Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 247 Drive Fast, A Dog Chases Me Behind

Chapter 247 Drive Fast, A Dog Chases Me Behind
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Early winter is not as sacred and solemn as midwinter, and it is not as joyful as golden autumn to give people the joy of harvest. However, it carries a unique beauty that makes me nostalgic.

The following are the early winter poems collected by the editor, welcome to check them out!
Early Winter Night Drink (Tang·Du Mu)
Huaiyang is sick and I courteously, and the guest sleeves invade the frost and candle trays.

Build a pile of snow under the pear blossoms, who will rely on the railing next year.

Appreciation: "Huaiyang is sickly" is an allusion. Ji An in the Western Han Dynasty was outspoken because of his outspokenness.When he served as the prefect of the East China Sea, although he was ill and ignored the matter, he was able to cure him.Later, he was worshiped as the prefect of Huaiyang. He said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty with tears: "I am sick and can't do the county affairs." He asked to stay in the capital, but was rejected.People compare themselves with self-deprecation, just implying that they were excluded from Beijing because of their outspokenness. The "Huan" in "I Qiu Huan" refers to wine, and the word "drink" in the title of the poem is secretly highlighted, which shows that the poet has pent-up worries and has no choice but to use wine to relieve his worries.The second sentence further expresses the frustrated feelings of the writer in a foreign country.The guest has already seen the homesickness, and the invasion of frost has increased the pain of migration.The poet stopped drinking and stood by the railing, but he saw the wind blowing in the first day and the snow falling in the evening. The snow under the steps looked like clusters of white pear blossoms.He couldn't help thinking about where he would be at this time next year. "Who will rely on the railing next year?" This rhetorical question embodies the poet's hardship of uncertain circulation, his longing for his hometown, his indignation at a failure in his official career, and his deep pain of unrewarding ambition, which is very thought-provoking.

Early Winter (Tang·Bai Juyi)
The weather in Jiangnan is good in October, and the pitiful winter scene is like spring blossoms.

The light frost did not kill the luxuriant grass, and the desert sand was dry at the beginning of the warm day.

The old zhe leaves are yellow like tender trees, and the branches of cold cherry blossoms are wild flowers.

At this time, I was envious of the idlers being drunk, and the five horses could not enter the restaurant.

Appreciation: This poem was written when the author Changqing was in Hangzhou for three years.The October weather in Jiangnan is very good, and the winter scenery is as lovely as spring.The frost did not freeze the grass, the sun dried the earth.Although the leaves of the old Zhe tree are yellow, they still look like newborns.The cold cherry blossoms do not follow the timing, and the branches and white flowers bloom.At this time, I only envied the leisure of the drinker, and walked into the restaurant without knowing it.It is very fascinating to write the warmth of the early winter in the south of the Yangtze River.

Get up early in winter and send your dreams (Tang·Bai Juyi)
He wears a black gauze hat and wears a white cloth fur.Warm the wine at the furnace temperature first, and do not comb your hair when your hands are cold.

When you get up early, the smoke and frost are white, and the birds and birds are sad in the early cold.Who should send the poem to Suzhou?

Appreciation: In the early winter, the weather is colder again. Sending poems to friends far away is a warm thing to comfort each other.Bai Juyi gets up early in early winter, wearing white clothes, the stove is warm and his hands are cold. The scene of smoke, frost and birds outside the house can easily make people feel a little sad.At this time, writing a poem and sending it to a friend may give you some comfort.

Rewarding Happy Days in Early Winter and Early Cold (Tang·Liu Yuxi)
It's still cold when I take off my clothes at first glance, and I groan slightly and my hat is half-tired.The frost freezes the roof tiles in the south, and the chicken sings on the back garden branches.

When Luoshui is green and the clouds are dawning, when the Wu Palace is yellow.Two pass thousands of miles away, letters are not as good as poems.

Appreciation: After receiving Bai Juyi's poem, Liu Yuxi also gave him a poem in return.It was still early, when the rooster crowed, and I saw hoarfrost covering the roof of the south house, and the two sentences of green clouds and yellow leaves are similar to Du Fu's "spring trees in Weibei, sunset clouds in Jiangdong".Although we are not in the same place, we can all face the green clouds and yellow leaves.At this time, instead of writing to you, it is more appropriate to express my thoughts on you by writing poems.

