Chapter 100 Theory
After seeing them leave, Wu Lang planned to leave the tenth peak, Xiaoleiyin Temple.

"The chicken blood has been filled for them! From now on, here will be the round table meeting of their ten leaders, and they will meet regularly in the mist."

He pondered.

In the future, I really don't want to come here often.

After all, I can't help myself, and I can't control it.

They can only be divided into ten units and start ten "wall-facing projects". According to the plans of these ten planners, they flee, fight, and hide to resist the "aliens" who want to exterminate their species.

"It always feels like that."

"The development of the Seventh Peak is like a battle flag game?"

At this time, Xing Hanhan slowly walked out from the shadow of Xiaoleiyin Temple, "Control each character unit, operate on the map of Jingzhou, and move in the air? Arrange troops?"

Zhanqi is a folk game similar to chess in this world.

But it does make sense.

"What battle flags? I didn't control them."

Wu Lang took an angry look at her, a fun person.

"Oh, that's a fully automatic battle flag game that doesn't need to be manipulated? You just need to watch it regularly and direct the policy? It's simply more convenient."

Xing Hanhan pretended to think, "They are so smart, one builds dungeons, one escapes into the abyss of clouds and mist, and one infiltrates the human city? There is also a main combat faction who advocates radical explosives and fishes in troubled waters?"

Her mind is easy to understand.

Is this person overwhelmed with envy?
She had a sour look of "Our two peaks are recruiting errands at the same time, why is your seventh peak suddenly so beautiful, taking off in an instant".

It's like seeing a traitor!Why is my errand not so convenient?Those human beings still have all kinds of petty thoughts?They also need a lot of resources, all kinds of spells, magic weapons, spirit stones?

She is jealous from hiding in the dark. If it weren't for the special product of Jingzhou and not available in other places, Xing Hanhan would probably want to start a nest of her own. Isn't that great?

But she also just thought about it.

Only Jingzhou has the basis of tens of thousands of years of accumulation of this mountain spirit, and the number is already uncontrollable and terrifying. The beast disasters all over the mountains and plains can be harvested in one wave. Even if I got one on my side to reproduce, it is impossible to have such A "mass base".

Do you want to spread the plague of beasts all over the mountains and plains in your continent?

Even if no one stops them and forcibly exterminates them to prevent the spread of disasters, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to have the number of such mountains, right?
It's impossible for her.

Therefore, she could only feel sour secretly, and her eyes were red.

Wu Lang ignored her jealousy, and sighed, "Senior sister has watched the excitement for so long, so it's time to leave, right?"

"Junior brother, you are amazing."

Xing Hanhan was not aware of it at all. Looking at the statue of Buddha in the small Leiyin Temple, he said to himself: "You said this period of history is very magnificent and spectacular. The myths and stories are very ancient, giving people a long-lasting inheritance. Feeling, as if it really happened in a parallel time and space, no wonder they are so excited."

She was very curious, and felt that the younger brother, a scholar with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was so good at fooling around!

You are cheating!

When they step into the entire Little Leiyin Temple, the bells, scriptures, buildings, poems, and history told along the way are all a big deception that deliberately shapes the atmosphere and tricks them into the abyss step by step!

"Brother, you are too bad."

She laughed and said, "This emotion is fictional. If you knew the truth, would you scold and ask you to return their emotion?"

Feeling this wave is too amazing!
Even she was touched several times during the viewing process.

At the same time, it gave her a new understanding of her junior. The junior is really not that kind of traditional sage and sage, so he still does such things?
This violates the words and deeds of a gentleman in the book, right? ? ?


Saw something really interesting today!

Wu Lang knew that she had some doubts about her sage's fate, so she slapped around and explained:
"I know many fields of knowledge, and the art of war is also one of the countless knowledge I know."

"Soldiers are deceitful. If I want to motivate them, it is natural to focus on the heart. I can't stick to the framework and be pedantic. I can't open up a new order."

"Hanhan! There is a limit to the ability of a rotten Confucian who is obsessed with ancient times. I have learned one thing in this short life of traveling around the world. The more people stick to the rules and the less flexible they are, the less likely they are to change this troubled world. Therefore."

"Sometimes, a lie is also a kind of kindness."

