Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 322 This... You Did This?

Chapter 322 This... You Did This?

"Ask me for help? Are you afraid that I will retaliate against your wife and children?"

"Don't be afraid, you are not that kind of person, as proud as I can see that you are too proud to die"

Fu Haibo raised his head and looked at Li Xuewu and said, "I ask you if you can leave that house to their wives, and you can confiscate all the money and so on."

Seeing that Li Xuewu didn't speak, Fu Haibo said in a pleading tone: "I never let her go to work once I got married, I just didn't want her to work hard, she never had any hard work since she was a child, I don't want them both to have nothing to do." home."

Of course Li Xuewu knew that this was what Fu Haibo was looking for, but if it was too easy to get, he would not cherish it.

So Li Xuewu looked at Fu Haibo and didn't say anything.

Fu Haibo obviously saw what Li Xuewu meant, put away his pitiful expression, stared into Li Xuewu's eyes and said, "I can exchange the secrets you want to know, and I can give you more."

"In exchange for the safety of my wife and son's life"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me"

Li Xuewu squinted his eyes to listen to Fu Haibo's words, then raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you ever thought about whether you made those people homeless?"


While mocking Fu Haibo's fake mercy, Li Xuewu pointed at Fu Haibo and said seriously: "A good person will live a safe life. Do you think you are a good person? Because of your troubles, your wife and son have the opportunity to be a good person." ?"

Fu Haibo nodded and said: "I have deserved what I have done. There are too many books to write about. I have more than one death to deserve. I plead guilty and I punish the law. I just want to do something for them to redeem my sins."

Li Xuewu's expression became indifferent, and he said in a cold voice: "Now I haven't touched your home, nor have I touched your wife and children. I want to see your attitude. If you cooperate with us and take the initiative to explain the crime, then I will It can be considered as appropriate.”

Fu Haibo stared into Li Xuewu's eyes and asked, "So, I cooperate, what are you going to do with my wife and children?"

Li Xuewu stood up straight, walked in front of Fu Haibo, bent his body slightly and put it close to Fu Haibo's ear, and said, "You know, I don't want your house, I don't want your money, what do I want? knew".

Listening to Li Xuewu's scumbag whispers, Fu Haibo only felt that this is not something that can be dismissed with a piece of fat.

This bastard wants it all!

And what do you want to do to support your colleagues?
Fu Haibo thought for a while, stared at Li Xuewu's eyes and looked again and again, wanting to see if this bastard would betray his promise.

After Fu Haibo was deceived by Li Xuewu's sincere and clear eyes, he asked, "Is what you said true?"

"I never lie to a dead man"

Fu Haibo's eyes froze when he heard Li Xuewu's words, then nodded clearly and said: "Tell my wife, men in this world are all virtuous, greedy for money and lustful."


After taking a breath, Fu Haibo continued: "If she looks for it again, keep her eyes open. If she doesn't want to look for you again, help me take care of her."

Li Xuewu listened to the previous words very seriously, and nodded in agreement from time to time.

Li Xuewu narrowed his eyes when he heard Fu Haibo's words behind him, frowned, stared at Fu Haibo and said, "I promised you that you don't want a house or money, and I still have to take care of your wife and children for the rest of your life? Big mouth, hehe".

While talking, Li Xuewu felt it was funny, looked at Fu Haibo mockingly and asked, "What can you give me?"

Fu Haibo stared at Li Xuewu's eyes and said confidently: "How about what I know and the absolute value I can give you?"

Li Xuewu supported the tabletop of the interrogation chair with both hands, and looked into Fu Haibo's eyes for a while before continuing: "If you dare to lie to me, I will be afraid of myself if I get angry."


Fu Haibo chuckled twice, motioning Li Xuewu to approach him.

Li Xuewu bowed his head again, Fu Haibo whispered in Li Xuewu's ear for a while.

After Fu Haibo finished speaking, Li Xuewu raised his head expressionlessly, but in his words he asked in surprise: "Really?"

Fu Haibo nodded with a smile, raised the handcuffs in his hand and said, "I'm inside, you are outside, I have a wife and children, and they won't run away, do you think it's true?"

