Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 532 The Escape Plan

Chapter 532 The Escape Plan
Not coming home at night is no longer a big deal to Li Xuewu, he is not a child after all.

Li Shun didn't do anything, but squinted his eyeballs in a bad mood.

What I said a few days ago was in vain, it seems that this kid must be physically persuaded and educated.

Before Li Xuewu had time to explain, he could only heave a sigh of relief seeing his father abducted into the house.

"Have you had breakfast?"

Yu Li stood at the door of the screen door watching the commotion, and waited for Li Shun to leave before asking Li Xuewu a question.

Li Xuewu looked at Yu Li with his head tilted, and said, "If I get beaten, what will you do?"

Yu Li couldn't help laughing when she heard this, but seeing Li Xuewu's threatening expression, she waved her hands and said in a coaxing tone, "I promise not to laugh like that."


Li Xuewu sneered, turned his head to look at the stick that was swinging the tin bucket into the yard and asked: "When your mother beat you, there were people watching, what would you do?"

Banggen was busy with homework last night, and got up a little late this morning, but he still insisted on going to the pond to catch small fish and shrimp.

Originally, I saw Uncle Wu wanting to say hello, but I didn't expect that it was this kind of proposition that made me overwhelm my face.

"I advise you not to learn from me, Uncle Wu"

Stick grinned, rubbed his butt sensitively, and said, "Last time I threw away the key to my silly uncle's house, and my mother hit me again."


Yu Li laughed even more happily now, covering her mouth and explaining something in a low voice to Xilin who came out to watch the fun.

Li Xuewu pinched the big face of the big face cat with a smile, and said, "You should be more subtle."

"But I can't wait for someone to sue~"

Banggen sighed, and said, "Huahuahua wants to tell my mom everything she sees."

Li Xuewu nodded in understanding, and said to Xi Lin who was laughing with Yu Li: "People's hearts are not old, and the world is going down."

Bang Geng didn't quite understand what Uncle Wu meant, so he raised his face and said, "Uncle Wu, the weather is fine today, there is no wind."



Li Xuewu looked at the stick helplessly, and said, "Go, feed the chicken."

As if to tell a little secret, Li Xuewu whispered to the stick again: "But remember not to tell them what happened just now, otherwise the chicken will laugh, and it will really be a sneer."

"Li Xuewu! Who are you talking about!"

The sticky stem still doesn't understand what's going on, what chickens are laughing, how can chickens laugh?
Over there, Sirin was already scratching at her with an angry face, her mouth pouted angrily, and her fangs and paws opening.

Li Xuewu threw the bag to Yu Li casually, and ran to the backyard by himself through the hanging flower gate.


Xilin didn't dare to chase after the Chuhuamen, the Li family's Uncle Li had long thought that she and Li Xuewu were not pleasing to be together, and if she chased her to make a fuss, she might frown.

But seeing the bad guy smiling happily made her even angrier.

It's not because Li Xuewu said that they are chickens to think in a certain direction, but the villain is obviously joking about this kind of thing.

No one in this courtyard knew about her past, but that didn't mean she didn't care.

"If you have the ability, hide in the backyard and don't come out!"

Everyone has been getting along for a long time, and no one thinks it's okay to fight and fight. Only Xilin cares about this but can't show it.

Yu Li carried her bag and went to the inverted room to put her bag. BangJiao was carrying a broken bucket and wanted to ask Aunt Xilin what Ji Xiao meant, but seeing Aunt Xilin's face turned cloudy, she didn't dare to ask. Bucket ran to the backyard.

It was as if he really understood something bad about his conversation with Li Xuewu.

"What are you running for?"

Qin Jingru was standing by the chicken coop feeding the chicks, and her labor finally paid off.

23 chicks, yellow feathers, brown feathers, black feathers, various.

Seeing his aunt asking, Bang Geng stopped the car, was stunned, and replied, "I don't know."

Qin Jingru turned her head helplessly, and said, "Go and feed the chicken, it's time to eat."


The stick responded, and continued to run to the backyard with the broken bucket, and greeted the big mother who came out of the old lady's house.

