Chapter 14 Reincarnation True Name
At this moment, Wu Lang didn't want to get too entangled with Liu Ping's affairs, which couldn't be explained clearly now, after all, Liu Ping's cultivation technique was a secret.

He changed the subject and said, "By the way, Senior Sister of the Fifth Peak, is there anything you want to do here?"

"This kid doesn't know how to be funny, so I told him kindly that this disciple is no good." Xing Hanhan thought in his heart, seeing that the other party didn't want to talk too much, and didn't bother to put his face on his back, he said coldly: "You have been here for a while, Now that you’ve settled down, I’ll take you down the mountain for a walk, and by the way, get the natal magic weapon, the little life wheel, which is only available to direct disciples.”

"Then thank you, Senior Sister."

Wu Lang knew that he had offended this person a little, so he didn't dare to say more. He took Liu Ping and left the Seventh Peak, walking behind the two women.

And along the way, this senior sister only gave a formulaic introduction to the various building facilities along the way, but most of them were only wreckage.

Along the way, the ten peaks are hazy in the mist, and they are the ten peaks of Huangquan.

"All the way to the Yellow Springs, the Ten Halls and Peaks, and the Eighteen Hells are the main buildings of our Netherworld Sect." Xing Hanhan said: "And the eighteen floors of hell, under our feet, have been completely reduced to ruins."

"Do you know what these eighteen floors of hell are used for?" She paused and looked at the three people around her.

"I don't know." Wu Lang looked curious.

"This is amazing."

Xing Hanhan cast a glance at the three of them, and whispered softly, "This ordinary wandering soul is taken to the mountain and lined up on Huangquan Road. After drinking the soup and fainting, it can strip away its fate, but the fate of this strong soul Ge Zhenling, how can he peel off his natal cultivation so easily?"

Wu Lang nodded, he knew this very well.

The waist of a strong man is not cut when he is dizzy with a bowl of soup.

There are big details in it.

You have to go to the professional operating table and perform the surgery with a master.

These [-] levels of hell are the operating table, where all kinds of peerless powers detained by the Holy Sect of Huangquan are suppressed, and they are constantly tortured and tortured in it, and the true life of their souls is slowly drawn out by the calamity!
Xing Hanhan's face showed a hint of complacency, "At the peak moment, in the [-]th floor of hell, the elders of the major peak masters took action and swept across Kyushu, secretly capturing countless unrivaled powers and ancient taboos, all of which were secretly caught on the [-]th floor hell, crazy torture"

Ha ha ha.

That's why you're under siege!
You, the biggest villain, the Demon Sect, human traffickers have done all kinds of bad things, constantly arresting people and tearing their bones, so you don’t provoke public anger, and you are the devil if you don’t get encircled and suppressed!

And Xing Hanhan looked satisfied with Wu Lang's admiring eyes, stretched his waist, and patted Wu Lang's shoulder, "Don't be envious, wait for you to get a small life wheel, and you can also arrest people yourself in the future, for us The Zongmen is glowing and glowing, refilling the cell of the eighteenth floor of hell."

While talking, they came to the Chaos Zone.

A huge mysterious round wheel hangs in mid-air, with a strong breath of life, as if it condenses the fundamental origin of all living things.

"This is the six paths of reincarnation of our sect!"

Xing Hanhan was very proud, showing an attitude of extreme desire, and said: "The destiny won by our sect is all condensed in the six reincarnations. It can be said that it is the condensation of all the hard work accumulated by our sect Lipai until today."

"And today, you have to extract a part of the origin from the six paths of reincarnation, and condense a natal magic weapon that belongs to you, the small life wheel."

"Do you know the importance of this life wheel?"

"Even those powerful existences should be jealous, this is the treatment of our sect's direct disciples!"

"Don't underestimate the small life wheel, even the entire six paths of reincarnation at this time can be regarded as a small life wheel, which belongs to the natal magic weapon of the leader of Huangquan!"

Xing Hanhan took a deep look at Wu Lang, "You get the small life wheel, and you can even continue to cultivate and absorb various fates. In the future, it may be possible to form a new six-way reincarnation, which is comparable to the current reincarnation!"

Of course.

This is almost impossible.

after all.

No matter how you cultivate your own life wheel, how can it be enough to use up the foundation of a sect to crazily accumulate resources? The super-large life wheel-six paths of reincarnation?
Unless I also establish a Netherworld Sect and let countless disciples help me intercept my fate and strengthen my life wheel magic weapon, otherwise I will definitely not be able to achieve this level.


Instead of perfecting the small life wheel, which is the magic weapon of life, it is better to find a way to become the next leader of Huangquan and inherit the ready-made six paths of reincarnation.

"However, before you receive the life wheel, you must first enter your real name in the reincarnation!"

