I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 12 Soul Mud Technology

Chapter 12 Soul Mud Technology

"Master, how do you see my practice?"

In the yard, Liu Ping was still posing in a strange breathing posture, which was the basic practice of breathing.


Wu Lang sat on the rocking chair at the door and didn't pay much attention to his affairs.

With his flattering personality, I didn't doubt that he would be lazy at all, so I casually opened the page, opened the friend column, and quietly checked the favorability level.

[Name]: Meng Po
[Template]: NPC
[race]: wandering soul
【Sect】: Huangquan
[Fate]:? ? ?

[Cultivation base]:? ? ?

Current favorability: 13
"so many?"

Wu Lang was stunned on the spot, unable to react for several seconds.

What did Po Meng go through?
Didn't she just read the diary?
This is simply a big bang growth rate!
"I just wrote the diary with the attitude of testing it out. I really have talent, and I can force my favorability while standing." He was slightly surprised.

Look at Liu Ping, his way of eating soft food in the future.

And what about yourself?

"Being a teacher is indeed a teacher!" Wu Lang laughed.

Don't blame him for being so smug.

You know, it is quite difficult to improve the favorability.

The older the monk, the colder his personality, the stronger his defense against other people, and few people can walk into their hearts over the long years.

At the same time, from -23 to 13 in one breath, a total of 36 favorability points, I'm afraid it's all because of the triple experience of the opposite sex favorability, otherwise this wave of diaries will probably increase the favorability by 12 points, which is probably still a negative number!

The good guy card is simply a talent against the sky, and its advantages are very obvious.

"At the very least, life is safe in the Bandit Demon Sect that eats and steals everywhere!"

Wu Lang thought for a while, and finally felt that he could breathe a sigh of relief: "I'll go on, don't be afraid of being picked on, and study my Bianhua planting techniques."

What's more, this wave of diaries also took advantage of the opportunity to write a clean life history for themselves: he was a very strong and ambitious scholar before his death, and he strayed into the Netherworld Demon Sect, thinking that they were good people.

At the same time, Wu Lang also tried to change the style of the Netherworld Demon Sect.

Now that he has joined this demon sect, it is not good to be a scum all the time.

Although Wu Lang is not a saint, he is also an ordinary person who only wants to have a clear conscience. He thought that the future generations of Huangquan Shengzong, with the concept of cutting the waist with mature and advanced thinking, would make suggestions here and carry out cultural reforms. , Meng Po's response seems to be extremely good.

Right now is the period of breaking down and then building up, which happens to be suitable for changing ideas and rebirth from the ashes.

From the feedback of favorability, Po Meng has already considered, from a bandit demon sect who simply robs and traffics people to a bandit demon sect who will set up archways and say that he robs and traffics people for the sake of the common people.

It seems that there is no difference in essence, it is all crazy stealing people.

But in Wu Lang's mind, there was still a difference.

This kind of Netherworld Demon Sect may have really started to step into the path of the [Hell of the Underworld] in Chinese mythology, and it may become legal in the eyes of the world just like in Chinese mythology—the stealing of people and cutting waists of the Netherworld Sect is not called stealing. , that is called the Yin messenger sending the soul of the dead to the underworld, which belongs to the official certification and is part of the management of heaven and earth.

In this case.

It's also very good.

Now this is at least a good start, change will not succeed overnight.

"In order to prevent me from being assimilated by them, I have to assimilate them first, and use my truth, kindness and beauty to influence the bandits in this sect!"

"No matter what, this way, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

To be honest, now I am a human being in two lifetimes, and I have also experienced the beatings of the society, and I understand the dangers and horrors of this world better.

He thinks a lot.

This diary is already an extremely big adventure for him!
If it weren't for the fact that there was no other way, it would be suicide if he didn't attack Po Meng, and he wouldn't take such a risk, although the immediate result was good.

But Wu Lang no longer wanted to experience it a second time.

He also knew that he was a social animal who was a laborer, but he was a stinky worker who was not the chosen one, the boss' fate, and he didn't have any thoughts of making a fuss.

At this time, he only thought about growing quietly, and the longer he hid, the better.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Lang looked at Liu Ping in front of him, and said, "My boy, these days, you have to cultivate well, time waits for no one!"