The aunt responded with a smile, looked at the side of the chicken rack, and then at the open door of Li Xuewu's house.

Li Xuewu was washing his face and changing clothes with the house at the moment, not because he didn't wash at Sister Lou's house, but because he was sweating again when he walked back from Haizi early in the morning.

Yu Li and Da Ma bumped into each other at the Moon Gate, greeted Li Xuewu with a smile, and came to Li Xuewu.

"Don't wear this one, it's a bit thick"

When Yu Li entered the room and saw that Li Xuewu was putting on a shirt, she stopped her, went into the back room, found a shirt with half sleeves and handed it to Li Xuewu.

"It's not cold in the morning, just wear this"

Li Xuewu took it over and looked at it, and asked, "New?"


Yu Li raised her eyebrows and said: "Your sister Qin made it, and the other one sent it over."


Li Xuewu also imitated Yu Li and raised his eyebrows: "Do I still have such a good relationship?"

Of course Yu Li knew what Li Xuewu meant, she rolled her eyes, approached and pinched Li Xuewu, and said, "Are you disobedient again?"


Li Xuewu smiled and said, "The brigade is on duty."


Yu Li put on a flustered expression, stretched out her hand and grabbed Li Xuewu's belt and said, "Did the brigade lose your trousers and leather belt on duty?"

Li Xuewu looked down, and it turned out that they were the new pants that Sister Lou had found, and the belt was also the new belt that Sister Lou had bought.

"Hehe, I don't know whose"

Li Xuewu was stubborn, and said: "Perhaps the clothes are wrong, there are quite a lot of people in the duty room."

Yu Li wished she could pinch this villain with all her might, he was such a tall man, how many could be found at the intersection.

"Just lie to me, there will be a day when you regret it"

"I regret it now"

Li Xuewu changed his shirt, put the holster on his belt, then took the pistol handed over by Yu Li, and squeezed Yu Li's chin.

"If the house is built a few months later, I won't have to find a place to live."

Yu Li slapped Li Xuewu's big hand angrily, and said: "Just mess around, in the end you will tire me alone and bully me alone."


Li Xuewu shook his head confidently when he heard the tiger-wolf words, and said, "Don't worry, there will be bread and butter."

"Hurry up"

Yu Li pinched Li Xuewu again, this bad guy always has bad things.

Li Xuewu tidied himself up at attention today, because Dong Xuexue was going back to the factory to report on his work today.

Another one, today is the first day of April, there must always be a new look to welcome the last calm before the storm.

Cough, it has nothing to do with tranquility, it is really tranquil.

"Cool, cool, cool~"


There are commuter trucks from the rolling mill to the training ground in Hongxing Village, but you can’t use trucks to the steel mill, you have to use the train.

Generally, passenger carriages are mounted on freight trains for the transfer and commuting of cadres and workers in Beijing and Steel City.

The connection between the two factories is quite close. The rolling mill does not produce steel raw materials, nor does it produce fuel for rolling steel.

Because it is an independent large factory, raw materials for production, including fuels such as coal, will be transported from Steel City.

It is said that this is to save costs, but Li Xuewu does not know how this single-handed production mode saves costs.

Maybe it saves the time of arguing with other departments or units.

This kind of large-scale factory has the confidence to not ask for help, even for the transportation of the shit.

Li Xuewu stood on the platform of the dispatching workshop, behind him were several cadres from the security department.

After all, the head of the security department came back, and Li Xuewu, as the deputy director who presided over the work, still had to give the teacher full respect.

From the moment Dong Xuexue got off the train, everyone in the security office had to pay attention to using an adverb when calling Li Xuewu, otherwise it might be embarrassing.

"Hehe, don't need such a big battle."

Dong Xuexue came back with his secretary, and the sharp-eyed Han Zhan had already picked up his luggage.

Li Xuewu took the initiative to shake hands with the teacher, and said with a smile, "I said they did it voluntarily, don't you believe it?"

Dong Xuexue shook hands with Li Xuewu, but did not answer this question, but shook hands one by one with the five security officers who came to pick him up at the station.

These five people are all department-level cadres, representing Dong Xuexue's influence in the rolling mill.

