I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 21 Learning from Others to Die

Chapter 21 Learning from Others to Die
This Xing Hanhan is trying to die.

But it is also normal.

It is absolutely not uncommon for the Mozong to eat the weak and the strong.

She can treat the other party like this, which means that her fate can suppress the other party, and the other party's aptitude is not as good as her own, so it is impossible to turn around and attack her.

After all, Huang Quanzong is very special, a person's qualifications can be clearly seen, and there is basically no possibility of admitting his mistake and letting the other party come back.

Just like you saw Liu Ping's rotten fate, you think he can come back?
This is funny.

But this one still counterattacked.

It means that the fate of the second-generation future leader is very special, so that everyone misjudged her fate potential. If anyone blames it, blame Xing Hanhan in front of him for his bad luck.

That's why Wu Lang wanted to take a peek at the other party's fate.

What kind of mysterious aptitude is this, don't you have to look at it?
How can you sleep without glancing at it?
I don't know when he was stabbed to death at night.

Wu Lang didn't say much, and unfolded his six books in front of his eyes, "Let me talk about mine first, these are the six fates I chose, and the orange fate is [Dao Yan Qian Kun]."

"It turned out to be this! Senior Meng Po is simply"

Xing Hanhan's eyes were wide open, he took a deep breath, and smiled enviously: "Haha, you really made a lot of money, the housekeeper of Dao Yanzong, Zhenzong's unique knowledge - Dao Yan Qiankun, this unique knowledge can only be formed if you practice it to a high level. Unique fate!"

Daoyanzong accepts disciples who are talented in calculations.

For example, low-level qualifications such as white [accounting] and green [mental arithmetic like beads], it is unique to become this orange after practicing this skill and continuously improving fate.

Ordinary practitioners don't call this fate, but the innate Taoism that has been practiced to a high level: natal supernatural powers!
Fate, in fact, has many different names.

The true spirit in the soul, the fate of humanity, the soul itself has supernatural powers.

"I don't take advantage of you. I won't read the specific information of the book, or Meng Po will beat me to death. Just look at the name. Of course, I will tell all the information about my disciples." Xing Hanhan patted the disciples Son's shoulder, said carelessly.

Wu Lang pricked up his ears.

She smiled and was very frank, "My apprentice's fate, the purple fate [I am the only one] and [Space Bag]."

Wu Liang chewed the information for a while.

As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a super fierce fate.

[Only me alone] seems to be some kind of domineering and cold-blooded destiny, [space bag] Wu Lang can guess it.

"Interspatial bag? It should be a special spiritual root other than the five spiritual roots of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, it is the ethereal root!" Wu Lang looked surprised.

"That's right, it's a different kind of mutated ethereal root. I haven't seen this before. It's amazing."

Xing Hanhan just smiled and said: "It's just that her aptitude is not as good as the two of us. Our direct disciples generally have two purple cultivation talents, and she only has one purple aptitude that can practice. Although it is a mutation, it is stronger than ordinary ethereal roots. But the other [Only One] is just a purple mentality talent, it seems that it can also help cultivation, and it belongs to the support of concentration."

"Shan Zi's cultivation of fate, the variation of ethereal root, is already very powerful." Wu Lang nodded.

As for "I'm the One", Xing Hanhan really didn't pay attention to it.

The number of fates is still too much.

The specific effects of many rare fates are unknown.

Just like the Pokemon Pokédex in Pokémon, there are some unknown and mysterious Pokémon in this world. You only know the general attributes and directions of Pokémon, but you don’t know the specific future growth.

For example, [Rotten Peach Blossom] looks extremely ordinary.

Can you imagine the hidden practice of rotten peach blossoms, the ability to evolve fate, and so many branches?

"Okay, our curiosity is satisfied."

Xing Hanhan smiled, "Since Junior Brother has taken his fate, let's go back to the mountain. I think it will be very busy, and I will visit you some other day."

"Thank you, sister."

Wu Lang left with Liu Ping behind him.

After Wu Lang left, Xing Hanhan let out a breath of foul breath slowly, and smiled at the apprentice next to him: "This new junior is really a good person, he is upright, he chose to satisfy my curiosity in order not to embarrass me. I was afraid that Po Meng would embarrass me, so I proposed the name of exchange of equal value."

