Chapter 166
The demon of the cloud and mist abyss.

The Merman of the Seasonless Sea of ​​Bitterness.

They are both neighbors in Jingzhou, and they will get in touch sooner or later.

Although I am a weak person without strength, I am already the hub of the great powers of the major immortal sects in Jingzhou, using my own "system" to connect them into a single iron plate, the emperor in name.

Wu Lang originally wanted to test out and deal with this neighbor he had never met before, but he never thought that they would have such a tempting condition.

"Sure enough, you can't refuse."

The Merman Princess showed a meaningful smile and said: "For ordinary people, this is like poison, and they will die of old age quickly, but for you, it lacks such a powerful medicine!"

"For you, it's also poison." Wu Lang said.


The Merman Princess couldn't refute, and turned to look worried and troubled, "The monsoon currents of the Seasonless Sea of ​​Suffering are not only terrifying to us humans, but also to us."

The Seasonless Sea of ​​Suffering can be said to be the most dangerous living environment.

Almost every race that survives in the seasonless bitter sea is a sea nomad. They have to avoid ocean currents every month, and their tribes move wildly.

Who wants to be inexplicably washed by irregular time ocean currents?
Instantly aged ten years, hundreds of years?

They seem to be living in the last days.

Merman clan, the death rate of children is extremely high!

A full forty percent.

Because their cubs haven't practiced and developed yet, the children can't bear a little bit of ocean currents, and the fault tolerance rate is extremely low. Once the cubs encounter the monsoon ocean currents, they will almost die, and they will age into bones in an instant.

So, this is why they are eager to find a way out.

Who wants to live in these places if there is a better environment?
For the Merman race, the most suitable environment is the calm inner sea.

Wasn't it the one who was frantically hunted and killed by the domineering human race, skinned and made into magic weapons, and the beautiful mermaid female was sent to the auction, only to escape to the Wuji Sea of ​​​​Bitterness in the end?

It must be the most hated human race.

But for now, they can only seek a compromise.

"Ocean currents washing Jingzhou, this is a huge engineering natural disaster, can it really be done?" Wu Lang tentatively asked, very realistic.

This merman princess is beautiful and charming.

In fact, to be sent to discuss the important matters of the clan with him must be an old cunt, very dirty!

She said it nicely, she came to cooperate, maybe she came here with a trick.

After all, how few of these people come to engage in their own actions?
The Devil Emperor, the Eight Great Human Sovereigns, the Blood Skeleton Taoist, and the Merman Princess in front of him, it can be said that everyone who could come came.

I just want to stay in Jingzhou and practice silently and with peace of mind. Why is it so difficult?
"Don't worry, we can push the tide, although the price is a bit high!"

The Merman Princess smiled, with an elegant gesture of winning, she said: "The evil disaster in the Cloud and Mist Abyss is certainly terrifying, but for the human race, there are other catastrophes."

"For example, corresponding to the evil disaster in the Cloud and Mist Abyss is the sea disaster!"

"The major sea tribes in other continents will also come ashore on a regular basis to launch attacks on the major cities of the human race. How do the sea tribes attack?"

"Create a tsunami and ride the big waves!"

"The Sea Clan in Jingzhou in our area is weak, and it is impossible to attack the human race like other places, but the tsunami can still be launched."

Sea disasters, the name of terror to ordinary people, are not weaker than animal disasters!
And the coasts of all continents have flood barriers.

They built the Great Wall to resist the invasion of sea water.

Therefore, when the strong men of the Sea Clan invaded, they would usually make a gap in the city wall, set off a tsunami, ride the huge waves into the coastal area, and use the current of time to cause huge disasters to the local bottom fairy gates!
And Jingzhou has no flood control embankment.

First, they are too poor to build flood barriers.

Second, you are too poor. Why did the Sea Clan set off a tsunami to snatch your poor and lifeless loess land?
"At the same time, there are two benefits to cooperating with me."

The merman princess smiled, and with a gentle attitude, she continued to lure: "First, we set off a tsunami, and we can be enemies on the surface!"

"It means that our sea clan will also invade your Jingzhou, and launch a sea disaster and a demon disaster. The two major disasters will attack you on both sides! Others will naturally relax their vigilance against you. When the monster clan finds out that we are helping you resist the demon disaster, it is too late Night."

Wu Lang glanced at her.

This woman is so weak, she is a black belly!

And this trick.

"Secondly, the sea disaster, although it has a rapid improvement effect on monks, is fatal to ordinary people at the bottom of Jingzhou. No matter how low-level the current of time is, it will wash them into bones."

"But what about now? You build the Little Leiyin Temple, which is deep underground, and the sea disaster will not reach the people, and the monks on the surface will benefit."

She smiled gently, "How, is it perfect?"

