Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 72 It's Not What I Said

Chapter 72 It's Not What I Said

Sister Wang shook the water in her hand, took the washed quilt and stuffed it into the small pocket when she brought the quilt, and handed it to Li Xuewu.

"The scorpions are very easy to wash, they are all made of Xiaobu, remember to take them out to dry when you get on the train"

Seeing that the officer Liang who picked him up came up again, Li Xuewu shook hands with the elder sister.

"Understood, big sister, we are destined, I will write you a letter when I get back, and then go to the capital to find me according to the address, my brother will definitely receive you well"

"Okay, big sister knows, you are in a hurry, hurry up and go"

Li Xuewu nodded gratefully, and joined Liu Guoyou who came out of the opposite room.

Sister Wang held the child in her arms, and Li Xuewu carried the bag on her back, and went out with the bag and bag.

Seeing Li Xuewu and the others leaving, the middle-aged couple also followed.

I didn't feel it when I came here, but now it's snowing.

Snowflakes drifted all over the sky with the wind, a few flakes fell on the shoulders of everyone, and were swept away again. No matter how strong the cold wind was, it couldn't blow away the sadness in my heart.

Li Xuewu got into the car first with his bag in his hand. Sister Wang handed the child into Li Xuewu's arms and helped Li Xuewu close the car door.

After a few people were seated, the jeep turned on the ignition and slowly started rolling the white snow.

From the side glass window, Li Xuewu saw the middle-aged woman squatting on the ground covering her face and crying, and the middle-aged man who had not spoken all this time suddenly made a bow to Li Xuewu.

The jeep drove a long way under the wind and snow, and the man could still be seen in the rearview mirror.

An elegy can be used as a weeping song, and a distant view can be used as an angelica.

It's just that neither weeping nor looking from afar can stop their flesh and blood from being separated.

Li Xuewu and his party were sent to the station where the child was handed over at that time. Seeing Li Xuewu and the three entered the station with the child in their arms, the attendant on duty was still surprised.

Liu Guoyou and Liu Guoyou both had the feeling of having survived the catastrophe, each of them tightened their mouths, found a chair to lie down and pretended to be dozing off.

Seeing that Li Xuewu only coaxed the child and didn't talk to him, the attendant felt that he was bored and stopped picking words.

At 7:[-] in the morning, the train that Li Xuewu and the others were waiting for pulled into the station.

As soon as it docked, Wang Yimin ran over with the guards from Qiyi Factory who were on duty for Li Xuewu.

Several people exchanged information about the situation, and Li Xuewu and Wang Yimin agreed to take over the security guard from the Qiyi Factory and hand over the spear, and asked the security guard to wait for the next bus back to Spring City.

Li Xuewu took the child to the front car to guard the car, and Wang Yimin and Han Zhan were on duty to guard the car.

This was just for Wang Yimin to take care of Li Xuewu. Li Xuewu thanked him gratefully, and he was not polite. He took the child and boarded the passenger car in front.

The passenger cars were filled with workers from the rolling mill to and from the north and workers from several factories.

Li Xuewu did not dare to ask, handed the child to Liu Guoyou, and stood at the observation window behind the car with a spear on his back.

It's still the same set of procedures, but this time it's a cart.

Wang Yimin and Wang Yimin were on duty in the car behind the carriage, and Li Xuewu was on duty in the front car.

It is comfortable to come back, the steel is so heavy that no one can steal it.

The child was full of food and sleep along the way, and Liu Guoyou and Han Dache also helped Li Xuewu take care of the child on duty.

This trip basically does not stop, and only stops at a small stop for meals, and the train departs after the taxi is finished.

On the way back, Li Xuewu also ate well and slept well. The three of them took turns coaxing the children. Li Xuewu made up for the sleep he lost and returned to the capital on Saturday afternoon.

After entering the rolling mill, the unloading work was naturally a matter for the dispatching room. I handed in the escort log, returned to the weapon room to hand in the gun and bullets, carried the child in my arms, and returned to the dormitory with the package.

After entering the dormitory, the guards were surprised to see Li Xuewu walking in with a child in his arms.

Li Xuewu didn't care about the crowd, but spread out his luggage and opened the child's package, the little guy was sleeping soundly.

Folded a small pillow with a pillow towel, put the child's head on it, gently lifted the two little feet, checked that the quilt was dry, and covered the child with the quilt.

