Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 6 Job Determination

Chapter 6 Job Determination
"Hey! You kid, you still look the same after you've been out for two years. You're covered in fur and you're smarter than a monkey. That's enough. I'll accept the wine. Follow me to the police station to get your household registration. Here's the certificate. Let them do it first, and when I lead you to implement the work, we will get it when we come back."

"That's a good relationship, Uncle Liu, thank you for your hard work!"

"Stop chatting, let's go"

As he said that, he led Li Xuewu to send the certificate to the big office to copy a copy, and then wrote a copy and put it in the file. Then he took Li Xuewu and pushed the bicycle to the police station.

Not far away, they entered the courtyard of the police station near the street. Director Liu took Li Xuewu to the household registration department. The household registration police took a few glances and said they were waiting for the notice.

Director Liu asked if it was a single household or to move back to the original household. Li Xuewu thought about what Li Shun said, and replied with a single household. Director Liu entered the director's office with a smile. After a while, he came out with a smile and led Li Xuewu Go outside Dongzhimen.

Because Li Xuewu didn't have a car.

Li Xuewu was riding a bicycle with Director Liu, pedaling quickly with his two long legs.

According to Director Liu's command, he came to the gate of the third rolling mill. Director Liu jumped out of the car, touched his buttocks and cursed at Li Xuewu: "You should go directly to the tricycle, and the bicycle is out of the motorcycle." The speed of the car is up!"

Director Liu showed his work permit to the guard, led Li Xuewu into the gate, walked to the office building on the left, directly entered the three-story office building facing the gate, climbed three flights of stairs, and came to the last office building on the left. Office inside.

Director Liu asked Li Xuewu to wait outside the door first, knocked on the door himself, pushed the door and went in.

Li Xuewu looked at Director Liu's set of combined punches, he was very familiar with it, and it was no different from later generations.

In less than 5 minutes, Director Liu opened the door and beckoned Li Xuewu to enter. Only then did Li Xuewu see the factory leader inside, dressed in a gray Chinese tunic suit, sitting there very imposing.

This person has been seen before, and he is also a standard official and doer.

Director Liu introduced with a smile: "This is Director Yang of our third rolling mill, and this is Li Xuewu, a resettlement worker from our street."

Factory Manager Yang stood up, shook hands with Li Xuewu, and said, "Alright, sit, sit, don't stand."

Li Xuewu saw that Director Liu sat down on the sofa in front of Director Yang's desk, and hurriedly took the thermos bottle from the cabinet, filled the cups of Director Liu and Director Yang with water, put the thermos bottle away, and then he was in the Yang factory. Sit on the sofa opposite.

Director Yang kept smiling while watching Li Xuewu pour water, but Director Liu remained silent after the introduction.

Li Xuewu knew that his interview had already begun.

Li Xuewu took out his academic qualifications, letter of introduction, certificate of award and materials explaining his injury from his satchel.

Seeing Director Yang carefully looking at his materials, Li Xuewu said: "Hello, Director, I joined the army after graduating from high school in 62, and was promoted to D in the fire line in 63. I was a platoon leader when I was injured. The examination only caused amnesia and no other damage. Because I was not suitable for the relevant conditions, I chose to change jobs. I was rewarded twice for first-class merit and once for second-class merit. I am willing to obey the arrangement of the street and the factory. Please review my materials."

Li Xuewu's introduction was very concise and crisp, and Director Yang nodded his head.

"How about this, you are transferred from the military, so follow the resettlement method, we are obliged to accept you, and because you have made military exploits, this is an honor, in view of your injury and some related abilities and your street The certification materials provided, your entry conditions meet the standards, not to mention your character and ability, the materials are all here, and the street reviews are also very good, our factory needs talents like you, the young man is very smart Be energetic, work hard, continue to play a role in your post, and report next Monday."

"Thank you, the factory manager, I am very happy to join the big family of the rolling mill"

At this time, Director Liu who was sitting drinking tea got up and said goodbye to Director Yang, and took Li Xuewu out, without saying anything to Li Xuewu along the way.

Seeing that the cigarette in his hand was wafting out straight lines of smoke, the wind was gone before he took a few puffs, and it was not worthwhile to open his mouth to curse the street and then pour himself out of the wind.

When I arrived at the police station, I asked Li Xuewu to wait at the door. After a while, he came out with Li Xuewu's household registration certificate, and asked Li Xuewu to take him back to the street.

Sitting in the office and taking a sip of tea, he picked up the food book, non-staple food book and other documents on the table and handed them to Li Xuewu along with the household registration certificate, and a report card written by the factory manager Yang.

"Let's report to work in three days. Your father came back and told him that two bottles of Fenjiu are not enough. Your ass has been put on airs. Your family has at least five bottles of tiger bone wine."

"Okay, no problem, thank you, hey, Uncle Liu, my dad still has tiger penis wine, do you want it?"

Li Xuewu took the materials and walked to the door and said this again.

"Get out, your Uncle Liu is strong, leave the wine for your father to give birth to a younger brother for you."

As he spoke, he pushed Li Xuewu out, and sat back behind the desk.

Li Xuewu took a bunch of documents and went out, walked to the entrance of the street, took out his registration card and took a look. It looked up to the Capital No. [-] Steel Rolling Plant, a bunch of assignment-like texts, and the last position was a cadre, and his job was a security guard at the Security Department. Section Security Officer.

Not to mention traveling to so many places and getting things settled so quickly, it is really not easy to say that this entry into the factory is a cadre post.

As long as it is a cadre post, it is easy to promote in the future, and it is easier than climbing up from a worker.

Good guy, no wonder Director Liu said that two bottles of Fenjiu were not enough, and he asked for Tiger Bone Medicinal Wine when he opened his mouth. Although he didn't know the value, Director Liu asked for five bottles when he opened his mouth.

I just don't know how much money this security officer can earn, whether it is enough for my own expenses after becoming independent.

I stuffed the report card back into my bag, tightened my cotton coat and walked home.

After entering the hutong, I feel that the old city is even more dilapidated and gray. Coupled with the snow that fell a few days ago, the road in the hutong is muddy and difficult to walk.

When I walked to the gate of the courtyard, I saw a little woman in a flowered padded jacket walking out of the door. She was not tall, with short hair around her ears and a silver hairpin pinned to her hair.

"Who are you and how did you enter the courtyard?"

Li Xuewu suddenly thought that when he left, this Lou Xiao'e hadn't married yet, so he probably didn't know him, so he introduced himself.

"I am a resident of the courtyard, and I enter the courtyard to go home."

"Whose family do you belong to?"


"You are Dr. Li's second son? I heard that he is in the army."

"Yes, you just came back from a new job, are you?"

"I am the daughter-in-law of Xu Damao in the backyard, my name is Lou Xiaoe"

Li Xuewu didn't know who she was, a rich woman, a young lady with a milky voice, who later ran to Hong Kong City, and had an instant love affair with the silly pillar in the courtyard before leaving.

 If you have any questions about the military merits in this chapter, please ask Mr. Xiao Wanshi, the hero of the mother-in-law. Seniors have 10 first-class merits and 12 second-class merits. They are assigned to Liangshan Leibo County Grain Station Director, department-level cadres, counted as 4 types of areas , the grade is 23-19, the salary is 47-74, the online data is roughly the same, and the protagonist has two first-class and one second-class, and because of a head injury, it is impossible for the police to post. At that time, the factory was the best job. The security officer is a staff-level cadre post, level 25, with a salary of 37.5 yuan. In addition, no matter what position you are in before changing jobs, you will learn and practice as a deputy after changing jobs. Reply.

(End of this chapter)

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