Chapter 24

That's her, Tomie Kawakami!
In fact, Tomie Kawakami is a beautiful girl monster in a horror comic on the earth in the previous life, and has published countless "Tomie" series.

And the sand sculptors can even lick dogs, and this kind of role is of course.

Never underestimate fanatic fans, these kitchen forces will try to reproduce COS's own characters in various games, such as octopuses and six-eyed flying fish.

The reason why Tomie Kawakami was chosen is because in the fairy game "Huangquan Guicha", the route developed by sand sculpture players is too curious!

Especially the famous evil side [Heavenly Craftsmanship] series.

Most of the founders are tentacles and Cthulhu's novelty-hunting and horror-loving players. They set up the guild "Alien and Familiar Alliance" to gather people secretly to do strange XP research, and few of them are normal.

As a casual player, the reason why I have seen these highly confidential drawings and secret recipes is because they were arrested by the whole server of the "Righteous Way League" in a certain year.

This group of senior research and technology geeks was arrested and paraded in the streets one by one, bringing their own exotic mounts and exotic species, various tentacles, tauren, octopus PLAY, yellow hair, and demons dancing wildly. The degree of shame is public!

It is simply unbearable to look directly at.

At that time, when Wu Lang went online after get off work, he saw the group of stripped naked animals parading the streets with monsters.

Countless people set up small benches and watched vigorously.

I remember that the entire game circle was instantly shaken. No one knew about this secret organization before, and even other players were excited to eat melons: These sand sculptures can still play like this secretly? ?

The XP system of their guild is too free, right?

Why don't these technical nerds take me with them?
That octopus is so exciting!
This is the origin of the founder organization of [Evil Side] Demonic Clay Puppets, a few young geniuses with aspirations and dreams. After being paraded in the street, their painstaking efforts were also exhibited in the forum.

Back to the present, I have an apprentice, and it’s okay to be a dog-licking embarrassment. Anyway, I’m hiding in the crowd as a teacher, so I don’t panic at all.

But myself, how could I take that shameful route?

After all, I can't stay on the mountain all the time, can I?
What if when I came down from the mountain, I was caught by a famous family of the right way for engaging in this kind of XP alien magic pet, and they would parade me around the street like this when they were annoyed?

This moment is ashamed to be thrown into the world of immortals in the distant prehistoric era!

Even if I managed to survive, the six realms of reincarnation, the true spirit was forcibly detained in the void, the good disciple Liu Ping and the cold and beautiful girl Li Goudan, who had already established a respect, would look at me with weird and shocked eyes? ?
but!You can't use the knowledge and wisdom of "Huang Quan Gui Escort" in your brain, right?
After all, the few fates I have taken tend to be evil, and they are the only fates of the two evil sides.

So, among the vast selection of evil-side magic weapon series, I choose the one that looks the most normal, looks pleasing to the eye, and is also very suitable for me.

"Well, my style of cultivating immortals should naturally remain normal."

Wu Lang thought hard, "She's the only one! I have no choice! Then choose to commit suicide."

His goal is just an ordinary-looking immortal cultivator. Being in the limelight is definitely not what he should do.

Cultivating immortals, low-key can last forever.

He didn't want to be caught and paraded in the streets by the whole world of cultivating immortals because he was too sandy!
"However, seniors, I will definitely inherit your legacy and pass on your technology in this world." Wu Lang clasped his hands together with a sense of ceremony.

He looked at the path in front of him, "Tomi Kawakami, this is a specialized life wheel female magical creature, good at attacking and charming men, and a self-regenerating horror monster."

"Although it is also too evil and powerful, compared to the other two, the monsters that are within the controllable range, at least look like a normal human."

"My fate has a good person card, women can try to gain favorability, and keep her to beat men."

Wu Lang's reason was quite simple and practical.

This is a weakness complement.

Soon, Wu Lang recalled the recipe and began to make it.

[Jealousy] No. 19 Soul Mud, [-] grams
[Desire] No. 04 Soul Mud, [-] grams

Every strong person tempers the soul, and the soul dirt discharged is different.

With a calm demeanor, he kept weighing like a pharmacist, piles of strange soil of various colors piled up, and finally mixed together and kneaded into a hand-sized model.