It also represents Li Xuewu's respect for him as his student and his deputy.

"Thanks for your hard work"

"Welcome home"

What Li Xuewu brought to the security office was not only strict discipline, but also a lively atmosphere of youth and ideological superiority.

It can be seen from the greetings of the leaders that they will no longer say such stupid things as "the leader has worked hard".

The three cars came out of the dispatching workshop, passed through the production area of ​​the factory workshop, and headed for the office area.

"How long can you stay this time?"

Li Xuewu sat with Dong Xuexue in the back seat of the command car and offered cigarettes to Dong Xuexue, but Dong Xuexue did not smoke.

"Smoking enough in the car"

Dong Xuexue waved his hand, and then said: "How many days? I have to go back tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

Li Xuewu put the cigarette in his hand back into the cigarette case, looked at Dong Xuexue and asked, "Is it because the steelmaking plant is not going well?"

Dong Xuexue looked at Li Xuewu and asked, "Do you think it should go well?"

After speaking, he looked out of the car window with a gloomy expression.

"Whether it's a matter of accepting an order in a crisis, or helping a crisis, in their view, the steel factory should take one step at a time. Who will see it?"

Li Xuewu looked at Dong Xuexue who turned his head and asked him, but did not answer the question.

The "they" and the "who sees" all refer to such a group of people.

Or it can be said that those who represent a certain will or thought are not specified, nor are there specific names and numbers.

Li Xuewu knew that no matter who was sitting in that position, he would do this, thinking so, including him, and Dong Xuexue who was complaining.

The butt determines the head, and sitting in that position will do what should be done.


Dong Wenxue patted the student on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I heard that you did a good job?"

Li Xuewu turned his head to look at Dong Xuexue, smiled, and said: "If you compare it with not being enterprising, I'm fine."


Dong Xuewu also knew that there were some things that Li Xuewu could not change. Today's predicament was caused by them.

The location of the steelworks seemed a little troublesome to Dong Xuexue now, and he complained, but it was a bloody battle at the beginning.

The predicament that Dong Xuexue is complaining about is precisely what Don't envy.

Therefore, struggle is the main theme of Zhengzhi, and smiles are a good topic among friends.

"You are better than I thought"

Dong Xuexue shook his head after laughing, and said: "At least you have straightened out the work of the security department and are more in control."

Li Xuewu nodded silently, he and Dong Xuexue had already decided on a strategy.

There are two masters and apprentices, changing the progress of the class, one inside and one outside, one outside and one inside.

Now Dong Xuexue is outside and Li Xuewu is inside. After a cycle, the two will change positions.

When Dong Xuexue came back to make further progress, Li Xuewu had to go out to take Dong Xuexue's class if he wanted to make progress.

Only in this way can we continue to consolidate the foundation and make progress in a down-to-earth manner.

The command vehicle stopped directly in front of the gate of the security building. Dong Wenxue smiled and patted Li Xuewu who was silent, and said, "Cheer up, young man, be ready at any time, haha."

After speaking, he got out of the car first, and shook hands with Li Huaide's secretary who came over.

This is Li Huaide's new secretary, not a young man, but a very mature person in his 30s.

Li Xuewu didn't have much contact with him. Although he often met, this person named Li Haiyang didn't seem to be interested in Li Xuewu.

Or he was too busy with the tasks assigned to him by Li Huaide to have no time to contact the leaders of these departments.

Who knows, Li Xuewu didn't care about him anyway.

Let Han Zhan, who came later, arrange Dong Xuexue's luggage in the duty room on the first floor, and Dong Xuexue will take it away when he returns home later.

Unlike ordinary cadres on business trips, Dong Xuexue's home is in the capital, so there is no need to go to a guest house.

But Dong Xuexue's secretary has no home in the capital, so Li Xuewu beckoned to Sha Qizhi and introduced Sha Qizhi to Dong Xuexue's secretary.

After arranging Sha Qizhi to help the other party to settle in the guest house, Li Xuewu took a look at the main office building, and then went to work in the security building.

I'm still busy today, at least Dong Xuewu's return took up a lot of Li Xuewu's time.