Seeing Li Xuewu frowning, Fu Haibo smiled desolately, and said: "The red building in the ages is only a dream, and the bamboo basket fetches water in vain. I prepared it so hard, but in the end I made a wedding dress for you."

Li Xuewu smiled indifferently, and said, "I really didn't expect that your energy is so great, you must be very distressed now, right?"

"I'm already like this. I don't need it anyway. Sooner or later someone else will take it. I might as well give it to you. At least Xiaomei and the child have something to rely on."

Looking at Li Xuewu, Fu Haibo pointed at Li Xuewu and said, "You must be very excited and proud inside, right? Just laugh if you want to. The first time I saw it, I jumped up like crazy, and you I will definitely use it, because what I want to do, you must also want to do."


Li Xuewu shook his head, obviously he didn't want to argue with Fu Haibo on this topic.

"Actually, I came here just to give you a chance. After all, it's fate. Fu Changhua has already explained, but Zhao Linglong is still stubborn. I'll pick up your aunt in a while."

Fu Haibo nodded and said, "I thought of it just after you finished speaking. Now that the deal is concluded, I have nothing to hide."

Although he said it boldly, Fu Haibo had already scolded Li Xuewu in his heart.

Why don't you give me a chance, if I don't pay a big price, maybe whose fate belongs to it!

Li Xuewu looked at Fu Haibo, nodded, and said: "You are smarter than Zhao Linglong. When your aunt comes, I will explain the pros and cons to her, and she will have to explain it. It will be good for you if you explain it earlier."

"I know that Zhao Linglong is my aunt's weakness. If you recognize her identity, then my aunt will definitely take the crime on herself."


Li Xuewu buttoned up his coat, nodded and said, "Then I'll ask someone to come in and prepare paper for you, personal suggestion, you write it yourself, it's more active than our trial."

Fu Haibo nodded to Li Xuewu and thanked him: "I am very grateful that you can help me "regardless of past suspicions". I am sorry for that person's sacrifice. I am unable to make up for it. I hope you can help me make up for them." Bar".

"I'm glad you think so"

Li Xuewu patted Fu Haibo on the shoulder and said: "But you don't have to worry about it. Since I promised you, I will help you deal with your karma for your wife and children."

"Thanks, please call them in, I can write now"

Li Xuewu walked to the door and opened the door, exited the interrogation room, and said to Shen Fang who was walking over, "Yes, you go in with a blank piece of paper, let him write it himself, look at it, and I will pick up Zhao Wenhua."

Shen Fang nodded to Li Xuewu, and then said: "Take more people."


Li Xuewu waved his hand to signal Shen Fang to work, and cursed with a smile: "For those who celebrate the new year, say something auspicious."

Shen Fang smiled and went to the office to get a pen and paper and went back to Fu Haibo's interrogation room.

Although Li Xuewu said it very well, when Li Xuewu assembled his team to arrest him, he asked for six guards, six 56s, and four comrades who were on duty temporarily.

Three cars and ten people went directly to Fu Bin's house.

As long as Fu Bin didn't build a blockhouse at home, Li Xuewu would be able to bring Zhao Wenhua back even if I, the King of Hades, came today.

In the sound of firecrackers, one year old,

The spring breeze sent warmth into Tu Su.

Thousands of doors and thousands of households are chaotic days,
Always exchange new peaches for old ones.

After entering the alley where Fu's family was located, Li Xuewu pulled over the car.

It's not that the alleys are too narrow to get in, but that there are too many children in the alleys.

I don't know how people in this era are so able to give birth. Li Xuewu feels that there are no cars running around the streets, but they are running away with children.




When Li Xuewu got out of the car, he was startled by the firecrackers thrown by some Tao boys.


Li Xuewu smirked evilly at the children hiding in the corner, and the scars on his face began to writhe as if alive.

"Wow! Woohoo~"

Li Xuewu stared at the laughing children just now when Li Xuewu was shot, and the youngest one burst into tears, turned around and ran home.

The older children were terrified when they saw so many people with guns coming down behind Li Xuewu, and backed away with pale faces.