"The child is asleep, take a look for me, if he wakes up, he will coax me for a while"

At this time, which family's children have not coaxed younger siblings, and several team members responded softly: "Leader, I will help you coax"

Seeing several people gathered in front of Li Xuewu's bunk and looking at that little man, Li Xuewu smiled and went to the factory bath to take a bath.

Han Zhan also wanted to go with Li Xuewu when he got out of the station, but after thinking about it for several days and not going home, he refused the invitation to take a bath with Li Xuewu, and went out with Wang Yimin.

But when Wang Yimin walked to the gate of the factory, he said that he had forgotten something, so he turned back.

Han Zhan watched Master Wang walking towards the factory office building, wondering if something might have been left in the gun storage, and went home without thinking about it.

The rolling mill has its own baths, and the workers are given bath tickets and cleaning supplies, which are regarded as employee benefits.

There are 2 bath tickets per person per month, and you can buy tickets if you want to wash more.

Outsiders can also come in for a wash, but people in the city dislike the crowds here and don't want to come, so they all go to the city to wash.

Only the villagers and residents around the rolling mill bought tickets for the convenience of being nearby.

Li Xuewu handed over a bath ticket to the ticket collector, carried the toiletries and towels into the dressing room, picked up a basket, sat on a wooden stool and stripped himself clean.

Put the basket full of clothes on the top of the cabinet, shake the toiletries and towels with you, and walk into the bathroom.

There are four large bubble pools in the men's bath, and there are quite a few shower heads around them.

I haven't got off work yet, and I only finished draining the water in the first pool.

Li Xuewu rushed at the right time, and he took a dip.

I tried the temperature in the pool with my hands, hey, the water was hot at first glance.

He flicked the water in the pool with his hands to rinse the countertop of the pool, then sat on it with his legs crossed, twisted his body and put his feet into the pool.

Do not rush into the pool as soon as you take a bath, as the sudden rise in external temperature may cause damage to your body organs.

To take a bath, you have to put your feet into the pool to warm up partly, and then use the hot water in the pool to rinse your body.

But you can't rub it, I didn't say it, it's an old rule.

Taking a bath in the soaking pool can cause white eyes at the slightest, and broken head at the worst.

The hot water that washes over slowly raises the temperature of the body, and then I can sit down slowly while leaning on the edge of the pool.

"Oh ha~~ah~~Wuhu~~woo~~comfortable!"

Not to mention how comfortable it is to take a bath in the big pool, not to mention that he is the only one in such a big house.

Ethereal, lonely, magnanimous.

All kinds of feelings came to my heart.

After soaking for more than ten minutes, I stood up and walked to the dressing room, and took out the enamel mug and tea in the space.

A row of thermos bottles with rattan shells are placed against the wall in the locker room, which are for the workers in the bath to drink, and now they focus on serving the people.

Li Xuewu picked up a thermos bottle and pulled out the stopper, put his hand on the mouth of the bottle to test the temperature of the water, it was new.

I made a mug of tea with the hot water in the thermos bottle, took the tea mug and walked back to the pool to continue brewing.

It’s a bath, I came out to rub it without soaking for 10 minutes, it’s a fur rabbit.

It has to be soaked for ten, twenty, ten minutes, sit by the pool to rest for a while, chat a few words, drink tea, let the body sweat from the inside out, open the capillary pores, and then continue to soak.

When is the whole body red like a big lobster, and the body is weak, and the belly of the fingers and the belly of the toes are all soaked in smoke, so come out again.

The next step after getting out of the pool is to take a shower.

Li Xuewu called a scrubber outside the door.

The master just went to work at this moment, Li Xuewu is the first customer of the day, it is the time when the master is full of strength.

Hey guys, skip a long description of human epidermis dirtology here.

The scrubbers are not workers assigned by the factory. Like the barbers in the bathroom, they earn change.

Li Xuewu listened to the chatter of the guards, and the scrub master in the factory had also been reported before, and the logistics director had no choice but to drive him away.

The workers had no one to help them take a bath all winter. Later, they didn’t know how they found out the person who made the report.

After scrubbing, I took a shower to rinse off, washed my hair and face, brushed my teeth, and finally cleaned up.

The tired body returns to the soul.


  For the sake of everyone's enjoyment, I increased the number of words,

  Thank you very much to all the readers who have commented on my book.
  For better or worse, it's your love for me,
  Thank you so much, I can't thank you enough,
  Let me show you a reminder~
  I beg bathing friends to give rewards and give away tickets!
  I wish everyone can go to the second floor after taking a bath!
(End of this chapter)

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