Chapter 218

Li Xuewu walked up to Ji Weidong, thought for a while and said, "Now we have three people in our hands. It depends on whether we opened their mouths faster or the other people in this organization ran faster. Did the jeep come back? Check Whose car is it?"

Ji Weidong nodded and said: "The car is on the other side of the alley. The scene needs to be dealt with here. It is inconvenient to pull it over. The one I grabbed earlier, that is, the one you provided, has not spit out. It is very troublesome and I used a lot of tricks." , but this group of rats have been trained, and they may go into shock with a little effort.”

Li Xuewu nodded his head to express his understanding, and said: "We have a few things to do now, the first is interrogation, including those who have already connected to the network, and the second is monitoring. There may be two people in our factory who are not connected to the network, and we need to monitor them. The third is to check the clues of the jeep, the number of the gun, and the number of the phone, these are the top priorities.”

Ji Weidong nodded and said: "The two in your factory have been monitored, the jeep, the gun number, and the phone number. Because it is late at night, it may delay time, but it won't be long. When we arrive at your place, we should I can receive the message"

Li Xuewu nodded and said: "What I want is a fast one. The interrogation in the institute is also professional. I can trust that the interrogation work can be entrusted to them to cooperate with you. I can cooperate with you in arresting people."

Ji Weidong knew what Li Xuewu meant. This was to draw a line between priority and priority. The case organizer was still the investigation department, which was the professional counterpart. The security department of the rolling mill and the sub-district police office were to assist in handling the case, which was the business counterpart.

"That's it for now, let them clean up here, let's go first, the lights around are turned on, and if we don't go for a while, we will be surrounded by crowds."

Ji Weidong looked at the people around him and asked a few words, and asked Li Xuewu: "The woman in the hospital, the comrades from the hospital just now have woken up, let's go and pick her up together. The ones caught earlier have also been notified, and they are being sent to the prison.”

Since cooperation in handling a case requires an appearance of cooperation, if Li Xuewu can set the location not in the sphere of influence of the two parties, take the initiative to bring important people over, and take the initiative to arrange clue tracking, Ji Weidong will also show his generous side.

"Let's go then." After Li Xuewu finished speaking, he took the lead to leave.

Motorbikes had already been parked at the door, some from the guards, some brought by Ji Weidong and the others, Li Xuewu didn't pick one, he threw the Type 56 in his hand to Liu Zhaolun, gave Xu Ning a few words, and chose one at random Then jumped up.

Li Xuewu and his motorcycle went out first, Xu Ning and his team jumped on the truck again, picked up the two corpses sent up by the investigation department, and followed Li Xuewu and his motorcycle to leave. Open to let a convoy leave.

What Ji Weidong said just now was really true, and Li Xuewu saw that some nearby residents were already standing on the side of the street looking over here.

The tradition of our people to watch the excitement has been like this since ancient times. We are not afraid of big things. Just now, there were firecrackers and sports cars. Now that it has stopped, people dare to come out to watch the excitement. An Pan was talking.

Residents who lived in high buildings stood upstairs and looked around. Li Xuewu and the others were talking indoors, so I don't know what these people were looking at.

But no matter what you read, the "news" of various versions of "firecrackers" will spread tomorrow, and ordinary people will add the limited things they see to their unlimited imagination, and then through language processing, they will become their own tomorrow. Talking stuff to show off in front of people.

Li Xuewu and his convoy soon arrived at the military hospital. Li Xuewu sat in his car pocket and looked at the hospital building, frowned, jumped off the motorcycle, and walked to the building under the leadership of Ji Weidong.

The personnel of the investigation department were sent here for injuries, and the female driver was also sent here for treatment. Not to mention the trouble, the secrecy is still high.

It is the middle of the night, and the footsteps of Li Xuewu and others woke up the medical staff on duty. Ji Weidong ignored the guards who came forward to inquire. .

As soon as he went up to the second floor, he saw someone standing guard in the treatment room of Dutouer. After confirming the target, Ji Weidong walked to the end of the corridor. There was no one on the road, so Ji Weidong, Li Xuewu and others walked smoothly.

Ji Weidong nodded to the people standing guard, and asked, "Is that woman awake?"

The people from the investigation department nodded and said: "Wake up, our people are inside, and the doctor is also inside."

Ji Weidong waved to the people behind him, and led Li Xuewu to open the door and walk inside.

