding area was full of reporters with long guns and short cannons. They were recording the scenes inside the restaurant as much as possible.

And there are many guests who come here because of the famous name. They all know that today is the last night of the Chinese restaurant, so they came to see them off.

The most impressive thing about any show is the beginning and the end.

Many netizens also poured into the live broadcast room.

"Wooooooow, is it the last night?"

"I'm so reluctant, I still want to see Teacher Gu's majestic cooking."

"And there will be many stars from all over the world visiting this place."

"Can you stop crying in front, are you all so stupid?"

""Chinese Restaurant" is not over yet, where is the time for Mr. Gu to return to China to meet us!"


Foreigners also have a lot of reluctance.

"I can no longer see the performance of the fire magician."

"It's a pity. I just invited you down for a vacation, and I still want to go to a Chinese restaurant for dinner."

"Although the show is over, I will definitely go to that place this year."

"He's a big star, and he has other work to do, so it's impossible to record variety shows all the time."

"The same fans, the other Huaguo artists are also very good, I will get to know them."


In the Chinese restaurant, in addition to the original seven people, there are now six members of Tangtang's family, a total of 13 people.

"Today we don't eat leftovers, we make all new dishes." In the kitchen, Gu Chenfeng was cooking in full swing.

Today is a different day, usually for dinner, they will collect some leftovers from the guests, is it a CD-ROM operation? Artists cannot promote waste.

In front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, you have to maintain your image.

There are no guests tonight, so there are no leftovers. For the last meal, everyone will have a better meal.

Wang Yao took out her mobile phone and opened the live broadcast room. Looking at the barrage inside, she was all reluctant to give up. There were many colleagues and foreigners who were watching the barrage.

"Star Gu, many foreigners have left messages saying they want to see you perform fire magic again."

Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said: "Okay, there are already eight dishes, then I will make two more stir-fried dishes, and it will be a perfect dish."

After finishing speaking, I walked to the two stoves, heated up the oil, sautéed the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, and then started to make stir-fried tripe!
Gu Chenfeng still controlled the fire, making the flames very strong.

The foreigners in the live broadcast room also started to learn to give rewards to their heart's content, don't leave a message one by one, in this program, they have no regrets.

All ten dishes were served on the table, and everyone poured wine, juice, etc.

Since Gu Chenfeng's family is present, and he is the soul of the Chinese restaurant, he speaks on behalf of the people in the Chinese restaurant.

"It's been 30 days, and the Chinese restaurant is finally over, but I always feel that this month has passed so long."

Huang Xiaoming nodded and said, "It's really long."

Zhao Wei smiled intellectually: "I feel that life is too fulfilling. Since the first day of our Chinese restaurant's opening, we have been busy."

Jin Mengjia said: "Yes, we were really in a hurry on the first day, unlike now, we can handle hundreds of guests with ease."

"Dad, let me toast you first. They talk about theirs, and we drink ours." While everyone was chatting, Gu Chenfeng held the wine glass and drank with Luo Chen and Gu Jianguo.

After everyone had finished talking, Gu Chenfeng stood up and picked up the wine glass in his hand.

The rest of the Chinese restaurant also stood up, Tangtang also stood up, only the Luo Chen couple and Gu Jianguo couple did not get involved, they came here to play after all.

"Looking back on this month, I really feel very emotional. Too many things happened, some happy, some sad, some exciting, some amazing."

"This is our last supper, I wish each other better in the future."

After speaking, Gu Chenfeng had a drink with everyone.

There was a crisp sound of clinking glasses, and eight glasses collided together.



Soon, the last supper came to an end. Several people cleared the table and put away the dishes.

Gu Chenfeng made a few more glasses of juice and divided them among everyone.

Everyone drank the juice and looked at the interior of the restaurant, full of emotion in their hearts.

There were no long queues of customers at the door, and there were no customers sitting at the tables waiting for food to be served. Huang Xiaoming didn't have to keep everyone in order, and Jin Mengjia, Zhou Yutong, and Wang Yao didn't have to go around ordering food for the guests.

Luo Qingcheng doesn't need to help Gu Chenfeng, and Zhao Wei doesn't need to light a calculator to calculate the money for the guests.

Gu Chenfeng didn't have to keep cooking from the moment the fire started until the last table of guests left.

The rented tables and chairs are all stacked in the corner of the restaurant entrance.

Everything is so silent.

Gu Chenfeng hugged his son, looked at the quiet sea not far away, sighed, and said, "It's so quiet."

Huang Xiaoming, who was standing next to his left hand, nodded and said, "Yes, this is the first time in the past 30 days that it has been so quiet."

Next to Huang Xiaoming was Jin Mengjia, she smiled wryly and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm really reluctant!"

