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Chapter 448 The Shortcut to the Other Side

Chapter 448 The Shortcut to the Other Side

Among the lords of the world.

If you can make a ranking list for those who are the worst.

Fuxi is definitely on the list!

All the other other big figures of the other side are famous through the ages, and all of them are powerful and brilliant.

Even if they don't ask about world affairs, they still have great freedom and freedom. They can change the time and everything with a random thought. They are unattainable existences among all practitioners.

And Fuxi.

But he made himself a joke!

He became a big shot on the other side, but his mind was controlled by others, he couldn't control his body at all, and lost himself.

After fighting for several epochs, he finally regained his sanity, and in the blink of an eye, his body was snatched away by the long-awaited Heavenly Emperor Oriole.

Even at the end.

Fuxi was also sacrificed by the Emperor of Heaven, turned into resistance to prevent the return of Yuanshi Tianzun, and became the first such absurd big man on the other side to fall.

However, Zhao Jie didn't intend to make fun of the other party. Although the other party was indeed a bit miserable, the strength of the other party lay there.

A big man of the other side!
This gap in strength cannot be made up by anything.

Zhao Jie sat there cross-legged, watching there quietly, he was already prepared in his heart to run away at any time.

Anyway, he has accomplished his small goal.

The good fortune is perfect.

As for the other shore level...

Accept it when you see it!
Anyway, he still has an endless lifespan. With so many worlds, he is quietly waiting for new members to join the chat group, which will definitely bring him to a higher level.

Just as he was thinking to himself, a gleam of light struck from a distance.

It is indeed a ruler.

It's Emperor Zhenwu!
Zhao Jie breathed a sigh of relief, as he had guessed, he was just an ordinary Creation Realm, so he was the ruler of the heavens and worlds.

But in the eyes of the high-ranking people on the other side, he doesn't have any reason to be shot, or to be involved in karma.

On the contrary, it was Emperor Zhenwu.

He is particularly disgusted with demons, evil spirits, and evil gods.

In particular, the demon lord once led the demons to attack the heavenly court. In that battle, the immortal gods in the heavenly court fell like raindrops, and countless powerful people died.

The hatred between the two sides has long been full.

Facing Emperor Zhenwu's attack, Zhao Jie didn't panic, he recognized the opponent's move, it was the Seven Swords Cutting the Sky that Meng Qi had obtained in the opponent's mansion!
Among the Taoist sects, the strongest move.

The status is the same as that of the Tathagata palm in Buddhism.

As soon as it comes up, it is a killer move!
Zhao Jie sacrificed the Heavenly Punishment Axe, the magic weapon in his hand was known as the best in attacking, but the magic weapon in the hands of Emperor Zhenwu was the number one in defense.

The strongest spear.

and the strongest shield.

The Heavenly Punishment Ax slashed across the space, rippling the ripples that split the space, entwined with the meaning of punishment, every ripple carried destruction, and all carried the wrath of heaven and earth.

The two extreme rays of light faced each other in mid-air, and when they collided, there was no sound, but instead formed a vast annihilation, sweeping the entire space.

The origin of life and death swayed accordingly.

The silence that greets the darkness!

That is full of prosperity and vitality!

These two extreme and opposing forces are constantly blending and filling together.

After Haohan collided, there was no second attack, Zhao Jie and Emperor Zhenwu tacitly stopped.

The voice of Emperor Zhenwu came faintly, full of confusion, "I have been immersed in many years have passed..."

He felt the familiar body of the Demon Emperor.

Originally thought that Zhao Jie was the reincarnation of the demon lord, so he shot directly.

But when Zhao Jie took out the Heavenly Punishment Axe, the sharpness and power of punishment on his body immediately made Emperor Zhenwu wake up.

I seem to have identified the wrong person...

If it is the reincarnation of the demon lord, his divine weapon is designated as the demon emperor's claws!

And relying on the other party's arrogant character, this will absolutely not tolerate his appearance in human form, and he will not even be reincarnated as a human race.

It is an exaggeration for a human race to be able to cultivate the Demon Lord's Demon Emperor's Tome to this extent, and what a talent it is.

I'm afraid the Unrivaled Demon Lord back then was nothing more than that!
Emperor Zhenwu had a look of loneliness in his eyes, he thought that he had been asleep for too long, just because it would take a long, long time for every strong man in the realm of good fortune to achieve it.

How many years have passed...

Maybe the era is over...

I haven't landed on the other side yet~

Zhen Wuchang sighed, and emerged from the darkness. He was wearing a black gown robe and a flat sky crown. His eyes were as deep as a galaxy, one black and one white, full of meaning of life and death.

He has entered the origin of life and death for many years. Although he has not completed his own ideas, he has a deep understanding of the origin of life and death.

"You are... Emperor Zhenwu?"

Zhao Jie pretended to be enlightened, "I once went to the mansion you left behind, and obtained the first form of the Seven Swords of Heaven from there. I thought you had passed away, but I didn't expect you to be alive now!"

There is emotion in his mouth.

After all, the ancient times are far from the end of his current era, but many thousands of years have passed.

The era of the Emperor of Heaven alone may have been tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention the ancient times that were even more ancient than the Emperor of Heaven.

While feeling emotional, Zhao Jie showed his little tail, "What are you doing here?"

He belongs to knowingly asking.

He knew very well what Emperor Zhenwu was doing.

He wants to understand the meaning of life and death, and through the collision between life and death, master the inheritance of Dao Zun, which is the way of Tai Chi!
The Tao of Tai Chi is profound, it is not as simple as yin and yang at all, it is the fusion of all opposites in the world to achieve balance.

Is this easier said than done?
However, if one can comprehend the way of Tai Chi and comprehend this path completely, then one can condense one's own Dao fruit, overtake one step at a time, and directly overtake another car on a curve, surpassing the other side of the normal path, and only one step away from the ancient one.

This feels like it.

Others from the other side are just like ordinary people, after working hard in elementary school, middle school and university, they have obtained a diploma, and then applied for a good company with a high threshold and received a high salary.

However, Emperor Zhenwu did not go to school at all, and entered the society from elementary school to enter the society, grow up by himself, face the darkness of society by himself, learn skills by himself, and start his own business.

The risk of failure is high!
The possibility of starving to death is also very high!

Bet on the probability of one in ten million, if you choose the right path, if you succeed in starting a business, you will take off directly in Wuhu, and reach the level that other ordinary people can't reach at all.

This is corner overtaking!
Emperor Zhenwu fell while overtaking in this corner, but he didn't succeed.

But Zhao Jie is different.

He has many god avatars, even if he sinks into the sea of ​​suffering, sinking into the meaning of life and death, he can wake himself up with the help of other god avatars.

This is equivalent to him having a rich dad.

Whenever he fails to start a business, he will be given a small goal of [-] million and let him continue to work hard.

Too many times.

There is always success!
ps: 150 words today.

(End of this chapter)

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