Chapter 93 Di Lin's Wrath

Maybe it's because Voldemort has the attribute of the sixth child, or maybe it's because Beibei's statement that the sanctuary can live for hundreds of thousands of years is too shocking. The entire chat group didn't discuss Voldemort, but they were all chattering Talking about the sanctuary, talking about Beibei's world.

Waiting for the day when you have nothing to worry about in your own world, maybe you can go to Beibei's world to see a wider world.

Who doesn't want to live for tens of thousands of years?

But I just think about it now, after all, they also have self-knowledge, a world where masters can live for so long, there will definitely be countless masters.

I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and be an earth king in my own world. If I were to be treated as a slave in Beibei's world, that would be really...

Living freely for tens of thousands of years and being oppressed and exploited as slaves for tens of thousands of years are two different concepts.

Seeing that the group members did not have Aite himself, Zhao Jie was also happy to relax. He glanced at the spells uploaded by Voldemort. It can be said that there are not many. One person has contributed thousands of them, but most of them are life-like spells. Very suitable for novices~
After a few glances, he immediately lost interest. He continued to sit cross-legged, quietly waiting for the coming moment.

This is the correct time he found after simulating 340 four times, but don't miss it!
Panlong World.

Linley walked forward slowly. He looked at the complex and cumbersome magic circle reflected on the ceiling of the cave with a serious expression on his face. The magic circle of this level is really too advanced, too advanced!
"It's terrifying. I've lived for more than 1000 years, and I've never seen such a magic circle. It's terrifying."

Delin, the top authority of the magic circle, was floating beside him, his face was extraordinarily dignified. He was also a master in the sanctuary before his death, and he used a lot of magic circles, but even the best and most powerful forbidden magic compared with this magic circle, it was simply nothing. The difference between a breeze and a tornado.

Delin subconsciously stroked his beard, looked at the long sword in the center of the magic circle, and his eyes jumped suddenly. If he saw it right, it was a divine weapon.


If Linley possesses this artifact, he will be invincible in the sanctuary!

"Take it!"

Hearing Grandpa Delin's urging, Linley hurried forward, followed Grandpa Delin's prompt to drip blood on the long sword, a dim light flashed, and it was a success.

"Come on!"

Linley immediately turned around and left, without noticing that Beibei scratched his head with his hand, slapped the hollow of the long sword fiercely, and forced a piece of token into it.

Immediately afterwards, it jumped up and down, jumped several times in the cave, turned into a phantom, quickly caught up with Linley, and one person and one mouse went straight away.

The black token trembled, shuttled through the turbulent flow of space, moved forward in this boundless and chaotic space, and inserted it precisely into the prison of the Gobada plane.

This seems like a coincidence
It took Zhao Jie more than a dozen simulations to get it accurately.


The token disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by Zhao Jie's figure. He looked at everything around him, empty and desolate, and a sense of boundlessness came over his face.

This is the Gorbad Plane Prison?

Before Zhao Jie could observe the surroundings well, a huge, soul-shocking force suddenly descended, completely covering his body, enveloping him in it, and even the surrounding space was distorted, directly isolated from other areas open.

Zhao Jie was taken aback, the sudden fluctuation scared his heart out, thinking that he had fallen into someone's realm of gods, but soon he understood what was going on.

A wonderful message appeared in his mind, and he suddenly realized that this vast and vast fluctuation turned out to be the test of the laws of heaven and earth, the test of becoming a god!

This vast, boundless, and ancient power kept sweeping back and forth on Zhao Jie's body, and the wave of becoming a god did not come for a long time, and then slowly dispersed...

Dispersed? ? ?
Zhao Jie looked up in a daze, looking up at the empty sky, brother, don't bully me as a foreigner, I should become a god for me, if you don't let me become a god, won't I be finished?
The fluctuations of heaven and earth came, but he did not become a god. I am afraid that Zhao Jie is the only one in the supreme world of many planes.

Could it be because he was time-traveled?

Soon, Zhao Jie thought of the reason. Panlong World subdivided the laws of the world into four major rules and seven major rules. These are all established by the creator of the universe, Hongmeng. They are very perfect, but there are no laws of time and space.
In this world, no matter whether it is the sanctuary, the gods, the Dzogchen, or the main god, they cannot comprehend the laws of time and space. Even if Zhao Jie comprehended it, he would not be able to correspond to become a god. That is to say, he got stuck in a world bug.

As for when this bug will be fixed, it depends on when the programmer Hongmeng becomes interested, maybe [-] million years, maybe a billion years, maybe a trillion years.

Time really doesn’t matter to Brother Hongmeng~
Zhao Jie can only accept his fate, but this is no big deal, with the simulator in his body, he will make a comeback soon.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance. It took too long for the fluctuations of the heaven and earth to come, and finally attracted people.

who is it?

There was only a sound of breaking wind, and a handsome and bewitching young man in a dark golden robe was suspended in mid-air, holding three kittens in his arms.

It feels so familiar~

Before Zhao Jie could think about it, the weird young man raised his mouth and touched the head of the kitty in his arms, "A low-god who has just become a god, it seems that you are lucky, and there is hope to become a god. "

"Father, don't be so happy so early, it doesn't have to be a godhead of the destruction department." The cat in his arms complained, "It's been thousands of years, and there are only more than 100 low gods of the destruction department, which is too rare."

Before the strange young man could speak, he heard a vast dragon chant, which made his complexion change.

At this time, Zhao Jie had already turned into a golden dragon in time and space, and he had already remembered that the person in front of him was dressed like Di Lin, with the three cats on his chest, wasn't he?
The peak of the undergod under the rules of destruction, the main body is the beast swallowing the beast!

Presumably, he was hiding nearby to practice, and sensed the fluctuations in the heaven and earth of becoming a god, so he ran over specially, wanting to snatch Zhao Jie's godhead and give it to his son~


Steal my divinity?
Without further ado, Zhao Jie turned into a time-space golden dragon, and the surging power swept over him. Under the guidance of the old dragon emperor, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has already advanced to a higher level.

"Predict future!"

"Time accelerates!"

"Dragon Yin!"

After a long groan, Di Lin's face, who didn't care at first, changed, and a strange feeling enveloped his surroundings, as if he had fallen into an endless quagmire, and every movement was ridiculously slow.

What kind of weird supernatural power is this?
Seeing a flash of golden light, Di Lin yelled in his heart that he was not good, and forcibly opened the domain of God, the terrifying attack was immediately reduced, and even the feeling of slowing down was much better.

But Zhao Jie's attack was approaching, so Di Lin could only turn into his body, relying on his body, he slapped Zhao Jie heavily, and only heard a roar, Di Lin was caught off guard and was thrown backwards, his anger was overwhelming Di Lin's eyes were burning brightly.

boy!You are screwed!
I Di Lin said!
(End of this chapter)

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