Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 25 Rolling Mill Reports

Chapter 25 Rolling Mill Reports

Liu Yin counted with her fingers and said: "Your grandma just weighed the pig. The pig weighed 320 catties, but the fur lost 45 catties. The pig's trotters, pig's head, and pig's tail are 210 catties in total. The internal organs and pig's intestines There are 180 catties, the meat weighs [-] and [-] catties, the one that was given to Shazhu weighed [-] catties, and the yard was divided into [-] catties, and now there are [-] and [-] catties left in the tank.”

The more Liu Yin calculated, the more she felt distressed: "Tomorrow I will give you 120 catties for your sister-in-law. Your father and the others have four leaders, and seven or eight colleagues who come and go frequently, so there are only [-] catties left."

Looking at Liu Yin grinned distressedly.

Li Xuewu put his arms around Liu Yin's shoulders with a smile and said, "Why are you so calculating? My mother is really good at mathematics. My sister-in-law taught me?"

Liu Yin pinched Li Xuewu angrily: "You don't feel bad?"

Zhao Yafang said at this time: "Why don't I take some less when I go home, and I won't be able to eat these?"

Li Xuewu replied: "Don't listen to Mom's calculations, just take twenty catties, Mom is used to careful planning."

Li Xuewu said to Liu Yin again: "Don't feel bad, eat hard, and I'll beat you again after eating."

Liu Yin said sternly: "No, it's too dangerous. Today I heard the silly Zhu say that I didn't know that wild boars are so fierce in the forest. They even hide from tigers. Don't take risks."

Li Shun knocked on the table with his hand, and said seriously: "Didn't you say this is the last time?"

Li Xuewu put his arms around Liu Yin's shoulders and said, "Next time, take people and guns with you."

Li Shun vetoed it again: "That's not okay, the bullets have no eyes, and the hospital has admitted a lot of accidental injuries this year."

These days, Xinhua Bookstore and Supply and Marketing Cooperatives sell guns. The Jianwei series is relatively famous. There are also guns from other factories. Those with mobile phones beat people like pigs.

When Liu Yin heard Li Shun speak, she nodded and said, "Be obedient, there is enough meat."

Li Xuewu stopped talking back, said good, and got ready to sleep.

That night Li Xuewu slept soundly because of the alcohol, the influence of the train has been eliminated, and the kang no longer shakes.

Sunny Monday morning.

child noise

sound of pots and pans

The sound of the second uncle beating the child.
It seems that brothers Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu have given the second uncle a surprise.

When Li Xuewu went out, he saw the third uncle who was cleaning the bicycle with a hot water basin, his head held high, listening to the sound of the second uncle beating the child.

I saw Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu running towards the front yard each with a piece of meat in their mouths, and the second uncle cursed from the backyard: "You two beasts, don't come back, come back and break your dog's legs!"

The third master murmured and said: "How can you beat the child in the bangs? Is it for a piece of meat?"

Why!What to say!
At this moment, Yu Li's cries and beatings suddenly came from Yan Xiecheng's room. Yu Li was asking Yan Xiecheng where the meat he put on the windowsill last night was.

Yan Xiecheng grudgingly said that his wife went into the house early in the morning and took the meat away.

Yu Li cried and chased Yan Jiecheng out of the house, and ran into her father-in-law washing the car.

The third master stood up and said: "Your mother brought the meat here because she was afraid that the meat would be spoiled. Why don't you eat it together?"

Yu Li cried and said, "It's going to be sent to my natal family. I made an agreement with Yan Jiecheng last night."

Yan Jiecheng had already gone into hiding in his parents' room.

The third master said unhurriedly: "Our family hasn't separated yet, so the meat belongs to our family. How can you two make it up?"

Yu Li said that her father-in-law was crying and ran back to the house to pack his clothes and go back to her mother's house.

Yan Xiecheng panicked when he saw Yu Li was about to run home from the window, so he hurried out and chased after her.

The third uncle didn't feel any blush on his body when he said what the second uncle said, and continued to wipe the car, regardless of the fact that only Yu Li and his wife went out at home, and no one went out to persuade him.

Li Xuewu watched the excitement for a while, then turned around and saw his grandmother teaching Li Xuecai to split firewood with an axe.

Seeing Li Xuewu coming out, the grandma said: "The horse is fed and drunk, wash your face, go to work after breakfast."

Li Xuewu agreed to wash his face.

The food in the morning is still the same, corn bread, pickled vegetables, rice porridge, and the leftover pig dishes from last night.

Today is Monday, and those who go to school and work have tasks, so they ate very quickly, and went out after breakfast.

Li Xuewu put his satchel on his back, and left with his report assignment certificate.

When I got out of the gate, I saw Shazhu and Qin Huairu coming out from the second gate together, and hurriedly walked away, pretending not to hear the greeting from behind.

These two people are not afraid of others saying that they are not the light bulb.

Although Widow Qin is good, she can't be greedy for "cups".

How many glasses are there?

The more you walk towards Dongzhimen, the more chaotic the street becomes. There are not many breakfast sellers, and there are also horse-drawn carriages that get up early in the morning to go to work.

There are many fly restaurants, big car shops, and a large mess of residential areas in this area, all of which are shantytowns. From this point, people go out from there.

Li Xuewu is tall, has long strides, and walks fast. It takes an hour for ordinary people to walk, and Li Xuewu arrived at the factory gate in more than 40 minutes.

I saw that there were people on duty at the gate, and all the workers who went in were wearing factory work clothes.

I am still wearing national defense green today. I really have no other clothes. My mother changed the clothes I wore a few years ago for Li Xuecai to wear.

Now it is really three years old, three years old, three years mending, three years after three years.
We still see sock mending stretchers now, but whoever mends socks in later generations will have a lot of prodigal sons who throw them away after wearing them for a day.

Li Xuewu took out his registration card and handed it to the guard on duty.

The guard saw the young man in national defense green coming to the factory and thought there was something wrong. Seeing that the registration card handed over had his name and other information written on it, and the assignment said Security Office, he knew that this was his future supervisor, so he quickly pointed to the owner of the office. The direction of the Personnel Department.

Li Xuewu received the receipt and nodded to the guard, then walked to the office building on the left.

Not far away, only [-] meters, entered the main building according to the memory of Saturday, and came to the personnel office on the second floor.

There were several people sitting in the big office of the Personnel Department. Li Xuewu knocked on the door and asked, "Who should the new workers report to?"

I saw that the office was busy in their own way, as if they didn't hear Li Xuewu's question,
Only a young girl pointed to a small office inside and said, "Go to the back room"

Li Xuewu saw that there was no door in this cubicle, and there were only a few desks.

At this time, the middle-aged woman sitting inside raised her head and asked, "Did you bring the materials, where did you get them? Who approved them?"

This kind of newcomers who are recruited by themselves must not be recruited uniformly by the personnel department. Those who have a relationship to jump in are led by the factory leaders.

Li Xuewu is very clear about what he said here.

"I brought the materials, and they were introduced by Director Yang."

Li Xuewu purposely spoke vaguely, but the factory director did ask Li Xuewu to come to the HR department to report.

At this time, several eyes looked at Li Xuewu, all with probing eyes, some with old glasses and young ponytails.

(End of this chapter)

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