Chapter 99 The jealous Kun was scolded like a dog (please follow up and ask for a recommendation ticket)

Under everyone's suspicious and astonished gazes, Liu Kuang continued: "After careful consideration by our senior management, we have decided to divide Tianmang Entertainment into two departments from today onwards."

"Gu Chenfeng belongs to the film department, and Du Tianyu and others belong to the TV drama department. The two departments will operate independently in the future. Of course, they can also cooperate with each other."

As soon as the words fell, the employees present were in an uproar.

The news is simply astonishing.

There are only six artists in Tianmang Entertainment, and they still have to be divided into two independent departments. This is the rhythm of things!

Not to mention the managers and artists, even the ladies at the front desk know that Liu Kuang is in the rhythm of making things happen.

After listening to Liu Kuang's words, Lu Tianyu's expression changed slightly, and he immediately guessed Liu Kuang's purpose for doing this.

To praise Gu Chenfeng, and still want to praise him as the first brother of Tianmang Entertainment.

After Lu Tianyu figured it out, he was very angry, but he didn't lose his temper on the spot, and endured it, but the way he looked at Gu Chenfeng became a little bit like eating people.

Gu Chenfeng felt Lu Tianyu's man-eating gaze, and his face was calm, as if he hadn't seen it.

Next, after Liu Kuang finished the relevant details of dividing the two departments, the whole banquet was considered to be over.

Today's banquet is said to be to celebrate Gu Chenfeng's winning the Best Actor Award, but everyone knows that the company is doing its best to praise Gu Chenfeng.

It is too obvious to set up a department just for him alone.

Of course, except for a few people, everyone understands that the potential shown by Gu Chenfeng is definitely worth the company's actions.

At this time, the Internet is also very lively.

What everyone talked about the most was this year's Academy Award ceremony, and this year's Academy Award Best Actor Gu Chenfeng.

Especially when Gu Chenfeng accepted the award, his acceptance speech, which could be called a textbook, directly became the object of imitation by everyone.

Of course, at such a young age, Gu Chenfeng defeated the four veteran film stars and became the youngest film king in less than a year after his debut, so he would naturally receive a lot of criticism and dissatisfaction.

Among them, the most obvious ones are the fans of the four movie kings, who began to question Gu Chenfeng on the Internet, saying that he is not qualified to win the movie king trophy.

Seeing this, Gu Chenfeng's fans started to reason.

However, the essays and essays have evolved into a tearing battle.

It even made this tearing war a hot search, and it aroused heated discussions among the people for a while.

Obviously, this matter must be fueled by someone behind the scenes.

What's more interesting is that after Kun learned that Gu Chenfeng won the youngest actor, he directly posted a sour message on Weibo: "Hehe, when did the Golden Statue Awards become so rubbish? Any cat or dog can win it." If I become Best Actor, then can I win the Best Actor Oscar?"

But everyone can also understand, after all, seeing that Gu Chenfeng was not only nominated as the best actor, but also the best actor, Kun, who has been at odds with him, must be jealous at this time.

However, as soon as Kun's Weibo came out, it immediately detonated the Internet.

A large group of idiotic fans knelt and licked in the Weibo comment area, saying that Kun would definitely win the top five domestic awards in the near future and become the Grand Slam best actor winner in history, and that he would hit the Oscars.

However, after other netizens saw it, they really couldn't hold it back, and started complaining crazily on the Internet.

"Damn it, I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people, this bitch is too disgusting!"

"Who gave him the courage? How dare he criticize the Academy Awards? He's not just targeting Gu Chenfeng alone, but the entire Academy Awards. Is he out of his mind?"

"This guy dares to directly spray the Golden Statue Award, it seems that he is not far from being permanently blocked."

"Even if he doesn't get blacklisted, do you think he will have the chance to attend the Academy Awards ceremony in this lifetime?"

"MMP, who is this guy? His mouth is full of dung. Gu Chenfeng's Best Actor was selected by the Organizing Committee of the Academy Awards. If you say you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it? Mad dog, get out of here."

"Although I'm also a little uncomfortable that Gu Chenfeng beat the other four and won the best actor award, but I can't watch the Academy Award being taken by a mad dog. Get lost, mad dog, you f---ing Gu Chenfeng! Not as good as a toe."

"If you don't come out, we will almost forget about you, and you are such a mad dog. Teacher Xu Zheng is really right, you are not worthy to lift Gu Chenfeng's shoes."


As soon as Kun's Weibo came out, the trend on the Internet changed drastically.

Originally, the fans of the four major unselected movie stars and Gu Chenfeng's fans were tearing each other up, but now it has directly evolved into the whole network and Kun's fans tearing up each other.

There is no eternal enemy, these words were brought out vividly.

Not surprisingly, Kun was sprayed like a dog this time.

However, when everyone was scolding happily, Brother Fa, who had rarely used online platforms, posted a message on his social network account.

"Congratulations to Mr. Gu for winning the first Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards. You definitely deserved this award. I am looking forward to your new movie, and I also look forward to the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future. I am optimistic about you and come on."

Following Fa Ge's post on Weibo, netizens are boiling again.

Brother Fa, the idol in the hearts of countless people, the top boss in the entertainment industry who is usually extremely low-key, unexpectedly spoke out for Gu Chenfeng this time.

"Oh my god, this is too unexpected. Brother Fa usually doesn't use social media, but he came out to stand against Gu Chenfeng at this time."

"Does Gu Chenfeng really have no background at all? Why does Brother Fa stand for him?"

"Brother Fa has already said that, then Gu Chenfeng is definitely qualified to win the Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards. As for that mad dog, he is not worthy to lift Gu Chenfeng's shoes."

"Oh my god, brother Fa really likes Gu Chenfeng so much that he actually wants to cooperate with him."

"Being favored by Brother Fa, this is the rhythm of Gu Chenfeng going to heaven!"

"Counting carefully, Gu Chenfeng was first spotted by the three-material actor Xu Zheng, and then acted in the movie instead of Xu Zheng. Now Gu Chenfeng is actually favored by Brother Fa again. Gu Chenfeng is cheating!"

"Brother Fa came forward to talk about this matter. Compared to no one who dares to question Gu Chenfeng's winning of the award, there must be a shady plot. Brother Fa is also a finalist. If there was a shady plot, he would definitely not say so."

"That's it~~~"

I have to admit that although Fa Ge is low-key, his influence and credibility are absolutely terrifying.

As soon as his Weibo post came out, netizens also became quiet one after another. Even those who cared about him could only obediently shut up now.

However, what netizens did not expect was that not only Fa Ge, but also Xu Zheng, Huang Xiaochu, Zhu Bing, Zhuo Le and others posted Weibo to support Gu Chenfeng and congratulate him on winning the best actor trophy .

Even the two sisters Yang Mi and Reba posted on Weibo to congratulate Gu Chenfeng for winning the Best Actor Award.

Such a battle was definitely beyond everyone's expectations.

 Book friends found typos, and helped to correct them. I corrected them immediately when I saw them.

  Due to non-stop coding every day, sometimes my mind is a little confused, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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