I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 228 Transformation God, Fusion

Chapter 228 Transformation God, Fusion

Soon, looking at the hundred arenas below and the throne above, temporary teaching work also began.

A transparent barrier slowly covered the surroundings of the throne, but the people competing outside could not see the scene inside.

Inside the circular shield, only Wu Lang and Gu Di were left.

"Master, I practice a hundred ways, and I will demonstrate each one."

Wu Lang didn't hesitate at all. This person is worthy of his master. This ancient old emperor is a supreme existence of righteousness.

When "Tiangou Yingtianjing" was developed and perfected by later generations, there were many great experts who helped and made suggestions.

After all, that great emperor who crazily favored NPCs, crazily ate soft meals, and taught him so many great abilities in cultivation?

Without these ancient existences, his exercises would not have been perfected to that extent.If you want to improve your own skills to the height of his skills, you can't do it behind closed doors.

Tiangou wins the Bible is the ancestral scripture?

Do not!
The current ancestral scriptures will be the exercises I major in, "Bai Xiao Ying Tian Jing"

Only such a serious and unrefined school can bear the name of the ancestral scriptures. In my own hands, I can't do any more messy things.

Soon, Wu Lang began to demonstrate without any concealment.

And Wu Langhui has too many exercises, which can be called unprecedented. It took a whole day to display one hundred kinds of methods.

"It's really interesting."

The white-haired young Emperor Gudi showed a remarkable splendor, shook his head helplessly and said: "I don't understand, I don't understand at all. Obviously your path has already exceeded my expectations."

"You are not at the starting point of pioneering, your law is not rough at all."

"Instead of using my own strength, I forcibly developed to the mid-level. Therefore, your ideas have completely jumped out of my frame, and my help to you is even smaller than I imagined."

He smiled and said, "You are indeed an unimaginable genius."

Wu Lang knew that this was not what he thought.

It's not that I force myself to develop to the mid-level, but the players in the future push it to that level.

But now there is no way to refute it, so I can only force this incredible talent on myself.

"Senior, what should I do?"

Wu Lang said: "The way to transform into a god is to transform one's own dharma intentions. Although hundreds of dharma intentions have been gone through to perfection, there are too many of them, and it is difficult to transform them all at the same time."

This ancient emperor frowned slightly, and his thoughts lasted as long as a few sticks of incense.

There are two kinds of legal meanings for ordinary people to transform into gods.

This person has a hundred ways of thinking, which is fifty times that of ordinary people. This is already a barrier door that is basically impossible to break through.

"I don't understand your exercises, so I can't teach you personally. I can only help you solve problems from other places."

He said directly: "Your level is too deadly. If I guess correctly, if you continue to practice according to the normal path, you will not be able to break through the transformation of the gods in your life, and at the same time change the quality of a hundred dharma intentions in an instant?? It is almost impossible. Operation The amount is too much, if you want to transform into a god, you have to go to the body line first."

"I want to fit together first?" Wu Lang was startled.


The ancient emperor smiled gently: "Ordinary people are Yuanying, transforming into gods, and combining them is the most perfect route for thousands of years of practice, but you have to go through the two realms of Yuanying, combining into bodies, and transforming into gods."

"What is the stage of transforming gods? It is the two major qualitative changes in which two newly born infants have grown into two gods of the mind.

"What is the period of integration? It is the fusion of two kinds of gods and gods that grow up as a baby, which is called unity."

simply put.

The road of practice is equivalent to the road of birth of a life.

The qi refining stage is to create a ray of life energy in the body, the foundation building stage is to cast the placenta in the body, the pill formation stage is the pregnant embryo, and the Yuanying stage is the birth of two babies from the shell.

The stage of transforming into gods is to cultivate two children into adults.

The fusion period is for the two children who have grown up to marry and have children, and merge into one.

And now?

It's the other way around.

The child is married? ?
This is illegal and violates the traditional common sense of practice!

But Wu Lang was not a stickler for the rules, and the new system had subverted the tradition. It was not impossible for him to reverse the order of practice in a big realm.

Poverty leads to change, change leads to success, and generality leads to a new path.

"So, how do I go to the body first? Make the law and meaning into one?"

Wu Lang murmured, "Even if I am in harmony, it will be very difficult, right? Others are only in harmony with two kinds of meanings, but I am in harmony with a hundred kinds."

"Cultivating the Dharma is cultivating the mind. Just close your eyes and listen to my discussion." He smiled.


Wu Lang slowly closed his eyes, and his whole body fell into a peaceful state.

The white-haired ancient emperor smiled slightly, and slowly circled around Wu Lang, who was sitting on the throne, and said as he walked, "Don't be afraid, relax. If you are afraid, you will not be able to walk out of that path. You now need to build an invincible road like everyone in the arena below."

He looked at the countless geniuses competing below, "Don't think that you are not good enough, you have to think that you are omnipotent, and you can break a path with your momentum like a rainbow."

Wu Lang's heart seemed to be hypnotized, and soon calmed down, falling into a mysterious and mysterious state of half-dream and half-awake.

The distant and peaceful voice seemed to come from the nine heavens:

"Calm down, I'll start teaching you."

"First of all, your studies are too complicated and your mind is too confused."

"Don't just remember that you have learned a hundred kinds of fields, just remember that these are false, and they are all the process of your life. The hundred dharmas are false dharmas, pointing directly to the only true dharma 'way'."

"Hundreds of roads are processes, rough and winding, pointing to the same end point, which is your only 'way'."

"Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. It produces all things in the world, produces life and changes, and it is infinitely wonderful."

"When you practice the Hundred Laws, it's just for you to understand the laws, peel off the cocoons, and find the only connection among them, which is the Tao."

"And how do you step into the integration period? There are hundreds of different meanings, first of all, you have to forget."

"Forget?" Wu Lang said slowly.

"Don't think about those bloated things, don't think that you went to the common people's market during your transformation into a mortal, and personally developed hundreds of exercises, and think that you are the source of all exercises."

"Forget your occupation, your state, your gender, your world, and your hundred thoughts. Start from your heart, get rid of all frameworks and constraints, and forget everything."

The voice of the voice is like the sound of nature, mysterious and mysterious.

However, these quite philosophical, empty, and unimaginable words can gradually reveal another world in Wu Lang's eyes. He is a person who has experienced the big bang of the times, and the era discussed by countless thinkers and philosophers.

He suddenly remembered that sentence from his previous life:

The sun and the moon shine without anyone burning.

The stars are self-ordered by no one.

Animals are born without man.

The wind is automatic without a fan, and the water flows without a push.

Plants and trees grow by themselves without human beings, breathe by themselves without breathing, and beat by their own hearts without heartbeats,

These are a hundred kinds of phenomena, which are also equivalent to a hundred kinds of exercises, which directly refer to the "Tao" that I have learned.

"Fitness. The law in my heart, the way in my heart."

Wu Lang suddenly felt that countless things in his brain were passing away and fading away. Everything he traveled to this land of Kyushu and worked overtime and studied frantically in the cave was disappearing.

All my hard work is returning to nothingness.

Common sense, skills, martial arts, and skills are disappearing, and the sages who have learned the Hundred Xiaotian Jing and claim to know everything are becoming mediocre people who know nothing and have a poor mind.

(End of this chapter)

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