This psychological shadow is estimated to remain in the hearts of these children for ten or 20 years, and it is unlikely that they will dare to throw cannons under the feet of others in the future.

"Fuck, I was shocked, I thought Fu Bin was going to attack me, but I didn't expect it to be a cannon!"

People in Sijiu City are like this, lazy, surprisingly lazy, lazy to say anything.

Firecrackers don't talk about firecrackers, just talk about cannons.

Looking at the firecracker paper in front of Fu Bin's house, it should be that the firecrackers were set off in the morning, and the children came here to find the small firecrackers that didn't go off to play.

Fu Bin's courtyard looks ordinary from the outside, but it is not small, it is not an ordinary wishful door, but the same as the barbarian door in the courtyard where Li Xuewu's family lives.

Looking at it this way, Fu Bin's yard is really not small.

Signaling the guards to call the door, Li Xuewu himself stood in the corridor and watched the team members move.


"Help me open the door, the sandbag we played with is thrown into your yard"

When some team members heard the response, they pretended to make up a reason.

This is a residential area, and it is not uncommon for children to be naughty and play sandbags in the yard called Mena, which also reflects the disgust of the children in the alley.

The voice in the courtyard sounded young, but he had a serious temper.

"I told you not to ask you to come here to play, but if you insist on coming, how many times do I have to say... Ah!"

The owner of the voice opened the door murmuring, just about to see who it was, but was suddenly dragged out by the team members stretching their necks, and the team members behind took the person without even looking, and just covered their mouths Handcuffed.


The team members in front didn't care who this person was, they rushed in with their guns in hand.

Standing on the side, Li Xuewu could clearly see that the person being pressed on the ground was a girl, she looked young, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was wearing a dark red padded jacket with floral patterns.

"Who is this?"

What Li Xuewu asked was the cadre of the security department of the rolling mill who was monitoring here.

"The neighbors say it's the Fu family's niece, but I don't know if it's Fu Bin's or Zhao Wenhua's."


Li Xuewu nodded, then walked past the girl who was pressed on the ground, stepped over the threshold and entered the yard.

That is to say, this courtyard is not small, indeed, the second entrance to the courtyard, whether it is the house or the courtyard, is neatly trimmed, and the vicissitudes of the outside cannot be seen at all.

After passing through the second gate, Li Xuewu entered the courtyard, and saw Fu Bin standing in the courtyard, watching the guards handcuff Zhao Wenhua, put on a hood and go out with a trembling corner of his mouth.

Seeing Li Xuewu entered the courtyard, Fu Bin wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth again and again, and then he focused on Zhao Wenhua who was taken away.

Li Xuewu stood aside to let the arresting team pass, and then looked around the yard.

At this moment, other people began to retreat, and someone came to ask Li Xuewu what to do with the girl at the door.

Li Xuewu looked at Fu Bin and asked, "Director Fu, who is this girl?"

Fu Bin tried his best to straighten his body, trying to maintain his demeanor as a director.

But the cold wind didn't care about it, it swirled and messed up the few white hair on the top of his head.

"My niece is responsible for taking care of my daily life"

Fu Bin squinted his eyes at Li Xuewu, and continued, "Didn't the person you arranged outside tell you who she is?"


Li Xuewu was not embarrassed when he was found out of the surveillance, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I might be negligent, what should I do if I make a mistake? That's so embarrassing."

Fu Bin held his head up to relieve his lungs that were almost exploded by the bastard in front of him.

"It's stalking and surveillance. You don't need to read it, just search it. Why don't you take me back to investigate?"

"Oh, how can it be!"

Li Xuewu said with guilt on his face, "I just came back from Steel City, and I'm about to rest."

Seeing the disdain and suspicion on Fu Bin's face, Li Xuewu seriously emphasized: "Really, I was planning to post Spring Festival couplets and set off firecrackers with my family, but I never expected it!"

Li Xuewu said regretfully: "I never expected Fu Changhua to cry and shout to explain the crime. I thought: You have been thinking about Ma'er for a long time? Only now are you thinking about explaining, no see!"