His voice was still cold. After all, he had a cold and paralyzed face, but he revealed a firm will, "I did this to let this family have culture and inheritance. This is the backbone of a race."

"And the first ancestor Buddha in Xiaoleiyin Temple who fought against the sky and fought against the ground is their belief!"

Wu Lang's words were real and there was no pretense.

It's his sincere opinion.

It is also the cultural crystallization of the earth's 5000 years of history.

China's 5000 years of continuous inheritance is because the traditional spirit of Confucianism and Taoism has influenced generations of inheritors and supported the beliefs of this race.

And this world has a rather distorted social structure, one person can destroy the country and the major sects, and they, who are above power, naturally don't understand the power of these "humble" beliefs to continue the society of a bottom group.

I don't understand why a group of mortals would throw moths into the flame without hesitation because of their "faith".

And he has always liked to be low-key, and the same is true of Bianhua's deliberate low-key. Naturally, he is not trying to pretend to be aggressive and create this kind of atmosphere.

Because if there is no force, it is like Ximen Chuixue fighting Ye Gucheng, changing the names of their two peerless swordsmen, the top of the forbidden, Ximen Iron Pillar fighting Ye Dacheng?

Compelling style is the most important thing.

This is a very realistic answer.

Wu Lang patiently explained with the above concepts, Xiao Leiyin Temple, the style of fighting against Buddha is a must.

"Faith, the belief of mortals, we don't have it in Xianmen." She said with great emotion.

"Xianmen, there is no great Confucianism yet."

Wu Lang glanced at her, "The society of immortal cultivators is deformed and incomplete in my eyes. Because most of the immortal cultivators are just those kinds of fates, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, spiritual roots, and proficiency in various weapons. The Eucharist has led to the stereotyped personality of most immortal cultivators."

"This makes sense!!" Xing Hanhan was shocked.

The idea really touched her heart.

In human mortal society, there are thousands of fates, which are composed of each other, dreams, beliefs, innocence, dog licking. There are all kinds of people, is the complete social structure? ?

As for Xianmen, there are dozens of fates that come and go.

Most of the people in Jinlinggen are vigorous.

Most of the people in Mulingen are gentle.

Fire spirit root is irritable.
Most of the sword masters are gentle and gentle.

Most knife repairmen are bold and rough.

This is the manifestation of their psyche and self. This society is composed of only dozens of people's fates. After careful calculation, it is indeed incomplete.

"So, the younger brother allows all kinds of mortals to ascend to the immortal gate. The second ancestral scripture is to complete the fate of all beings in the immortal world, and to complete the incomplete society of cultivating immortals? Turn the world of cultivating immortals into a new healthy world for mortals? ? There are hundreds of millions of fates in the mortal world?" She was shocked, this point of view is a bit special.


She suddenly smiled, "Bringing today's mortal society into immortals, immortal doctors, immortal scholars, immortal beggars, immortal chefs, and immortal licking dogs. What kind of society would that form? There were no monks at that time, Because everyone is a monk!"

"Is this the ancient fairyland!! I seem to have seen an incredible and magnificent world where everyone is born equal?" This laughter resounded through the entire temple!
She suddenly discovered that every time she discussed with her junior, something extraordinary would emerge.

If this point of view is spread, it will inevitably cause another big commotion, right?
Awesome my junior, is this your dream junior! !
She discussed it with her younger brother, and felt more and more that it contained a university question that could be explored for a lifetime, and said with emotion: "Your younger brother, you are really a gentle person. He always starts from the perspective of ordinary people, and the views of ordinary people always make me think It feels refreshing and special.”

"Senior Sister is too flattering. The world we live in is different, and the cultural influence we receive must be different." Wu Lang's words meant something.

He is obviously a sage, but he is not pedantic. He has a strong ability to act, even informal.

Xing Hanhan suddenly felt that his junior brother was a treasured Confucian.

If I were in Girls' Generation, I would really be fascinated by such a person, right?
Even the cold-hearted self now has some respect, admiration, and admiration vaguely born because of his fiery and firm dream of common people.

But why don't you feel admiration for yourself?Junior brother is obviously a perfect candidate for a Taoist partner.

(End of this chapter)

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