The meeting held by Li Huaide yesterday, coupled with the recall of Dong Xuexue, all mean that Li Huaide, who is ready to move, is putting pressure on Yang Fengshan.

What Li Xuewu can see for the time being is conspiracy, that is, pressure.

Two weeks have passed since the last office meeting. Whether it is a joint venture or a residential area, the construction progress of these two major projects is relatively slow.

The construction of the residential area is relatively good, at least it has started in Liangma River Bay.

Standing upstairs, Li Xuewu could see the large construction site. There were only a few people, and there were not many sounds of machinery. After all, the level of construction in this era was limited.

I don't know if it was because of the rush to get on the horse, but the foundation was built first, not the way in and out.

Li Xuewu didn't see which way the gates of the residential area opened. Of course, it's also possible that he didn't see the design drawings.

Deng Zhiwang has been on a hot streak lately, and he's basically invisible in his work unit, and he's either on socializing or on the way to socializing.

The rolling mill does not have its own construction team, and the residential area is a big project, and there are many construction units who want to eat meat.

Although it is a planned economy now, it is also the work achievements of the unit leaders who can continue to work.

However, there are not many places where this kind of project can be decided by the rolling mill itself. Since the above has allocated funds, it also has the right to coordinate and arrange the construction company.

However, Deng Zhiwang was supported by Yang Fengshan, the general manager of residential area construction, and some of his words are also very important.

"Director, Secretary Zhang has made arrangements."

When Sha Qizhi walked into the office, he saw Li Xuewu looking in the direction of the river bend, reported something softly, and went to pack the documents approved by Li Xuewu.

"Clean up, let's go to the branch office"


Sha Qizhi looked at Li Xuewu in surprise, the director just picked it up and ignored it, wouldn't it be good to hide?

Li Xuewu didn't have the intention of making a fuss about Sha Qi, and said while putting on his clothes: "Director Dong is busy today, we just go to the branch office, and we can catch up when we come back in the afternoon."

Sha Qi smiled knowingly and said, "Okay."

The two tidied up and left the house. When passing by the big office, Sha Qizhi said softly: "The transfer order has been issued, and the person has already left."


Li Xuewu replied that he didn't care. This incident made Sha Qizhi a little angry, and Yu Decai felt a little guilty.

But Li Xuewu didn't intend to say anything, and he didn't want to cause any public opinion in the security office.

No matter who happens this kind of thing, they will not get a good reputation.

Li Xuewu didn't have the intention to take revenge on the two female college students, let alone fight Wang Jingzhang with real swords and guns.

This matter cannot become a vortex to attract Li Xuewu's energy, the above actions are the key.

As for why Gu Weijie signed the transfer order, Li Xuewu didn't care, let alone ask.

For Gu Weijie, Li Xuewu didn't trust him, and he didn't want to lose the opportunity to communicate.

When the command car drove to the factory office area, I don't know how many people felt a big stone in their hearts, and I don't know how many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether Li Xuewu did it on purpose or not, these caring people in the office area have already understood what Li Xuewu meant.

"There is a message from the branch office, urging you to improve the corporate security system as soon as possible, and complete the joint corporate security work."

Sha Qizhi took a document and handed it to Li Xuewu, and then continued to explain: "Zheng Bureau has given instructions that special security management will be carried out on May [-]st, and the work of the security brigade is very important."

"The work of the Security Brigade has always been important"

Li Xuewu glanced at the sand tool, then took the file and read it. This is the task assigned by the branch office.

The influence of a public security brigade is not enough, and it is necessary to closely contact the enterprises in the area to improve the security force.

There was a shooting incident at the enamel factory last month, because someone went to the warehouse to steal something, and there was a conflict when the guard stopped it.

There were two thieves and one guard, so the guard emptied the magazine.

"I don't want to see this happen"

Li Xuewu raised the document in Yang's hand, and asked Sha Qizhi: "It won't happen in our factory, right?"


Sha Qizhi smiled, took the document from Li Xuewu's hand, bowed his head and said, "Because everyone in our factory knows that you gave orders to the security guards on duty at night."

Having said that, he had already sorted out the documents in his hand, Sha Qizhi gesticulated his head with his right hand, and then said, "Hit it on the head".


