I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 119 Beheading

Chapter 119 Beheading
The luck in the sky suddenly dissipated.

Wu Lang stood among the ruins and glanced at the sky. Feeling something, he sighed and said, "He's dead."

"Mingyu is dead too." The bloody swordsman stumbled towards him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but it was unspeakably miserable, his whole body was in tatters, like a wreck coming out of a pile of corpses.

Both Mingyu Sword God and this old emperor were at the end of their battles, and they both risked their lives to start this final battle.

Even after continuous weakening, they were at the same level, and the two belonged to the amazing generation, but they fought too hard, and even held on with only a willpower in the end.

"Worthy of being an emperor, I thought that Mingyu would die if he was hit halfway, but I don't know why, but he still dragged the corpse to accompany me to fight hard."

The swordsman grinned, showing a bloody smile, and mocked in a low voice: "Maybe it's his strange will that made him last until now, I can't understand."

Wu Lang glanced at him, and didn't point out his incomprehension, but said, "Senior Ghost Three Sabers, you've worked hard."

As a confidant of an era, and a genius of the same generation who is called a sword and a sword, can this swordsman really not understand?

Naturally it is understandable.

Although he doesn't have the grand will to be the world, if it is replaced by his obsession with his lover, it is similar. It is also the strong obsession to go back and see her that this swordsman can survive until now.

Sometimes, going back to marry her is like setting a death flag, but for this infatuated swordsman who has waited for countless years and searched for medicine to renew his lover's sleep, it is a long-cherished wish that has persisted for thousands of years. Otherwise he might have fallen down long ago.


Wu Lang let out a deep breath, "It's really heavy."

"That's why I don't bother to pay attention to you. That guy Mingyu has always been like this. He hates seeing the people suffer. In the end, I saw him laughing to death. He felt that he had burned everything he had, and he would see what he wanted. s future."

The middle-aged swordsman's voice was hoarse, and he spat out a mouthful of black blood, "What's next? The leader of the revolutionary army who overthrew the dynasty, what are we going to do? I've finished my work, and it's time to go back."

Wu Lang looked over.

On the entire dark and broken land, the monks who fled Jinghuang City have started to return again.

Although most people ran away, the war broke out too fast, and the casualties were still very heavy. Even a lot of Jindan stage monks were killed by the shock, and many people cried bitterly in the ruins.

But there are also people cheering in the ruins, because the sacrifice of this battle is almost insignificant for such a terrifying record, and it can be said to be a complete victory.

But most of the people who cheered were ordinary people, low-level monks.

In their eyes, the Human Emperor is too ugly. He turned the ancient humans into goblins and beasts, constantly attacking the current humans and making them kill each other. Death is the most satisfying thing.

"It's time to wrap up, we have to retreat quickly." Wu Lang's face was solemn. If he guessed correctly, those strong members of the Righteous Dao League who were about to pick up salted fish might already be on their way.

To kill the emperor by himself, the emphasis is on a surprise attack.

It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact it was only three or four hours from the start of the parade to the end of Zhandi.

If you are successful in front of you, you will naturally have to retreat bravely.

"However, there is still this thing." Wu Lang took out a scroll from the ring given by the Emperor, on which most of the secrets, projects, and achievements of the royal family were written.

Among them are the interests of benefiting the human race.

There are also quite dark experiments, not only with monks and prisoners, but even with mortals.

There have been many of these dark sides in all dynasties throughout history.

"What are you going to do next?" the swordsman asked.

"Before leaving, go one step further, declare our justice, announce these dirty things about the royal family, and unite people's hearts."

Wu Lang said lightly: "What's more, this information was found in the ring. I'm afraid the Emperor deliberately left it for me to gather people's hearts. He is more generous than I thought. Since he couldn't resist, he chose to play clown."

"There are so many ways."

The swordsman next to him also surrounded him.

He became a little angry when he saw the information. Although he knew that all the immortal sects would be dirty, he didn't expect that the Human Emperor Sect was much dirtier than he thought. The accumulation is astronomical.

Wu Lang quickly sorted it out.

As a professional, he is familiar with sorting out all kinds of enemy information and recruiting the navy to hack enemy companies. He has done a good job with his previous plan, let alone finishing it now.

He quickly began to display some materials. Among the ruins, he replaced the three Taidi, and put the materials on top of the prison car, and paraded them through the streets.

"That is?"

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen!"

"Human Emperor Sect is really dirty!"

Many people in the whole world were angry when they saw this.

The bloody content of these materials is enough to subvert people's concept of Human Emperor Sect for the second time.


Wu Lang stood in the trial court at the right time. This is a majestic and massive building that symbolizes justice and law.

"Today, it's a parade in the streets, and I'll ask you to kill me in the afternoon!"

"And right now, it should be the same, the criminal will be replaced, and the tyrant will be beheaded!"

The voice was slow, Wu Lang stood on a high place, the cold wind was blowing, the sky of the entire ruin seemed to be dyed red, and countless golden luck condensed like burning clouds, entrenched in the sky.

At the foot is a demon-slaying platform.

This white-clothed figure said softly to the common people in front of the spell projection:
"As for the death of the kings, scholars, and storytellers of those mortal kingdoms today, their fate cannot be changed, and they will rest in peace here."

"However, these pioneers, together with the ancient mountain spirits who are gradually awakening, are slaughtering the emperor today, in order to eliminate corruption in Jingzhou, flatten the prison, and usher in a prelude to a new prosperous age."

"The real order is initiated in the sound of sharpening swords."

"Today, the ancient human beings have come again. They have set aside the sea of ​​suffering and reappeared in the world, and will build a new dynasty with the mortals of this world!"

"Fight for the people of the world to practice!"

Wu Lang stretched out his hand, holding the emperor's seal, and slowly stamped a volume of imperial decree:

"The tyrant has no way, ask the three ironclad evidence of his crime today, and behead him here!"

Someone pushed the Emperor's body onto the Demon Slaying Platform.

At this moment, the whole land of Jingzhou is watching this scene, even though it is already a corpse.


The head fell, and the soul died.

"Farewell, my lords! The prosperous age is as you wish, and the future can still be expected!" Standing alone in the center of the world, standing on the highest point of this imperial palace, the great scholar in white clothes gradually disappeared, leaving only an empty city, completely invisible No trace, no whereabouts.

What happened on this day is unprecedented: it took half a day to go to the execution ground to rob the prison car, and assassinate the current emperor in front of the world.

When things are gone, they hide their merits and fame deeply.

This is a historic scene, and at the same time, the last words he left in the Human Emperor's Supreme Tribunal will not be forgotten even after thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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