Chapter 348

Zhang Songying came out from the lounge next to the stairs, looked up at the figure going upstairs, and muttered to herself: "Look at your sneaky appearance, I'm afraid that others will not know that you are going to steal people!"

"Bitch is hypocritical!"

He muttered something to the person upstairs, and then confidently walked to the door of room 321 step by step.


With the turning of the key, the door was quickly opened, and Zhang Songying flashed into the room.


Turn on the light in the bathroom, and through the diffuse reflection of the light, Zhang Songying saw the profile of the person who was snoring.

Lightly unfastening her belt and walking into the bathroom, Zhang Songying confidently looked at her figure in the mirror, and then turned on the shower switch.

Li Xuewu heard the sound of splashing water, thought that only Qin Huairu had the door key to this room, so he ignored it, and wanted to sleep for a while while she was taking a bath.

In a daze, he felt that someone got into the quilt, but Li Xuewu didn't care.

Feeling that the visitor turned his back to him, Li Xuewu turned his head to look, pressed his shoulder from behind...

Encounter road is narrow?
"who are you?"

With a soft cry, Li Xuewu stretched out his hand to hold the neck of the person under him, and reached out to touch the pistol beside the pillow, but heard a soft cry.

"Yeah! It hurts!"

Li Xuewu recognized who it was, took a step back, drew his gun and jumped to the ground, reaching out and pressing the light switch.

The woman in the quilt was dazzled by the light, closed her eyes and pulled up the quilt, covering her face.

Li Xuewu asked with a gloomy face, "Why do you have the key to my room?"

After waiting for half a minute, seeing that Zhang Songying didn't reply, Li Xuewu grabbed the bath towel at the foot of the bed and wiped himself, then reached for his clothes.


While Li Xuewu was getting dressed, bursts of sobbing suddenly came from the quilt.

Li Xuewu glanced at the woman on the bed, tidied up his clothes, hesitated and asked again: "I'll ask you one last time, why do you have the key to my room?"

This is not a trivial matter. During the publicity period, if such a problem occurs, it is not a life-threatening thing.

As he spoke, he picked up the pistol on the bedside.

"I...I asked Sister Qin for it"

"Qin Huairu?"


"Have you lost your mind?"

Li Xuewu squeezed the pistol tightly, then put the gun in the holster in his arms, and said to Zhang Songying: "Hurry up and get dressed, and then go back as you came here!"

Zhang Songying was silent for a while, then lifted the quilt and began to dress.

After wearing it, he looked at Li Xuewu and said, "I'm sorry, Li..."

Li Xuewu frowned and said, "I don't want to hear your explanation, nor your reasons. I'll take Qin Huairu to my office tomorrow."

After speaking, he opened the door and signaled Zhang Songying to go out.

Zhang Songying looked at Li Xuewu with red eyes, and then walked out the door with a pale face.

She never thought that one day she would face Li Xuewu with such a shameful image, and when she heard the door closing behind her, she went downstairs with tears in her eyes.

Li Xuewu looked at the balls of quilts and carefully checked the room to make sure that nothing was left.

I raised my hand and looked, it was already past three o'clock.

Li Xuewu rubbed his face, folded his clothes and lay down on the bed, ready to continue sleeping.

It's not that Li Xuewu is timid, he really doesn't like this kind of behavior of being fed, he is not so hungry and thirsty yet.

After lying down for more than half an hour, I turned over several times and couldn't fall asleep.

Just now when Zhang Songying was getting dressed, Li Xuewu didn't turn his head, because he was afraid that she would leave something behind.

Now my mind is full of A, and the A-shaped figure is really good.

Confused in his mind, Li Xuewu slowly fell asleep again.

The next morning, Li Xuewu got up early, went downstairs and handed over the keys to the front desk, and went back to the office without eating in the cafeteria.

Yesterday Zheng Fuhua notified that Li Xuewu had a morning to prepare and would gather at the train station at [-]:[-] pm to set off together.

So Li Xuewu has a very tight schedule today. In the office, he listed out the affairs of the security department one by one. After the time on the watch showed that he was going to work, he called Han Yating over.