Early Winter (Tang·Du Fu)
The old man's uniform is narrow, and his color is dark when he returns to rest.On the fishing boat, the water is rushing, and the high forest is set on fire.

One day, Xi Chi was drunk, and Liang Fuyin came to worry about it.The fight has not died down, so what is the source?

Appreciation: The author starts with the scenery in the early winter season, the sky is cool and the clothes are thin, the fishing boats on the water return, and the hunting fire in the forest rises and falls.Xichi, also known as Xijiachi, was a place where mountain bamboo slips of the Jin Dynasty often visited.The author lingers between mountains and rivers every day, but he still has the wish of saving the world in his heart.Zhuge Liang once wrote "Liang Fu Yin" when he lived in seclusion in Nanyang. Later, he met the Ming Lord and realized his ambition.Then in this era of frequent wars, should I also work hard to realize my ambitions like Zhuge Liang?
Early Winter is Immediate Song·Zhou Duanchen
The air is warm in early winter, which is as small as the beginning of spring.A thousand trees have no leaves, but a thousand flowers try one branch.

The sky is red and frost has a letter, and the star halo rain is in advance.Afraid of seeing plum blossoms, worrying about unidentified poems.

Appreciation: There is a saying in Chinese folklore that "October Xiaoyangchun" refers to the period from the beginning of winter to the light snow season, some fruit trees will bloom twice, showing a warm weather like spring and March.This poem was written during such a period of time. "Thousands of trees have no leaves, and a thousand flowers try one branch" writes that the weather warms up in early winter, as if there is a spring scene, but the leaves have all fallen, and the comparison between the two is a strange scene.Looking at the weather, it seems that there will be frost and rain.It is the customary taste of literati to step on the snow and look for plum blossoms in winter, but the author is worried that he will not be able to write beautiful lines when the time comes.Contrary to the meaning of the predecessors urging Xue Panmei, the last sentence is ingenious and uses the poet's real psychological activities to add a vivid color of life to the whole poem.

Cimeng Jianchu Dongqing and Jianli Tao Erhua (Song·Zheng Xia)
In October, the southern sky is still hot, why are the quiet flowers moving and singing.

The half-leaved pistils are in the shape of a slender diameter, and a few red flowers come out of the lush forest.

The earth takes advantage of Xiaochun to restore the heating, and the sun is even and the shadows are light.

However, the shogunate has many talents, and it is worthwhile to be drunk and entertaining on the stage.

Appreciation: This poem describes in detail the blooming scene brought by "October Xiaoyangchun" in early winter. Although it is already October in the lunar calendar, the weather in the south has not yet cooled down. The peach blossoms are in full bloom one after another, just like in spring.You poets are talented and talented as a poem, so that we can live up to such a beautiful scene!
Watching the Song Dynasty·Zhang Lei in the Small Garden in Early Winter

The lonely tree is warped and the color is cold, and the clouds are idle and the light is falling.

The new frost is heavy with yellow chrysanthemums, and the long rains are sparse with emerald chrysanthemums.

The dark sparrow sings and pecks, and the high bird flies even higher.

My mink is still there, so I don’t have to wear clothes when I die.

Appreciation: This poem describes the scenery in the garden in early winter, the sky is high and the clouds are light, and the trees in the garden look very sparse.The chrysanthemums have not yet bloomed, and they are also stained with frost after the frost and snow.The sycamore trees have not fallen completely, and they are almost withered after being hit by rain and wind.The flock of birds have not all returned home, but they have lost their previous vitality.Fortunately, I kept the old clothes so that I would not have nothing to wear in this cold season.

Fishermen's Pride (Song·Mao Kai)
The red maple in the extreme eyes welcomes the dawn.Shanmingshuijing new frost early.It's okay for Yan to go and return.The sky is slim.The wind blows the low cold grass in the plains.

It's getting better in early winter.Xunmei stepped on the South Road of Xuecheng.Reminiscing about old tourists is old.Huan less.Who will fall if you are alone.