Li Xuewu walked up to Fu Bin and stood still, and said helplessly: "Hey! Guess what? Then Fu Changhua yelled that he would report and expose him, and said that if I didn't go to interrogate him, he would report I am in cahoots with you, taking sides and covering up, what do you think this is called!"

Fu Bin looked at Li Xuewu slapping his hands, grimacing, and embarrassed. He really wanted to punch him in the chest.

There are many ways to insult people. You just asked me what I think about my son who betrayed me. How can you say something that is fifty degrees below zero with a 37-degree mouth!
"There is really no way! My Director Fu, you have to understand my difficulties!"

Li Xuewu continued with an apologetic tone, "What can I do? Even if I don't care about my own reputation, I still have to protect yours! I can only say yes! I'll interrogate!"

"But as soon as I entered the interrogation room, it was Xu Shu who entered Cao Ying. He didn't say a word, so it depends on what Fu Changhua said. Hey, if I don't ask, he can't tell. Then I can always go back to celebrate the New Year, right?"

"Hey hey!"

Li Xuewu stomped his feet and said, "I don't know why Fu Changhua went crazy. He said he missed his mother, so let me take his mother over."


Fu Bin was relieved by Li Xuewu's anger at this moment, and responded for the first time: "Just because that wicked son misses his mother, you are so mobilizing to arrest my wife?"

"You have to understand me!"

Li Xuewu said with his own expression on his face: "Can I do this? Of course I taught him a serious lesson. I told him, what place is this now? What time is this? He is not allowed to mess around!"

"How did he say?"

Seeing Li Xuewu talking nonsense in a serious manner, Fu Bin followed suit and wanted to ask what happened.

Li Xuewu looked left and right mysteriously, and said next to Fu Bin's ear, "It's amazing, he... he actually said... ouch!"

In the middle of the speech, Li Xuewu said with a difficult expression on his face: "I really can't open my mouth, it's too insulting to your image."

After saying this, Li Xuewu swore: "But don't worry, we are our own people. I know that Zhao Wenhua is Zhao Wenhua, and you are you. How could you make that kind of mistake?"

When Fu Bin heard this, he couldn't stand it. He really couldn't think of how Li Xuewu got the news from his son.

Although he scolded his son, Fu Bin knew his son's temper, and he would not say anything he didn't want to say, even if someone pried his mouth.

But Fu Bin never expected that Li Xuewu didn't pry Fu Changhua's mouth, he pried Fu Changhua's ribs.

How many living people can stand this thing!

Seeing that Fu Bin couldn't stand upright, Li Xuewu supported Fu Bin, and said with concern: "Director, I know you care about your work. Seeing your white hair makes my heart break. You are the one we learned from." A role model, but you should also take care of your health, what if Fu Changhua misses his father?"

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Fu Bin supported the pillar behind him with one hand, covered his mouth with the other hand and began to cough violently.

Li Xuewu turned around and said to the people behind: "Let go of that girl, we can't let Director Fu celebrate the New Year, can we?"

"Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Hearing Li Xuewu's words, Fu Bin coughed even worse.

Standing by Fu Bin's side and waiting for a while, seeing the girl just dodging Li Xuewu with fearful eyes, ran to Fu Bin's side and helped Fu Bin and asked with concern: "Uncle, Uncle, what's wrong with you? "

Fu Bin's face was flushed, and he wanted to hold back his cough so as not to lose his demeanor in front of Li Xuewu, but his body wouldn't allow it.

"No... Cough! Cough! It's okay... Cough! Cough!"

While waving his hands to indicate that he was fine, he coughed.

Li Xuewu saw that his words were already strong enough, so don't send Fu Bin away all at once, he hurriedly waved his hands to the people behind him, and said to Fu Bin: "Director Fu, take care of your health, I'll go back first, the young man I'll see you later."

While talking, Li Xuewu took his people and left, fearing that Fu Bin would be blamed on him now.

After leaving the gate, Li Xuewu signaled everyone to get in the car, while he turned his head to look at Fu Bin's house, then got into the branch car and walked back.

Hearing the sound of the car leaving, Fu Bin couldn't bear it any longer. A mouthful of blood spattered on the snow in the courtyard and garden.

