Siheyuan diet for men and women

Chapter 76 Hello, Factory Manager

Chapter 76 Hello, Factory Manager

As soon as Li Xuewu left, Shazhu's anger burst out.

Originally, I was angry because Xu Damao chose to show the movie today, but now I heard Li Xuewu say that Xu Damao ruined his good deeds.

Is it tolerable or unbearable? After tolerating Qin Huairu, can you tolerate Xu Damao?

"As for the bastard Xu Damao, let me tell you, hey! If I don't kill him, I won't be able to sleep."

Apprentice Ma Hua knew how the two fought: "What's wrong? He provoked you again?"

Sha Zhu nodded and said angrily: "This bastard ruined my good deed."

Ma Hua questioned: "What's the matter? He is covered by a leader."

Silly Zhu avoided talking about anything, but said indignantly: "I only mess with him if there is a leader. This grandson is appointed to come here to drink with the leader today. Look at how I will treat him!"

Shazhu secretly made up a plan to revenge Xu Damao, complacent.

These two people really planned to get together, this is called not being enemies and not getting together!
Li Xuewu came back to the open field and heard Xu Damao still flirting with the sisters of the Qin family: "Let's be serious, sister Qin, you really can't sit here, I reserved it for the factory leader"

The current cadres are not so powerful and have no privileges. This is how Xu Damao can curry favor with the factory leaders.

Qin Huairu deliberately hooked up: "The factory leader? Who is it?"

Xu Damao thought I would startle you by saying my name: "Deputy Factory Director Li, Secretary Yang and the others"

Li Xuewu went out of the cafeteria to go back to the dormitory to take the child home, but when he saw Lou Xiao'e angrily rushing in from the crowd, he stopped again.

This Lou Xiao'e's fighting power is not good, so he just greeted and sarcastically from a long distance away, beat and beat Xu Damao, no other drastic actions.

This is a little tiger without sharp claws and fangs, and he dare not fight that fox.

Li Xuewu folded his arms and watched the farce, and when he saw that there was no trouble, he stopped watching and moved away from the circle.

From the current point of view, Qin Jingru is quite succulent. The rural girl can raise such a succulent, it seems that the family also prefers it.

In fact, this stems from Qin Huairu's entering the city.

Ever since Qin Huairu married into the city, it has been very prosperous for a while.

The Jia family's orphans and widowed mothers are regarded as poor and settled in the city. Even though Jia Dongxu later entered the factory and became a third-level fitter, he was an ordinary family with no family background.

But in the eyes of the rural people, the workers in the city are the iron rice bowl, eating the food supply and receiving industrial tickets, and the girls in the village line up to marry into the city.

Back then, Qin Huairu was good-looking, with a protruding front and back, and she looked good at giving birth, so she married into Jia's family.

Now Qin Jingru's family also thinks that their daughter can marry into the city like Qin Huairu, so they don't want her to do heavy work. That's why they have fair skin and beautiful skin, and their cheeks are so tender that they can squeeze out water.

Qin Jingru also lives up to expectations, just like her sister, with a bulging front and back, a baby face, a small cherry mouth, and big watery eyes.

It's just that the girl has never seen anything in the world, so she was a little bluffed, just like the little girls in the countryside at this time, everything is novel, what others say is true, and when they see something good, they can't walk. In the city, they are given two sugar balls The kind that can be replaced.

At this time, Deputy Factory Manager Li, Secretary Yang, Fu Bin, Dong Xuexue, and some leaders from other departments walked in.

Li Xuewu saw coming from the direction he went out, so he stepped aside to make room.

Workers along the way gave way to say hello.

"Hello factory manager"

"Hello Secretary Yang"

"Hello, Director Li"

Deputy Factory Manager Li and Secretary Yang hugged each other to the position that Xu Damao had prepared earlier.

This Qin Huairu is also a coward, seeing the factory leader approaching, he hurriedly dragged Qin Jingru back to BangGong's position.

Stick and the others only occupied one seat on the bench, so the two children could only hug and watch.

