Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 70 He threatened me!

Chapter 70 He threatened me!
Hearing that the child stopped crying, and seeing Li Xuewu coaxing the child, several people over there looked over.

The cadre frowned, and was about to reprimand Li Xuewu for coming here by himself, when the young man pointed at Li Xuewu and shouted: "Didn't he save the child, let him be responsible, who told him to meddle in his own business, that damn thing is under the train should."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was frightened by Li Xuewu's cannibalistic eyes.

The child in Li Xuewu's arms was frightened by the sudden shout and cried again.

Dangling the child slowly approached those people, seeing that the child stopped crying, and covered the upper corner of the package on the child's head, so as to save the fluorescent lamp above the head from irritating the child's eyes.

"If you dare to yell at me again, I'll break your legs and see if you yell louder or bark louder"

The young man was frightened by the scarred face in the police uniform, and he said to Officer Zhou and Director Liu sternly, "You comrades in the police force dare to threaten me! Threats to the families of the victims, don't you care?"

Cadre Zhou, who was pissed off by the young man, lowered his head and plucked his ears, muttering, "I'm getting old, my ears were buzzing from the noise you made just now."

Seeing the young man looking at him again, Director Liu grinned and said, "He is not from us, but a police officer in the capital. If you report him as a threat, you have to go to the capital to find their leader."

Because the woman who died was so miserable, the two were moved with compassion, and they were also very polite to the family members. The foreign affairs officer was used to condolences to the victim, but they did not expect that such politeness and condolences would be regarded as a wish for apology and compensation. .

Li Xuewu watched the deflated young man being dragged back by his partner, and ignored him.

Once the dog bites you, you can't bite the dog again, just break your legs.

Holding the child, Li Xuewu said to Gan Gan: "Since none of you want this child, then give it to me."

"What did you say?!"

Officer Zhou asked in disbelief, and other people in the room also looked at Li Xuewu with various expressions.

"I said, I'm here to adopt this child"

Li Xuewu said to Zhou cadre seriously.

Hearing Li Xuewu's words, the whole family stopped arguing, the woman looked at Li Xuewu gratefully, her man stared at Li Xuewu and said nothing, only the young couple whispered something.

Officer Zhou took another look at Li Xuewu and asked, "How old are you this year? How do you raise this child? This is not a kitten or puppy, this is a real person."

Li Xuewu's hand holding the child changed direction, and said to Gan Gan: "There are cats and dogs, but no one wants the child. Since you don't want it, it's better to follow me than to be pushed around by you." .

With that said, he took out his work card and handed it to Officer Zhou.

The cadre took a look at the certificate and said, "I know your information and believe in your character, but what about your situation?"

Li Xuewu tugged Officer Zhou and walked to the bedroom, where Director Liu and foreign affairs personnel from the foreign affairs office also followed.

The young clerk at the door sensibly closed the door and stood at the door.

After entering the bedroom, Li Xuewu said, "My home address is on that note. I am a cadre in the security department of the rolling mill. My father is a doctor in the Chinese Medicine Hospital. My brother and sister-in-law are both university teachers."

"There is a mother and grandma who can help take care of the child. Brothers, sisters-in-law, younger brothers and sisters live together in a family of 9. I believe I can afford to adopt this child under my conditions."

"Looking at your ID, you're only 19 years old. Are you still married? Don't think about the future?"

"Yes, but you know my resume, my character has been tested"

"I know, I know" Officer Zhou kept nodding, saying but still hesitated.

Director Liu tugged Officer Zhou, and said, "Li Baowei's conditions couldn't be more suitable. This case can't be dragged on any longer."

"I know." Officer Zhou hesitated, thought for a while and asked Li Xuewu seriously: "Do you know the situation of the child's parents? You still decided to adopt it?"

"Yes, I have a general understanding of the situation of his parents from the two people on the railway, but the child is not wrong," Li Xuewu said, shaking the child in his arms lightly.

"What do you mean?" Zhou cadre asked the staff of the foreign embassy.

Both of them nodded in agreement, and asked for Li Xuewu's address.

"Okay, I'll go out and talk to that family right now." Officer Zhou wanted to open the door to go out, but was stopped by Li Xuewu.

"I need that family to write a letter of guarantee to give up the child's custody. Everyone in the family has to sign and put their fingerprints. And where did the money I put in the child's package go?"

"Is there a need to write a letter of guarantee? I'll just issue you a statement of closure and a certificate. There are people from the embassy to testify, and your money should be in the hands of that family. I'll go and ask you."

Li Xuewu said sternly: "I want their letter of guarantee, and I also want your closing statement and certificate, and the embassy also has to sign and stamp on the certificate."

That week, the cadres looked at Li Xuewu, saw that he was determined, and were afraid that he would give up the pick, so they nodded and went out.

The staff of the embassy said to Li Xuewu: "Although we can't deal with this child, we will pay you child support."

"No need, I can afford him if I can adopt him"

Now that you decide to adopt, you must follow your own surname and nationality, and there is no need for these people to pretend to be good people.

The embassy staff shook his head and said: "That's what you think, but our working procedures are like this"

Is it okay not to charge?

Li Xuewu was noncommittal to what the two said.

Because the door was not closed when Cadre Zhou left the room, the conversation between Li Xuewu and the diplomats was naturally overheard by the outside.

The two diplomats spoke out-of-pitch Chinese, but both could understand them.

The young man outside made a fuss again: "Let me tell you, if there is compensation and child support, it must be given to me. It is my sister's child."

"Why didn't you say it was your sister's child just now?" Gan Gan glared at the clerk at the door and choked at the young man.

"Just now, we don't sign this agreement, return the child to us." The young man was about to break into the back room as he said.

Director Liu in the room became angry, and his slap was stuck on the face of the young man who was about to break into the room.

"If you fuck me again, I'll send you to the fence to loosen your bones"

The police officers in the local area are not as polite as the police officers in the capital city, and they speak and act with a stern tone, otherwise they would not be able to deter the current local environment.

What's more, it's at the director level. Director Liu was obviously annoyed by this young man just now, but he suddenly found an opportunity.

"Why did you hit someone?" The young man covered his face and said angrily.

"Hitting you is light. Let me ask you, where is the money in the package? When Li Baowei put it away, the watchman and the driver were there, take it out"

"I thought it was my sister's money"

"Fart, the officer on duty said that he has explained clearly to you, how dare you play sloppy with me, take it out"

"Why, it was given by him"

"For you?"


"Don't hesitate with the two of you, I'll tell you, if you don't take it out, you can go with me today"

Seeing that the old police officer was serious, the young man covered his face and went to his partner, begging.

The girl reluctantly took out the money, stuffed it into the young man's hand, glared at the young man, twisted her body and ran out.

The young man wanted to chase but dared not, because two police officers came in and blocked the door.

The young man handed the money to Director Liu, and was forced to sign by Zhou Guan with his eyes, and then ran out to chase it.

 Good morning:
  The weather is fine today,

  After reading today's chapter, go out and walk around,

  Don't forget to help me vote for recommendations and monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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