A delicate girl clay puppet appeared in front of her eyes.

Her skin is as fair and round as porcelain clay, her legs are wearing grid black socks, her facial features are more like a porcelain doll, with double ponytails, she is very delicate and cute, full of support.

"Well, the technology is not very good, it's a little rusty, and it can only be pinched so small, but it's enough."

Wu Lang pulled a catheter, connected to the core of the huge three-meter-high magic weapon life wheel, and inserted it on the top of the girl's clay puppet.

For a moment, as if plugged in, the girl's clay puppet trembled like a torrent, and the hairy tube on the top of her head shook even more.

She's starting to think.

"Please name the core of the chip."

The girl opened her eyes, and a cold voice came.

Wu Lang nodded, showing a smile, and said lightly: "It seems that you have learned the basic language communication I taught you."

"Yes Master."

After all, the puppet is an AI, which can completely resemble a human being, but it is impossible to give birth to its own true wisdom.

"The Artifact Spirit of my little life wheel, you will be called Houtu from now on."

Wu Lang thought for a while and said.

Of course, it is impossible for him to completely make the original doll, but he intends to walk out of his own route.

In mythology, Empress Houtu is in charge of the six realms of reincarnation.

After all, people have dreams.

I have the ambition to cultivate my own small life wheel into [Six Paths of Reincarnation].

Traveling back and forth, and still possessing so much advanced knowledge and anecdotes, one would be a fool without any dreams.

Wu Lang looked at the clay golem and murmured in his heart, "However, I have to teach this white cardboard spirit well. It will be terrible if I don't grow into menopause like Granny Meng!"

Who is Meng Po?

Why, as the spirit of the sect, can it rule the entire Huangquan sect?

Why do people have so much authority to wear small shoes for people?

Because she is the magic weapon of the previous generation of Huangquan leader, the spirit of the Zhenzong artifact [Six Paths of Reincarnation]!
However, the previous generation of Huangquan leader, who can only say that he has unique taste, actually likes to cultivate Qi Ling into a type like Meng Po, and manage the six reincarnations for him. Of course, Wu Lang is determined not to cultivate his Qi Ling into a stingy old witch. tragedy.

This life wheel is destined to rule the six realms of reincarnation and is responsible for handling most of the things for oneself.

But even if he was raised in a wrong way, Wu Lang didn't panic. This is an AI computer intelligent assistant program, and it's not a real person. Just restart the emotional simulation.

"Houtu is at your service." The girl said coldly.

"This is the core of your brain, formations and blueprints."

Wu Lang pointed to the core that he spent several days shoddyly crafting, and said cheekily: "You learn these formation diagrams and formation methods, and first shrink your three-meter-large brain."

After all, one's own formation ability is limited.

And among her six life wheels, there is [Array Mastery], coupled with the terrifying computing power of [Tao Yan Qiankun], it is super fast to learn.

She is professional.

than fighting.

She is more like an auxiliary intelligent biological chip, using various [fate] to forcibly perform supermodel logical calculation analysis.

The speed of the various laboratories and development fields of the players is so fast, to a large extent, it is because their leaders in various fields have jointly created a super research-assisting computer-【Heavenly Creation】.


Even Emperor Tiangou, to a large extent, relied on this magic weapon to assist in calculations to perfect the Great Emperor's Ancestral Scripture with so many branches.

Wu Lang handed over the array pen and various materials, "We must work hard."


This little girl doll, with her small body moving with difficulty, struggled to climb up the three-meter tall building.

"After you have studied your brain, then study the soul clay doll cultivation technology."

Wu Lang said again, "Your body is too small. You need to make your body the size of a normal human and stuff your head into it."

"Yes, Master, Houtu, will definitely work hard!"

The girl said softly.

She was still climbing hard, and after rolling on this big bump, she began to study how to shrink her brain circuit a little so that it could be easily stuffed into her body.

Wu Lang nodded.

Working very hard, it is worthy of being a mature life doll.

Really fragrant.

This is the advantage!
Look at the small life wheel next door, can it have my pattern?

Wu Lang instantly sensed the advantage, and was secretly delighted.

This is on-hook training.


(End of this chapter)

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