Li Xuewu waved his hands with a smile, and said, "I just said it."

"But they believed it"

Sha Qizhi also couldn't help laughing, and said to Li Xuewu: "Last week when the security office was patrolling, they found a man jumping over the wall to pick up iron. Do you know what the security guards said at that time?"

Before Li Xuewu could guess, Sha Qizhi raised his hand and said, "He said to the iron picker, you really should come at night when no one is around, hahaha!"


Li Xuewu was also a little speechless. Ever since seeing the blood, some people had lost face in the execution ground, and this group of guys seemed to be a little abnormal.

It seems that if you don't kill one of them yourself, you won't be able to restore the face you lost at the beginning.

It's so fucking loud, bang bang.

The scope of work of the sub-bureau and the security brigade is larger than that of the security department, but it also means that more people are involved in security management.

Apart from training, Shen Fang's current focus is the establishment of the security patrol system and the training of the emergency command center.

It is impossible for the cadres of the brigade to be on duty in the command room all the time. Li Xuewu's initial request was also to be the squadron leader. Unless it was a special time, the brigade leader would not be on duty.

The application of the command vehicle last time made it convenient for several leaders of the sub-bureau, and they often visit here recently.

According to Wang Xiaoqin, the sub-bureau intends to set up a region-wide command and execution center, covering all police offices and various security forces.

It is a bit similar to the Yaoyaoling command center of later generations, but more primitive.

Li Xuewu didn't have any hope for this, and soon there was a rumour. The security brigade was probably going to be dismissed, and Li Xuewu's position might also be dismissed.

Therefore, he has no enthusiasm for the work of the current branch office. The lines that should be prepared are all prepared, and they are only waiting for development in the future.

Wang Xiaoqin thought that Li Xuewu was doing something again, so she didn't dare to ask, and left after chatting for a few words.

Li Xuewu stayed in the security brigade until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and then returned to the rolling mill.

According to his prediction, Dong Xuexue could meet with several leaders today and report to them one by one.

So in the afternoon, I had to get off work to be free to talk to him.

As he expected, back at the rolling mill, Li Xuewu was listening to Zeng Jinjun's report on police dog training, when Sha Qizhi came in to remind Dong Xuexue that he was back.

"Control the quantity"

Li Xuewu stood up and walked in front of Zeng Jinjun and said, "Your elites are not more expensive. There are not many units in the capital that need police dogs. You should be more of a supporting force."

Zeng Jinjun was found by Ji Weidong to help Li Xuewu, and he began to help the security department train police dogs as soon as he arrived.

The effect is very good. Although the sub-bureau did not introduce them on a large scale, they still come to the rolling mill to borrow police dogs from time to time.

This can be regarded as generating income for the security department, because according to Li Xuewu's personality, there is no such thing as a cheap thing like borrowing for nothing.

Seeing that Li Xuewu had something to do, Zeng Jinjun responded and went out.

He met the person Li Xuewu wanted to meet in the corridor, the chief of the security department, Dong Xuexue.

"Did you rest at noon?"

Li Xuewu let Dong Xuexue into the room and signaled Sha Qizhi to make tea, while he sat on the sofa with Dong Xuewu.

"Do you think I am you?"

Dong Xuewu was very relaxed with Li Xuewu, leaning on the sofa, and said a little tiredly: "Two days, my time is very tight."

Li Xuewu nodded in understanding and said, "It's going well?"

As soon as he finished asking, the sound of the radio came from outside the window, and it was time for the radio station to play news and music again.

Dong Xuexue didn't pay attention at first, but after a burst of music, he heard the announcer reading the propaganda about the security office.

"It's better than me"

Dong Xuexue gestured with a smile, and said, "Can even the radio station be affected?"

He nodded to Li Xuewu with a smile, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Be careful that Secretary Yang cleans up on you."

"Hehe, I don't have that much influence"

That's what he said, but Li Xuewu was still a little helpless to the announcer of this radio station, he said everything so clearly, so he didn't have to eat himself to finish the calculation.

