Chapter 31

Han Yating glanced at Liu Fusheng and Wei Tong, and then said: "Our unit handles criminal cases in the factory area and factory workers. Usually, the security unit transfers them or workers report them. We take people to deal with them. There are two bicycles in the unit. , it is used for missions”

After lighting Li Xuewu's cigarette, Liu Fusheng returned to the table. Seeing that Han Yating had finished speaking, he added: "Our company also focuses on criticism and education. If it is serious, we will go to the police station to issue a summons certificate, and then try it, and then hand it over to the bureau and The Overwatch Council takes over, but usually it is withheld for a day or two, and you will be honest after suffering a little bit."

Li Xuewu nodded and didn't say much, this security unit is a small faction.

After smoking a cigarette, Xu Ning ran back panting, holding a new net bag in his hand. There were two aluminum lunch boxes in the net bag, and what seemed to be chopsticks and spoons in the lunch box.

Xu Ning: "Huh, huh, chief, I bought the lunch box, chopsticks, spoons, and the big front door for you. This is the meal ticket, and this is the remaining money." Then he took out the remaining dime note and handed it back .

Li Xuewu took it with a smile, picked up the big front door and opened it, took out two boxes and threw them to Wei Tong, then took out two boxes and threw them to Liu Fusheng, and handed the remaining six boxes to Xu Ning, and said hard work to Xu Ning up.

The three of Xu Ning couldn't refuse, and accepted it politely.

On the first day today, I didn't understand the business yet, so I didn't say anything, watching it was time for dinner.

"Come on, let's go to the cafeteria to eat"

The four agreed in unison.

At this time, the people in the agency have an advantage over the workers in the workshop in that they are closer to the canteen, which is diagonally behind the main building.

The cadres of the agency can line up to get food first. Basically, the workshop can only come over after the agency is finished.

Li Xuewu led the four of them into the cafeteria, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

He was tall, in a straight police uniform, with scars on his face, and behind him were four young men in police uniforms. The noise in the cafeteria suddenly became quieter.

In the factory area, only the security unit wears police uniforms. This is registered in the bureau. The security unit wears dark cotton clothes and military cotton caps. Of course, they don’t have collar badges or cap badges. Only the team leader has red cuffs.

Li Xuewu led the four of them to naturally line up behind a line, and there was no sound from front to back, left to right.

When it was time for Li Xuewu to eat, he saw Liu Lan ordering vegetables at the window, and Sha Zhu selling steamed buns at the next window.

Silly Zhu saw Li Xuewu at a glance.

"Hey! Brother, you went to the security unit of the security department!"

Li Xuewu nodded to him with a smile, and said softly, "There is a queue behind, let's talk after get off work."

Li Xuewu said to Liu Lan again: "It's hard work, four steamed buns, two liang of each dish" and handed over the lunch box.

Liu Lan first saw Shazhu greet Li Xuewu, and took a closer look. This young man looks a bit scary, and wearing a police uniform is even more scary.

This fear has been cured even by the well-established canteen traditional skill "Parkinson's cooking method".

This Li Xuewu still doesn't know that he has become a healing boy.
Li Xuewu glanced at Liu Lan, took the lunch box and walked to the square table in the corner and sat down.

The four of Han Yating also followed Li Xuewu's example. They all cherish words like gold, and they ate food and sat at a table with Li Xuewu.

Usually wearing a police uniform is very reserved, but today watching Li Xuewu walking like a tiger, his face is cold and majestic.

The five people at this table are only eating, unlike other tables eating and chatting, so it is even more bluffing, even if the surrounding tables are full of people, they talk quietly.

Sitting not far from the table of the security department is a group of women and girls from the personnel department of the personnel department, and these girls are just watching secretly.

Middle-aged women like Sister Xie didn't take it into consideration at all, watching and chatting while eating.

"Hey, old Xie, isn't that the young man you took to report this morning? I can't recognize him in the police uniform."

Sister Xie looked back at Li Xuewu and said, "Is this young man upright? A serious military officer has changed jobs, graduated from high school, and won a medal. The family's conditions are not looking good now. It won't be three years. Wait a while." , don’t blame the eldest sister for not taking care of the younger sisters in the department, I’ll tell you if you’re quick and slow.”

Hearing these words, the big girls were not hungry in an instant, and they looked at Li Xuewu with a somewhat sophisticated look.

The eldest sister in the office was unconvinced: "Eight if not ten veterans are accepted every year. Why are you running out of hands?"

Sister Xie smiled and didn't answer.

At this time, the thin and tall woman in charge of the archives said: "Retired from the army and transferred to other jobs are also divided into high and low. This guy's file is really beautiful, especially the comments from the local street, plus the meritorious service in the south. Now he is a cadre post, and he earns money when he goes to work. 37 yuan five, have you seen it?"

When they heard the salary of 37 yuan, the eyes of those big girls were electrified.

Shazhu, who has been in the cafeteria for more than ten years, only earns 37 yuan, and the girls of the workers are still chasing after him.

Of course, the girls in the kitchen office in the cafeteria may not necessarily like it, but for the 19-year-old 37 yuan, some people will.

I saw the previous eldest sister pouted and said: "What's wrong with the cadres, how many young people who have changed jobs are not missing parts, and I haven't seen such a big scar on their faces."

Everyone saw Li Xuewu eating with a cold face, his cheeks bulging, and the scar looked even more terrifying, like a centipede crawling on his face.

The words of the middle-aged elder sister are like a basin of cold water poured on the hearts of a few hot-hearted girls. Yes, it is too scary. It doesn’t matter if the lights are turned off at night, but it’s not good to take it out during the day.

At this time, Sister Xie chuckled and said, "Which man doesn't have a scar, and besides, he was brought back from the front line, and personnel comments don't dare to write about his ugly face. Besides, why do you want to look so good-looking when looking for a man? Keep a pretty face."

The elder sister of the file room said: "His family is not bad, his father is a doctor, how can this family be bad?"

Feng Juan, an accountant in the financial office, who was listening to the conversation of the older sisters, smiled and said to the older sister in the archives room: "Sister, please introduce me. I don't dislike the scar on his face, but I think it is safe and reliable."

The eldest sister in the file room said with a smile: "I don't know him well, what I said is what is written in the file, but if I want to know him, please thank you, elder sister."

Seeing Feng Juan turn her head to look at herself.

Sister Xie said: "Young man is very calm. If you want to chase him, hurry up and go yourself. I won't help anyone."

Seeing the bright eyes of the little girls in her office, Sister Xie would not offend anyone for nothing.

At this moment, the people from the workshop came over for dinner. The first uncle Yi Zhonghai, the second uncle Liu Haizhong, Liu Guangtian, Qin Huairu and others all heard Shazhu talking about Li Xuewu at the lunch window when they were cooking.

Several people looked at the small group eating quietly in the corner with strange eyes, especially Li Xuewu.

The night before yesterday, everyone had rumored that Li Xuewu had entered the factory, but they all thought he was going to the workshop, and guessed which workshop he would be assigned to.

(End of this chapter)

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