"This is the disciple of our sect, who can use the power of the Six Paths of Samsara." Xing Hanhan looked at Liu Ping again, "Your apprentice, also registered."

"Real name, what's the use of registering it on the Six Paths of Reincarnation?" Wu Lang asked.

"of course."

Xing Hanhan said:
"First, when you are beaten to death, as long as the opponent is not too strong, he can instantly wipe out your true spirit and beat you to death. Six paths of reincarnation can save a trace of your true spirit before you die."

"Secondly, real names can be connected with each other. You can use the power of reincarnation to send orders to other people's fellow disciples. After all, we have tens of thousands of ghosts in the underworld. At the peak, there are tens of millions of ghosts. Between the ghosts, they are rampant everywhere. Naturally, we must communicate with each other."

"But remember, once the real name is registered, it cannot be changed."

Wu Lang nodded.

He quickly and according to the method, cast his real name: Wu Lang into it.

Liu Ping was also asked to register his real name.

The whole process is not complicated, and it is taught by hand.

After finishing, Xing Hanhan nodded, and said again: "Very good, you can use the Zongmen Token to call my real name when you contact me in the future. I am Xing Hanhan, and she is Li Goudan."

Wu Lang was silent for a few seconds, and couldn't help asking: "Li Goudan, isn't this a nickname for a joke? Why is it written in the real name of reincarnation?"

"Of course not a nickname, this is her real name of reincarnation!"

Xing Hanhan didn't care at all, "I met this apprentice in the world. She has good qualifications. I killed her whole family and brought her back to Huangquan. She still refused to accept it, so she gave her a new name, Li Goudan."

Wu Lang was breaking out in a cold sweat, and he couldn't help but said, "Will this way of accepting apprentices cause resentment among the apprentices? Besides, although my parents and master chose my name, wouldn't it be too casual for you to obtain it?"

"What's this?"

Xing Hanhan didn't care even more, and waved his hands, with a posture of patiently teaching, "My Holy Sect, I don't care about trifles!"

"I just helped her adapt to the cruelty of the world in advance. Once she embarks on the journey of immortality, Xiuxian asked, parents in the mortal world will die of old age sooner or later. I will help her solve it in advance. I will kill her and drink soup and send her into reincarnation. It can be regarded as a substitute." I have a baby but I am worried."

Wu Lang was shocked.

At first, he thought it was just a wrong name, at most he offended this apprentice, but he never thought it was such a big enmity, no wonder you will not be seen in the future, you must be killed.

"Senior sister is really heroic."

Wu Lang felt numb in his heart.

"That's right! I've never killed a single person. I've cultivated to this point, even those decent orthodox monks, there are almost no people whose hands are not bloody, but I am dedicated to goodness and never kill anyone." She didn't care anymore, very Xinda: "It's just that they are sent to help their souls reincarnate in advance."

As expected of the Netherworld Demon Sect.

Their practice system is very special, it is indeed not murder.

Beat people up, absorb their souls, go to the underworld to drink soup, cut their kidneys, throw them back to the world and start a new life.

At this moment, Wu Lang suddenly remembered some gossip about the future.

No one has ever been able to contact the leader of Huangquan through the contact means in the sect. At first, everyone thought that this person was aloof and liked to practice in seclusion. No one knew the real name of the ancient reincarnation of this stalwart existence!
Think about it now.
The real name of the reincarnation supreme supreme of the leader of Huangquan: Li Goudan!
Who would have thought?

The ruthless and ruthless peerless mysterious suzerain whose real name is so down-to-earth?Being so humiliated by the former master and worshiping the Huangquan sect?
No wonder, she never used her real name to summon the elders and peak masters of each peak in "Six Paths of Reincarnation". If she made a real name of reincarnation, she would summon hundreds of millions of ghosts to kneel together:

"Welcome to the coming of the Holy Lord, and meet the leader of Huangquan, Li Goudan!"

Ha ha ha.

This style of painting is not right in an instant, it is too beautiful to look at.

At the same time, thinking about it this way, no one in future generations will know the real name of the reincarnation of this existence. They should all be dead. After all, the majesty of the suzerain, how can you easily offend?
Wu Lang felt uncomfortable, looking at the senior sister in front of him:
Xing Hanhan, you can be really punished for being silly.

I really can't stay with this Netherworld Sect for a second.

In your Demon Sect, this Granny Meng is a pervert with a black heart. She has a small stomach and a bad stomach, and she will kill me if you don’t please me. Now there is a future big demon king in front of you, and you named him Li Goudan.

The circle is so messy.

Also, isn't this the revenge and counterattack script that I wrote for my disciple Liu Ping before?
The whole family was destroyed, forced to worship the demon sect, the master humiliated, endured the humiliation, once they rose up, the corners of the mouth crooked, all died!

(End of this chapter)

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