"We have received the consultation letter from above, and we want to sort out the information of the dual plan and submit it"

Li Xuewu gestured out of the window, and continued to explain: "I arranged for the General Office to make a publicity in the newspaper, but I didn't expect the radio station to help."

Dong Xuexue nodded, didn't care about the radio station, and said with some surprise: "I didn't expect the seeds of this double plan to really bear fruit."

"I didn't expect God to be so cooperative"

Li Xuewu shook his head with a smile, and said, "It should be the cause of the earthquake. The higher-ups asked about earthquake prevention."

"Well, there is such a thing"

Dong Xuexue leaned on the sofa and thought for a while, and said, "Many geological experts have been sent to Xingcheng, and it seems that a new department is going to be established to specialize in earthquake prediction."

"It's a good thing"

Li Xuewu nodded, and said: "I think the double prevention may be able to take advantage of the east wind to fly, but it will not be able to achieve the effect we expected."

"Hard to say"

Dong Xuexue squinted his eyes and thought about it, and said: "But if you do everything, then do it well, even if it doesn't meet expectations, it can be considered an excellent work achievement."

"I am not in a hurry"

Li Xuewu looked at Dong Wenxue and asked, "Does the factory intend to upgrade the level of the steelmaking plant?"

"how is this possible"

Dong Xuexue smiled and said: "Even if there is, it is impossible to reveal it to me. What do you think?"


Li Xuewu raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "It is impossible for the secretary to take the initiative to give the application grade, and it is more likely to be suppressed, unless there is an accident."


Dong Xuewu nodded, expressing his understanding, and don't want Li Xuewu to talk about it.

"Deputy Director Li is a little anxious, let me exert my strength in Steel City, and he will use it to exert strength"

"Better not to be like this"

Li Xuewu frowned slightly and said: "Yesterday, there was a logistics system meeting, and he also wanted Zhang Guoqi to make some noise, but Zhang Guoqi's face was about to turn into a donkey's face."

"He can't run away"

Dong Xuexue closed his eyes and squeezed his forehead, his voice was a little low.

"Ren Xiaoyu called me and said that there was a lot of trouble in the city. Some people were dissatisfied and they were making small moves."

"Is this the confidence of Deputy Director Li?"

Li Xuewu sat up straight, frowned and said, "I'm not optimistic about the current situation, and I don't think it's a good time to help him."

"Why don't I know"

Dong Xuexue said in a low voice: "My news is better than his, but he is the leader, and some things are difficult to handle."

"Then let's be a little fake"

Li Xuewu's voice was a bit cloudy, but his tone was firm: "I'm going to hide with you next week, and I'll let him go here."


Dong Xuexue chuckled, and looked at his students helplessly. This kind of sensitivity and determination was beyond his expectation.

"Aren't you afraid that the job will be gone when you come back?"


Li Xuewu said confidently: "He will not want to change me, because no one knows security work better than me."

While talking, he tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and then continued: "However, if the fight is strong, it will be difficult for the factory manager to say."

Li Xuewu told about the conflict between himself and Yang Fengshan, and also introduced the recent situation in the rolling mill.

Dong Xuexue also had a headache, but this kind of chaos is a good sign.

What Chestnut in the Fire plays is the heartbeat, there is no chaos, how can they make progress.

Just like when Fu Bin was in charge of the work, if Li Xuewu didn't find him something to do, how could he have the opportunity to jump three times in a row.

"What's Gu Weijie thinking?"

"You didn't talk to her?"

Li Xuewu looked at Dong Xuexue with some surprise. Logically speaking, Dong Xuexue also had to report to Gu Weijie.

Dong Xuexue waved his hand and said: "We chatted for a while, but didn't say much, she seemed a little hesitant."


Li Xuewu also sighed, and said: "Her rhythm is always not in line with Li Huaide, and I dare not persuade her deeply. I am afraid that the running-in period between the two will take a while."

"I'm afraid that the two will fight against each other"

Dong Xuexue nodded to Li Xuewu and emphasized: "This is not impossible."

"Ok, I know"

Naturally, Li Xuewu and Dong Xuexue had nothing to hide. They talked a lot, more time than with other leaders.

