Chapter 67 (Please recommend a ticket for further reading)

As soon as the interview video came out, netizens immediately became restless.

Everyone can see that Gu Chenfeng is using the metaphor of a mad dog to declare war in a strong response, which immediately makes netizens look forward to the next development of the two sides.

After declaring war on Gu Chenfeng with a high profile on Weibo, he has been checking Weibo.

Seeing that Gu Chenfeng didn't dare to respond, he felt complacent, thinking that Gu Chenfeng was a piece of rubbish.

After all, in this era where traffic is king, Gu Chenfeng's little popularity is simply negligible in his eyes.

What use is a rookie actor who can perform better in this era?
Besides, apart from "Longing for Life", Gu Chenfeng hasn't even been on any other variety shows, let alone commercial performances. As for fan meeting, Gu Chenfeng has never even been on such high-end things.

For someone like Gu Chenfeng, he can fight a bunch of them.

And the one who really resented Gu Chenfeng was not himself, but Gu Chenfeng actually became Zhang Qingqing's entertainer.

Because when Zhang Qingqing was still working as an agent in Dynasty Entertainment, she had never forgotten her.

Although he was a little impulsive that time, he didn't even touch the opponent's hand, and was slapped several times by Zhang Qingqing instead.

This made him very angry, but he also had something to be proud of.

Because it was between him and Zhang Qingqing at that time, Dynasty Entertainment chose him, and Zhang Qingqing left in a fit of anger.

However, Zhang Qingqing has become a demon in her heart. When she thinks of her, besides feeling the burning pain on her face, there are more eyes, excitement and greed in her heart.

This is a rare beauty!
Then he continued to browse Weibo, ready to accept the compliments from those stupid fans.

However, when he saw the interview video of Gu Chenfeng, his face instantly became extremely ugly, like a mad dog.

"Fuck, you are a mad dog. Your whole family is a mad dog. Gu Chenfeng, you're doomed. You've completely pissed me off. I must let you know what will happen if you offend me."

"Really think Tianmang Entertainment, a new company, can keep you? As long as I want to mess with you, you are absolutely dead."

From the despondent look, it can be seen that he was really blown away by Gu Chenfeng's interview video.

It is a great shame and humiliation for someone to call him a mad dog when he is a top-notch fresh meat.

So, he wrote directly on Weibo: "Mad dog, very good, Gu Chenfeng, right? I heard you made a movie called "I'm Not the God of Medicine"?"

"You really think you can beat me with such a rubbish film, you just wait to be suppressed by "Xx Agent" starring me. I will not only suppress you at the box office, but also comprehensively suppress you in other fields."

"Where are you, I need you now~~~"

When posting this Weibo, there was still a group of nine consecutive selfies, and all kinds of cute moves, but it seemed disgusting to normal people, especially he looked a little crazy now.

However, as soon as he posted this on Weibo, his fans became excited.

"Ahhh, the consequences are very serious, you damn Gu Chenfeng, you are doomed."

"This damned Gu Chenfeng dared to say that our cute is a mad dog. It is unforgivable. You are dead, Gu Chenfeng, just wait."

"From today onwards, Gu Chenfeng will be my black object all my life, you just wait for the fear of being dominated by the night, you are dead."

"Gu Chenfeng dares to say that about us, he really doesn't know what to do."

"Don't cry, we love everything. Rubbish like Gu Chenfeng can't make any big waves. How can his rubbish movie be compared with "Xxx Agent"? He doesn't even deserve to carry shoes."


All of a sudden, those fans frantically bit Gu Chenfeng on the Internet as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

As a result, Gu Chenfeng's Weibo comment area was directly captured by this group of crazy fans.

Although Gu Chenfeng's fans are not many, but they were conquered by Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, their stickiness is very high, and there are quite a few of them at present, so naturally they won't see the group of brainless fans swearing so much, and they all post on Weibo Get angry.

From their point of view, Gu Chenfeng's response was too domineering and exhausting, so they wanted to defend Gu Chenfeng's dignity.

In this way, fans and Gu Chenfeng's fans started a war of words on the Internet.

When Gu Chenfeng saw such a hot scene on the Internet, he not only touched his chin, but also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It's just that the degree of popularity seems to have exceeded my expectations.

Seeing Gu Chenfeng's appearance, Zhang Qingqing who was next to him asked, "Chenfeng, do you regret poking such a big brother's hole?"

"Well, it's a little bit!" Gu Chenfeng nodded, and said with a smile: "Seeing what this bitch said, I regret that what I said just now was too gentle, and I really shouldn't show any kindness to this kind of people. .”

Hearing Gu Chenfeng's words, Zhang Qingqing gave him an angry look.

Was the response just now too gentle?

Brother, don't you realize that the current Internet sky has been pierced by you?
If you don't show any mercy, wouldn't you be going to heaven?
At this time, Xu Zheng and Wen Mu also arrived at the scene, and everyone stood up to greet them.

Xu Zheng and Wen Mu sat at the table with Gu Chenfeng, before they sat down, they gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Gu, what you said is really good, that kind is really disgusting. You have to fight back."

Gu Chenfeng was a little bit embarrassed when he heard this, and said, "Well... Director Xu, I was about to apologize to you just now, my remarks may have some bad effects on our movie .”

Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Teacher Gu, it seems that you still don't know me well. Ask Ms. Zhang, have I been trampled on before each of my previous movies was released?"

"Every time I'm straight and tough, I almost got an offline appointment, but what happened? The box office is still going up."

"So, don't have any psychological burden. What kind of shit agent is not even worthy of carrying your shoes."

At this time, Director Wen Mu also smiled and said: "Mr. Gu, you really don't want to feel burdened, just step on it to death. If it weren't for this kind of rubbish, the current China Entertainment Film Market would not be like this."

"That's right!" Xu Zheng nodded and said, "The market has been turned into a mess. If the China Entertainment Film Market wants to develop, it needs more talented actors like Mr. Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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