As soon as the door was opened, the nurse inside blocked the door and said, "You can't enter now, the doctor is checking the patient's body."

Ji Weidong ignored the nurse and forcibly pushed open the drawn curtain. What came into view was a hospital bed. On the bed lay a woman whose quilt and clothes had been removed for inspection. Wrapped in gauze, there was a large bruise on her snow-white belly.

Li Xuewu not only saw the third target person in the ward, but also a person he could never have imagined in his dreams, and he also saw the person he had thought of without dreaming just now beside the hospital bed.

In 1949, Edward Murphy, an American engineer, proposed: If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of the choices will lead to disaster, someone must make this choice.

The bottom line is this: If there is a chance that things will go wrong, no matter how small the chances are, it will happen.

In layman's terms: the more you don't want things to happen, the more they will happen.

Now these two things have happened to Li Xuewu. Li Xuewu has always felt that life is really fickle, and some people will always appear in your life going around.

"The patient has not finished the examination, please go out first"

Li Xuewu saw Gu Ning saying "doctor's speech" to Ji Weidong with a cold face, but when he saw himself, his tone obviously paused.

Ji Weidong still had the domineering look when he first entered the door. He walked to the hospital bed and leaned over to look at the woman's pretty face, and then at the wounds on her head and abdomen.

"Can she die? If she can't die for the time being, we can't wait for her. Now she has to be interrogated."

Gu Ning frowned and looked at Ji Weidong. He obviously hated Ji Weidong's arrogant attitude, but as a military doctor, she knew what this woman represented, otherwise she would not have been sent by the hospital leader to treat this woman.

Sometimes loyalty and background matter more than skill.

Gu Ning really wanted to say that he still needs to stay in the hospital for observation, but he could only frown in front of the special department, but he didn't want to talk to the person in front of him, so he looked at Li Xuewu who was standing at the door.

Ji Weidong is a character who can be a monkey with his hair on his face. Seeing that he finished asking, the doctor didn't look at himself with "peerless appearance", but looked at the "ugly monster" Li Xuewu at the door. Obviously, these two people knew each other of.

"Ahem, do you want me to take someone away first, and the two of you can chat here?"

Hearing Ji Weidong's ridicule, Li Xuewu nodded at Gu Ning with a stiff expression, and said: "There is a special mission, we cooperate with them in handling the case, there are still people who have not been caught, it is urgent, this person needs to be interrogated immediately, you see the conditions Is it suitable?"

Seeing Li Xuewu's polite words, Ji Weidong "tsk tsk tsk" and stopped looking at the embarrassed Li Xuewu, but waved his hands in front of the woman on the hospital bed. Seeing the woman looking at him, he sneered and said: "Okay, you're pretty smart, you don't play the trick of pretending to be crazy, and you don't have to take off your pants and fart."

Seeing what Ji Weidong said was ugly, Gu Ning stretched out his hand to pull off the woman's blouse, covered the quilt, turned to Li Xuewu and said: "The patient's head was hit hard and became unconscious, and his abdomen was also severely hit. There is a large area of ​​congestion, but I don’t know if there is internal bleeding, so my suggestion is to be hospitalized for observation”

Li Xuewu knew that Gu Ning was telling the truth, but time waited for no one, how could he wait for her to recover before interrogating her.

Standing by the bed, Ji Weidong waved to Li Xuewu, who was standing motionless at the door, and said, "Li Xuewu, what are you doing standing at the door? Are you shy? Come and see, how can we take this "patient" back and treat him well?"

Hearing Ji Weidong call Li Xuewu, the woman lying on the hospital bed suddenly raised her head and looked towards the door, only to see a mighty Wuhan man in a military overcoat and cotton cap standing at the door looking at her stiffly, the woman opened her mouth , looking in astonishment at the person who I never expected to meet here, tears flowed down my face.

After seeing the person at the door, the good half face was a face she was familiar with. The woman pulled up the quilt to cover her face and began to cry loudly. into the ears of everyone in the room.

Gu Ning was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked at Li Xuewu, told the nurse a few words, turned and left.

Ji Weidong looked at the crying woman covering the quilt, then at the doctor who had left, and then at Li Xuewu who was standing stiffly at the door, with an incredulous expression on his face.

"I said, what are you? Girls nowadays like scars?"

Seeing Ji Weidong's joking inquiry, Li Xuewu frowned and walked into the ward, and sat on the chair beside the hospital bed under Ji Weidong's probing eyes.