She talked eloquently, as if the sea clan counselor who was holding the wisdom beads, became more and more fighting spirit: "It is a match made in heaven. With the blessing of various factors, it seems to be a natural disaster for others, but it is an opportunity for you."

"Interesting plan."

Wu Lang's brain was spinning rapidly.

Think about the big pit in it.

Possibilities for various dangers.

The Merman Princess said gently: "Don't worry, we came here with sincerity! After all, you, a human sage from Jingzhou, amazed by all kinds of schemes. How could we offend you at the risk of being seen through?" Woolen cloth?"

"As long as you nod your head, the tsunami current in Jingzhou will wash over you."

"Although our ability is not enough to cover the entire Jingzhou, the tsunami can only cover one-tenth of the coastal locations, but you can naturally enjoy the benefits if you concentrate on those locations."

"And your Excellency, you are even more good at craftsman civil construction!?"

"In order to prevent the tide from ebbing, hundreds of thousands of immortal craftsmen can dig huge canals to greatly intercept the stagnation time of monsoon ocean currents."

"The countless mesh branches of this grand canal can greatly intercept the monsoon ocean currents, and keep them for at least four or five years before the river flows back to the sea of ​​bitterness without seasons. This canal is a national treasure, and it will run through the entire Jingzhou Emperor Dragon, making The world of cultivating immortals in Jingzhou is rapidly prospering!"

She talked eloquently, and the planning in it was shocking, and it could even be said that it was interlocking, perfectly fitting the crisis in front of her.

"This woman is very powerful."

Even Wu Lang was affected by the description of the plan, causing huge waves in his heart.

He was thoroughly moved.

"Would you like to follow me to the Sea Clan?" She asked suddenly.

"Yes." Wu Lang nodded slowly.

Led by the strong merman guards on both sides, they rode the waves and gradually sank into the sea.

A magnificent underwater foreshore world comes into view.


The blue water slowly pushes the ripples.

Rock buildings, tribes, surrounded by coral communities.

Occasionally, adult mermen come and go, and the merman children squat in the corner and play with shells, very happy.

"Princess, the princess is back!"

The children cheered.

The Merman Princess gently stroked the children's heads, and after saying hello a few times, she led Wu Lang to walk around the city and came to a corner.

There is a huge beach platform square here.

Hundreds of mermaids are studying the cube.

"They build craftsmen?" Wu Lang thoughtfully.

"Yes." Shark Yu'er nodded, and said gently: "Your Excellency's cultivation method is very powerful, even among our race, it can be practiced."

"This is normal." Wu Lang said.

After all, their primary talent is fixed, and their sub-fate is still random. Naturally, there are clansmen whose sub-fate is a craftsman.

It's just that they don't have a horrible population like the human race, and their birth rate is low, which leads to the fact that their craftsmen are not many.

He even hid in the cloud and mist abyss, and when someone was chasing him, he found that in the cloud and mist abyss, he also found some demon artisans to study the practice artisan system.

Everyone is stealing.

Everyone is researching.

They are all following the times and want to plagiarize the results.

"These craftsmen are the future of our mermaid race."

She showed emotion and said, "The artisan system is not the most helpful to your human race, but to our sea race."

"These 'Lego blocks' that are built into cubes can not only be quickly turned into city walls and houses, but also turn us into ship buildings, so that we can escape quickly when the monsoon current comes."

"According to the estimates of the ethnic group, if the artisan system takes shape, the nomadic life of our mermaids will be greatly improved."

They are the real nomads.

Avoid ocean currents all the time, and even big sea beasts attack the tribe. This flexible magic weapon building is of great help to them, and it can even be said to be cross-age.

Now, the entire Merman tribe has unprecedented enthusiasm for craftsmen.

She took Wu Lang along the streets of the tribe, looking around, "All of them, it's those stubborn old people who saw the craftsmen that I was able to persuade them to ally with you."

She blinked, "It's even possible to persuade them to use this to help you Jingzhou by setting off a tsunami at the cost of burning their lives."

Wu Lang was dumbfounded.

He had thought that the price of the tsunami would be very high, but he didn't expect that it would be so big that it would require the power of the entire mermaid race at the price of life.

"So oh."

She whispered softly: "The Jingzhou tsunami is to sacrifice all the fusion period of our mermaid race, and use the conch artifact to push it to that level, to pull a suitable monsoon ocean current, rushing to Jingzhou. After all, the time flow rate is too low. It’s not cost-effective, too high will bear the shortage.”

"Under my crazy speech and unremitting efforts, all the old and stubborn people in our group are ready to die for you." She suddenly showed an inexplicable gentle smile, "And, it is the kind that is willing to risk their lives to lead a A steady monsoon current suitable for your cultivation."

"Then, Princess Mermaid, what is the price?" Wu Lang asked.

(End of this chapter)

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