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Chapter 282 Chinese Brand 2060 Mobile Phone Silly Girl

Chapter 282 Chinese Brand 2060 Mobile Phone Silly Girl

Seeing a woman in red dress suddenly appear and take Sun Wukong away, Zhao Jie's eyes flashed with surprise, because he actually knew that woman.

"Chinese brand 2060 mobile phone silly girl!"

"how is this possible……"

"How could she appear in this world?"

There was surprise in Zhao Jie's eyes. He looked at Sha Niu's body naked, leaving a strange feeling in the sky, which was obviously data.

No, not data!
It is Quantum Yuanshen!
Zhao Jie suddenly realized that the Quantum Primordial Spirit was the way he deduced to cultivate the Primordial Spirit, but he did not practice it. Instead, Yang Jian carried it forward and cultivated it to the point where he has no desires and desires, is absolutely rational, controls his body and is almost invincible in melee combat. the point.

And the silly girl who suddenly appeared, the aura on her body is really familiar...

Is it...

Zhao Jie stopped hesitating immediately, stepped on his foot, Xingzimi shuttled through the space, grabbed Sha Niu's foot, and followed her through the space-time tunnel.

This is such a strange space-time tunnel. Zhao Jie himself is a powerful manipulator of time. He can even travel to and from the river of time at will, manipulate the passage of time, and resurrect the dead. However, he has never seen such a space-time tunnel. It entered his mind, making him extremely obsessed.

But this feeling is fleeting.

A chain crossed Zhao Jie's wrist, directly throwing him out of the space-time tunnel, the feeling of intoxication was fleeting.

It's like the extreme pleasure of going to the clubhouse and taking care of the hardworking sister's business. After blooming, it disappears, which makes people feel lost.

Zhao Jie didn't know where he was. He looked up at the surrounding high-rise buildings, and suddenly understood in his heart that he was destined to be thrown into the modern time and space by the silly girl.

His mind was full of doubts.

Why did Silly Girl take Sun Wukong away?
Who created the silly girl?

He slowly raised his hand, and found that this world was completely different from the world he was in before. It was full of so-called data everywhere, as if the whole world was made of data, Tao and law, and death where rules were suppressed. die.

This weird feeling...

Zhao Jie remembered the introduction of the mysterious world of recovery that he had seen before, the battle between gods and Buddhas, the rules of immortality collapsed, and the incomplete souls of the gods were compatible with the rules, turning into weirdness.

Has the world become like this?

With his eyes closed, he manipulated his soul to perceive everything around him. His strength was not suppressed. He knew too many things, not only the Dao and Law of this world, but also other worlds.

Even if Yang Jian's physical strength was suppressed and he couldn't move Wanshan at will like before, it didn't affect Zhao Jie's strength at all.

He felt the rules of the changes in the world, and gradually found a trace of rules, very familiar rules.

Quantum God!

Definitely Quantum Primordial Spirit!
A very profound, very distant, very pure way of Quantum God.

The more Zhao Jie felt it, the more frightened he was. He couldn't find any traces of immortals, he couldn't find the old site of the Heavenly Court, and even his soul went beyond the earth, but what he saw was the blue planet and the vast starry sky. planet and sun.

This is not that world!
This is not Yang Jian's world!

He has seen Yang Jian's world before in the heaven. There are 33 levels of heaven above and [-] levels of hell below.

"What the hell happened?"

While Zhao Jie was thinking, several little girls passed by on the side of the road couldn't help taking out their mobile phones to take pictures of him.

Now he looks like Erlang God Yang Jian, with a stern face, dressed in armor, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, coupled with that fairy temperament, it is difficult not to attract attention.

Zhao Jie glanced at them, his eyes glowed faintly, he saw the so-called data everywhere in the world, although he didn't quite understand, some things were still the same as what he deduced before.

At a glance, the passers-by around him dispersed one after another, as if they hadn't seen anything.

Zhao Jie patted his chest lightly, and the battle armor on his body fell apart, turning into green data like a rainstorm, and then changed into a suit of casual clothes.

This data is still useful.

Although Sha Niu threw him in this time and space, it couldn't control him at all.

The rules of the whole world are in his eyes, very novel, completely different from the laws of other worlds.

But as long as it takes a while, he can easily crack the mastery, leave this world, and return to Yang Jian's world.

"Silly girl..."

Zhao Jie murmured, the integration of man and machine seems to be a good choice.

He didn't believe that that guy, silly girl, didn't come to find him. After all, someone like himself who traveled from the mythical world to the modern world is a huge social hidden danger.

According to Sha Niu's setting of maintaining social justice, she will definitely come back to him.

He looked around, and suddenly thought that he hadn't eaten food for many years, and he lived by drinking northwest wind.

After all, the food in ordinary society is pure impurities to his immortal body, and he has to expel it all after eating.

But considering the uniqueness of this world and the suppression of the laws of immortality, Zhao Jie patted his stomach and decided to spend some money in the city.

With a rub of his fingers, there was an extra bank card in his palm.

He looked left and right, and cast his eyes on the ATM in the distance. When he walked to the ATM, he rubbed his fingers again. He realized that he had changed too many cards, and the ATM was beeping. Keep spitting out money.

Very convenient!
Zhao Jie happily put his hands in his pockets, found a high-end restaurant and sat down, leisurely enjoying the food, while eating, a head was born by the window, lying there drooling.


Zhao Jie raised his eyebrows, and found that the man was very familiar, wasn't it his dog, Xiaotiangou?
Oh no, this world is the King of Yellow Eyebrows!
The Yellow-browed King looks like a roaring dog, You Suowei looks like Yang Jian, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, and Tang Seng are even more original versions, which makes Zhao Jie more suspicious that this world is the one created by Yang Jian.

He stretched out his finger, tapped lightly on the glass, and the yellow-browed king who was drooling on the glass fell straight in.

Before he could realize what was going on, Zhao Jie handed him a plate of meat, not to mention how delicious the smell was, and the Yellow-browed King didn't say anything, just started doing it, and it took him a long time to realize, "You You, you, you, you, you know magic, and you also came here through time travel?"

He even stood up and bit the flesh in his mouth hard, "Boy, give me some money quickly. I am the King of Yellow Eyebrows. I live in Xiaoleiyin Temple. I have five hundred younger brothers under my command. When I return to Xiaoxitian , you are the Second Great King of my Little Leiyin Temple, how about it?"

The Yellow-Browed King has quite a special temperament at this time. Hey, I am Qin Shihuang. As long as you give me 500 yuan, I will overthrow the world in the army and make you king in the future!
Zhao Jie laughed loudly, "Huangmei, you have heard my name, my name is Yang Jian!"

"Yang...Yang...Yang Jian..."

The Yellow-Browed King was so frightened that he rolled his eyes, his body slid down weakly, and lay on the ground, he was so frightened that he fainted~

Zhao Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and continued to gnaw on the chicken legs leisurely. He may have underestimated Yang Jian's reputation. He has been fighting against the demon clan all his life, and his reputation is very famous!

In 2006...

(End of this chapter)

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