Appreciation: The first film describes the scenery of mountains and rivers at the beginning of winter.The next film points out the season, which is the feeling of looking for plums and stepping on snow in the early winter.However, the scenery remains the same, and the people are getting old.Thinking of this, I feel even more melancholy, and I want to toast to drink, but I don't know who to share with.

Bodhisattva in Early Winter (Song·Zhao Changqing)
The lotus is defeated, and the lotus is old.The cold light dims the fading grass.Pedestrians are easy to ecstasy.Where is the flute flying?

The cloud is cold and the sky borrows blue.The tree is thin and the smoke cage is straight.If one is Xiangguan.The sun goes west to the mountains.

Appreciation: The remnant lotus in autumn has been exhausted by early winter, and the withered grass in the sky is extremely bleak.Accompanied by the sound of the flute from nowhere in the evening, the sorrow in the wanderer's heart doubled at this time.Looking at the clouds in the sky, it seems that there is also a chill, and the sky is exceptionally clear and clear.The trees that have shed all their leaves are extraordinarily slender, and the smoke from houses in the distance is also extraordinarily straight because of the lack of wind.These arouse the homesickness of the wanderers even more, but where is the hometown? I can only see the setting sun and the west mountain.

1. Indifferent to clear ambition, quiet and far-reaching. ——Three Kingdoms·Zhuge Liang
2. Don't say fame and fortune, fame and fortune are personal enmity. ——Don Du Mu
3. If you can't resist today's temptation, you will lose tomorrow's happiness.

4. To be upright, to be diligent, to be honest, and to be honest.

5. Those who are long and busy are self-promoting, and those who are wide and humble are narrow-minded.

6. Don't take, don't give, don't think, don't ask.

7. Thirty years of fame and fame, dust and earth, eight thousand miles of road, cloud and moon.

8. Be convenient with others and be at ease with the situation.

9. Don't envy the golden cup, don't envy the white jade cup, don't envy the court entering the province,

10. See through the world of mortals, and suddenly unlock the lock of fame and fortune. ——Qing Li Ruzhen

11. I also laughed at the Chang'an Fame and Fortune Department, the world of mortals is half a horseshoe. ——Tang Seng Shangyan

12. The wind, the flowers, the snow and the moon are idle, but those who are worried are redundant.

13. Don't focus on the small to make the big, don't focus on selfishness at the expense of the public;

14. Don't cover yourself up with an iota of selfishness, don't burden yourself with an iota of selfish desires. ——Song·Zhu Xi
15. Everyone has a clean government, and corruption perishes; everyone is self-disciplined, and the party style is self-improving.

16. To be worthy of the party is the root of diligent government; to be worthy of the people is the source of clean government.

17. There is no ambition without indifference, and no far-reaching without tranquility.

18. Who knows that other than generals and princes, there are no happy people. —— Tang Bai Juyi

19. A cup of washing is enough to wash everything away, and everything will go away. —— Song Zhao Shixia

20. Don't be surprised by favor or disgrace, just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court;

21. To be honest, to be an official, to dare to anger and to act impartially is to dare to speak out.

22. If you let go of fame and wealth, you can get out of the ordinary. ——Ming Hong Zicheng

23. It is called Gushen Lock, and it is beneficial to burn the body.

24. Those who are satisfied are in fairyland, and those who are not satisfied are in mortal realm. ——Ming Hong Zicheng

25. Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself.

26. People's livelihood depends on diligence, and diligence is not lacking; the party exists in integrity, and integrity is a great prosperity.

27. I don't envy the stage at dusk, I envy the water of the West River, and I once came down to Jingling City.

28. The sky is healthy, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue.

29. The secluded environment can be seen from the outside, and Gao Huai alone is out of the world. ——Song Huihong

Sentences with indifference to fame and fortune

1. Indifferent to life, with a natural and peaceful state of mind, you will have a meaningful life, and you will also have an infinitely beautiful life!

2. To be indifferent to life is not not for fame and fortune, but to distinguish between pros and cons, and to avoid disadvantages.