Mr. Yang Jiang once wrote a passage:
People who have entered the heart, how can they just forget it,

How can a person who is in love let it go,

Even if we don't meet, don't speak,
There is always a place in my heart without any connection,
There is only one person in An An.

Some people stop at their lips and teeth and hide behind the years.

Apparently, Li Xuewu is the one that this woman has never forgotten or let go, and Li Xuewu's embarrassment and stiffness are because "I" did have such a memory, but it is not as "unforgettable" as this sad crying woman , is just a memory.

Ji Weidong waved his hands at the nurses and guards, and after sending these people out, he sat in the monitoring position at the door, watching the crying people on the hospital bed and the people sitting by the bed.

Li Xuewu ignored Ji Weidong who was sitting at the door watching the show, knowing that he was protecting himself, so he didn't leave him alone in the treatment room.

"Cough cough, can you tell me?"

Li Xuewu didn't know how long the woman named Dong Wenwen would cry on the bed if he didn't open his mouth. Ji Weidong sitting at the door had a limit to his patience, and the time limit of this case was also limited, so he couldn't afford to waste his time here.

After Li Xuewu finished speaking, the crying in the quilt gradually stopped, but the quilt was still twitching.

Li Xuewu pulled down the quilt slowly, and what he saw was a beautiful face with pear blossoms and rain, which was somewhat different from the face in his memory, more foreign, more beautiful, and more vivid.

Dong Wenwen was obviously crying really sad, and he was still sobbing, tears dripping down his cheeks on the pillow, he tried to cover his face with his hands but was restrained by handcuffs.

Li Xuewu stood up, walked to the basin by the wall, took a towel from the shelf, poured some hot water into the basin, soaked it thoroughly, wrung out the water, and walked back to the hospital bed.

Looking at Dong Wenwen who was still sobbing with his eyes closed, Li Xuewu sighed, opened the towel and put it on his hand and bent down to wipe the tears on Dong Wenwen's face.

When I went home, my elder brother asked this girl jokingly with me. At that time, I didn’t have this memory. It was only later that I gradually came into contact with familiar people and things, and then I slowly remembered that “I” still has such What a "beautiful" history.

Just when Li Xuewu was about to finish wiping, the hand holding the towel was caught by Dong Wenwen's hand. Dong Wenwen held Li Xuewu's hand with one hand, and cried again with the towel on his face.

Li Xuewu sighed again, gently patted Dong Wenwen's hand holding his own, and slowly sat on the side of the bed.

"I think you still have something to say to me, I think I can still do something for you, I can't help you like this"

Dong Wenwen's crying gradually subsided, and he let go of Li Xuewu's hand. Li Xuewu wiped Dong Wenwen's face again, stood up and walked to the basin, put the towel in the basin and put it on the shelf.

When Li Xuewu turned around, he saw Dong Wenwen looking at him with red and swollen eyes. Under Dong Wenwen's looking, he sat on the chair next to the bed again.

"Tell me, I'm sure you have a lot to say to me"

Dong Wenwen looked at his ex-lover whose face was half disfigured, opened his mouth, and asked in a hoarse voice after working hard for a while: "Brother Wu, what's wrong with your face? When did you come back?"

Li Xuewu handed Dong Wenwen a sip of the warm water on the bedside table, put down the cup again, and said, "It's been more than a month since I came back, and my face was injured when I was a soldier. Isn't it so ugly? You didn't even recognize me when I came in." "

Dong Wenwen shook his head and said, "It's not ugly, it's even better than before."

Li Xuewu laughed "hehehe" twice, and said: "I joined the rolling mill when I came back, and worked as a security cadre in the factory. The case this time belongs to our factory."

Seeing Li Xuewu talk about the case, Dong Wenwen fell silent and said, "It's pretty good, the rolling mill is pretty good."

Li Xuewu helped Dong Wenwen tuck the quilt and said: "There is no need to avoid anything in our relationship. I don't want to lie to you, and I don't want to coax you. I will say what I want. You are the one driving the jeep tonight, right? , when I shot and killed the co-pilot of your car, it felt like you were driving the car"

Seeing that Li Xuewu said this, Dong Wenwen could no longer evade the question, so he just nodded and said, "I didn't expect you to arrest me, it's true."