"Congratulations to the section chief, no, the section chief"

As soon as Han Yating entered the room, she congratulated Li Xuewu with a sincere smile on her face.

Li Xuewu smiled lightly, nodded to the chair opposite, and said, "Add an adverb next time."

Han Yating came over and sat down and said, "I wanted to say that too, but it's weird, I always think of...hehe".


Li Xuewu also understood what Han Yating meant, shook his head and said, "Speaking of business, I have to go to Tianjin for training today, and I'll be away for half a month."


Han Yating asked in surprise, "Go to training just after being promoted to the deputy department?"

Feeling that my words were ambiguous, I continued: "I mean, the bulletin board at the gate of the building announced that Director Dong is also the secretary of Group D of the steelmaking plant and the factory director, so he... you... the security department...".

Li Xuewu also saw the content on the bulletin board when he came in the morning.

The scope of adjustments involving divisional and deputy divisional levels is very large. It may be that the adjustment of cadres at the beginning of the year and the special rectification this time have been combined into one.

Except for what Han Yating said just now, Dong Xuexue was the secretary and director of Group D of Gangcheng Steelworks, and concurrently served as the director of the security department of the rolling mill.

The deputy director of the production management department of the rolling mill was transferred to the deputy director of the Gangcheng Steel Plant, and the deputy director of the Personnel Department was transferred to the deputy director of the Gangcheng Steel Plant.

In addition to Yang Zongfang, the chief of the first inspection section who has already started working on the spot, the director-level leading cadres of the steelmaking plant have been replaced, and all of them are cadres sent by the rolling mill.

And Yang Zongfang's content in the job announcement is also very domineering: Comrade Yang Zongfang, chief of the first inspection section, was transferred to the deputy secretary and deputy director of Gangcheng Steel Plant.

The deputy secretary is to control the discipline supervision department, and the deputy factory director is to control the security department. This power is really great.

It can be said that I arrested, interrogated, and sentenced.

This time, the leaders of the steel rolling mill were very dissatisfied with the team of the steel mill, so there was a large-scale replacement of team members.

It is said that Dou Changfang, the secretary of the steel mill who was unwilling to be transferred to the capital rolling mill, got his wish and stayed in the team of the steel mill and served as the head of the steel mill trade union.

This can be regarded as a direct retreat from the first line to the second line, and there is no chance of further promotion.

Lai Junmin, the former head of the steelworks union, directly "approved" his retirement, and he didn't get the second-tier treatment, so it can be said that he didn't save any kindness.

This is also the punishment for Lai Junmin's inaction in the supervisory position. This is the report submitted by Yang Yuansong and Li Xuewu after research together.

Except for Luo Jiaping and Yang Mingsu who were dismissed from their jobs, Feng Xingke, the deputy factory director, was transferred to the rolling mill as the deputy director of the service department.

This can be regarded as seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence. Although returning to the main factory from a foreign post is considered a "regression", at least the rank has been preserved.

The reason why Feng Xingke was not severely punished was because of his contribution to the production work of the steel factory. Without his professionalism and hard work, the steel factory would not have been able to complete the production tasks.

There are many vacancies in this adjustment, not only the steelmaking plant, but also the logistics, personnel, finance, production and other departments have undergone major adjustments.

On the contrary, Lao Zhang in the logistics department and Fatty Wang in the service department stayed on, which is considered a step backward.

Li Xuewu didn't look carefully, but looked at the announcements of several people he knew well.

Comrade Xu Ning, director of the guest house of the rolling mill, was transferred to be the director of the security department of the steelmaking plant in Gangcheng.

Comrade Sun Jia, the director of the office of the rolling mill, was transferred to the director of the office of the steelmaking plant of Gangcheng.

Comrade Xiao Changqing, director of the security department of the steelmaking plant in Gangcheng, was transferred to the deputy director of the labor insurance factory of the logistics management department of the rolling mill.

Comrade Yu Decai, director of the steelmaking plant office in Gangcheng, was transferred to the director of the comprehensive section of the security department of the rolling mill.

Xiao Changqing's punishment was considered severe. The department level was directly adjusted to the member level, and it was still a small factory under the factory's logistics.

