Chapter 77 The aggressive general method is very useful
"You are not suitable!" Luo Qingcheng said immediately, frowning slightly, as if a little angry, and whispered in his heart: "He cooks delicious food!" '

Seeing Luo Qingcheng's unnatural expression, Wang Yao said in a narrow tone: "How do you know that we are not suitable?"

In desperation, Luo Qingcheng found a reason that he thought was reasonable, and said: "You, your family definitely disagrees. He has been divorced and brought this child. At least your grandfather will not be able to pass the test."

"Cut!" Wang Yao shrugged her shoulders, curled her lips indifferently and said, "My grandfather doesn't let me do many things, such as Doctors Without Borders, but as a result, I still come here to participate in training?"

"As long as I, Wang Yao, want to do something, the Heavenly King and I can't stop it. I have an independent personality, and I am not someone's vassal. I eat my own food and spend my own money, so I don't have to look at anyone's face, and I don't have to For whom to live."

"It's my dream to be Doctors Without Borders. Even if I die on the battlefield, then I, Wang Yao, will admit it. Let me join forces with others for the benefit of the family, and wrong myself in order to fulfill other people's dreams?"

"I, Wang Yao, can't do it."

Speaking of this, Wang Yao glanced at Luo Qingcheng, and said quietly: "I'm not like some people, I dare not even admit that I like someone, this is a coward."

"I..." Luo Qingcheng wanted to quibble, but couldn't find any reason to quibble, and said with a wry smile: "To be honest, I don't know if I like it, really."

"Even when I see him happy, I will be very happy in my heart. When I see someone scolding him online, I will feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes his shadow always appears in my mind."

Wang Yao patted Luo Qingcheng's shoulder with hatred, and said, "You idiot, that's why you like it, otherwise why don't you have other people's shadows in your mind?"

"When you were in college, I asked you not to focus on studying, but to fall in love if you have nothing to do. Then you won't be as little as you are now."

"Okay!" Luo Qingcheng finally stopped pretending, and said: "Even if I like him, can he like me now that he is a big star? Relationship is a matter between two people, so I can't be wishful thinking!"

Wang Yao gritted her teeth and said, "He likes you, I'm sure."

"Why?" Luo Qingcheng stared at Wang Yao closely, and asked with a puzzled face, "Why are you so sure?"

"Because the man who is willing to make dumplings for you and cook love meals must like you, definitely!" Wang Yao emphasized her tone at the end.

As if she had a deep understanding.

Luo Qingcheng was even more puzzled. In her memory, it seemed that her best friend had never been in a relationship. How could she know?

So he asked, "Where did you see this fallacy?"

"In the book, isn't that how all current romance novels are written?" Wang Yao replied confidently.

Now Luo Qingcheng was completely speechless.

You are not sure about your feelings, how about the love novels to teach me?
Nine o'clock the next morning.

A Mercedes-Benz Big G parked outside the Tianmang entertainment dormitory.

Tangtang, who was already dressed up and waiting at the door, was startled when she saw Luo Qingcheng getting out of the car, and then rushed towards her.

With undisguised joy in her childish cry, she said, "Good morning, Aunt Luoluo!"

After getting the answer from 'Luo Qingcheng' last night, the little guy was so excited that he didn't sleep well all night, and woke up early this morning.

At this time, Gu Chenfeng came over and handed Luo Qingcheng an insulated lunch box, saying, "Have you not had breakfast yet, here are the steamed buns and sauced beef I made myself, I will eat it in the car later."

Originally, he planned to ask Wu Jun to drive them to the playground, but he thought it was his own private matter, so he didn't want to bother the company people, and Luo Qingcheng said she was driving, so he didn't ask Wu Jun to take them there.

Luo Qingcheng glanced at the Mercedes-Benz, then at the insulated lunch box in Gu Chenfeng's hand, hesitated for a while, and took the lunch box.

Then he said to Gu Chenfeng: "Well... I have a best friend, who happens to be fine today, so come hang out with us, don't you mind?"

Gu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't mind, let's go!"

"Gu Chenfeng!" Just as he was about to get in the car, a familiar female voice came from behind him.

Looking back, it was the manager Zhang Qingqing.

Immediately, Gu Chenfeng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I don't know whether to say I'm lucky or not.

Although there was nothing between him and these two women, he always felt that the atmosphere at this time was a bit weird.

"We'll wait for you in the car." Luo Qingcheng glanced at Zhang Qingqing, she knew that this was Gu Chenfeng's manager, and thought she had something to do with him, so she carried Tangtang into the car first.

"Okay!" Gu Chenfeng said, then turned and walked towards Zhang Qingqing.

In the car.

Seeing this, Wang Yao, who was the 'driver' today, looked back at Luo Qingcheng, but her gaze was attracted by Tangtang.

Wearing a white dress, with a high ponytail on her head, exquisite facial features, and fair skin, she is like a little fairy descending to earth.

"Wow, the real Tangtang looks much better than the picture!"

Not only is he beautiful, but he is also very spiritual. No wonder even the heavens are jealous.

"Hi sister, my name is Tangtang, nice to meet you!" Tangtang's ethereal and clear child's voice sounded like God, and Wang Yao's whole body went numb.

Wang Yao couldn't help but raised her hand to touch Tangtang's tender and tender face, and said, "Wow, Tangtang, you are so cute."

"Thank you, sister, you are so beautiful." Tangtang replied politely.

The word "sister" made Wang Yao feel happy in her heart, and she even glanced at Luo Qingcheng, who was not very good-looking, very meaningfully.

It seems to be saying that Tangtang is sensible and knows that her sister is much younger than her aunt.

Luo Qingcheng saw the provocation in Wang Yao's eyes, put his hands on Tangtang's shoulders, and said with a serious face: "Tangtang, this is Aunt Wang Yao, she and I are best friends, you can't call her sister."

"Luo Qingcheng, you are narrow-minded." Before Tangtang could speak, Wang Yao couldn't help but angrily said.

Luo Qingcheng ignored Wang Yao.

Tangtang tilted her head and thought about it, and soon she seemed to understand something, and said softly, "Auntie Luoluo, I was wrong."

Her voice seemed to melt people away.

Naturally, Luo Qingcheng had no strength to resist, and quickly hugged Tangtang in her arms.

After coming over for a while, Tangtang broke free from Luo Qingcheng's embrace, and said: "Auntie Luoluo, Auntie Yaoyao, this is the steamed bun made by my father and a serving of sauced beef, try it."

Hearing Tangtang's reminder, Luo Qingcheng remembered the insulated lunch box that Gu Chenfeng gave him just now.

Last time, Luo Qingcheng didn't eat a single bite of the dumplings and cold dishes that Gu Chenfeng sent. She kept hearing from her colleagues that they were delicious, and she was looking forward to them.

So he quickly opened the insulated lunch box, and the lady's reserve was long gone.

"Wow! It's so fragrant!"

A smell of beef instantly permeated the entire carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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