After all, what is the value of one's apprentice's fate?
Such a person is well-founded and has a certain charm. He is really a gentle person.

"You can hate me, I hated my master that way back then."

Xing Hanhan suddenly said carelessly: "Back then, she also killed my whole family and forced me to become a teacher. I hate her, but this is the tradition of the Netherworld Sect. To enter the Netherworld Sect, the whole family must first drink soup and reincarnate. Break the dust."

"In this way, we can prevent other people from tracking down our Netherworld Sect's heel and the true identity of our disciples. After all, our enemies are flying all over the sky."

"At the same time, it's a shock, but it's also an incentive."

"If you cultivate to an extremely strong level, you will naturally be able to find your family and parents, find their reincarnations, and awaken their memories."

With emotion, she looked at the seventh peak in the distance with admiration: "So, don't learn from my new junior brother, our Demon Sect is so cruel!"

"He is kind and upright, even in this dark and filthy land, he can act with the righteousness in his heart, maintain a heart that is not stained by pearls, his heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and all his actions are righteous. But if you follow him, you will die."

"Yes, Master." The cold and beautiful girl Li Goudan said, but a trace of expectation and admiration flashed in her beautiful and cold eyes. Obviously, she has not completely fallen, and she was kidnapped into the Demon Sect not long ago. She still has a conscience. Zun even more admires this mysterious and elegant scholar.

"Let's go back," she said.

And at this moment, a phantom slowly appeared in front of her eyes, it was Po Meng.

"Senior." Xing Hanhan hurriedly stopped and clasped his fists.

Granny Meng glanced at her, with no expression of joy or sorrow: "The [-]th floor of hell is going to be renovated. There are only three acting peak masters left in the sect. You are the second one. What do you think?"

Xing Hanhan was startled at first, and then began to ponder.

After the collapse of the sect, did Granny Meng really have a brain problem, or did her personality change drastically, now she doesn't like the humble and flattering, but prefers the upright and backbone?

Could you give it a try secretly?
It won't die anyway.

She thought carefully, and suddenly her demeanor became noble and elegant, showing the demeanor of an official lady back then, and said in an elegant and soft voice: "Senior! I used to be the chief disciple of the fifth peak in these eighteen levels of hell." , the current peak master, I think it should be."

"You follow me to have a look, and talk about it on the spot." Meng Po said.

Xing Hanhan was a little happy in his heart, and silently followed behind. He also used the lotus step when he was a young lady in the mortal period, walking in small steps, graceful and graceful, lightly moving the lotus step, very elegant.

She kept thinking: Could it be true?

Po Meng, who never listened to anyone's advice, actually listened to her now?
She soon followed Po Meng to the dilapidated [-]th floor of hell, and came to the side of torture instruments.

But not long after, there were horrific screams from inside.

"Help!!!" Xing Hanhan immediately regretted it!Just now I told my apprentices not to imitate him, and those who imitate others will die, but I couldn't help but want to try to imitate him, and let Granny Meng see my strength of character.

This Meng Po, obviously came to wear shoes for herself!She hasn't changed at all!
Seventh Peak.

in the courtyard.

The Bana flowers are already growing some buds, which are bright red and weird.

"[I am the only one]?"

Wu Lang took a deep breath, and carefully considered: "It seems that the strength of this big boss lies in this unknown non-combat fate."

This era is very limited.

He was not optimistic about unconventional fates, but Wu Lang naturally didn't think so.

The interspatial bag seems to be a mutated ethereal root, and it is not simple. I don't know how it will grow.

After sorting out his thoughts, Wu Lang also started to get down to business. He returned to the room and put six books on the table.

He first picked up [Nemesis], closed his eyes, and began to use the power in it.


The huge and terrifying memory was instantly restarted.

Countless images that were once remembered or not, sealed in the depths of memory, rushed out frantically, rushing through the brain.

three days later.

Wu Lang opened his eyes, he seemed to be a few years older, his complexion was pale, like a serious illness, "I found it in my brain, and I can start making my natal life wheel."

(End of this chapter)

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