This is the opinion put forward by Li Xuewu. Although Xiao Changqing himself did not make any mistakes, his mistakes at work are in principle, and it is trivial in the end.

Whether it was Secretary Yang, Factory Manager Yang, or Li Huaide, they had no objection to Li Xuewu's opinion on the security department of the steel mill and the security department of the rolling mill.

Of course, Li Xuewu also saw his job announcement on the bulletin board:

Li Xuewu served as the deputy director of the security department of the rolling mill and presided over the daily work.

"This is what I want to tell you"

Li Xuewu clicked on the notebook on the table and said: "During my training period, you will be temporarily in charge of the business of the security department, which can be regarded as a pre-job internship."

Knowing what Li Xuewu meant, Han Yating solemnly opened the notebook she brought and began to record.

"Supervise and inspect the completion of the work of various departments of the Security Section, especially the emergency plan drills"

Li Xuewu said seriously: "The Security Department is the main department of the Security Department. You have a heavy burden, so pay more attention to the methods and methods in management."


Li Xuewu continued: "You should pay attention to the Hongxing Village training ground project. Wei Tong is doing this. You and Wei Tong will go to the site during this time."


Han Yating looked at Li Xuewu and asked, "Will the training ground be managed by the security department in the future, or will you continue to manage the upgrade?"

Li Xuewu thought for a while, and said: "Don't move for now, you take care of it."

"it is good"

Han Yating didn't want power with Li Xuewu, this training ground was a cooperative project, and she determined the jurisdiction to facilitate communication with other departments.

"I have already reported to Secretary Yang that our security department is going to be expanded. You submit a plan and try to include the requirements of veterans. The rest will be selected from the children of workers in the factory and Hongxing Village."

Han Yating was naturally happy when Li Xuewu said that the series would be expanded.

Since the merger of the rolling mill last year, the number of people has increased sharply, and the security unit has been stretched.

Although Li Xuewu expanded the security department once after he took office, the staff is still tight.

"Leader, how much should we expand? Are there 50 people?"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "Be more courageous, hehe, three companies."

"so much!"

No wonder Han Yating was surprised, when did the security department of the rolling mill fight such a rich battle?

Li Xuewu smiled lightly and said: "Recruit more, but you can recruit five companies."


Han Yating questioned: "Is it the elimination system?"


Li Xuewu nodded and said: "Select the best from the best, and form a mechanism. Besides, I plan to professionalize the fire department of the fire department."

The fire brigade of the rolling mill has always been voluntary, usually young workers, training from time to time.

When there is a fire, they will gather from various places to participate in rescue missions.

Not just rolling mills, but all factories in this era are set up like this.

The same is true in the city. There will be volunteer firefighters on the streets, and they will be notified one by one to fight the fire in case of danger.

The real professional fire brigade was established in the 80s.

Now this kind of voluntary and voluntary, unprofessional team is not timely in the face of danger, and the business is not professional. In the face of danger, it is not only irresponsible to the danger, but also irresponsible to these volunteer firefighters .

Li Xuewu discussed this issue with Dong Xuexue, and also communicated with the factory leaders.

The rolling mill is a key unit, and everyone is afraid of fire and disaster, so no one dares to oppose Li Xuewu's suggestion to professionalize the fire brigade.

However, objections were raised on equipment update and personnel use, that is, the budget of the Security Department is limited.

The factory leaders knew how good the equipment of the security department was and how expensive it was, and knew that the specialization of fire protection proposed by Li Xuewu must not be cheap.

And Li Xuewu's feasible plan also confirmed this point.

Professional rescue vehicles, professional rescue equipment, professional rescue clothing, professional training venues, professional rescue personnel.

According to Li Xuewu, in addition to dealing with fires, this fire brigade can also deal with leakage of dangerous chemicals, road traffic accidents, earthquakes and their secondary disasters.

The business related to the rolling mill also includes rescue work such as building collapses, major safety production accidents, explosions and terrorist incidents, and factory workers in distress.

Because Li Xuewu is also working part-time in the Dongcheng Branch, Li Xuewu is considering the fire protection needs of the workers' residential areas in the city.

It is proposed that the fire brigade in the steel rolling mill can participate in dealing with natural disasters such as floods and droughts, meteorological disasters, geological disasters, and large-scale fires.