3. Indifferent to fame and wealth, quiet introspection, and then this is a beautiful scenery of life, it embellishes the brilliant life realm of four seasons like spring, with it, we have the destination of life and soul worth relying on for a lifetime.

4. Don't lose your most beautiful self in indifference, because this kind of life is so close to us and within reach.

5. When you really look down on everything, and then you are in the mortal world, your heart is out of the world, you have no desires, no desires, and then you don’t care about anything, you will find that the former surging passion has faded away, and there are few rich emotions left , my own family, relatives, come and go with him, those friends who miss each other and know each other go as soon as they leave, and stay as long as they stay.

6. There is no rivers and lakes that belong to me in the prosperous world. I finally return my indifferent heart to tranquility and enjoy the indifferent beauty.

7. Having experienced many joys and sorrows, the indifferent state of mind at this time is even more joyful. I like such a quiet peach blossom garden, and I wait leisurely with my confidantes. I don’t care about the troubles of the world, and I don’t talk about trivial matters. I will pour a cup of tea for myself, sir. And come and go freely.

8. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, not to mention Lishang, neither hot nor cold.

9. Understand the "light" taste, just like this cup of tea, and then taste it to the end, it is no different from plain boiled water, bland and tasteless, and taste it again, it is warm, even if people leave the tea cold, the warmth you once had, think of it, then It is heartwarming.

10. In the long journey of life, watch the wind and clouds, and then the flowers bloom and fall; suddenly look back with a shallow smile; keep an indifferent heart, and have an indifferent beauty.

Friends, do you want to buy a few books to read well and improve your literary accomplishment? Today, I recommend some classic Tang poetry and Song Ci books for you, everyone, go and have a look!

"Three Hundred Song Poems"

"Three Hundred Poems of Song Poems" is the most popular anthology of Song Poems. Its selection criteria are mixed as the main theme, and seek for physique and spirit.

When reading Song people's Ci, you should look for it between physique and spirit, and physique is more important than spirit. The study of Ci flourished in the Song Dynasty.Taking the state of completeness as the state of progress that scholars must go to, and those who have advanced into completeness, it must be possible to arrive,' this relationship is also for those who are academically capable.The spirit comes from the spirit, which is not only the most beautiful physique, but also the one who has a clear and fragrant fragrance that cannot be concealed by accumulated hair.In modern times, it is disrespectful for Si Dao to use Xiaohui's side beauty as a poem; he often smears it for half his life, and has not seen the way of Song Xian, so how can he talk about it!I have never heard of anyone who collects and selects the best of the gods and ancient societies, for the purpose of learning Zhou Xing.Mr. Shangqiang, a villager, tried to select "Three Hundred Poems of Song Dynasty" as the resource for Xiao Ruan Yi Nanxin to recite;Fuhun has become the ultimate master, and if he can follow the rules in the three hundred poems, he will be able to extract the essence and use them in the three hundred poems.

"Three Hundred Poems of Song Dynasty" is a dazzling diamond in the crown of ancient Chinese literature. In the Langyuan of ancient literature, she is a fragrant and gorgeous garden.She competes with Tang poetry for novelty and Yuan opera with her colorful and varied appearance. She has always been called a double masterpiece with Tang poetry, and they all represent the victory of a generation of literature.Far from absorbing nutrients from "The Book of Songs", "Chu Ci" and "Poetry of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties", it also provided organic ingredients for the later Ming and Qing drama novels.To this day, she is still cultivating people's sentiments and bringing us high artistic enjoyment.

"Three Hundred Song Poems" aims to introduce the author's [-] selected works of Song Poems in a popular, concise and concise way. The annotations strive to be concise and clarify the meaning of the words; Efforts are made for the translator's culture to be beautiful and smooth, and to reflect the artistic flavor of the original words as much as possible; the analysis is to explain the imagery, emotion and expressive techniques of the words with concise and concise artistic analysis, so as to understand and appreciate the art of Song Ci for Song Ci lovers , to provide a certain reference.