Zhou Dongyu, who stood second to Gu Chenfeng's right, said, "I must take a few more photos as souvenirs."

Zhao Wei, who was in the first position on Gu Chenfeng's right, said with a smile, "Okay, it's almost sad, so let's talk about something happy."

Several people in the Chinese restaurant turned their heads to look at Zhao Wei when they heard the words.

"A happy thing?"

Zhao Wei curled his lips and said with a smile: "We should calculate how much money we have earned during the time we have been in business."

Hearing this, Zhou Dongyu and the others wanted to split up.

That's right, they have been operating the Chinese restaurant for a month, and with so many customers coming during this period, I'm afraid the turnover is already very objective.

Gu Chenfeng looked at Zhao Wei and said, "Then Sister Zhao, you can announce to us that we have a turnover during this time."

In an instant, Zhao Wei, the person in charge of the financial power of the Chinese restaurant, became the focus of everyone.

I saw Zhao Wei took out a red note, his face couldn't restrain his joy, and said: "All of you stand still and control your emotions, otherwise I'm afraid you will pass out from screaming."

Huang Xiaoming smiled and said, "Is that an exaggeration?"

Zhao Wei smiled and said, "After 30 days of hard work, the total turnover of our Chinese restaurant is very impressive."

"The turnover atmosphere is divided into two parts, US dollars and Thai baht, and everyone is doing well."

As he spoke, Zhao Wei cleared his throat and said, "In the past 30 days, our turnover in Thai baht is..."

"Three thousand five hundred and eighty-two thousand seven thousand three hundred and eighty-six baht, converted into soft sister currency at today's exchange rate is 580 forty thousand, two thousand and three hundred yuan."

Hearing this amount, Huang Xiaoming and the others were all taken aback.

Then, they all danced and jumped up.

More than 700 million soft sister coins, this number is too amazing.

You should know that this is only the baht part, and it is a monthly turnover.

Seeing them cheering happily, Zhao Wei smiled and said, "Looking at you who have never seen the world, you have just announced the Thai baht part, and the next thing I want to talk about is the turnover of the US dollar part."

"After 30 days of hard work, the turnover of our Chinese restaurant in US dollars is..."


After hearing this result, the Chinese restaurant fell into a mysterious silence.

All the bullet screens in the live broadcast room turned into exclamation marks.


Outside the Chinese restaurant, many lecturers watched the live broadcast with their mobile phones or tablets. When they heard the shock from Zhao Weibao, everyone fell silent.

After a few seconds.

Whether it was Gu Chenfeng and the others in the Chinese restaurant, or the guests outside the door, they all exclaimed.

For a while, there was a lot of voices near the Chinese restaurant, and everyone was ecstatic.

Zhao Wei continued to speak loudly: "U.S. dollars and Thai baht, add up the two parts and convert them into soft sister coins, which is our total turnover, totaling: 12 yuan."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaomu stick and others were shocked beyond measure.

"12 billion?"

"And this money is our net profit?"

"My God, we actually made a net profit of 30 billion in 12 days."

"Wait a minute, what 12 billion, the next 5000 million or so have been eaten by you, that's more than 5000 million, it can't be saved."

"Who would have imagined that our starting capital was only 30 yuan 2000 days ago?"

Huang Xiaoming took out his mobile phone and said, "Wait, let me do the math."

"Hey, our profit in the past 30 days has actually increased by more than 62 times!"

"Oh my god, this is actually our turnover, I feel like I'm dreaming."

Excitement is nothing but excitement, but they are also clear in their minds and have a general scope of business. Among other things, the 1000 million US dollars given by Mary's next door alone has already taken up the bulk, and Schwarzenegger also gave [-] million later.

The last thing is to peel the eggs in the next few days. Although the egg is fixed at 1000 US dollars per day, the people who peel the eggs are businessmen ZY or celebrities. In addition to peeling the eggs, they will also give extra fees to the Chinese restaurant like incense money.

Especially those who realized their wishes by chance, even got a big red envelope, ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to one or two million dollars.

Moreover, their previous daily Roujiamo, Drunken Shrimp, and dinner also brought in a lot of income.

With a turnover of more than 12 billion, don't say that they are not professional catering, even if they are professional, they can't do this.

A net profit of more than 30 billion soft sister coins in 12 days?
Are you kidding me?
This night belongs to the Chinese restaurant, and it also belongs to the guests of the Chinese restaurant.

Because of the money, they will split it equally.

After a burst of cheers, Gu Chenfeng led everyone in the Chinese restaurant to stand at the entrance of the restaurant, facing the drone camera outside, and shouted: "Chinese restaurant, it's finished!"

Afterwards, firecrackers were fired around the Chinese restaurant, and the fireworks were brilliant.

[End of the book! 】

(End of this chapter)

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