Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 14 Where is Dad?

Chapter 14 Where's Dad?

Li Xuewu agreed to thank him, and walked up the hillside leading the horse.

The road up the mountain is not easy to ride a horse. After walking for more than ten minutes up the mountain and into the forest, you can still ride a horse on the forestry logging road.

After getting on the horse and riding for more than ten minutes, we entered the col.

It is said to be a mountain depression, but it looks like a grand canyon, and it is deep inside. Who knows what is inside.

Li Xuewu walked around in the miscellaneous bushes, and there were footprints of pheasants, as well as those of rabbits, but the footprints of wild boars were too messy to see clearly.

As long as you have it, you don't have to worry about not being able to find it.

Li Xuewu climbed up the mountain col, led the horse away, and held the spear in his hand.

I also met a few wild rabbits on the road, but they ran away and disappeared.

Entering the dense forest in the depression, there is obviously less snow on the ground, and there are also some yellow and green weeds and pine seeds.

This is the feeding ground of wild boars.

After getting a few small cuts on the face by the branches, I finally saw today's protagonist.

Hello!Mr Pig, Mrs Pig.

Two big pigs and six and a half big and small pigs were digging the ground in the woods for food.

Li Xuewu stopped when he was far away. This thing is smart, but it is not the naive image in cartoons. It is smart, ruthless, and resistant to blows.

Li Xuewu tied the horse to the tree, and slowly approached the target next to the tree with the red tassel spear in hand.

The big pig is a sow, weighing about [-] catties, like a small tank, the next one is a male pig, weighing about [-] catties, and the piglets are all about thirty or forty catties.

Li Xuewu wanted to catch everything in one go, but he didn't have a net in his hand, only a spear, so he could only choose one target.

When he was less than 30 meters away from the boar, he slowly got down on the ground and moved forward little by little.

After moving for half an hour, it was finally less than ten meters away from the boar, and also arrived at the edge of a crooked neck tree.

Li Xuewu took the javelin in his backhand and jumped up and made a lunge. The javelin in his hand was thrown out like a javelin, and it hit the boar's back door all at once. The barrel of the gun didn't even (mo) go in for a while.

Li Xuewu threw it out and ran forward when he missed the shot. When the screams came out, Li Xuewu had already run to the pig. He grabbed the handle of the gun, kicked his feet forward, and then Halfway in, the whole pierced gun is a little more than two meters long including the gun head, and now only about one meter is left exposed.

This technique made up the knife and made the boar's screams increase by two octaves.

Li Xuewu didn't care that the red-tasseled gun in his hand had really turned into a "red" cherry gun, he let go and ran back, kicking on the crooked neck tree and went up, the sow's fangs rubbed Li Xuewu's buttocks and passed .

"Grandfather! I just stabbed your husband's ass with a knife - open your eyes, you are coming at my ass, what a sow with a bra - more than one set"

Being in shock on the tree has the pleasure of surviving after a catastrophe.

Seeing the boar turning its head around, jumping and cursing, Li Xuewu didn't care about it, and the little wild boars had already run away when they heard the boar's screams.

Li Xuewu saw the sow came back and aimed at the tree and hit the tree, making the tree tremble.

"It's endless, isn't it! When is the time for retribution! How much hatred, how much grievance!"

The tree is not tall, but it is thick and has a crooked neck, so the base is strong and cannot be broken for a while.

Li Xuewu took out a broad ax from the space. This broad ax was made of high-quality steel. It was heavy at one end, used as a hammer, and sharpened at the other end for chopping.

Holding the handle of the axe, Li Xuewu slowly moved to the branch of the tree, fixed his figure with one hand, and lifted the axe up with the other hand, with the blade facing downwards, and waited until the moment the sow hit the tree for a meal Cut at the eyes below the ears.


There was another scream, this time the sound was a bit Miyun accent compared to that of the boar, it should be a daughter-in-law who married from afar.

While the sow was turning around in circles, kicking its feet and cursing the street, Li Xuewu jumped down from the tree, held an axe, and smashed the pig's head down.

Because I was too excited to hit it hard at the first time, I almost dropped the axe.

Quickly picked up the ax again and hammered down.


"Brother, the wall is broken!"

"No, the pig fell down!"

The pig fainted, its legs were shaking, it couldn't stand up, and it fell on its side on the ground, with blood coming out of its eyes.

I want your meat while you are sick!
Li Xuewu picked up the ax and gave three more doses, "80! 80! 80!"

"Brother, the water pipe... the blood vessel is leaking"

The sow finally stopped moving her legs, and her mouth was bleeding.

Li Xuewu's back was wet, it was so fucking exciting!
At first, I thought that more than 300 catties would be enough, so why would I want to kill one and get one free!
Li Xuewu wiped the sow with his hand, put Roshan into the space, and looked up at the boar.

Convex (艹盘艹), where's the big brother?My sister-in-law has explained everything, where the hell have you gone?
What about saying good-bye to each other?If something happens, you go first!

I was too involved in dealing with the sow just now, and I didn't know when the boar ran away.

(The serious explanation for this word is: hunting)

Li Xuewu ran back and led the horse back to the place where the case happened. Samo walked around and saw little red plum blossoms on the snow, and smiled "hehe".

Big brother's big uncle is here!
Leading the horse and chasing into the bushes along the "Plum Blossom" sign, the ax in his hand was also confiscated into the space. It is impossible for this family to live in this forest. In case there are visitors, it is not good to be too sudden.

Li Xuewu led the horse through the snow, followed the footprints and bloodstains for two miles before finding the "lost" "big brother" at the edge of the pit.

Li Xuewu didn't approach rashly, stood on the horse and looked around, got off the horse and threw a stone, "Big brother" really didn't move.

Only then did he take out the hot water bottle and take a sip of hot water. The battle was too exciting, and he sweated profusely. He had to replenish water, and his throat was smoking.

After waiting for a while, he threw another stone, and saw that the "big brother" did not move, and the other lost "children" did not come to find their father.

Li Xuewu stood up and shouted to the surroundings: "Peppa, George, come back and see Daddy!"

There was no reply for a long time.

Apparently, these kids haven't seen "Where's Dad?"

Li Xuewu carefully walked to the side of the boar, touched the pig's legs, and took the boar into the space.

Finally listened to it! (laoting, the meaning of listening to the card, means it is done!).

Li Xuewu led the horse and walked back, choosing dry trees to chop, or cutting them with a saw and putting them into the space.

Stop and go, specially choose thick, strong logging, seeing that it is past noon, and there are enough trees in the space for a car, so I go out.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, I didn't enter the village, and rode my horse in the direction I came back.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when we hurried to the suburbs.

Li Xuewu still walked for a while looking for a remote path, seeing that no one had let out the carriage, unsaddled the horse, put it on the cart, tied the horse to a tree, took out the material belts prepared in the morning, and fed the horse. Let the horse rest.

(End of this chapter)

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