More special are mountain and water accidents, major environmental pollution and public health emergencies.

The leaders of the rolling mill were so frightened by Li Xuewu's request that the rolling mill couldn't stand any of them.

Can deal with so many disasters, how much money will it cost to build this team?

The plan proposed by Li Xuewu is that the rolling mill will increase the budget for the Fire Department of the Security Department, but only 30.00% of this plan will be spent, and the other expenses will be raised by the Security Department itself.

Yang Fengshan really wanted the fire brigade that Li Xuewu mentioned, at least he could sleep peacefully at home in the future without worrying about accidents in the factory.

But when I heard the construction amount mentioned by Li Xuewu, I was still heartbroken.

Especially Deputy Director Nie, who was in charge of the money bag, frowned and agreed with Li Xuewu's ideas and opinions, but also raised the difficulty of funding.

Although everyone agrees, Li Xuewu can still hear that these factory leaders don't pay much attention to fire protection work.

How can there be no accidents in production?How can there be a factory that does not die when it is produced?
This is called dedication!

However, Li Xuewu's opinion that he values ​​the lives of workers and the safety of property in the rolling mill has not yet raised any objections.

So after Li Xuewu proposed that the rolling mill only needs to be responsible for 30.00% of all funds, although everyone didn't know what Li Xuewu went crazy and insisted on doing such a thankless thing, they all agreed to Li Xuewu's request.

Now Li Xuewu is preparing to carry out in-depth military training activities for the security department, and select suitable personnel to go to the public security unit, security unit, escort team, and fire brigade.

Han Yating asked in a low voice: "Director, are you planning to reform the fire department?"

"Not really"

Li Xuewu shook his head and said: "The emergency plan and emergency plan drills we are implementing require a professional team to supervise and guide the implementation. The fire department this time is just an extension of the emergency system."

Han Yating murmured to herself that what she was talking about was extension, but it wasn't actually a perfunctory implementation of the fire department when promoting emergency plan drills.

Li Xuewu continued: "Think about it, Ji Weidong also promised me a batch of equipment, all kinds of weapons and so on, you can go and have a look when you have time, and bring back any practical or valuable ones, and let him go. Ashes".


Han Yating said with a smile: "I'm afraid he won't give it."

"It's okay, he's shy about lesbians"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "I went to the appointed one to hide it, you can do it better than me."

After explaining to Han Yating and seeing off the cheerful girl, Li Xuewu called Ji Weidong.

"Hey, don't say buddy doesn't miss you, the girl is so handsome, you can see for yourself when the time comes"

"Okay, I'm busy, don't talk nonsense, it's better to remember my buddies in the future"

Li Xuewu put down the phone and called Han Zhan and Wei Tong over to make arrangements, then went up to the third floor to find Dong Xuexue.

At this moment Dong Xuewu also frowned looking at the documents on the table. Seeing Li Xuewu enter the room, he stood up and pointed to the documents on the table and said, "Come on, I have to leave these to you to look at."


Li Xuewu said with a smile: "Congratulations to the teacher for assuming the new position, all wishes come true."


Dong Xuexue also laughed, nodded at Li Xuewu, and said, "Your teacher and I are not the only ones who can achieve what we want?"


Li Xuewu sat on the sofa with a smile, and said with a smile: "Teachers and students work together, and their profits can cut through gold. Now, the sea is wide and the sky is high."

"Yeah, the sea is wide and the sky is high"

Dong Xuexue looked at the sky outside and said: "In this way, there will be more room for flickering and maneuvering."

That is to say, after victory, neither of them said much on this topic.

Li Xuewu said: "Teacher, when do you plan to go to Steel City?"

"What? Are you in a hurry?"


Li Xuewu smiled and said: "I just received the notice from the branch office, and I have to go to Jinmen for training this afternoon. Didn't I want to ask you when you will go to Steel City?"

Dong Xuexue said with a smile: "You are my student, no matter what, I have to get on the horse and see you off."

While talking, Dong Xuewu said to Li Xuewu again: "Don't worry about training, I will go to Steel City after you come back."

"Will it delay your work?"