Li Xuewu took out a cigarette and lit one for himself, and said: "I didn't expect it was really you, but now I find out that it is really you, I am glad that I came to you, and I think you should also be thankful that it was me." come to your case"

Dong Wenwen smiled when he heard Li Xuewu's tongue-twister words, and said, "You have changed and matured."

Li Xuewu took a puff of smoke and said to Dong Wenwen, "I want to know who took that document. I want to know who your upline is, the details of your organization, who are these people and where are they?"

Dong Wenwen looked at Li Xuewu with a serious face, looked at his handcuffed right hand with some desolation, took a deep breath, and let it out again.

"I went to university after you left. I joined this organization in school. My upline was a woman code-named Professor. At first I just participated in the dance organized by the school, met some professors, and was introduced by the professor. I met a cadre in your rolling mill, he was very generous and often came to our school to find me, and I knew what he meant, but I really didn't mean to talk to him, once... woo woo woo"

Seeing Dong Wenwen recalling the sad past and crying again, Li Xuewu got up again, took off the towel, walked back and handed it to Dong Wenwen.

Dong Wenwen took it and wiped it for himself, and continued: "Afterwards, she comforted me and would treat me well, and she spent a lot of money on me, watches, jewelry, and gave them as if they were free. A grandma, woo woo woo, I just fell like this"

"Until one time I was drunk and woke up with another person lying next to me, I knew I couldn't run away, and that person took my photo and told me to obey or die, woo woo woo"

Li Xuewu frowned, what Dong Wenwen said was not important, and it might be dawn after listening to her story, so he interrupted Dong Wenwen by patting the quilt with his hands.

"Tell me, the professor's name, where does he live? Who is that man you're talking about? What's his name, and who else is there?"

Dong Wenwen looked up at Li Xuewu and said, "I don't know what the professor's name is. I just know that these people call her professor, that person... that person."

"It's Zhou Chunlai?" Ji Weidong who was sitting at the door couldn't help asking.

Li Xuewu looked into Dong Wenwen's eyes and said, "No, it's Liu Wenhua."

Dong Wenwen looked at Li Xuewu in surprise, and said, "How do you know?"

Ji Weidong frowned and asked, "Who is Liu Wenhua?"

Li Xuewu stared at the surprised Dong Wenwen, and answered Ji Weidong's words: "It's the father and son who let you watch, and now we are talking about the old one, the chief of the factory's finance department."

Ji Weidong nodded clearly and said, "The leaders of your factory are still playing very well."

Li Xuewu didn't care about Ji Weidong's pun, and asked Dong Wenwen, who was staring down at him, "So, is Liu Fusheng also a member of your organization?"

Dong Wenwen hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said: "Yes, his father has always been a member of the organization, but he entered later, and I only saw him twice recently. Liu Wenhua's code name is Ant, and his The real name is only known because of me and him, as for who Zhou Chunlai you mentioned just now, I don’t know, but I know that there is another person named Gunner in your factory.”

Li Xuewu didn't care about the explanation in Dong Wenwen's words, but continued to ask: "Then Feng Xiang was sent out by Liu Fusheng, who was it for?"

Dong Wenwen suddenly raised his head to look at Li Xuewu, and asked with tears in his eyes, "Did you already know?"

Li Xuewu stared into Dong Wenwen's eyes and said: "If people don't know it, you have to do nothing. We have already fished up the body. Was it shot in the right temple?"

Dong Wenwen watched Li Xuewu calmly explaining the cause of death of the corpse, and instantly collapsed, tears streaming down his face.

"Yes, it was delivered to me. It was the jeep. He drove it to the Summer Palace. I did it."

Li Xuewu took out the small pistol in his pocket and held it in his hand and said, "Is this the small pistol you used?"

Dong Wenwen saw the gun in Li Xuewu's hand, wiped his tears with the towel in his hand, nodded and said: "Yes, this is the gun, the professor gave it to me, and said she used it before."

Li Xuewu put the pistol back into his pocket, took out the M1911 from his pocket, and asked Dong Wenwen, "Then who is this person?"

Dong Wenwen looked at the gun, sniffed and said, "I have known him for more than two years. He has been there since I entered the organization. He is in charge of operations in the organization. His code name is Cleaner. Feng Xiang's body is he handles"

"He, like the Liu Fusheng you mentioned, is also the second generation. His father is a traffic officer in the organization, code-named postman."

Ji Weidong saw that Li Xuewu's interrogation was really methodical. No matter how many things the woman spit out, she only interrogated and questioned according to her own thinking, directly hitting the depths of the target's heart, and the more she answered, the more she revealed.

