Chapter 68
"Comrade Li Xuewu, please come and sit down"

Li Xuewu nodded, walked to the desk, and sat next to Liu Guoyou.

At this time, it is best to be cautious in your words and deeds, the less you talk, the better, and you can stop talking if you can.

The cadre in the tunic suit glanced at Li Xuewu, and tapped the notebook on the table with the pen in his hand.

"Comrade Li Xuewu, I work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My surname is Zhou. This is Director Liu. We have some information that we need to ask you. Please answer our questions truthfully."


"Did you participate in the accident that happened to the train you were escorting the night before?"

Li Xuewu saw that everyone in the room looked at him, as if they were waiting for his answer.

"Yes, I am"

"Did you discover the identity of the deceased when you examined the deceased under the train?"

"No, it's dark, there's only one flashlight, and"

The cadres knew what Li Xuewu meant, and the head of the deceased had been crushed.

Director Liu asked: "We know your resume. Based on your experience in the reconnaissance battalion, why did the deceased hit the train?"

Li Xuewu carefully recalled the scene at that time, and replied: "The time was urgent at that time, I didn't check the scene carefully, I thought it was just an accident, but judging from the state of the deceased under the car."

Speaking of this, Li Xuewu seriously recalled the person's body posture, and then paused.

Both Director Liu and Officer Zhou stared into Li Xuewu's eyes, as if a wrong word would cause panic.

Even Liu Guoyou, who was sitting next to him, looked at Li Xuewu with pale faces.

Li Xuewu squinted his eyes and recalled that he was not affected by them. After confirming again, he said with certainty: "I think it was an accident. The deceased was lying between two railroad tracks, protecting the child tightly in his arms." , there is no trace of restraint on the body, and there is no forced passive death”

"Let me just say, our car was added temporarily, the time is uncertain, and the villagers didn't know there was a car passing by." Hearing Li Xuewu's words, Liu Guoyou confirmed excitedly with a slap on his thigh.

Officer Zhou and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the sofa.

Li Xuewu continued: "It's the woman who seems to have been hung up. There is no injury on her body, only a hole on the top of her head was knocked by a stone on the roadbed."

Both Liu Guoyou and Han Dache nodded in agreement.

Officer Zhou nodded to Li Xuewu, and asked again: "Can you see what's going on between the two of you...well, for example, conflicts or contradictions?"

Li Xuewu smiled bitterly, and replied: "I am a reconnaissance battalion, not a reconnaissance team, and I have never done criminal investigation. I really can't see this. I can't talk nonsense about things I can't be sure of, but what I can be sure of is the train." The man below loves children very much, and so does the woman"

Officer Zhou and Director Liu looked at each other and nodded.

Director Liu asked, "How did you find out about the child?"



"Yes, it's a habit I developed on the battlefield. Every time I have to check whether the comrades lying on the ground still have vital signs."

Director Liu who was asking the question and Officer Zhou who was sitting next to him did not expect the young guard in front of him to have such an answer, and they couldn't help feeling solemn in their hearts.

Director Liu paused for a moment, and then asked, "Have you seen the child's appearance and physical signs clearly?"

Li Xuewu was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Chief Liu asked such a question, but he still replied in a matter-of-fact manner: "There was none at the time. The attendant found it when he was handing over to the attendant at the station. The train chief Liu also said that it might be the child of a brother from an ethnic minority. "

Hearing Li Xuewu's words, Liu Guoyou grinned in embarrassment.

Officer Zhou looked at Liu Guoyou and continued to ask Li Xuewu, "You carried the child out? Did you find anything?"

Li Xuewu looked suspiciously at Officer Zhou who was asking the question, and said, "It's me. I didn't find anything. I just took the child out of the hands of the deceased. Che Zhang and others were there at the time."

The cadre squinted his eyes, and when he looked at Li Xuewu, he glanced at Liu Guoyou and Han Dache.

Li Xuewu guessed that it might be the hand of the deceased who was holding the child. Liu Guoyou and the two of them talked about it, but Li Xuewu couldn't admit it. He couldn't say such a strange thing at this time.

"Did you see Comrade Liu Guoyou disposing of the dead by the side of the road?"


"Can you tell me?"

Li Xuewu didn't look at Liu Guoyou and the two, and told the truth about Liu Guoyou's handling actions, but he didn't tell what Liu Guoyou said in the car.

After hearing Li Xuewu finished speaking, Liu Guoyou was obviously relieved.

Of course Li Xuewu can tell what can be said and what cannot be said.

Officer Zhou nodded, glanced at the bedroom, and asked, "Why do you put notes and money in the child's package in the station duty room?"

Li Xuewu was silent for a while before replying: "I took the baby out of the car, and the baby didn't cry. When I coaxed him, he looked cute. It reminded me of my younger siblings when I was young. At that time, it was intuitively judged that the parents of the child might be gone, and they were afraid that the child would have problems, so they put the note and money.”

The two people who asked the question were noncommittal about Li Xuewu's answer and the feelings in his words.

"When did you put the note and the money?"

"At the time of handover at the station."

"After discovering the characteristics of the child?"

"Yes, but the note was written in the car"

The cadre was silent for a while, and asked solemnly: "Are you sure you didn't know the nationality of the person who got off the car when you were dealing with the accident?"

"When I saved people, I didn't think about nationality issues, let alone a dead person, the dead are the most important, so I can help if I can."

"What about the child? Didn't you think it was a special child who did that?"

Li Xuewu silently turned his head to stare at the foreigner who suddenly interjected and asked him a question. This person's Chinese was a little out of tune.

The foreign affairs officer in a suit and tie, with a probing expression on his face, was not afraid of Li Xuewu's gaze, and looked straight at Li Xuewu with blinking blue eyes.

"I have a clear conscience"

The two foreign affairs officers looking at Li Xuewu did not expect Li Xuewu to say this.

Officer Zhou nodded, and asked Director Liu beside him, the foreign diplomat on the sofa, and the two couples: "The last person in charge of the scene has already described how he handled the matter. What is his character? Tried and tested, we believe what he said, do you have any questions?"

The foreigners on the sofa looked at each other, but they were all silent.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side frowned and said in a hoarse voice: "There is nothing to ask, everything that shouldn't be saved has been saved, and what should be saved is gone, so what else can I say?"

"We know who this is? We only know that my sister is gone. What does that Mao. That man have anything to do with our family? Besides, my sister is like that. Will the two big brothers pay compensation?" The sitting young man raised his neck and asked.

This family is really strange, the young woman has an indifferent face, and only when the young man mentions compensation will he look at the foreign affairs officer and Zhou cadres who are sitting on the sofa.

The woman in the square scarf just wiped her tears and cried, but she looked at Li Xuewu with complicated eyes, thank you?Or something else.

Li Xuewu didn't know the identities of these people, but he had nothing to tell others about saving the child. Could it be that the little life was frozen on the rails?

Although very confused and depressed, it is hard to say anything on this occasion, I can only frown and remain silent.

Officer Liang, who brought Li Xuewu in, took Li Xuewu and Liu Guoyou out of the house and went to the opposite room at the direction of Officer Zhou.

  If I say that tomorrow is more exciting, no one will believe it.

  But I still want to have the cheek to ask for tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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