Dong Xuexue shook his head and said: "If you fight against the outside world, you must settle down. The leader of the steel rolling mill suddenly used me to go to the steel mill. In order to use me as the head of the security department, I was used to suppress the place."

"If I don't handle it well here, I won't be at ease when I go there."

This is not that Dong Xuewu is fighting for power with his students, on the contrary, it is clearing the way for Li Xuewu to carry out his work in the future.

He has been the deputy director for so many years, and he has a clear understanding of the security department, who has the ability to work, who has the character, who is close to whom, and now it is time to settle the score.

Li Xuewu nodded. He had already figured out why the leaders of the rolling mill chose Dong Xuexue.

"I handed over the work of the security department to Han Yating, and she will temporarily manage the security department."

Dong Xuexue nodded and asked, "Is she taking over? I remember you said that she wanted to go to the comprehensive department."


Li Xuewu nodded and said: "I am very optimistic about her work attitude and ability, and there are few female cadres in our team. It is rare to have a capable one. I am willing to give her a chance."

"Well, yes"

Dong Xuexue put out the cigarette in the ashtray, nodded and said, "Then let her smoke it."

After extinguishing the cigarette butt in his hand, he raised his head and asked, "What do you think about the specialization of firefighting you mentioned?"

Li Xuewu thought for a while, and said: "Why don't you let Han Zhan go, be steady and steady, the important thing is to be loyal and reliable."

"Well, the one from the security unit?"


Li Xuewu explained: "I have done several missions with me, and they all completed very well. In Steel City, I also faced difficulties calmly and calmly."

Dong Xuexue thought for a while and asked, "What do you plan to do with your fire protection plan? Where will the training funds come from?"

Li Xuewu explained: "I have already prepared the training outline and training requirements, and I can just hand it over to Han Zhan. He has training and management experience."

Seeing Dong Xuexue nodding, Li Xuewu continued: "I have thought about the issue of funds, temporarily embezzling the fee earned by the Security Section."


Dong Wenxue looked at Li Xuewu and asked with a smile: "Tear down the east wall to make up for the west? You used that money, what will happen to the training of the security department in the future? Don't you want to expand the security department?"

Li Xuewu said with a "hehe" smile: "You can see that the security equipment and equipment are sold for money, why do you think that fire equipment and equipment can't be sold for money?"

"Not necessarily?"

Dong Xuexue said suspiciously: "Security equipment and equipment are daily needs. Naturally, some people are willing to spend money, but not firefighting. Who is willing to spend money?"

Li Xuewu thought for a while and said: "Yes, as long as there is a disaster in the surrounding area, then I will pull the team over to advertise, and I don't believe that things can't be sold."

"You, you, just have this energy!"

Dong Xuexue shook his head and said with a smile: "Leave it alone, I want to see what you can come up with."

Li Xuewu knew that Dong Xuexue agreed to his arrangement.

Dong Xuexue was not in a hurry to go to Steel City, in order to fine-tune the heads of various departments of the security department, which was also the repertoire after this major adjustment.

The reason why the adjustment of department-level cadres by the factory leaders only involves a small part is that it is left to the leaders of various departments to adjust themselves.

After talking about the Korean War, Li Xuewu brought up the matter of transferring Fan Hua to the security department as the chief, and Ren Antiao as the chief of the security department.

Dong Xuexue didn't ask much about the internal affairs of the security department, so he nodded in agreement. He paid more attention to Fu Bin's original reservation.

And Li Xuewu made it clear to Dong Xuewu what he wanted to do.

Of course, Li Xuewu didn't make any demands on the personnel of the Confidential Section and General Section.

Although Li Xuewu proposed, Dong Xuexue would not object, but everyone has their own relationship.

Although Li Xuewu is the deputy director in charge of daily work, he still doesn't want to appear too domineering.

Only when you have the capacity to tolerate others can you be tolerated by others.

This is also the reason why all the deputy department-level cadres in the logistics department have been adjusted except Lao Zhang.

Before Li Xuewu offered to leave, Dong Wenxue asked with a smile: "I heard that you led Gu Ning to Steel City?"


Seeing Li Xuewu's slightly embarrassed expression, Dong Wenxue smiled and said, "This is the first time that Gu Ning has left the sight of Gu Shen and Aunt Ding, okay, progress is very fast."