However, Zhu Zumou's selection criteria were influenced by the Zhexi School of Ci and Changzhou Ci in the Qing Dynasty. The initial compilation included 24 poems by Wu Wenying, 22 by Zhou Bangyan, 16 by Jiang Kui, and 18 by Yan Jidao.However, Li Qingzhao has only 7 poems, Su Shi has 12 poems, and Xin Qiji has 10 poems.

"Selected Poems of the Tang and Song Dynasties"

The poems of the Tang Dynasty and the Ci of the Song Dynasty both represent the special achievements of an era in the history of literature.Ci emerged in the Sui and Tang Dynasties along with the emerging music at that time——Yan Yue.Yan music is the product of the integration of traditional music of the Han nationality and music of the Western Regions. It was a lyrical music full of vitality at that time.Ci was originally the lyrics written for different tunes of this emerging music. It was called melody or melody at that time, and ci can be said to be the abbreviation of melody.

The first to write lyrics for this emerging music were mainly some folk artists and folk intellectuals.Most of the manuscripts and lyrics found in Dunhuang, Gansu at the beginning of the 160th century are folk works.There are more than 140 pieces in "Dunhuang Music and Ci Collection" compiled by Mr. Wang Chongmin.Mr. Ren Erbei's "Dunhuang Qu Xiaolu" has increased to more than [-] pieces.After the mid-Tang Dynasty, more and more literati wrote lyrics.In the late Tang and Five Dynasties, it became popular.Mr. Lin Dachun compiled "Tang and Five Dynasties", which contains [-] eight poems.The Song Dynasty was the most prosperous era for the creation of Ci, and there were many works. The "Quan Song Ci" compiled by Mr. Tang Guizhang has more than [-] poems.

After the development of Ci from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, the poetry field once again appeared a prosperous scene of flowers blooming and colorful after Tang poetry.Although Song Ci is generally inferior to Tang Poetry in terms of the breadth and depth of reflecting the times, Ci has its important position after all.

"Selected Notes on Song Poems"

One is the construction of the epic context. The 81 short biographies of poets in Selected Notes of Song Poems all focus on commenting and positioning poets from the perspective of the origin and flow of poetic history. The more than 300 poets of the Song Dynasty involved in "Notes of the Rong'an Museum" are even more connected with each other, and the scale of a "Complete History of Song Poems" has begun to form.

The second is the understanding of poetry style.There are many schools of poetry style in Song Dynasty, the most important ones are Xikun style, late Tang style, Jianghu style, Jiangxi poetry school, Siling poetry school and so on.In his writings, Mr. Qian not only discusses the relationship between individual poets and style schools, but also pays more attention to the characteristics and connotations of "styles", the formation and influence of "styles", such as his argument that the formation of "Jianghu style" was earlier than the publication of "Jianghu Ji" , is a prominent example.

The third is the evaluation of the poet's style.Mr. Qian is obsessed with specific literary appreciation. When discussing poets of the Song Dynasty in "Notes of Rong'an Museum", he always follows his style, giving a general comment first, and then extracting sentences to make sub-comments.No matter how big or small the poet is, the advantages and disadvantages of his style are all evaluated to reveal the origin and determine the characteristics.These assertions come from Mr. Qian's direct reading experience, contain unique aesthetic interest and poetic judgment, and have irreplaceable academic value.

The fourth is the choice of poetry art.Compared with the previous generations, Song poetry has accumulated rich rhetorical experience, and it is more exquisite in technique, showing distinctive characteristics of the times.When discussing Song poetry, Mr. Qian often cites ancient and modern Chinese and Western materials on the use of words, coinage, meaning, syntax, etc., and compares them by category. Universal topic of poetic art.

The fifth is the care of poetic ecology.The Song Dynasty was an era in which all fields of literature, art, philosophy, and historiography achieved extremely high attainments, colliding and infiltrating each other to form a cultural ecosystem full of vitality.Song poetry has changed from generation to generation in this environment and is closely related to other fields.When Mr. Qian discussed Song poetry, he grasped its relationship with current literature, painting, Neo-Confucianism, Zen Buddhism, and dialects.