He silently added another sentence: Writing a diary for the teacher worked so hard, which delayed the time for us at Seventh Peak. If you don't practice this ancestral scripture, it will be difficult for the teacher to refer to your own. Exclusive fate technique, sooner or later the two of us will be exposed and killed by this capital demon sect!
Next, Wu Lang continued to farm.

I have been hiding on the seventh peak as a dead house, and I am stunned not to go down the mountain.

In order to lower the cultivation technology version of Bianhua, he experimented with various soul slimes. After all, if he came up with an advanced version, he would definitely be suspected by Meng Po again.

It is naturally good to be low-key.

"Master, what are you doing?"

At this time, Liu Ping watched Wu Lang wearing a pair of black gloves and playing with some strange black rough soil, as if he was playing with mud.

"Don't touch it. This is soul mud. It's very vicious. Have you seen the twisted and painful faces floating on the black mud?"

Wu Lang cast a glance at him, and kneaded it in the pot like kneading dough, like a pastry chef, "This soil is for cultivating Bi'an flowers. When my Bi'an flowers are cultivated, you should stay away from the flower field."

Liu Ping seemed to understand a little bit, and watched from the side, "This is the secret recipe for cultivating Bianhua, and it turns out to be in the kneaded soil!"


Wu Lang kneaded the mixed soil in his hands, and explained: "The soul mud is the sweaty mud overflowing from the soul when the life cultivators practice."

"The soul also sweats?" Liu Ping was surprised.

Wu Lang cast a glance at him, "After all, you can sweat and expel flesh and blood dirt when you cultivate your body. Why can't you sweat and expel soul impurities when you cultivate your soul?"

He paused, smiled slightly and said:
"These soul mud contain all kinds of filthy and dark thoughts emitted by the soul, which will pollute people's souls and bad people's cultivation base. You have to be careful."

Each monk has a different fate, a different soul skill, and a different soul mud.

Dirt, too, has hundreds of thousands of types.

And the other shore flower is the soul flower born in these evil and filthy dark dirt.

The other shore flower is a specialty of the Netherworld Demon Sect.

And the Netherworld Sect does not lack the soul mud to cultivate.

Looking at it myself, there are a lot of warehouse reserves in the backyard of Seventh Peak.

After all, in the peak period, the amount of soul mud excreted by the powerful practitioners of the top ten peaks of the Underworld Demon Cultivator every day has always been an astronomical figure.

"Master, can I learn?" Liu Ping was curious.

"Learn your skills well, and you won't chew too much." Wu Lang was speechless.

"The combination of soul mud is an important knowledge for cultivating Bianhua."

Wu Lang took a deep breath. He had to master this thing thoroughly. With the secret recipe in hand, it would be his foundation for life and livelihood in the future.

It has to be said that the help of the Great Emperor's Inheritance Diary is far from that great.

I can't directly copy his strategy footprints, I can only study the character of the target of the strategy, and the knowledge of the game in my previous life, but the knowledge of soul mud, maybe it's my steady rise in this dangerous world of fairy tales. !
Three days passed without incident.

Wu Lang has the essence of Gou Dao, so he just doesn't go out, not even going down to the seventh peak of Huang Quanzong, and doesn't look at the various facilities of the sect, let alone leave the sect to go down the mountain.

In the past few days, Wu Lang kept trying to shrink the material ratio of [Soul Mud], and finally made several castrated versions.

"You can try to plant one, seven control groups, and conduct experiments."

He knocked the formed seven kinds of soul mud into nutritious mud bricks, buried them in the soil respectively, and waited a few days to see how the seven kinds of soul mud formulas cultivated the effects of the seven Bianhua flowers.

For the next few days, he continued to grope, until this day, a voice suddenly came from the foot of the Seventh Peak, shouting loudly:
"New Junior Brother, are you inside?"

Wu Lang was stunned.

He hid from Granny Meng, but he couldn't hide from the visits of the other two acting peak masters.

He thought for a while, called Liu Ping, and hurried down the mountain to meet the visitors.

After all, what should come cannot be avoided.

Take a step back and say that I temporarily gained Granny Meng's favor and solved the biggest difficulty. The other two titular acting peak masters have the same status as myself, so I don't need to be too cowardly.

When he got down from the mountain, Wu Lang saw two women in white clothes sitting on the tea pavilion at the foot of the mountain. The leading woman was petite with a pretty and lovely appearance, giving people a very lively feeling.

Is it two women?

Wu Lang became more and more confident in his heart, and it was time for my good person card to play a role.

(End of this chapter)

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