Chapter 85 Gu Chenfeng Posts on Weibo, Never Forgets His Original Heart
With the announcement of the shortlist for the Academy Awards, netizens were extremely shocked.

Fans of the shortlisted stars congratulated in the comments section of the idol's Weibo.

And those stars who are not shortlisted are fucking in their hearts.

Among them, Gu Chenfeng was shortlisted for the Best Actor nomination for the Academy Awards as a rookie actor, which directly shocked everyone.

As a result, more and more people knew about Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer actor.

Xu Zheng, who is the actor of Three Materials, immediately wrote on Weibo:

"@吴晨风, warm congratulations to Mr. Gu for being nominated for Best Actor in the Academy Awards. I think you deserve this nomination. Your acting skills in "Buried Alive" amazed everyone. It is definitely a new generation of actors. army head."

"I look forward to seeing you win the award. See you at the awards ceremony on Hong Kong Island."

As soon as Xu Zheng's Weibo post came out, netizens couldn't sit still anymore.

Obviously Xu Zheng is very optimistic about Gu Chenfeng, not only calling him Teacher Gu, but also saying that Gu Chenfeng deserves the nomination.

This is definitely a strong endorsement of Gu Chenfeng's acting skills.

Then, Zhuo Le, Huang Xiaochu, Zhu Bing and others also posted congratulatory blog posts for Gu Chenfeng on Weibo.

As for the official blog of Tianmang Entertainment Company, they made a congratulatory short video specially for Gu Chenfeng, which can be said to be very attentive.

Gu Chenfeng, who is the person involved, coaxed Tangtang to sleep at home.

If his agent Zhang Qingqing hadn't called him and told him what happened on the Internet, he still wouldn't have known that his nomination for Best Actor in the Academy Awards would cause such a big commotion.

However, when he opened Weibo and saw so many people talking about him, he still felt very accomplished.

However, he was not proud, and there was nothing to be proud of.

According to Zhang Qingqing's reminder, Gu Chenfeng posted a Weibo.

"When I heard the news, my first reaction was: How is this possible? I'm just a newcomer. However, when Sister Zhang and Director Zhuo confirmed again and again, I really won the Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards. After being nominated, I felt ecstasy in my heart, but more importantly, I felt that I had a greater responsibility on my shoulders."

"Because this nomination for Best Actor is for me the recognition and supervision of me. The only thing I can do is to stay true to my original intention and continue to bring you more and better works."

"Thank you again to Director Zhuo for giving me such an opportunity to bring "Buried Alive" to everyone. I am really grateful."

"Thank you to my friends who have always supported me and encouraged me, thank you."

"Thank you Director Xu, Wen Dao, Mr. Huang... Thank you all."

"Thank you Director Zhu for taking a fancy to me and introducing me to Tianmang Entertainment. Without Director Zhu, Tianmang Entertainment, and Minister Liu, I would not be where I am today. Thank you."

"Finally, I would like to thank my manager, Sister Zhang, for taking care of me these days. Sister Zhang is the best manager in the world (satisfied)!"

Gu Chenfeng's Weibo has a lot of content and is very long, and he thanked many people.

After seeing the content, everyone was a little moved, especially the fans of Gu Chenfeng, their eyes were a little moist.

Judging from Gu Chenfeng's Weibo, he has never forgotten those noble people who helped him. Not only did he not forget, but he also remembered it deeply in his heart.

From Zhu Bing who knows people with his eyes, Zhuo Le gave him a chance, Huang Xiaochu gave him help, and Xu Zheng's appreciation for him.

Gu Chenfeng remembered all of this in his heart.

"I have to say that Gu Chenfeng is really a careful man, a man who knows how to be grateful, and he never forgets and remembers everyone who helped him."

"Yeah, after reading his Weibo content, you will know that Gu Chenfeng has always remembered everyone's help to him."

"Don't forget the original intention, this sentence is too good. Although Gu Chenfeng was nominated for the best actor of the Academy Awards, he is not proud. Such a calm personality is really too rare in the entertainment industry. Even this time If he didn't get the best actor, I believe the best actor trophy won't be too far away from him."

"I agree, Gu Chenfeng is nominated this time, then next time he may directly win the best actor trophy. I am looking forward to Gu Chenfeng's future."

"Gu Chenfeng's future is absolutely limitless!"

"By the way, didn't you hear the charm of Gu Chenfeng's last sentence?"

"Cough, don't tell me if you see through, Sister Zhang is definitely a great help to Gu Chenfeng. Gu Chenfeng is grateful. He said this because he wanted to tell everyone that Sister Zhang is a very good manager. , not as rumored on the Internet.”

"My father-in-law is really considerate. Last time he had a fight with Kun because of Sister Zhang, and he fought like that. Now he proves to Sister Zhang again that he treats whoever treats him well. He is very honest."


When Zhang Qingqing saw Gu Chenfeng's Weibo post, she couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

Gu Chenfeng's words were like a warm current, warming her cold heart. She hadn't been this happy for a long time.

A rare smile appeared on his face involuntarily, this smile is overwhelming.

He muttered to himself: "This kid, ask him to post a Weibo to thank you. He actually wrote such a long article. If you don't know it, you think it's an acceptance speech!"

But Zhang Qingqing is really happy at the moment, happy from the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly found that leaving Dynasty Entertainment and coming to Tianmang Entertainment was an extremely correct choice.

Therefore, I decided not to bring any artists in the future.

Just take Gu Chenfeng with him, and if he leaves, then he will withdraw from the circle of managers and retire.

"Teacher Gu, I hope you don't let me down!" Zhang Qingqing muttered in a low voice.

Although a certain aspect of her heart has disappointed Zhang Qingqing a little, but that is not the point, as long as she is not disappointed in her career.

In a high-end residential area next to the city hospital.

Luo Qingcheng, who was wearing silk pajamas and wet long hair, read the news on the Internet with a charming smile on his face.

Different from Zhang Qingqing, Luo Qingcheng belongs to the kind of quiet housekeeping type, as long as she silently watches Gu Chenfeng's success, she will be very happy.

Now that Gu Chenfeng is on the road to success, Luo Qingcheng is naturally happy for him.

Silently liked Gu Chenfeng's Weibo.

Just when she was about to put away her phone, she saw that under her thumbs up, Xu Zheng, Zhuo Le, Wen Mu, Huang Xiaochu and other big names in the entertainment industry all gave Gu Chenfeng a thumbs up.

Now the smile on Luo Qingcheng's face became even bigger.

"I really didn't expect that in such a short period of time, he has already won the appreciation of so many big bosses."

"It seems that I have to work hard, and I can't fall behind him too much."

Luo Qingcheng murmured to herself, then put away her phone and went back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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