I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 108 The Oppressive Sense of Confrontation

Chapter 108 The Oppressive Sense of Confrontation
Two chiefs.

No, it includes the three leaders of Taidi in front of me.

All were seen through.

"This kind of calculation and wisdom has to be admired."

Wu Lang had been very calm before, but now he truly realized the horror of these high-ranking people, and he couldn't escape by curling up in the cave by himself.

Wu Lang sighed in his heart:

"I thought that this era, which had just experienced the catastrophe of the underworld, belonged to the most incomplete and declining era of immortal sects. There is another evil disaster attacking in front of us. I can't take care of myself. I have a chance."

"But it's still easy to set up and catch me parading around?"

Wu Lang woke up with a start.

He thought he had a chance, but after all, he underestimated everyone in the world!

Thinking that I am a modern person, a time traveler, I feel that I am superior, and I can play with them, the natives who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years! ?

They don't have the halo of reducing intelligence!
Just judging from the layout in front of you, it's quite scary!

With a trace of clues, he immediately guessed the route.

And even in this extremely weak immortal era, he was targeted like this. In the prosperous age of immortal sect mythology in later generations, the rise of the mountain spirit at that time will naturally fall short.

"What do you want?" Wu Lang asked directly. He knew that something was going to happen to him at last, so what should come is still here.

At this time, Jing Ge and Wu Lang drank together, as if they were close friends who had reunited after a long absence, and said with a smile:
"Mountain spirit, it's too weak."

"You can't rise on your own."

His voice gradually became deeper and louder, and the hints in the language were self-evident.

Wu Lang glanced at him: "This power is not for the self-interest of the immortal sect, you just want to subdue this power as a weapon, gain the power to fight for world hegemony for your sect, and then use it to quell the evil disaster , gained merit, and was recognized by the world."


Jing Ge smiled.

He and Wu Lang continued drinking tea.

After more than an hour, another figure suddenly appeared in the void.

"Report to Your Majesty, after exploring three suitable locations on map No. 70, the dungeon has been successfully discovered and its leader captured!"


A goblin leader was thrown to the ground.

Wu Lang lowered his head and quietly glanced at Taishan King, "Taishan King, your plan has been seen through."

"Sorry." When King Taishan saw this senior, he sobbed in pain, as if his faith had been broken, "I have failed our family. This human Confucian scholar, speaking of his reasoning, anchored my body on the map out of thin air. The position, I am so convinced!"

"Oh." Wu Lang sighed.

Jing Ge was still drinking tea without looking up.

Another half hour.

A message appeared again, and a phantom delivered the message through the air:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, in a large mountain to the south of Yunwu Dayuan, we found that the tribe of mountain spirits who are marching rapidly have captured a leader and are escorting them to this place!"

"It's already the second one, and the fire for the continuous retreat has been cut off, what do you think?" he said.

Wu Lang was silent and taciturn.

He was a low-level worker in his previous life. At this time, he truly experienced the great oppression of these upper rulers and the powerful aura of strategizing.

"Actually, I really admire a great Confucian like you." Jing Ge poured himself a cup of tea, and slowly poured another cup for Wu Lang.

"Your plan can be said to be quite perfect, so perfect that it makes everyone's heart beat!"

"I am Jingzhou, why am I weak?"

He stretched out two fingers: "There are two reasons for this. First, Jingzhou is backed by the abyss of clouds and mist. There are year-round attacks by monsters and frequent wars. It is the bridgehead for our human race to resist monsters!"

"Secondly, it is because Jingzhou's aura is thin, and why is Jingzhou's aura thin?"

"It's because of the mountain spirit!"

He stood up suddenly, with a majestic momentum, pointing to the towering mountains in the distance, and said in a trembling voice:
"Even if there are mountain spirits all over the mountains, even if they only have the average level of the third level of Qi training, the terrifying number of trillions will also dilute the large amount of spiritual energy resources in my Jingzhou! The amount of spiritual energy that can be swallowed every day is astronomical!"

"The plague of mountain spirits, flooding is equivalent to cockroaches and mice, like a plague of locusts crossing the border!"

"We, the people of Jingzhou, are a nation living above the plague of locusts! No one can cure this disaster. Watching the spiritual energy devoured, my Jingzhou fell and became a wasteland of barren islands! I was ridiculed by the other Eight Continents!"

His voice gradually rose, his voice was like thunder, and he showed admiration, "Your Excellency's way of governing the world can be called a good recipe to save Jingzhou. First, it can calm down the beast disaster, castrate the number, restore spiritual energy, and it can be used by our human race. Second, use animal disasters to rescue the people and cities, and resist demonic disasters!"

