I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 142 Misfortunes never come singly, 8 emperors strike

Chapter 142 Misfortunes never come singly, the Eight Emperors strike

Wu Lang lost his composure all of a sudden.

He suspected that he had read it wrong, his old eyes were dim, and he read it several times carefully before he thoroughly confirmed this terrible fact.


In Jingzhou, a great emperor has come to kill me?

So think highly of me?
A supreme existence of this level, the ancient master who can live for tens of thousands of years, came to me across thousands of mountains and rivers?I'm afraid it's not true love?
Wu Lang felt numb in his heart, "Can't you follow the plot in the novel, send the younger ones over one by one without taking action, upgrade me to fight monsters, and finally make your debut?"

The reality is really cruel, and there is no martial arts at all.

Coming up is the ultimate BOSS. A contemporary emperor will block my door in Xinshou Village and prevent myself from developing.

Also, how did he get here!
Impossible on the taboo mountain side, there is no season of suffering, it is estimated that it will take 40 years.

"So, you are walking in the cloud and mist abyss? This is a human race, so you are colluding with monsters, so you can come here directly without being blocked?"

"He took refuge in the evil disaster? That devil emperor is as old as the old emperor and can't go out, so, demon clan, let this guy do me?"

He didn't know the truth about the evil disasters in history, so he could only guess that the other party had something to do with the evil disasters.

"The only good thing is that he was exposed as soon as he came up." Wu Lang panicked, and quickly suppressed his fear.

He didn't know that he had discovered him, and this was his only advantage.

I have a layout, I can see the favorability, and the red name with such a big card bug is too bright!
But Wu Lang was indeed flustered.

This is not the old emperor who is sleeping and hanging for his life, nor is it the devil emperor who is hiding in the magic city and dying, neither of these two emperors will make a move.
This is a great emperor who walked around Jingzhou at will in his heyday!
Wu Lang had no doubt that once he made a move, he would overthrow the entire high-level of Xianmen by himself, single-handedly single out a continent, and it would be a bloodbath.

He doesn't do anything now, pretends to be a scholar, and sneaks into his place, because he wants to find my real body.

"This person is obviously a great emperor who has conquered tribulation, but he is so sinister!" Wu Lang had his first impression of him.

Such people are the most difficult to deal with.

He took a deep breath, feeling a little limp, feeling that he couldn't stand such an exciting thing.

He sat silently in his seat, pretending not to see it, and turned his attention to the imperial examination talents below.

"They carry out surprise attacks every time, without any warning."

"Like last time, Jing Ge suddenly made a move on me, and went parading in the street in an instant, and I couldn't even react."

They are not stupid, they are all planning in secret. Once they make a move, they will be attacked by thunder, directly killing them in front of them.

This one was as surprised as Jing Ge.

Thinking carefully about the past few years when I went down the mountain, I obviously stayed in the cave, didn't cause trouble, and didn't act as a monster, but my life really was not peaceful!
"I'm so hard."

He raised his head and sighed, feeling that his whole body was spoiled, and after three hours of complaining, the civil servant exams below were over.

"Bring it up."

Wu Lang pretended nothing happened, and began to review the test papers one by one.

This exam is a traditional exam, and I am not unconventional. The test points are only about managing people's livelihood, people, cities, and fighting against evil disasters.
I was looking for a group of civil servants, and then acted as a shopkeeper.

He flipped through them one by one, and found that some virtuous ministers with great Confucianism and fate felt that they had gained a lot. Some concepts and governance methods were refreshing: "There are still many capable people in this world, but they just don't appreciate their talents."

People specialize in learning this, and if they are no better than themselves, then there is a ghost.

While flipping through, he also quickly saw a test paper called "Zhang Haisheng", which was answered by the great emperor, and his answer was quite good.

Logically, it should be accepted.

"Although there are nine out of ten cases of cheating, it is normal to change test papers, but at my level, I really can't see that he is cheating."

Wu Lang didn't find it unusual, so he was hired.

Soon, the list came out, and Wu Lang called them one by one and asked them to come forward.

"The eight of you are the first generation of cabinet ministers in Jinghuang City."

Wu Lang sat in the palace, looked at the eight of them, and said with a smile: "But don't be too happy, the imperial examination is only your first test, and managing the people affected by the disaster is the second test. If you fail, you will be punished at any time." Withdraw."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

They were all extremely excited, looking longingly at this man sitting on the golden bench, that handsome face hazy in the golden light.

He has a great talent and strategy, saved the ancient mankind from the sea of ​​suffering, and opened the way for the people of the world today.

He opened up the small Leiyin Temple of ancient humans, and rebuilt the kingdoms and dynasties of today's humans. One sect and one country complement each other, like two sea-fixing needles, suppressing the entire Jingzhou!
Everyone knows that this is an unprecedented era.