Qin Jingru hugged Sophora japonica, Qin Huairu hugged Xiaodang, and Banggen sat in the middle.

Qin Huairu just sat down here.

Several leaders over there also took their seats.

After sitting down, deputy factory manager Li looked around with admiring and envious eyes, and suddenly saw Li Xuewu wearing a military cotton cap, wearing a police uniform, and wearing a military overcoat, giving way to the cadres of the agency.

Deputy Factory Manager Li turned around with a smile and said a few words to Fu Bin. After hearing this, Fu Bin stood up and waved to Li Xuewu: "Li Xuewu, come sit here, the leader wants to chat with you."

The secretary of the factory office cleverly placed his square stool next to the wide stool next to Deputy Director Li and Secretary Yang.

Li Xuewu saw the cadres of the finance department and the personnel department, and habitually respected the cigarettes and said politely. Hearing Fu Bin's call, he snuffed out the cigarette butts with his fingers and threw them on the ground. He said hello and moved back.

He walked to Deputy Director Li and Secretary Yang and saluted, then saluted Fu Bin and Dong Xuexue, nodded to the directors of other departments, and shook hands with the secretary who gave up his seat to express his thanks .

Deputy Factory Manager Li and the others admired Li Xuewu's politeness and manners very much. The dignity of those who have been in the army cannot be learned by others, and they cannot be seen in the security personnel.

Deputy Factory Manager Li patted Li Xuewu's arm and said, "Sit down, don't stand."

Li Xuewu hurriedly sat down next to Deputy Director Li. It was not completely dark yet, and the movie hadn't started yet, so everyone was watching the group of people in the middle, especially Deputy Director Li specially called Li Xuewu over.

The crowd began to discuss whether Li Xuewu was the relative and nephew of Li's deputy factory director, after all, their surname was Li.

Sitting right in front of Li Xuewu was Qin Huairu's family. Qin Jingru secretly looked back at Li Xuewu with wide eyes.

The man had a scarred face and looked scary.

Deputy Director Li asked kindly: "How is it, learning martial arts, are you still adapting to work in the rolling mill?"

Before Li Xuewu answered, Secretary Yang joked beside him: "How do you want to get used to it? I caught the big mouse in our factory on the first day I entered the factory, hahaha"

The leaders of several departments behind him laughed, and Deputy Director Li even patted Li Xuewu's arm with a smile.

Li Xuewu really made Li Huaide look good this time.

The only ones who were ready to be whipped in this incident were the factory manager Yang and the cadres of the production management department.

Because deputy factory director Li, Secretary Yang, and the heads of various departments behind him were newly transferred from several factories in the past two years after the merger, they can't take any responsibility.

The person who took the responsibility didn't come here today, and he was struggling to find a way to make things right, so how could he be in the mood to watch a movie?

Li Xuewu said to Secretary Yang: "Thank you for the criticism from the leader. In the future, I will pay attention to uniting comrades and strive to get used to the working rhythm of the rolling mill as soon as possible."

Deputy Factory Director Li introduced to Li Xuewu with a smile: "This is Secretary Yang of our factory. Don't be burdened. Secretary Yang doesn't mean that. You have done a good job. You must maintain a good style of work, love your job and work hard, and protect the factory. Protect the country"

When Li Xuewu heard the words of Deputy Director Li, he reached out his hands and shook Secretary Yang, and then said: "Secretary Yang, my relationship between the party and the masses has been transferred to our rolling mill. Secretary Yang is my natal family. What does the natal family say?" It's all for my own good"

Secretary Yang patted Li Xuewu's hand and said, "I know what you have done. You are a good cadre. If you have any difficulties, tell the organization."

  I squeezed the water dry,
  Let's vote, veterans~
  Here I would like to thank the book friends who gave the reward,

  The elders on the river can tolerate me,

  Do not let the world make money,
  Thank you~
  After the update yesterday, I saw the news from Fujian.
  very sad.
  The heavy rain this time is fierce,

  Once again, readers are reminded to pay attention to travel safety.

(End of this chapter)

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