It wasn't until the end of get off work that Dong Xuexue stood up wearily and asked, "When is the wedding date?"

"May Day"

Li Xuewu smiled and said, "Do you have time to come back?"

"Do not worry"

Dong Xuewu patted Li Xuewu's shoulder with a smile, then pointed to the door, and asked, "Shall I have a drink with me tonight?"

"Pull it down"

Li Xuewu said with a smirk: "If I go home to drink with you, I'm afraid my teacher will type it up for me."


Dong Xuexue knew what Li Xuewu meant, and he was afraid that they would be better off than newlyweds, and would not want to be light bulbs.

After waving with Li Xuewu, Dong Xuexue left the house.

Li Xuewu arranged for Sha Qizhi and Han Jiankun to deliver them, because Dong Xuexue didn't have a car here because he was no longer working here.

After sending Dong Xuexue away, Li Xuewu took Yu Decai back to the office.

"Any news?"


Yu Decai hesitated for a moment, but he still walked up to Li Xuewu and whispered.

Li Xuewu's eyes were always squinted, and he couldn't see any expression.

It wasn't until Yu De finished speaking that he clenched his fists with the fingers that had been tapping on the sofa, and then patted the armrest lightly.

"You said...forget it"

Li Xuewu wanted to ask Yu Decai about it, but he immediately denied the idea in his mind.

Yu Decai nodded, and said, "I don't suggest you intervene in this matter, after all, her identity is a bit subtle, and it hasn't reached the point where it can't be handled."

"It's beyond my reach"

Li Xuewu lay on the sofa tiredly, closed his eyes and said, "This kind of thing is really troublesome, and it's hard to handle if it's too deep."

Standing aside, Yu Decai could not help but frown. It is a taboo to investigate the leader, if he intervenes rashly...

Li Xuewu is probably fine as a student, but it's hard to say that he is a person who has committed crimes and made meritorious service.

"It's really not possible, I will arrange it"

Yu Decai gritted his teeth and said, "The exchange list for the next issue..."

"It's just deception"

Li Xuewu waved his hand and said: "Farewell, that's it, you pay more attention."

He took a deep breath, patted the armrest of the sofa with both hands, and said: "In the office, this kind of thing is the most taboo, and it is also the easiest to stumble."


Yu Decai nodded and said, "Actually, it's also because of the working environment..."

"No excuses"

Li Xuewu stood up, walked to the desk, nodded at Yu Decai before sitting down at the desk, and said, "Why should I settle down for you? You have to learn to sum up experience and lessons."


Yu Decai stated seriously: "I will keep myself clean."


Li Xuewu nodded, opened the document while picking up the pen, and said, "We can't expect all cadres to be as innocent as you and me in matters of men and women, and have the ability to introspect, so disciplinary supervision is a good thing." .


Yu Decai nodded seriously and said, "You have set a good example for our security department."


Li Xuewu waved his hand and said: "After all, I am young, and it is the time to practice my original intention. I am full of energy. It is unfair to compare me with other cadres, and it is not appropriate to demand comrades by my standards."

Yu Decai nodded and said, "I will discuss with the inspection department to see how to organize a special education activity."

"A tight fit"

Li Xuewu pointed at Yu Decai, and emphasized: "Comrades will be disgusted if it is too tight. It is best to organize unmarried young men and women and set up a sorority while educating."

"That's a good idea"

Yu Decai laughed and said, "I don't think there is anything more suitable than what you organized."

While speaking, he suggested to Li Xuewu: "You are still in charge of the sub-bureau, see if there is any suitable one in the sub-bureau, let's combine the two sides."

"Oh, you think too much"

Li Xuewu said with a smile: "There are many boys in the public security brigade, but few girls. The friendship between the two units will increase the pressure on the boys in our department."

"Then you have to think of a way"

Yu Decai helped Li Xuewu refill tea with a smile, and asked: "Can you see if there is a suitable unit, the one with more girls."

"Like a textile factory?"

Li Xuewu stopped writing and thought for a while, then said: "You have reminded me, I think it is possible."

Yu Decai put the thermos bottle aside, nodded and said, "You still have a lot of contacts, so I'll prepare for it?"