Following the back of this person and guiding the common people in the direction of the dawn is enough to fulfill the lifelong ambitions of the literati predecessors of the past dynasties. If you show your grand plans, you will die without regret!
"Willing to follow His Majesty with my life!"

They kowtowed, as if seeing a mighty monarch in the era.

"I haven't proclaimed myself emperor yet, and I haven't worn a dragon robe yet, so don't call me that."

The young man in white spoke softly, his voice was extremely majestic and heavy.

In fact, Wu Lang felt a little guilty. He was not a true sage, but he somewhat took advantage of these literati and Confucians who really cared about the world and did not care about themselves.

The young man in white above said humanely: "I will temporarily release the ruling power of the people in the world to you. I will not rule the world. You will manage it. Don't disappoint my expectations."

These ministers suddenly realized that this statue exists, and there are more important things to do, to develop exercises for the people of the world.

They didn't expect that Wu Lang was fishing.

After all, in their eyes, this sage really shouldn't rule the world. It is the most important thing for him to leave time to develop his skills.

This is the filter problem.

"Then, get ready. In the afternoon, you will be the first-generation team members. Follow me out to announce the establishment of Jinghuang City."


They changed into court robes and dressed extremely seriously.

Then, Wu Lang led them up the city wall and looked at the people everywhere below.


Holding the seal of the emperor in his hand, he looked at the demon-slaying platform below and all kinds of tokens that symbolize the majesty of the emperor, and said: "Today, we should gather the luck of the dragon veins of Jingzhou's world of cultivating immortals to build this imperial city of humanity, a place that symbolizes the majesty of the emperor. "

"The capital will be here!"


Following Wu Lang's stamp on the imperial decree.


The entire sky trembled, as if endless luck gathered in the void, strands of luck floated in, entrenched in the sky above Jinghuang City.

The new Human Dao Golden Dragon was slowly condensing, piercing through the sky, and let out a thick and profound majestic roar.

It seems that among the countless underground cities, the people in the underground city under the protection of the golden Leiyin Temple all raised their heads, sensing something in the dark.

Wu Lang took out the imperial decree again, with a majestic and deep voice:
"The imperial city has been established. Eight cabinet members should be established to deal with the affairs of the common people. They are Zhang Haisheng, Li Zhongdao, and Bai Xing."

As the voice fell, Wu Lang slowly took out the emperor's seal again, and slowly stamped it.

The luck of the entire imperial city suddenly and slowly dropped eight catkin-like luck numbers, falling on the eight courtiers, nourishing their dull bodies.

Different from having a Taoist couple contract with Renhuang, the Taoist couple who signed the contract are the empress and concubine, and enjoy the blessing of luck
If the courtiers want to enjoy the luck of humanity, they have to build an imperial city and appoint ministers. Only in the imperial city can they be blessed with luck.

This is also his goal of building the imperial city!
He is very clear that he can't use up such things as luck, so it's better to get some out and do the job of the emperor.

After all, it is really wicked to always stand in the latrine and not shit.

Although I can't do much, that is, take care of the people at the bottom, the fairy gatebirds above don't like me, they only pretend to compliment.


With the two imperial decrees completely falling.

The scattered luck of traveling is completely condensed into a golden dragon, attached with golden runes containing incomparably beautiful rules, complex and beautiful, which contains the dark luck that the entire human race longs for and hopes to gather.

What is fate?

It is the condensation of fate.

An individual has a destiny.

The fate of individual people can naturally be called the fate of the family!
The golden clouds in the sky gathered together, and rainbows spanned the sky.

All kinds of anomalies linger.

These gathered auras are getting bigger and bigger, rushing like nectar from a rainstorm, swaying in Jinghuang City, as if an oasis full of aura is bred in the barren desert.

"The imperial city has been established, and all the people return to their hearts." A deep and grand ancient voice seemed to rush from the ancient times.

And all of a sudden, it seemed that there was a link of luck in the dark.

boom! !

The Seal of Human Emperor in Wu Lang's hand trembled slightly, as if sensing something from afar, and a strange domineering phantom suddenly appeared in the luck in the sky.

In the mist of phantom, this is a majestic emperor. There are eight people in total, with gentle and calm expressions, walking step by step: "The re-establishment of the imperial city is a great thing!"

"Nowadays, the fate of the emperor is completely concentrated, and we will have the opportunity to contact you. At this time, I will wait for the Emperor of Eight Continents to congratulate you!"


Wu Lang stood on the wall, his mind was a little blank.

In reality, here comes a Great Emperor of Transcending Tribulation.

In the middle of nowhere, why did eight more people come to congratulate me with projections of the luck of the emperor?

He didn't believe that the other party was here to congratulate him. This was definitely a long-awaited preparation, and he took the opportunity to come across the border when he opened the imperial city to tease him!
 Say the update time:
  It is updated at six o'clock and ten o'clock every day.

  Three chapters a day, sometimes four chapters

(End of this chapter)

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