"Therefore, I would like to worship Your Excellency as the Holy Master of the Jingzhou Dynasty, and I can marry any princess of my royal family, and join hands with me to put down the troubled times in Jingzhou!"

He said his bargaining chip lightly, "Even, you can also appoint the child of Your Excellency and the princess as our next generation Jingzhou Emperor! To take over the power of the world!"

Wu Lang was calm.

It's nice to say, but it's just empty talk.

If you hand over your mountain spirit lineage to the other party, you will definitely control your race completely and make your position empty!

"You should also know that the right to choose is never in your hands."

Jing Ge glanced at Wu Lang lightly, and said softly: "If you don't compromise with me, the power in your hands will only grow moldy in your hands, and it will never be able to rise. Like me today, I can easily eradicate two branches generally."


He pointed down.

A group of mountain spirits in Taidi in the city below have not noticed their existence.

This group of men in black wearing animal skin cloaks, with a thick and bright khaki aura, are still helping the people in this ruined city, shouting loudly, defeating the remnants of the evil disaster for them, and seeking peace for ordinary people prosperity.

"Mother! We are saved!"

"All eminent monks, thank you for your rescue!"

Everyone felt the sacred aura of kindness, which is the aura of a master of Buddhist cultivation.

"What we should do"

Taidi treats the support of the common people, speaks human language bumpingly, looks very shy, and is at a loss for the lovely children around him.

The people of this era have suffered for a long time.

In name, the Immortal Gate accepts offerings and protects the cities of mortals, but in reality it doesn't care.
For countless years, the people who have been suffering and oppressed, as long as they have a little bit of sweetness and help to protect their villages and wheat fields, they are already grateful.

"very nice."

After Kaihui, Taidi was no longer in a daze, and felt love, hate, love, and enmity in this beautiful world. He treated this clear world gently, and sincerely enjoyed every day for the innocent smiles of the children in these sufferings. one day.

"When I grow up, I want to practice Buddhism like my predecessors, Purdue!" A cute child suddenly burst open and turned into a puddle of blood.

The people around were stunned, as if they couldn't react instantly.

In the next second, another child surrounding Taidi exploded into blood mist out of thin air.

Tai Di's pupils contracted violently, and he knelt down on the ground, his anger erupted like a torrent, "How could it be, how could it be. Who is it! Who is killing the child!!!"

And in the next second, a gust of wind howled, inadvertently revealing the true faces of Taidi and the others under the cloak.

"Mountain Spirit!!!"

"The men in black robes who saved us turned out to be mountain spirits!!"

"It must have killed those poor children. Sure enough, saving us is a conspiracy!!"

Fear and wailing erupted instantly.

Some angry people who lost their children took their swords and slashed at them.


Wu Lang looked at him with a flash of anger: "Why did you kill those children? The people are also your people. You have to be clear, you are not only a fairy, but also a descendant of the queen."

Only those who were familiar with Wu Lang in his previous life knew how much anger was contained in his stern expression.

After he came to this world, he finally knew at this moment what those top players were struggling with and why they were angry. They wanted to develop this technique in an attempt to subvert the rule of the entire fairy sect. The people in this world, common people, are really like pigs and dogs. Those are living human beings, they are ordinary human beings just like themselves.

"You should be clear now, right?"

Jing Ge didn't seem to care about the look of the other party, pointing to the people below and said, "The moment they see the mountain spirit, they will only draw their swords at each other."

"I just use a little method to catalyze it."

"For a long time, the people of Jingzhou have accumulated endless resentment towards the beast disaster."

"As long as we tell them that you are a heinous monster, that you have enlightened the animal disaster, created an even bigger animal disaster, and then spread a few cases of 'killing the mountain spirit' like this, they will treat you Hate to the limit!"

"Shan Jing, it is impossible to gain the friendship of the common people. The common people will only report you for our fairy gate and kill you angrily."

"after all."

The smile on his face became more gentle, as if a demon whispered softly in his ear: "For tens of thousands of years, the animal disaster has brought them too much pain. These foolish people are always willing to believe what they believe, and never care about the truth. "

"do you understand?"

He stood up and looked down at the great Confucian scholar in front of him, "You can't help the people of the demon disaster, and you can't rise up, and you will even be reviled by the common people. , nailed to the humiliating history of the human race"

"Unless you trust me."

(End of this chapter)

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