Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 135 Dragon Slaying Technique

Chapter 135 Dragon Slaying Technique

Li Xuewu went out and packed a chicken, 30 catties of robe meat, pig bones, and roe deer bones that Lao Biaozi had found, and tied them to the rear frame of the car.

To say that these [-] bars can really carry the load, the pile of things in the afternoon is not light, and it is the same now, riding it is not strenuous at all.

After saying hello to a few people, I rode my bicycle and headed home.

It was past 12 o'clock when I got home, and I didn't disturb the family. I threw the car into the space at the door, sneaked into the backyard, opened the agreed door and slipped in.
Shu brocade lichen silk barrier.

Curved corridors, quiet night leisurely search.

Jade masonry carvings are on the crescent moon.

Zhu Fei looked at each other half-hidden.

Rotate the warm smoker to warm the bucket tent.

Yushu Qiongzhi, meandering and snuggling next to each other.

The strength of the wine is getting stronger, and the spring is full of thoughts.

The mandarin duck embroidery was turned into a red wave.

Early in the morning, after 5 o'clock.

It was not completely bright yet, and it was time for people to sleep soundly.

The long-term worker, Master Li, got up and started his day's work.

Tiptoely put on clothes and shoes, and gently opened the door.

Before going out, he glanced at the woman in pink pajamas on the bed.

He walked lightly back to the outer courtyard and took out his bicycle, pretending that he had just come back, making noises of lifting the bicycle.

At this time, Grandma just came out of the inverted room.

"You came back after learning martial arts?"

Li Xuewu dozed off and said: "After packing for half the night, I went to the street to check on the patrolling factory guards. I haven't checked the guards for a long time, and I just came back."

As he said, he took a car ladder, handed the roe deer meat to the grandma and said, "This is 10 catties of roe deer meat, please help me take it home, I am really sleepy, and I will sleep again."

After speaking, he returned to the inverted room with the rest of the things, threw the things into the kitchen, went to the kang and started to sleep under the quilt of the grandma.

Before going to bed, I muttered: "This night is really tiring!"

After speaking, I felt a little ambiguous, so I muttered a few words with a smirk: "The first half of the night is tired of brothers, and the second half of the night is tired of "brothers". Men are tired~ hehe~"

After muttering, he snored.

This one went back to the cage and slept until after 8 o'clock. He didn't wake up until he heard Master Dou and Wen San'er coming to look for him.

Wen San'er used four tricycles to bring all the belongings of the four of them, including luggage and clothes.

When I entered the house, I was very happy to see the neat and orderly big house with Sibai on the ground.

This is much better than the pigsty over there.

There was also a desk on the ground that my grandmother had built these days. Wen San'er put her collection of books on the desk. This guy has always regarded himself as a cultural person.

The cultural person reversed the order of the books on the table, looked at them, and reversed the order again, because the two books by Mei Mei with the top ones were badly worn, which would damage the image of the cultural person.

Li Xuewu asked Wen San'er for the key, and asked him to deliver meals to the workers in the small courtyard at noon, then led Master Dou and his party to Wen San'er's small courtyard, and planned to start construction today.

Wen San's small courtyard is very simple, only a three-room tile-roofed house facing south, and there are no other buildings in the courtyard except the cauldron for killing pigs.

Master Dou went into the house and took a look. The structure was okay and there was no need to change the structure. We just rebuilt the kang, re-suspended the ceiling, painted the walls with white ash, re-laid a layer of bricks on the floor, and rebuilt the kitchen according to the standard of an inverted house. , there are still a few people left to renovate the furniture of Wen San'er's house.

Li Xuewu was waiting for Master Dou at the door, and when he saw him come out, he asked, "How many days will it take to finish the work here?"

Master Dou thought for a while and said, "This place is much better than an inverted house. It can be done in one day. I still have time to renovate the windows for you. You can live in tomorrow night."

Li Xuewu nodded and asked again: "Is the money enough?"

Master Dou hesitated for a moment, then said: "You can give me some more. The excavator has been used in the Xikua courtyard. The basement of the warehouse in the north room has been dug, and the foundations of the rest of the houses have also been dug. The house can be built after finishing the work here. Not enough money”

Li Xuewu saw that he really worked hard, and before he finished speaking, he took out 500 yuan from his pocket and handed it to him.

Counting the previous payment of 1000 yuan, the final payment is about 500 yuan, which should be used until the completion of the project.

Master Dou saw that Li Xuewu was straightforward, so he naturally wouldn't fool him, and ordered the workers to start renovating the small courtyard.

Li Xuewu saw that it was getting late, so he got on his bicycle and went to the rolling mill.

I chatted with Wei Tong, who was on duty in the morning, at the door for a while. Now that it's past working hours, the workers have already finished entering.

The inspection in the morning is not too strict, because the workers come at different times, so there are not many queues.

The purpose of the morning inspection set by the leader may be to check for saboteurs and substitute workers, so the morning inspection is mostly to check work permits, which is the punch card for future generations.

Now in the factory area, children like sticks and stems can no longer enter through the gate, and irrelevant personnel must register at the gate guard.
Strict inspections have brought about a stable order. There are no more children running around or wandering outsiders in the rolling mill area. Even those who come in to buy meal tickets have to register, and people who come here don’t come if they find it troublesome. .

Li Xuewu went to the bicycle parking place to store his bicycle, then went back upstairs and continued to write materials, trying to complete the project within this week.

After writing a few thousand words, he stood up and moved around, put on his leather jacket and left the auxiliary building, and strolled to Dong Xuexue's office on the third floor of the main building.

Knocking on the door, Dong Xuexue was also writing materials. He looked up at him, waved his hand to let him do whatever he wanted, and continued writing.

Seeing that the teacup on the table was empty, Li Xuewu picked up the teacup and tested the temperature. Seeing that it was warm, he went to the tea cabinet at the door to refill a cup of water, made another cup of tea for himself, and brought them back to the table together.

Put Dong Xuexue's cup in front of him, and opened the lid.

He warmed his hands with a cup of tea.

This Dong Xuexue is a child of a family, and the elders in the family are all educated people, and they were the first to make a revolution, so his character is decisive and gentle.

The tea I drink is also a good tea with a delicate fragrance.

Li Xuewu doesn't know much about tea, all he knows is Oolong, Longjing, Maojianer, etc. He can't even tell the difference between black tea and green tea, but as long as Dong Xuexue drinks it often, he can't go wrong.

After writing for a while, Dong Xuexue's left hand shook, but he didn't look up and continued writing.

Li Xuewu picked up one of the Chinese cigarettes that Dong Xuexue often smoked on the table, lit it with a match, and put it against Dong Xuexue's left index finger.

Dong Wenxue paused, took a puff of the cigarette between his left index finger and continued writing.

Seeing him smoking, Li Xuewu was not polite. He took out the big front door that he often smoked, lit one, and looked at Dong Xuexue's M selection on the table while puffing.

It's time to read this book. This is the book called Dragon Slaying Art in later generations. You have to know the way and master it well.

While watching and thinking, I was unconsciously engrossed, and I didn't realize that Dong Xuexue had finished writing and was drinking tea.

Li Xuewu was awakened by the secretary of the factory office who came to deliver the materials, and saw Dong Xuexue signing the secretary and looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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