Li Xuewu smiled and said, "Aunt Ding is worried?"

Dong Wenxue looked at Li Xuewu with a smile, and said, "I don't know about that, but seeing Gu Ning come back, your mother-in-law is smiling very happily."

While talking, he said to Li Xuewu: "I asked about you when I went the night before yesterday. I said I wanted to ask you when it would be convenient for you to arrange for her and Gu Jian to meet your parents."

Dong Xuewu can be regarded as the matchmaker between Li Xuewu and Gu Ning, so it is normal to pass on the words on behalf of Editor Ding.

Li Xuewu thought about it seriously, and said: "It will take me half a month to train. After I come back, not only the rolling mill, but also the sub-bureau. I have to sort out the work on both sides before I have time to think about it." this problem".

"Well, don't worry, Aunt Ding also means that your work is the main thing, she knows that you are facing adjustments recently"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "If you have time to go again these days, thank you, Auntie Ding."

Dong Xuexue shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that you don't have a phone, so thank you for that."

After speaking, he exhorted: "Also, since you have decided to marry someone, you should take it seriously, and you can't be half-hearted."

"Yes, you know me, don't worry."

Hearing Li Xuewu's answer, Dong Xuewu nodded and said: "I won't move this office anymore, you can move to the next door later."

Li Xuewu waved his hands with a smile and said: "How can this work, that side is bigger than this side."

Dong Xuexue pointed to the office and said: "Don't talk about those useless things, no matter how big I am, I can't use them. You can arrange them yourself. I will pick up these things and take a look at them. When you look back, they are all from our office." important document".

Li Xuewu nodded to Dong Xuexue and went downstairs.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Qin Huairu and Zhang Songying sitting in the room. Li Xuewu waved his hands for them to sit down, and then waved to Han Yating in the office next door.

After Han Yating approached, Li Xuewu confessed: "After I leave today, you can find a time to help me move the things in the office to the room at the end of the corridor on the third floor."

"So it's Fu Bin's house?"

Han Yating asked in surprise, I don't know how this was arranged, but Fu Bin's house was treated at the top level.

Both the office furniture and the area are better and bigger than the deputy director's room, and there is also a special lounge.

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "Director Dong is unwilling to move, saying that he can't use it."

Han Yating also knew what was going on. Everyone knew about the relationship between Dong Xuexue and Li Xuewu, so it wasn't surprising at the moment.

"Then, do you want to bring these flowers and plants in your house?"

Li Xuewu took a look at the green plants in the house, they looked amazingly good, and they were comfortable and eye-protecting even in winter.

"Moving is all the wishes of the elder sisters. Later, I will buy some sugar and melon seeds for me and send them to the elder sisters in the service office. I said that I will entrust them to take care of the office upstairs in the future."


Han Yating said with a smile: "Director, I've worked hard overtime and paid for it out of my own pocket. This matter is under the control of the general department."

Li Xuewu smiled and said: "It means that Decai is here and I will ask him to treat you to dinner."

After explaining a few words, and seeing off Han Yating, who was begging for favors, Li Xuewu turned and closed the door and entered the office.

In the room, Qin Huairu and the two were fidgeting. They were waiting for Li Xuewu and Han Yating to stand at the door talking, but they didn't dare to touch the sofa with their buttocks, just to wait for Li Xuewu to come in so they could stand up.

Li Xuewu waved his hand again to signal the two to sit down, and then sat on the sofa for one person.

Seeing Li Xuewu sit down, Qin Huairu pulled the red-eyed Zhang Songying to sit down too.

"Chu Li, it's my fault..."

Li Xuewu waved his hand to stop Qin Huairu who spoke first. He was very angry last night, but today he didn't think about losing his temper with the two of them.

"I have to go to Jinmen today, so time is limited, let's not talk about who is right and who is wrong, just talk about things"

Zhang Songying lowered her head, tears fell down her lap, not daring to look up at Li Xuewu.

Qin Huairu could also see Li Xuewu's displeasure, so he didn't dare to express his anger.

"Sister Qin and I are neighbors, so we take care of each other, but this is definitely not the reason why she can become the cadre of the guest house."