Li Xuewu sat up straight, thought for a while and asked: "Then according to what you said, Hu Zhengquan in the rolling mill is responsible for stealing information, the postman is responsible for delivering information, the cleaner is responsible for operations, and Ant Liu Wenhua is responsible for the money in your organization? Feng Xiang Responsible for the action? What is Liu Fusheng responsible for? What is the gunman Zhou Chunlai responsible for? What is the professor responsible for? Who is the guard who was killed by me? Responsible for what? What is your code name?

Dong Wenwen jumped up and wanted to sit up, but was restrained by the handcuffs on his wrists. A red mark was drawn on his slender white wrists, which was so conspicuous on the white skin.

Seeing Dong Wenwen frowning slightly looking at the handcuffs, Li Xuewu stood up, opened the handcuffs on the bed rail with the key he carried with him, picked up Dong Wenwen's pillow and put it on the bedside, waiting for Dong Wenwen to sit up.

Dong Wenwen leaned on the head of the bed and looked at Li Xuewu. Seeing that Li Xuewu really wanted to sit up, he sat up with Li Xuewu's help.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" Dong Wenwen asked Li Xuewu while rubbing his right hand with his left hand where his ribs were red.

After Li Xuewu helped Dong Wenwen sit up, he put the handcuffs in his hands on the bedside cabinet, sat back to his original position, pointed to Ji Weidong at the door and said, "The ones sitting over there are elites from the investigation department. I can hit ten like me, and I, in the south, with such a gun, can definitely kill no less than fifty."

Li Xuewu picked up the M1911 that was placed by Dong Wenwen's hand, shook it and said, under Dong Wenwen's surprised eyes, he removed the magazine and showed it to Dong Wenwen, then inserted it back into the gun, and put it back in the holster in his arms.

Dong Wenwen looked at the bullets in the magazine, and then thought of Li Xuewu helping him up just now, and the gun was placed on his quilt. He knew that he had just killed someone with a gun, and he dared to do it. There are two reasons, either Be confident, or trust yourself.

Dong Wenwen didn't want to guess which of these two reasons was true, and said to Li Xuewu with a smile: "You have really changed a lot, confident, mature, steady, and wise."

Li Xuewu picked up the cigarette butts on the bedside table and put them out in the flower pot on the bedside table.

"I don't know how they brainwash and train you. I say these words to tell you that your organization can't go far here. I don't care what purpose you joined that organization. Now you only have The right to tell the truth about the problem”

Li Xuewu lit a cigarette for himself again, and continued: "It is reasonable to say that I should avoid it now, but I think our previous relationship will not be an obstacle to you explaining the facts, but I should help you So, I told you when I first came in, I can help you, you have to trust me, I will do my best to help you"

Dong Wenwen smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "Actually, I would have told you all this if you hadn't said it, but you were the one who grabbed me."

Li Xuewu waved his hand to stop Dong Wenwen's words, and said: "I'm not lying to you, and there's no need to lie to you. To tell you the truth, the gunman Zhou Chunlai is also the keeper of the gun storehouse of the security department of our factory. He has already been arrested. , Hu Zhengquan is in the car downstairs."

"The cleaner's body is also there, the doorman's body is also there, Feng Xiang's body is in the police station, and Liu Wenhua and his son are also under our surveillance. They can be arrested at any time. Those who have not been caught yet are left with what you said That professor and that "postman" are gone"

Li Xuewu counted the characters of this organization for Dong Wenwen with his fingers, and continued: "I want to find out where the professor is, where the postman is, and how this organization works. You have to tell me truthfully that you played the role here." what role"

Li Xuewu pointed to Ji Weidong at the door and said: "What their investigation department wants is a big fish, an earth-shattering big fish, and I want people from the rolling mill like Hu Zhengquan. what a fart"

Ji Weidong knew that it was time for him to show something. He walked from the door to the hospital bed, looked at the hopeful Dong Wenwen, smiled and took out his ID to show Dong Wenwen, and then put it back in his pocket.

"I assure you that as long as you perform major meritorious service, you can continue your student life, of course, under our regular surveillance and review of your performance"

Dong Wenwen saw Ji Weidong's ID and heard Ji Weidong's words. He nodded excitedly, covered his mouth to prevent himself from crying, and said with a sob, "I say, I say everything."

