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Chapter 238 Returning to the Lord God's Space

Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan are natural enemies.

One is the Virgin, who is born with a kind heart. He is not a bitch of the Virgin, he just talks about it and restricts you morally.

If Zheng Zha has something to do, he is really serious!

Especially in this evil realm of the Lord God, there are not many people like him who can truly turn their backs to you.

If those newcomers meet the breeding team, the devil team, it will be miserable...

Chu Xuan, on the other hand, pays attention to absolute reason, abandons all emotions, and achieves the highest return at the smallest cost.

Even if some people's lives would be sacrificed, even his own, he could do it.

Such two people~

Zhao Jie couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time, Chu Xuan was facing the cordial greetings from the Lord God.

The task of the main god of 20 people is not easy, no less than the arrival of the god of death, serial pursuit.

With the arrival of the angel Zog, the door in the sky was slowly closed, and no other monsters descended.

But there are already more than a dozen Kirierod vanguards standing in front of them, as well as the angel Zog who came from nowhere!
One fights more than a dozen, and there is also a super boss, no matter how you look at it, the victory is very different.

The angel Zog put his hands on his chest slowly, his body exuded endless brilliance, and his face was full of pity and compassion, which instantly attracted the attention of the entire urbanite.

Their eyes were blurred, and they fell to their knees involuntarily, making a pilgrimage to this beautiful angel, and the faith in their minds gradually collapsed.

And the other Kyriairods gradually surrounded Chu Xuan, leaving no room for him to escape.

Everyone looked terrified.

"Is this a joke?"

Zheng Zha felt that everyone was numb, "Although it is said to be difficult for 20 people, it is not so perverted, how can Chu Xuan beat it alone?"

"Where is Tiga?"

"The current Dijia has just woken up for less than a month, and his combat power is very weak. There is no way to share too much... It will be over..."

When everyone was discussing and looking desperate, Zhao Jie murmured, "Bloom, Chu Xuan, call out that name loudly!"

The emperor's armor in the direct picture is waving his hands there, but he hasn't made any movements for a long time, as if hesitating for something.

"Shout! Chu Xuan! Shout out that name!"

The corner of Zhao Jie's mouth turned upwards. Since it was the Emperor's Armor, it was naturally full of ritual. He added some interesting things to the Emperor's Armor.

For example...

Chu Xuan looked at the Kirielod people who came around, frowned, hesitated for a moment, then crossed his hands on top of his head, a strange energy was bred, and he yelled that shameful name loudly.

"The Emperor's Armor!"

"Five elements in one!"

Bright streamers spread from the limbs and converged on the head, forming a five-color light that shot straight into the sky.

This beam of light was strongly stimulated, and instantly dispelled the strange brilliance of the angel Zog. The beam of light spread upward from the earth, and the sun far away in the starry sky seemed to sense it, and it also shone with brilliance.

A dazzling golden unicorn rushed from the sun, and sank into the chest of Emperor Chu Xuan's armor in a blink of an eye. The powerful energy caused his body to swell instantly. …

Powerful visible to the naked eye!
From the original several hundred meters body expanded to more than 300 meters.

The Kirielod people who had besieged him were stupefied, and raised their heads to barely reach Chu Xuan's calf, turning into a petite short man.

Before they could react, Chu Xuan bent his left leg, exerted all his strength, and slapped them hard, and slapped them all over the place, sending several of them flying in an instant.

The rest of the Kirielods quickly jumped back and shot light with their backhands, but Chu Xuan stretched out his left hand, and a yellow emperor shield appeared out of thin air, blocking it tightly.

"Emperor Sword!"

With a wave of Chu Xuan's right hand, rich golden flames spread in his hand, and a golden giant sword hundreds of meters in length appeared in his hand, and he swung it heavily, like chopping melons and vegetables, sweeping away all the surrounding bases in an instant. The Aylords directly cut them in half.

Even the Kirielods who were beaten into the air just now were randomly waved by Chu Xuan, and the strong golden sword light instantly smashed them to pieces.

too strong!
Zheng Zha opened his mouth wide and was stunned. Why does he feel that the Emperor's armor is more powerful than Shining Dijia?
He turned his head to look at Zhao Jie, hoping for an explanation from the forging man of the Emperor's Armor.

Didn't you talk about technology?
How can it be like a fantasy, attracting the power of the sun to become so high.

"The emperor's armor is the incarnation of the way of heaven, controlling all the energy of everything in the world, and the sun naturally belongs to it~"

Bald Qiang naturally wouldn't do such a thing, but in order to increase the influence of his mission, Zhao Jie modified Bald Qiang's mecha to make it more realistic.

"This emperor's armor is also equipped with other functions. It can attach energy to the body surface for fighting. It is very hard. It can't be touched by ordinary energy attacks at all. Even physical attacks can offset the damage..."

"And I have added a function to the Emperor's Armor, which can infinitely magnify people's perception, making the armor extra sensitive, and for Chu Xuan, he can even predict the future for a short time and avoid a lot of damage..."

"I also loaded a very interesting function in it~"

Seeing everyone's dumbfounded eyes, Zhao Jie crossed his chest, with a little smug expression on his face, how about it, my nickname of Big Big Wolf is not for nothing.

Although I am a master of cultivating immortals, I am also a master of science and technology!

"Boss, what is the function?"

Zhan Lan couldn't help but opened her mouth to ask out of curiosity.

Zhao Jie still can't answer, Chu Xuan and the angel Zog have already fought the final decisive battle, I saw him slowly retract the Emperor Sword in the eyes of everyone puzzled, and then put his hands together, and there was an extremely bright of light.

The newcomer's eyes are wide open, this move, this familiar move...

It is a classic move of the director of the meat joint factory...

Oh my God!
"Emperor Light Wheel!"

Chu Xuan raised his arms high, and his body instantly disappeared out of thin air. The emperor's armor was also equipped with a miniature wormhole shuttle function. The angel Zog looked around blankly, and a light wheel slashed fiercely on her neck.


The harsh and piercing sound, as well as the bright flashes of sparks, were like a chainsaw cutting.

The angel Zog roared angrily and swayed his body, but was punched hard by Chu Xuan, and his huge body crashed to the ground.

Chu Xuan was not polite, sat up on his ass, picked up the eight-point light wheel in his hand, and continued to put it on Zog's neck. It looked like he would have to dismember her.

This sturdy scene.

Zheng Zha was sweating profusely, and the scientific researchers who agreed were weak, how could this guy be so violent?

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