In summer, the garden that my wife took care of was extremely lush, but in winter, all of them died in the snowstorm, withered and yellow, as if there was a definite destiny in the dark.

It snowed several times, covering the garden with a thick layer, and my wife also said that the garden will grow better next year.

But now with this bright and unusual "plum blossom" embellishment, it is so weird to see the dead branches dyed bright red by the snow.

"Uncle! Woohoo, Uncle, what's wrong with you!"

After vomiting a mouthful of blood, Fu Bin felt much better, at least his chest was no longer oppressed, his mind became clearer, and his face was no longer the purple red it was just now, but turned gray.

He waved his hand to signal the girl not to make noise.

Holding his niece's arm, he sat on the corridor where his wife often sat, looked at the open courtyard door, but then frowned at the messy footprints in the courtyard.

Fu Bin didn't realize until now that everything just now was real.

"Uncle, shall I help you go back to the house to rest?"

"No, I'll sit for a while, sit for a while"

My son has been arrested, my daughter has been arrested, my nephew has been arrested, and now my wife has also been arrested. Maybe it will be my turn sometime.

Fu Bin sat on the corridor, staring at the courtyard door in a daze.

He knew that Li Xuewu came here on purpose to disgust him today, deliberately not to let him live this year.

He also knew the reason why Li Xuewu did this, that is, in Steel City, he broke the rules and attacked him.

This is revenge, Fu Bin knew that Li Xuewu was the only one who didn't catch himself, it was like revenge like a cat playing with a mouse.

But now that he has exhausted all his cards, he is powerless.

As for the big net that the husband and wife wove...

It corresponds to the scene in front of me: in the past, the willows were moved, and they were in Hannan, but now they are shaken down, and the rivers and lakes are sad, and the trees are still like this, how can people be embarrassed!
Fu Bin sat here for a while, trying to stand up while leaning on the pillars, but failed after several attempts, and the niece who was standing on the side quickly supported Fu Bin who was about to fall.

"Uncle, shall we go back to the house?"

"it is good"

Fu Bin nodded feebly in agreement, and was supported by his niece into the house.

Sitting on the sofa where he often sat, Fu Bin said to his niece who was busy pouring water: "You know where your aunt's jewelry box is, my salary is in the second drawer under the bed in the bedroom, you pack these , let’s go out of town and go home tonight.”

The girl who came over with the hot water was stunned, and cried, "Uncle, my aunt... my aunt... woo woo woo, how can I leave, I have to take care of you, woo woo woo".

The girl's face was covered with dirt from the encounter just now, and it was still covered with dust, washed into a painted cat by tears.

Seeing her aunt being taken away with her own eyes, and being taken aback by these people, and seeing her uncle vomiting blood, this girl has experienced the saddest day in her life today.

Although he was smoking, he still held a water glass and fed Fu Bin to drink half a glass of water.

Fu Bin pressed down his niece's hand, gasped and said: "Let's go, that's all you can take away, don't be greedy, if you take anything else, you won't get anything, and you'll even cause trouble." .

"Uncle, what happened to my aunt? Wasn't she fine a few days ago?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Fu Bin repeated his niece's words, fell into deep thought, and began to recall the first time he saw that high-spirited young man...

After thinking for a while, Fu Bin turned his head and said to the girl standing beside him: "Son, be obedient, take your things home, honor your parents, and let them not come here again, you are not young anymore, Find a good family and live a good life."

Hearing that Fu Bin seemed to be explaining the funeral, the girl cried again, and said to Fu Bin: "You are in such a state, what should you do when I leave?"

Fu Bin waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I can't die, they won't let me die, they have to make me suffer, but you, son."

Looking at the girl who is in full bloom, she looks very similar to his wife, as if he has returned to his youth when he saw his wife with two big braids for the first time.

For some reason, Fu Bin was always unresponsive now, and fell into memories while talking, and he had to react for a while before he could continue talking.

"Son, if you don't leave, you will die!"

Fu Bin knew how serious Li Xuewu's murderous intentions were, and he set up a scheme to kill him alone. Who knew how many people he would have to kill to relieve his hatred?

This girl has been taking care of the old couple's daily life since she came home. Originally, the wife also said that she would find a young man from the city to marry this niece.