Li Xuewu picked up a towel and wiped Dong Wenwen's eyes. Ji Weidong also took advantage of the situation and sat at the foot of Dong Wenwen's bed, looking at Dong Wenwen, waiting for her explanation.

Dong Wenwen took the towel from Li Xuewu's hand, looked at Li Xuewu's concerned eyes, nodded firmly, and said, "Hu Zhengquan, an engineer in the rolling mill, is in charge of intelligence collection and theft. His code name is Fisherman, and he is responsible for high-end intelligence theft. There are also professors from Huaqing and several other universities who have the same identity as him but are not in the organization.”

"That jeep was lent to the "professor" by one of the professors. In fact, the "professor" bought the car in that person's name. Some of these professors are more radical in their thinking, some are greedy for pleasure, and some are fond of drinking and sex."

"The "professor" and the fisherman are responsible for instigating rebellion and stealing the secrets of these people. The money for conquering these people is allocated by the superior, and the "God of Wealth" in the organization is responsible for keeping it, that is, the guard you said was killed by you , he is the brother of "Professor"

"It is a student like me who conquers the beauty of these people. My code name is Rose. From before I joined to now, I don't know how many people the "professor" has mastered."

Dong Wenwen sniffled, and continued: "The communication and communication of these people never meet in public or in private, but are delivered by "postmen""

"In the organization, the most important source of intelligence is the fisherman, so a complete monitoring and protection team has been set up for him. His safety and monitoring are personally in charge of by the "God of Wealth". Ants are in charge"

"He also has a special liaison officer, the gunman. The gunman was originally the leader of this organization, but the "professor" hooked up with the intelligence personnel of the United States, and he became the leader from a role like me, so The position of the gunman became awkward, so he was responsible for the fisherman’s special liaison and weapon support. Part of the weapons we used were provided by the gunner, and the other part was provided by the professor.”

"Like the cleaners and the newcomers Liu Fusheng and Feng Xiang, they are all second-generation forces cultivated by the organization. Because they don't know how long they will be latent, they need new blood. The cleaners follow the postman, Liu Fusheng follows the ants, Feng Xiang It was cultivated by gunmen, and there is no code name yet.”

Both Li Xuewu and Ji Weidong understood what Dong Wenwen said. It seemed that the history and composition of this organization were quite complicated, and now that a third-party force was involved, it became even more complicated.

"Who took the documents on the car?" Li Xuewu asked the last key question.

Dong Wenwen wrote down what he thought of on the paper and replied: "It's the professor, she is in the back seat of the car, after the car accident, she should be the one who took the documents and left."

Dong Wenwen wrote down the names of several school professors on the paper Ji Weidong gave him, but he really didn't know the names of "professors", nor did he know the names of "God of Wealth" and "postman", so he could only describe "professor" and "postman". Postman" features.

But fortunately, Dong Wenwen said that the "professor" has many lovers, not only those professors, not only the American, but also a British professor, and she knows the home of the British professor.

Ji Weidong put away the note, waved to Li Xuewu and said, "It seems that we have to leave quickly, I hope we can find this mysterious professor."

Li Xuewu stood up and picked up the handcuffs, looked at Ji Weidong, then at Dong Wenwen.

"Put it on for me, I trust you, and I trust his certificate"

Li Xuewu put the handcuffs on Dong Wenwen's hand, who offered to stretch out his hand, and handcuffed the other end to the railing of the bed.

"I advise you to believe me. Although I seldom tell the truth, the words I want to help you are true. He can find out any kind of his certificate for you. Even if you If you think he is digging shit, he can show you your ID card.”

"Hahahaha, your wit and humor haven't changed"

Seeing Dong Wenwen smile, Li Xuewu's purpose of deliberately making a joke has also been achieved, and the last step has been reached, there is no need to put pressure on her anymore.

"Cooperate well with the doctor for treatment, I'm leaving"

After Li Xuewu finished speaking, he was about to leave. Ji Weidong had already run out to arrange for the guards and doctors to come in and continue the treatment.

Dong Wenwen suddenly asked, "Is the doctor just now your partner?"

Li Xuewu paused, turned his head and said: "No, but I already have a partner, we are going to get married, she is a salesperson in a supply and marketing cooperative"

Dong Wenwen's expression fluctuated according to Li Xuewu's words, and finally turned into a smile, and said to Li Xuewu: "Be careful, I wish you happiness."

(End of this chapter)

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