Chapter 91 No harvest?Best Editing Award (seeking a recommendation ticket for further reading)

After playing the highlights of the five movies on the big screen.

The host said again: "Then who will win the best photography award at this year's Academy Awards?"

"I invite our award presenter, Director Wang, to announce it for us."

At this moment, Director Wang, dressed in a light-colored suit, walked onto the stage with an envelope. After teasing a few words, he announced, "This year's Golden Image Awards, the winner of the best photography award is "Mai Luren."

Hearing this, Zhuo Le was instantly discouraged like a rubber ball.

Alas, it was just a little bit close.

Just missed it.

To be honest, Zhuo Le is a little depressed and unwilling now, but there is nothing he can do.

There is only one award, and the chance of getting it is one in five. It seems high, but it is actually very low.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng comforted: "Director Zhuo, Brother Ding, don't be discouraged, at worst we will continue to work hard next time."

"En!" Zhuo Le nodded, and said helplessly, "I can only work harder next time."

Although everyone knows that it is almost impossible for "Buried Alive" to win an award in so many major productions.

But who can be nominated, who has no hope?
However, Zhuo Le's psychological quality is definitely very strong. His first work can be selected together with so many big productions. Although he lost, it is not a pity.

Thinking about it like this makes me feel more comfortable.

Next, other awards were presented one by one.

In the middle of the show, Zhuo Le seemed more relaxed, but when it was time to present the best sound effect award, he became nervous again.

Looking at the stage with eyes full of anticipation, I was afraid in my heart that I would miss the award again.

Such a process is very tormented.

The end result is nothing more than that.

"Buried Alive" once again missed the best sound effect award of this year's Academy Awards.

Before Gu Chenfeng could speak, Zhuo Le spoke first, "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I can hold on to nothing."

Gu Chenfeng was dumbfounded, can this person be a prophet?

The Academy Awards ceremony has been going on till now, "Buried Alive" has missed the award twice.

This made the netizens in the live broadcast room a little confused.

For "Buried Alive", they were very impressed, because it was only painted recently.

So when seeing "Buried Alive" lose two consecutive awards, netizens were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they took it for granted.

After all, this movie is just a small production movie, and both the director and the leading actors are still newcomers.

Wanting to win an award at the Academy Awards is tantamount to reaching the sky.

"Although Buried Alive got five nominations for the Academy Awards, I'm sure it came to nothing in the end."

"You don't need to say, everyone knows that after all, "Buried Alive" is just a film with an investment of several million, with a new director and a new star. Although the quality is good, it is basically impossible to win an award. gone."

"Well, it's a pity, actually, I think "Buried Alive" can win the Best Cinematography Award, because the pictures shot are really good, those shots are amazing, and it completely combines the oppressive and depressive feeling. "

"It's too early to draw conclusions. There are still three nominations for awards."

"The only thing left is Best Actor, Best New Director, and Best Editing. Does anyone else think that Gu Chenfeng, a newcomer, can get Best Actor? Or Zhuo Le can get a new director? Is this possible? "

"It seems to make sense. It seems that the only possibility of "Buried Alive" is the best editing."

"It makes sense, it makes sense, there is still a slight chance for the best editing, the other two definitely have no chance!"


It has to be said that the attention of the Academy Awards ceremony is still very high.

Just when netizens were discussing hotly, in the live broadcast screen, the host started awarding the Best Editing Award again.

After passing by twice, Zhuo Le has no expectations this time.

Bitterly said to himself: "Oh, the result must be the same again, it seems that we will have nothing to gain this time."

Tangtang, who was held in Gu Chenfeng's arms, saw Zhuo Le's sad face, and comforted him seriously: "Uncle Zhuo, the results haven't been announced yet, so there is hope."

"My aunt Luoluo said that as long as people believe in the light, they will definitely see the light."

"Okay!" Zhuo Le said dumbfoundedly: "Tangtang, you have such a sweet mouth. Now, for Uncle, will you win the prize..."

Before the words were finished, everyone heard the host on the stage say:
"The work that won this year's Academy Awards, the Best Editing Award is "Buried Alive"!"

"I invite the director of "Buried Alive" to come on stage to accept the award!"

Zhuo Le's whole body seemed to be tapped by someone, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

Turning around and looking at Gu Chenfeng, he said, "Teacher Gu, if you hit me, am I hallucinating?"

At this time, Tangtang smiled and said, "Uncle Zhuo, I don't need my father to beat you. You haven't heard that you won an award. "Buried Alive" won an award."

"Now you believe what I just said. Believe in hope and you will succeed."

Gu Chenfeng was also very happy at the moment, saying: "No auditory hallucinations, Director Zhuo congratulates you, our "Buried Alive" finally won the first award."

"Hurry up and go to the stage to receive the award!" Seeing that Zhuo Le was still sitting there in a daze, he urged.

At this moment, Zhuo Le wanted to scream up to the sky, but he finally restrained himself.

Standing up and straightening his suit, he hugged the crew of "Buried Alive" and walked up to the podium amidst warm applause.

"Buried Alive" finally won its first prize.

Although it is the best editing, it is also an award at the Academy Awards.

Zhuo Le felt like weeping with joy.

At this moment, the netizens in the live broadcast room, after a brief moment of astonishment, they boiled up.

"I really didn't expect that "Buried Alive" actually won an award."

"What about those people who said that "Buried Alive" will be fruitless, come out and take a few steps? I just want to ask your face, does it hurt?"

"I just said that "Buried Alive" can win an award, no, the Best Editing award is coming.!"

""Buried Alive" is amazing, it actually won the Academy Award, even though it is only the best editing, it is also the Academy Award!"

"Yeah, yeah, it was really unexpected. I was almost like those people, thinking that "Buried Alive" would fail? I didn't expect to win an award."

"However, I am not surprised that "Buried Alive" won the best editing award, because its editing is really good."

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. The reason why "Buried Alive" is so successful is due to Gu Chenfeng's acting skills, but the post-editing is also very important."

"Congratulations to "Buried Alive" for winning the best editing award."


The scene of the Academy Awards at this time.

Holding the trophy, Zhuo Le stood in front of the microphone and gave a lot of acceptance speeches.

Among them, the person who thanked the most was Gu Chenfeng.

This made Gu Chenfeng a little surprised. After all, this award should not have much to do with him, so why keep thanking himself?

"If it weren't for your super acting skills, what good is it in the later stage? The whole movie can't show it. The two complement each other, so he will always thank you." Zhang Qingqing who was next to him seemed to see Gu Chenfeng's Puzzled, he explained with a smile.

At this time, Zhuo Le happily walked off the podium with the trophy in his arms, and returned to his seat.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng joked: "Director Zhuo, you said you finished your acceptance speech this time, if you go up to receive the award again, what would you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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