It's true, Fu Bin's niece really doesn't have to worry about finding a partner in this city, and many people who are close to her are eager to find someone.

But after staying together for a long time, Fu Bin and his wife have become more and more dependent on this niece, so they have been delayed until now.

But my family's situation has taken a turn for the worse since the last time, and my family's affairs are too busy, so I don't have time to take care of this niece.

In order to do his last strength to repay the child's favor, Fu Bin chose to hand over the "clean" assets to his niece and bring them back to the countryside.

In this way, even if Li Xuewu pursued it, he would not go to the countryside to find fault with a girl.

Now Fu Bin kicked out the child with the harshest tone and the most vicious words, but he was saving the child.

The girl covered her mouth and watched in disbelief when her amiable uncle in the past uttered such serious words, she even forgot to cry.

Fu Bin closed his eyes tiredly and leaned on the sofa, beckoning his niece to go out.

The girl covered her mouth and picked the door curtain and ran out of the room.

The wind is living in the dust and the fragrant flowers are exhausted, and I comb my hair day and night.

Things are people and nothing is done, and tears shed first.

It is said that Sungai Spring is still good, and it is also planned to go boating.

I'm afraid that the boats in Shuangxi will not be able to carry many worries
Zhao Wenhua on the road was very calm, wearing a hood, neither crying nor fussing.

Obviously, Zhao Wenhua's worries could be carried by the branch's car. As for Fu Bin who "tears first" at home, he will have to try next time.

After getting out of the car, Li Xuewu stood by the car and watched the woman who was no longer dignified be taken out of the car.

He wore a black hood on his head and handcuffs on his hands, and was escorted by two guards.

Li Xuewu stepped forward, reached out and pulled off the hood.

Just like her nephew, Zhao Wenhua squinted her eyes to avoid the light for a while before slowly getting used to it.

"Zhao Wenhua!"

Hearing his name being called, Zhao Wenhua closed his eyes and moved his head, but there was no answer.

For many years, no one dared to call her by her name so directly, and she was still so rude.

Seeing Zhao Wenhua's reaction, Li Xuewu said to the two escorts, "Take him to the interrogation room."

Seeing Li Xuewu coming back, Shen Fang also walked over from the conference room.

"How is it? Is it going well?"

"It's okay, it's going well"

Li Xuewu knew that Shen Fang laughed at him for bringing so many people there, but Li Xuewu didn't care at all.

It seemed that Fu Bin was about to be toppled, but Fu Bin couldn't be turned against the wind at the last moment.

Glancing at the woman being taken away, Shen Fang asked, "Is this Zhao Wenhua?"

Li Xuewu nodded and said, "Well, it's her."

Shen Fang frowned and asked: "Accordingly, Fu Bin and her are not high-ranking, how can they leverage so many people?"

Hearing Shen Fang's tone, Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have Fu Haibo finished his explanation?"


Shen Fang was still looking at Zhao Wenhua's back in a daze, maybe he was still thinking about how he made a fool of himself.

Seeing Shen Fang in a daze, Li Xuewu scratched Shen Fang's face with his hands.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Shen Fang looking at him blankly, Li Xuewu said with a smile: "If you study for a few years, you won't understand this truth."

With a look of disgust on Shen Fang's face, he pursed his lips and said, "You know, you know, tell me why?"

Li Xuewu smiled and said, "Have you ever done physics?"


Shen Fang said unconvinced: "I also graduated from junior high school, how could it be possible that I haven't studied physics?"

Li Xuewu continued to ask: "Then there is a man named Archimedes in the physics world, have you heard of it?"

Seeing Shen Fang nodding his head half-understood, Li Xuewu didn't care whether Shen Fang had heard of it or not, and continued: "He has a very famous hypothesis, he said give me a fulcrum, and I can pry the earth up."

"Grass, this bullshit is blowing his hair out"

Shen Fang laughed for a while, seeing Li Xuewu looking at him with a smile, he asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Li Xuewu pointed to his feet and said: "There is a fulcrum, he can pry the earth, then give Fu Bin and his wife a fulcrum, who do you think they can't pry?"