Li Xuewu looked at Qin Huairu and said: "I have asked you to work hard and put your mind on work, why have you lost your mind?"

"Yes, yes, it's my fault"

Qin Huairu nodded hurriedly to admit his mistake, and then said: "I also see that Songying is really difficult. You see, I did such a stupid thing."

While talking, Qin Huairu told Li Xuewu about Zhang Songying's experience, and Li Xuewu just lit a cigarette and listened.

After Qin Huairu finished speaking, Li Xuewu looked at Zhang Songying who cried more and more, and said, "If you have difficulties, you can find Xu Ning, sister Qin, or even me. How can you be so radical?"

Reaching out to flick the cigarette ash, he continued: "You all know what time last night was. What happened is a kind of harm to you, and it is also disrespectful to me. Fortunately, nothing happened."

Zhang Songying raised her head when she heard Li Xuewu's words, her eyes were already swollen from crying.

Obviously... and said that nothing happened...

Li Xuewu glanced at Zhang Songying, and said: "What happened last night is a lesson, don't be so reckless in the future."


Qin Huairu nodded and said, "Not again."

Then he tentatively asked, "Then how will the guesthouse's personnel arrangements be arranged?"

Li Xuewu glanced at Qin Huairu, stared and said, "Arrange you to clean up and wash the sheets and quilts!"


Hearing Li Xuewu's angry words, Qin Huairu knew that Li Xuewu had calmed down, so he said with a smile: "Isn't it just for you to wash the sheets and quilts on the third floor? Songying did it, saying I'm sorry for you."

Li Xuewu looked at Zhang Songying who was a little embarrassed, and said: "In the future, when you take care of the guest room department, don't follow Qin Huairu's random delivery of keys."

Hearing what Li Xuewu said, Zhang Songying suddenly raised her head and looked at Li Xuewu in disbelief.

And Qin Huairu also laughed happily, knowing that the personnel of the guest house had been confirmed.

Li Xuewu stood up and walked to the desk, saying: "Go back to work hard, and go back to thank the logistics director Zhang."


Qin Huairu pulled Zhang Songying to stand up, nodded to Li Xuewu, said hello, and pulled Zhang Songying away.

Zhang Songying was still thinking about what Li Xuewu said just now. Now that she was out of the security building, she was holding Qin Huairu's hand and was about to cry again.


Qin Huairu took Zhang Songying's hand, and reminded softly: "Crying at this time is not misleading, let's go."

While talking, he pulled Zhang Songying and led her back.

Zhang Songying quickly stopped her tears and asked, "Then...then he won't be angry with me?"

Qin Huairu turned her head and glanced at Zhang Songying with a smile, and said, "I don't know about that, you can ask him next time you go to his room."

"Sister Qin!"

Zhang Songying pulled Qin Huairu angrily, and said: "I don't dare to go, there is a gun hidden under the pillow, it scares me to death."

Qin Huairu approached Zhang Songying and asked softly, "Are you sure you were scared by the gun under the pillow?"

"Screw you!"

Zhang Songying thought of the one who came in from behind last night...

"Are you still shy with him?"

Qin Huairu smiled lightly and said, "If you go next time, he will push you to go too."

Looking at Zhang Songying's blushing face, Qin Huairu couldn't believe that the two of them were fine last night.

She was guarding against her younger sister and Li Xuewu, because she felt sorry for her younger sister, a big girl with yellow flowers, what kind of life did she want?

But Zhang Songying was different. Qin Huairu thought that he was weak in the guest house, and Li Xuewu was busy, so he would not be able to stay at home in the future, let alone contact Li Xuewu.

So when Zhang Songying made this request, Qin Huairu thought about it for several days, but still agreed.

Two people fighting are always stronger than one.

"You managed to get into the house, and he didn't directly say not to let you go today."

Zhang Songying's eyes widened in surprise when she heard Qin Huairu's words, can it still be like this?

At this moment, Qin Huairu said in a slightly low tone: "It's all for a better life, how much is face worth?"

Zhang Songying didn't answer the words, she had already made a plan in her heart.