"Yeah, yes"

Li Xuewu pointed at Yu Decai and said: "I think it's placed in the guest house. There are lakes, trees, flowers, and a romantic atmosphere. If you really solve the marriage problems of our single youths, you, the director, will be considered outstanding." Great achievement."

"Then I'll take your credit, haha"


The two chatted and laughed a few words, then indifferent to the conversation just now.

There are some things that Li Xuewu must hand over to Yu Decai, not only because of conditions, but more because of temptation and use.

Li Xuewu doesn't trust Yu Decai, so Yu Decai must work hard to gain Li Xuewu's trust.

The relationship between the two is unequal, which made Yu Decai have to let Li Xuewu see the effectiveness of his work on many things.

"Director, this opinion draft is finished, please take a look"

As soon as Yu Decai returned to the office, he saw Zhou Yao coming in with a file box in his arms.

After Zhou Yao put away the documents, Yu Decai opened the documents and asked, "Is everything handed over?"


Zhou Yao nodded and said, "I'm catching up on their work, maybe I have to wait."

"Well, work hard"

Yu Decai didn't say any words of encouragement or praise, as if these tasks should be done by her.

Zhou Yao pinched her fingers. Today she was writing and comparing non-stop, but other comrades in the office were chatting.

I don't know why she is the only one working, but she dare not ask, let alone complain to the director.

Turn around silently, go back to the big office and continue to work on the progress that Fu Linfang and the others have deliberately lagged behind in the past two days.

She may have to work overtime today, because this job is time-limited, and the director is also busy, so she has no reason to ask the director why it can't be completed.

In fact, it was true, the bell rang for the end of get off work, and she was the only one left in the office.

Everyone was off work, and she saw the director passing by the door, obviously the leader was off work too.

Zhou Yao looked at the documents on the table, sighed, and continued writing.

Li Xuewu didn't notice that anyone was working overtime, not even Yu Decai was working overtime in the office.

Just like when he was the section chief, he always felt that he was busy and the leader was idle.

Now the reverse is also the same, he always feels that the people below are free and he is busy.

When he went downstairs, Sha Qizhi was already waiting. On the way, he reported to Li Xuewu about sending Dong Wenxue home, and began to communicate about tomorrow's work.

When Li Xuewu arrived at the compound, Shen Guodong and the others had already returned, and they had finished unloading the cars, so they obviously came back early.

After waving goodbye to Sha Qizhi and the others, Li Xuewu walked in through the open gate of the west courtyard.

The big truck brought back from the frontier was parked in the middle of the yard, and Lao Biaozi and the others were loading the truck.

"Is everything done?"

"Yes, the weather is fine these days"

Seeing that it was Li Xuewu, Lao Biaozi replied, walked over and introduced to Li Xuewu: "I want two hundred sets on the mountain, and the one that can seat 400 people has to be delivered tomorrow."

Li Xuewu took out a cigarette and threw one at him. Seeing that the tables, chairs and benches were disassembled, he asked, "Reassemble after going up the mountain?"

"Well, it's convenient for transportation"

Lao Biaozi lit a cigarette, took Li Xuewu to the side of the car, pointed to the number marks on the table board, and explained to Li Xuewu: "Every set of tables and chairs is marked, and they are also disassembled and assembled in sequence. Just assemble it, it’s very simple.”

Li Xuewu nodded, and asked again: "Who will go with you tomorrow?"

"Grandma, Green"

Lao Biaozi followed Li Xuewu to the warehouse, and said, "The ones for the army will come back tomorrow to load the trucks. Brother Zhuzi has set the date on the 27th. Recently, the work of furniture has been rushed forward as much as possible." .

Li Xuewu glanced inside the warehouse and said, "You figure it out."

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "How is the papermaking side?"

"The machine is already on"

Lao Biaozi nodded and asked, "Are we selling paper or books? Huaqing hasn't moved yet."

"Don't worry, the paper is ready, I will use it a lot"

Li Xuewu took a drag on his cigarette, squinted his eyes, and watched the crowd loading cars.

No matter how much paper there is, it's not enough for him to earn that amount.

(End of this chapter)

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