Shen Fang stared at Li Xuewu's eyes and said, "The fulcrum you are talking about is...".


Li Xuewu interrupted Shen Fang, and asked instead: "How is the examination room?"

Shen Fang already understood what Li Xuewu meant, and now that he figured it out, he understood how Fu Bin and his wife operated.

"Most of them have passed the exam, and there are still a few who are still going out."

Shen Fang looked at Li Xuewu with a smile and said, "Should I say it or not, your trick is really bad."


Li Xuewu patted Shen Fang on the shoulder and said, "Quickly mark the papers, you don't want to be so busy after the next year, do you?"

Shen Fang said nonchalantly: "It has already started. Statistics and investigations have been started since the first one handed in the paper. It is Lao Duan who leads people to do it."


Seeing that Li Xuewu was going to the duty room to read Fu Haibo's confession, Shen Fang chased Li Xuewu and asked, "Will you not only sentence 35 death sentences to those recruited? Are the others really exempt from death?"

Li Xuewu stood still, turned around, looked at Shen Fang and asked, "What kind of department are we? What are we responsible for? Are you not confused? Do we have the right to judge?"

"Then what you promised them is false?"

Shen Fang had a constipated expression on his face, as if he had been cheated again.

"That's not it"

Li Xuewu said seriously: "What I said is indeed the truth."

Shen Fang frowned and asked, "But didn't you just say that we have no right to do this!"


Li Xuewu nodded and said: "I am also very sorry. Sometimes life is like this. There is always a gap between what you say and what you do. They will understand me, right?".


After Li Xuewu finished speaking, he ignored Shen Fang's expression of "Mr. subway is looking at his phone", opened the door and entered the duty room.

Flipping through the table, I found Fu Haibo's confession.

When Shen Fang entered the room and saw Li Xuewu frowning, he asked with a serious face, "What should I do?"

Li Xuewu closed the documents in his hands, and said to Shen Fang seriously: "I haven't read this document, do you know?"


Shen Fang stared at Li Xuewu with wide eyes, and then asked excitedly: "You haven't seen it, what should I do?"

Li Xuewu put the document back to its original place, and said to Shen Fang: "It's okay, you are far away, how can lightning hit you?"

"Wood grass!"

Shen Fang looked at Li Xuewu with an expression of abandonment, and said sadly: "You let me face this by myself...?"

Li Xuewu walked out with his arms around Shen Fang's shoulders, and said in his mouth: "Don't pretend to be garlic, you are not a good cake, you know it is a bomb, you just pretended to be confused with me just now, didn't you deliberately lure me into the bait?"

Shen Fang looked wronged and said: "Who said that, I wanted to remind you just now, but your legs are too fast."

"Don't talk about that, whoever listens to whoever listens now, I will interrogate Zhao Wenhua later, you should report to Bureau Zheng, and then take Bureau Zheng to the interrogation room to stop me"

After Li Xuewu finished speaking, he let go of Shen Fang and walked to Zhao Wenhua's interrogation room.

Shen Fang looked at Li Xuewu's back and shouted: "Hey!..."

Li Xuewu turned around and waved his hands and said, "No, no, I don't have time to read it. I'll read it later, and I'll examine this first."

Seeing Li Xuewu walking away quickly, Shen Fang cursed helplessly, then turned and went back to the duty room to get the interrogation report.

Shen Fang didn't feel anything when he just received Fu Haibo's confession, but after opening it and reading it, Shen Fang wished he could strangle Fu Haibo to death.

Damn, if you write more for a while, you will die!
Can't we hand it in after Li Xuewu comes back?
Can you not take me with you when you are playing Li Xuewu!

Blaming himself for being owed money, Shen Fang intentionally ambiguous Li Xuewu's question with the attitude of wanting to die together, and talked about him from left to right, leading Li Xuewu to read the report.

But Shen Fang underestimated Li Xuewu's cheekiness, and even how shameless he was, now he could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

When Li Xuewu opened the door and walked into the interrogation room, Zhao Wenhua had already been placed on the interrogation chair.

Seeing Li Xuewu coming in, Zhao Wenhua sized Li Xuewu up, and then asked, "Are you Li Xuewu?"

Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows, and said straightforwardly: "Well, let me tell you about the situation now, Zhao Linglong was locked up over there, and she didn't explain, but your son next door, he did, and explained very thoroughly, That room over there is Fu Haibo, and he also explained, now it’s up to you.”

Because he was in a hurry, Li Xuewu told Zhao Wenhua all about the situation, saving her from having illusions and talking nonsense to herself.

Zhao Wenhua was also shocked by Li Xuewu's words, and the three juniors recruited two.

Seeing Zhao Wenhua frowning but not speaking, Li Xuewu nodded and said, "It seems that Zhao Linglong doesn't want to plead guilty, it's up to you now, if you don't admit it, then I can only admit what the two of them said is in Zhao Linglong's mouth." On the head, I promise to send her to the execution ground."

"Don't you think you're mean right now?"

Zhao Wenhua looked at Li Xuewu angrily and said, "I don't know how Lao Fu treated you back then, but don't you have any compassion for an old man?"

Looking at his watch, Li Xuewu raised his head and said, "Yeah, Fu Changhua said that some activities in Pigeon City at night belong to Zhao Linglong."


Zhao Wenhua saw that Li Xuewu ignored him, but told the truth that he didn't dare to listen to, and then pleaded: "Can you take it for Lao Fu's sake, because we are old...".

Knocking on his watch, Li Xuewu pursed his lips and interrupted: "Fu Changhua said that Zhao Linglong killed people, opened a gambling room, and gathered those women...".

"I'll give you 1 yuan!"

Zhao Wenhua said solemnly: "I will give you 1 yuan, really, do you know how much 1 yuan is? You can't spend it all in your life."


Li Xuewu really, no matter in this life or in his previous life, he has never been hit with 1 yuan, and he also said that this is money that he can't spend all his life.

In some places, there are more than this number on the second floor! ! !
You use this to test the cadres?

Which cadre can't stand this test! ! !

"Fu Changhua said..."

"say no more!"

Seeing that Li Xuewu didn't give in, and all he said was about his daughter's actual situation, Zhao Wenhua shook his head at Li Xuewu and begged, "I admit it! I admit it all! I did it all, and it's all my fault! "

Since her daughter came home, she has been in the mood of not getting close to strangers, as if she is a stranger to herself.

The daughter stays in the room all day long and does not want to come out to meet people, especially when she goes to get an injection to treat syphilis.

Seeing her daughter's wrinkled face in pain, Zhao Wenhua's heart felt like a knife had been stabbed.

Zhao Wenhua wants to make up for her daughter and her own inner debt, so she supports her daughter in whatever she does.

Including what has already been done.

Now that his son and nephew confessed their crimes and wanted to pile them on their daughter, Zhao Wenhua didn't have time to think, so he could only follow Li Xuewu's words and confess his crimes.

"What I want to say is that Fu Changhua told Zhao Linglong to use her body to lure Zhu Laoba into becoming a dead ghost... This... You did this?"


"Deputy Director Li!"

At the moment when Li Xuewu was writing, Zheng Fuhua led someone to open the door of the interrogation room.

"Come out"

Li Xuewu glanced at Zheng Fuhua, frowned and said, "Leader, Zhao Wenhua is ready to explain."

Zheng Fuhua glanced at the angry Zhao Wenhua, and said to Li Xuewu seriously: "Pause, I have something to tell you."

Li Xuewu followed Zheng Fuhua out of the house with a look of being disturbed by the interrogation.

Zheng Fuhua took Li Xuewu to the yard, then stared into Li Xuewu's eyes and asked, "Where did the interrogation room go?"

Li Xuewu looked at Zheng Fuhua, and replied: "I frightened her with Zhao Linglong, and she said she was going to confess."

Zheng Fuhua frowned and asked, "Have you started explaining yet?"


Li Xuewu nodded and said: "I just said a few words, and just mobilized my emotions, you came in, Bureau Zheng, what happened?"

What is this called!

What does it mean that you come in as soon as you mobilize your emotions?

If the situation is not urgent, Zheng Fuhua must educate Li Xuewu well.

(End of this chapter)

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