Li Xuewu sat behind his desk, hesitated for a while, and picked up the phone to call Editor Ding's office.

"Hello, I'm looking for editor Ding, yes"

As soon as I heard the name was confirmed, I heard Editor Ding answer the phone.

"It's learning martial arts"

"Yes, auntie, I just finished chatting with the teacher, and I want to ask you for leave"

While talking, Li Xuewu talked about the things he wanted to train, taking over the security department and the Dongcheng Public Security Department, and wanted to postpone the meeting of the two parents for a while.

When Ding Fengxia heard that Li Xuewu asked her for leave, and she was talking about this matter, her smiling eyes narrowed.

Although Li Xuewu did not arrange a meeting for the two parents immediately, Ding Fengxia was satisfied with Li Xuewu's attitude, and hurriedly said that Li Xuewu should be busy with work first.

"Xuewu, I told Wenxue that I know you're busy with work, and it's not too late to make arrangements when you're free. Your Uncle Gu also meant the same thing, and told me not to rush you, but Auntie was very happy to see Xiao Ning come back. , can't help but say that?"

"Thank you, Auntie. I have to leave this afternoon, so I won't be at your place. I will visit you when I come back."


Ding Fengxia put down the phone, the smile still on her face.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman who was also in the office smiled and asked, "What's the matter, so happy?"

"Is the son-in-law"

Ding Fengxia said with a smile: "She said she was going to Jinmen for training, so she asked me for leave."

"Ouch, tut tut"

The woman smiled and said, "This son-in-law has really won your heart. He asked you for leave when he went out for training?"

Ding Fengxia said with a smile: "Where is it? I said that I wanted to meet his parents. Isn't that right? I don't have time, so I asked for leave."

"Your son-in-law is so busy?"


Ding Fengxia just waited for her to take the next step and ask, otherwise how could she continue.

While talking, he looked around and looked at those colleagues who came over, and explained with a smile: "I work as a security cadre at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant outside Dongzhimen."

At this time, someone answered the question and asked, "Is it the original No. [-] Steel Factory in Beijing? The newly merged one?"

"Yes, that's the one"

Ding Fengxia said with a smile: "The newly promoted deputy director said that he would go to Jinmen for half a month of training, and he would have to take over the work when he came back."

Before Ding Fengxia could finish speaking, the woman sitting opposite Ding Fengxia said contemptuously: "A steel factory, or a security cadre, what can you do? You don't even have time to arrange a meeting with your parents? Our old Liu doesn't." So busy".

Ding Fengxia was happy today, and she didn't go back directly after listening to the words of the opposite party. The old Liu in the opposite party's family was the third in command of the Ministry of Light Industry.

The family conditions are similar to Ding Fengxia's. In this office, the two of them are quite like one mountain without two tigers, and one table without two mothers. They usually chatter a lot.

"Don't talk about our family's old Liu, just talk about our family's third child's partner, and he didn't say that he was so busy."


Ding Fengxia said with a light smile: "Who made this kid young? He's only 20 years old. It's time for exercise."

"Only twenty?"

"Is your Gu Ning 23?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, the 20-year-old deputy director!"

While talking, ignoring the surprise of the people in the office at the age of his son-in-law, he continued: "Isn't it? I have handled some cases, achieved some results, and also worked part-time in the Dongcheng branch. It seems to be a security guard. Deputy Director of the Department".


When everyone heard Ding Fengxia's words, they all took a deep breath. Did this person become a cadre since childhood?

After giving a series of cannons to the woman on the opposite side, Ding Fengxia continued: "Hey, it's also a worry, but it's no more comfortable than the third child in your family. This child in our family is really hardworking."

While talking, he glanced at the opposite side, and continued: "He's about 1.8 meters tall, as strong as a cow, and he can only be raised by the army. Fortunately, he is still worthy of the army's supplies. J The medals are hung in a row."

The woman sitting across from her stared straight at Ding Fengxia, showing off her son-in-law was not enough, she had to kick herself.

"Isn't that good, it just caught your old Gu's eye"

"Who said no?"

Ding Fengxia said with a dissatisfied look: "If you rely on me, you have to think about whether your daughter will be full with him."

"Ha ha ha ha"

(End of this chapter)

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