The sixth is the textual research of poetry anthology literature.In contemporary academia, Mr. Qian is the No. 1 person who comprehensively examines and revises the materials of Song poetry by himself. "Selected Notes on Song Poetry" has been partially textualized, "Song Poetry Chronicle and Supplement" is a representative of Song poetry literature collation, and "Qian Zhongshu Manuscript Collection" can also be found everywhere in Song Poetry Authors, chapters, words and sentences. , Textual research and compilation, many of them can be determined.

Introduction: Poetry is the pearl embedded in Tang civilization and the Mount Everest of Chinese poetry.Standing at the pinnacle of the oriental poetry circles, she laments that she is unattainable like no one before or after.Let's take a look at the classic sentences of Tang Poetry and Song Ci that the editor has compiled for you below.

【Cloud in Poetry】

1. The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains, amidst the vast sea of ​​clouds. (Li Bai's "Pass Mountain Moon")
2. All the birds fly high, and the lone cloud goes idle alone. (Li Bai "Sitting Alone on Jingting Mountain")
3. Only in this mountain, the clouds are deep. (Jia Dao's "The Hermit Seeker Never Meets")
4. The wild trails are dark with clouds, but the river and boats are full of fire. (Du Fu's "Happy Rain on a Spring Night")
5. Flying sky mirror under the moon, clouds grow and build sea towers. (Li Bai's "Crossing Jingmen to Farewell")
6. There are thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, and the north wind blows wild geese and snow. (Gao Shi's "Farewell to Dong Da")
7. Chao Ci Bai Di Caiyun, Qianli Jiangling returned in one day. (Li Bai's "Early Hair of the White Emperor"

8.Far above the cold mountain, the stone path is slanted, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds. (Du Mu's "Mountain Journey")
9.The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, and there is an isolated city, Wanren Mountain. (Wang Zhihuan's "Liangzhou Ci")
10.The vast sea is surrounded by hundreds of feet of ice, and the gloomy clouds are gloomy. (Cen Shen's "Bai Xuege Sending Judge Wu Returns to Beijing")
【Parting in the poem】

1.Saying goodbye to the king, we are both eunuchs.

There is a confidant in the sea, and the end of the world is like a neighbor. (Wang Bo's "Sending Du Shaofu to Shuzhou")
2.Send Wang Sun to go again, full of love. (Li Bai's "Send off Friends")
3.The spring grass will be green next year, will the king and grandson return? (Bai Juyi's "Farewell to the Ancient Grassland")
4.The morning rain in Weicheng is light and the dust is light, and the inn houses are green and willows are new.

Advise you to drink more wine, go west to Yangguan without acquaintance. (Wang Wei's "Send Yuan Er Envoy Anxi")
5.Entering Wu at night in the cold rain and continuous river, Pingming sees off guests in Chushan Gu; (Wang Changling's "Fu Rong Lou Sends Xin Jian")
6.Don't worry about having no confidant in the future, no one in the world knows the king. (Gao Shi's "Farewell to Dong Da")
7.Peach Blossom Pond water is three thousand feet, not as good as Wang Lun's love for me. (Li Bai's "To Wang Lun")
8.The lonely sail is far away, the blue sky is gone, only the sky of the Yangtze River can be seen. (Li Bai's "Yellow Crane Tower Sends Yu Haoran to Guangling")
9.You can't see you when you turn around the mountain circuit, and stay in the horse riding place in the sky above the snow. (Cen Shen's "Bai Xuege Sending Judge Wu Returns to Beijing")
10.Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are fragrant grasses and green sky.The sound of the willow flute blows in the evening wind, and the setting sun is beyond the mountains.

At the end of the sky, at the corner of the sea, half of friends are scattered.A goblet of turbid wine to make the rest of the fun, don't dream of cold tonight.

【Family Love in Poetry】

1.Mother hands line, wandering clothing.

Departure thick seam, meaning fear of delay in return.

Whoever says the grass-inch heart will get three Chunhui. (Meng Jiao's "Wandering Zi Yin")
2.Cooking beans burns Osmunda, and the beans weep in the cauldron.

They are originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other? (Cao Zhi's "Seven Steps Poem")
3.When the father and mother hear that the daughter is coming, they go out to Guo Xiang to help the general;

When my sister heard that my sister was here, she was the one who took care of her red makeup;
The younger brother, sister Wen, came and sharpened the knife to the pigs and sheep. ("Mulan")
4.The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is full of spring vegetation.

Tears are splashed when feeling, and I hate goodbye and startle.

The flames lasted three months, and the family letter was worth ten thousand gold.

The white hair is scratched shorter, and the hairpin is full of lust. (Du Fu's "Spring Hope")
5.The drum breaks the pedestrians' walk, and the sound of wild geese in Bianqiu.

Lu Cong is white tonight, and the moon is the hometown.

Brothers are scattered, and there is no family to ask about death or life.

The length of sending books is not long, and the situation is that the soldiers have not been suspended. (Du Fu's "Moon Night Recalling My Brother")
6.Seeing the autumn wind in Luoyang City, I want to be a writer.

I can't say enough about the fear in a hurry, and the pedestrians are about to leave and open again; (Zhang Ji's "Autumn Thoughts")
7.Alone as a stranger in a foreign land, I miss my relatives every festive season.

Knowing that the brother ascended the high place, there was only one less person who planted dogwood everywhere. (Wang Wei's "Recalling Shandong Brothers on September [-]th")
8. During the winter solstice in the hd station, the shadow in front of the knee-hugging lamp is with you.

If you want to sit deep at night at home, you should also talk about people traveling far away. (Zi Juyi's "hd winter solstice night homesickness")
9.The childish child pulls the clothes and asks why it is too late to return?
Who will fight for the years; win the sideburns? (Du Mu's "Return to the Tomb")
10. It rains in every family during the Huangmei season, and frogs are everywhere in the grass pond.

Appreciation: It comes from Song Dynasty poet Zhao Shixiu's "Yoke", which means that there is a drizzle in the yellow plum season, every household is shrouded in misty rain, and frogs are singing everywhere in the grass-covered pond.These two poems express the seasonal characteristics and local atmosphere, and the antithesis is neat, revealing from the side the poet's feelings when his friends are visiting in Jinghou.

11. The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the long river sets in the sun.

Appreciation: This sentence comes from the famous Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei's "Envoy to the Fortress". Above the desert, the beacon smoke soars upwards. On the banks of the Yellow River, the setting sun is as round as a wheel.This sentence has won the majestic and magnificent charm of the desert, and has been admired by people for thousands of years. With its superb artistic realm, these two sentences have become the focus of this lyric poem describing the scenery, making the originally melancholy and lost poetry become vigorous and magnificent. .

【Nostalgia in the poem】

1.You come from your hometown.You should know your hometown.

In front of the beautiful window in the future, is the winter plum blooming yet? (Wang Wei's "Miscellaneous Poems")
2.The young and the young leave home and the eldest returns, the local accent remains unchanged, and the mane hair declines.

When children meet each other and don't know each other, they laugh and ask where they come from? ("He Zhizhang's "Homecoming Puppet Book")
3.The sound book outside the ridge is broken, and after winter it returns to spring.

Closer to the hometown, I am even more timid, afraid to ask people. "Song Zhiwen "Crossing the Han River")
4.The guest road is outside the green mountains, before sailing on the green water.

The tide is flat, and both sides are broad, and the wind is hanging.

The sea is born in the dying night, and Jiang Chun enters the old year.

Where does the country book come from? Go back to the Yan Luoyang side. (Wang Wan's "Under the Cibeigu Mountain")
5.It's only seven days in spring, and it's been two years since I left home.

After a person returns to the geese, his thoughts are before the flowers. (Xue Daoheng's "One Day Thinks of Returning")
6.The bright moonlight in front of the bed was suspected to be frost on the ground.

Looking up at the bright moon, bowing your head and thinking about your hometown. (Li Bai's "Quiet Night Thoughts"

7.Someone's jade flute is flying in the dark, and the spring breeze of scattered people fills Luocheng.

Hearing the folded willows in this nocturne, no one can afford the feelings of the old country. (Li Bai "Whispering the Flute in Los Angeles on a Spring Night")
8.The ten frosts in the guest house and Bingzhou, I return to my heart and recall Xianyang day and night.

There is no reason to cross the sanggan water, but I hope that Bingzhou is my hometown. (Liu Zao's "Journey to Shuofang")
9.The drum breaks the pedestrians' walk, and the sound of wild geese in Bianqiu.

Lu Cong is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown. (Du Fu's "Moon Night Recalling My Brother")
1. There are few willows blowing on the branches, and there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world (Su Shi's "Butterfly Love Flower")
"Butterfly Love Flowers Spring Scenery" is a poem written by Su Shi, a writer in the Northern Song Dynasty.This is a fresh and graceful work describing the spring scenery, expressing the poet's sigh at the passing of spring, as well as his own emotions and troubles that are unknown.Shangyu wrote about the sadness brought about by the fleeting spring, not sticking to the situation and writing things but blending people's own deep sighs.Xiayu writes the sadness of meeting a beautiful woman but never meeting him, and being sentimental but being treated mercilessly.The meaning of the whole word is tactful, and the emotion is moving. It contains sadness in the freshness, and reveals the hurt in the gracefulness. The artistic conception is hazy and the charm is endless. dmzshipin.
2. Chaoci Baidi among the colorful clouds, thousands of miles of Jiangling - the day returns. (Li Bai's "Early Departure from Baidi City")
"Zaofa Baidi City" is a poem written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, when he returned from exile in the second year of Qianyuan (759). It is one of the most widely circulated famous poems of Li Bai.This poem describes the section of the Yangtze River from Baidi to Jiangling, where the water flows fast and the boat moves like flying.The first sentence describes the height of Baidi City; the second sentence describes the distance of Jiangling and the speed of the boat;The whole poem integrates the poet's happy mood after being pardoned with the magnificence of the mountains and rivers, and the smoothness and briskness of sailing along the water. Using exaggeration and whimsy, the poem is elegant and elegant, shocking the world, and unpretentious. It is natural and natural.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.In Yuanfu Zhongjian's Neixiang Medicine Store, Yushi Shi Yu impeached him as Su Shi's aide, and he was not allowed to be a Beijing official and was suspended.At the beginning of Chongning, Huizong promoted Hedong Changping.Later, because he offended the powerful Cai Jing, he was expelled from Taiping Prefecture (now ah Dangtu), and later he was pardoned and restored to office.He is the author of one volume of "Guxi Ci", fifty volumes of "Previous Collection of Guxi Jushi" and two volumes of "Guxi Inscriptions".

This poem describes the section of the Yangtze River from Baidi to Jiangling, where the water flows fast and the boat moves like flying.The first sentence describes the height of Baidi City; the second sentence describes the distance between Jiangling and the speed of the boat; One body, using exaggeration and whimsy, the writing is fluent and elegant, shocking the world, but not fake, doing whatever you want, and it is natural.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Shi Yushen, the censor Shi Yushen, does whatever he wants, naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short and everything is empty, and the soul is melancholy and nowhere to find (Li Zhiyi's "Trasking on Shasha")
About the Author

Li Zhiyi (1038~1117) was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.The word is Uncle Duan, and he calls himself Guxi Layman and Guxi Old Farmer.Han nationality, from Wudi (Qingyun County), Cangzhou.At the beginning of Zhezong Yuanyou, he was the editor of the Privy Council and judged Yuanzhou.At the end of Yuanyou, Su Shi was in the Dingzhou shogunate, advocating remuneration day and night.Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store, Yuanfu Zhongjian Neixiang Medicine Store Censor Shi Yushen

Whatever the heart desires, comes naturally.Yang Shen, a man of the Ming Dynasty, praised and said: "The ghosts and gods are weeping when the wind and rain startle!"

3. Life is short-lived,

 It's the middle of the month~
  Everyone rewards the author with a monthly ticket~
  Let's limit ourselves to this week,
  As long as the monthly ticket reaches 4000,

  I burst 3 words!

  As long as the monthly ticket reaches 6000,

  I burst 5 words!

  The results will come out on Sunday, and there will be an update next Monday!
  Never break your word!

(End of this chapter)

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