Chapter 244
There is no doubt that the outcome of this battle is a foregone conclusion.

As everyone thought.

A knife.

Two knives.

Thirty knives.

With screams and howls, Xi Ruming finally put down the butcher knife.

From the fourth cut it looks like it's going to die.

Near death.

But still cut thirty knives abruptly
The whole body was dripping with blood, looking horrible.

"That's it."

Xi Ruming slowly withdrew his hands, turned and left.

"Huh? It's still one knife away, you should fight again." Xu Xinying called out to the other party.

"Hey!" Xi Ruming laughed, and didn't bother to pay attention to her ridicule, he didn't want to be confused by this woman, he was so stupid to think that she was about to die.

If I continue to fight a few more times, I will become addicted, and the mentality of a gambler may really exhaust me completely. Everyone in the world is eager to surround and kill him!
"So far."

He turned into a stream of light, flew to an island, closed his eyes and meditated.

After Xi Ruming left, Xu Xinying took a deep breath, gasping for breath, "He is really fierce, he can be called the world's number one offensive and killing technique."

"The outbreak of multiple fates, plus, cannibalism provides a lot of mana."

At this time, the Bone Saintess next to her smiled and said: "Burst and battery life, Shitianfu has already formed a perfect match."

"However, you have to regain your strength."

The young master of Daoyanzong was at the side, fiddling with the formation diagram, and said slowly, "Although Xi Ruming said to give up, it's safer to recover."

Now, everyone knows that there are three pillars.

Xi Ruming.

Ji Fa.

Demon Slayer Alliance.

Three forces, no one can do anything to anyone!

Xi Ruming was undoubtedly the strongest, it was because he couldn't kill Ji Fa, who could only run away, and Xu Xinying, who couldn't break through the defense, that he froze.

According to this situation, wait until the end of the game time, and the ten people with the highest points in the end will be the winners.

And the one with the highest score is undoubtedly Xi Ruming.

He had already killed ninety-nine percent of the people alone, one by one, slaughtering more than 9000 people. If there were no changes, he might have completely cleared the field.

"No.1 is him."

The Bone Saintess breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "As for the rest of the people, the points are basically the same. They didn't kill a few people. After all, they have to avoid him when they come up. If no one is doing business, they must rely on their performance points."

There are too many variables in this martial arts competition!

One person gets [-]% of the points, and the rest have almost no points. There are very few competitions in the major holy places in history!

It can only be said that Shitian Mansion is a arena-type immortal system.

"Scores are the same, so it's just a performance score?" Xu Xinying said, she is simple-minded and never pays attention to the rules in this area, anyway, what's so good about it?Just come in and get beat up.


The Bone Saintess said: "If this stalemate ends, according to the performance on the field, the No.2 will undoubtedly be Ji Fa, who will fight against Xi Ruming alone."

"No.3 is you, Xu Xinying, who performed very well."

"No.4 and No.5 are me and the young master of Daoyanzong. After all, one of us provides the speed and the other provides the positioning of the large formation, so we can resist his attack! Our role is very important, there is no Me, you can't hold them."

The Bone Saintess talked eloquently,

"No.6 is Mu Jiqiu. After all, she just had the strongest attack."

The Bone Saintess looked at the people around her, "As for the remaining four, I'm not sure, after all, your performances are similar."

Everyone was silent, showing hostile eyes.


After joining forces to save their lives, internal strife began.

Do everything possible to get a seat and improve your ranking.

"Don't rush to fight."

At this time, the young master of Dao Yanzong said slowly, "If we fight among ourselves, Xi Ruming will come and wipe us out. He wishes we could kill each other. Now, I will give you two suggestions."

"First, negotiate with yourselves, take out the interests of the sect, exchange and compromise with each other, and whoever gets the final quota."

"Secondly, you fight one game, but it's not a scuffle. Under our supervision, you will take turns in the ranking battle. Every time there are only two people fighting, our alliance is still very strong. Xi Ruming has committed a crime. , and I am not afraid that if I lose two combat powers, I will be defeated."

This is the most reasonable and effective solution.

So, everyone began to vote.

They all chose the second solution, the race solution.

Thus, a battle began under the supervision of everyone.

At the side, Ji Fa was also watching from a distance, "I want to learn from these geniuses, hard work can make up for one's weakness!"

And farther away, Xi Ruming was also quietly watching their internal competition, and slowly uttered two words, "boring."


Half a month has passed.

Two-two fights start and end.

No. 7 Jing Ge, No. 8 the holy son of Jingfen Temple, No. 9 Shayuer, and No. 10 is a woman of the Human Emperor Sect.

And this time.

A majestic voice came from the sky.

"time up."

The entire arena is also completely over.

A monk stood up, Xi Ruming and Ji Fa strode directly into the teleportation array and returned to the Jingzhou imperial city.

But Baichong Island, Qianhua Pavilion, the three local sects of Dao Guzong, and several great emperors who have crossed the catastrophe, were slightly in a daze.

They never expected that none of their sects would be shortlisted.

It can only be said that this competition is too fierce!


At this time, on the throne, Wu Lang spoke softly, overlooking the arena of the young Tianjiao in Jingzhou: "I didn't expect that you, the Emperor Sect, cheated and won two in the end."

"Can this be called cheating?"

A Human Sovereign laughed and said: "Our Human Sovereign Sect's luck system is connected with one another! We have 37 disciples of the Sovereign Sect, so we can naturally transfer the luck to the two strongest people, and gather the strength of other people's Sovereign Sect disciples." With all the magic power, it can naturally push other people across and win two positions!"

"Even you, Yu Yuer, the empress of the human emperor, is also a disciple of our human emperor's sect to instill luck. With the help of our human emperor's sect, otherwise, she may not be able to enter the ten seats." The crowd of emperors smiled and said: "This favor, you have to remember it well!"

Wu Lang shook his head.

These animals, on the surface, said they were helping themselves.

Actually, not for themselves?
In their eyes, when the soldiers from Jingzhou entered the country, the countless emperors who had crossed the catastrophe were about to become emperors, and they had no choice but to rely on their fellow clansmen like the Emperor's Clan. This gave them some benefits in advance.

However, it has to be admitted.

The Human Emperor Sect's power is indeed huge!

Adding Shame Yu'er, they went so far as to prostitute three positions for nothing.

They rank low in the world of cultivating immortals in their own continent, but they can't stand it. There are emperors in each continent, and the emperors of all the people gather together. Their comprehensive power in Kyushu is quite terrifying!
No matter how desolate the Human Emperor Sect was, it was once the ruler of the human race.

"It's Jing Ge, this person is extraordinary."

A human emperor said with emotion.

Wu Lang was speechless, knowing what they were alluding to, and snorted softly: "My mind is not as narrow as you think. His crown prince Jing Ge wants to avenge his father, ascend to the top, and win a seat in the Emperor's Clan to rebuild him." , let him go."

"His talent may be at the top of the Human Emperor Sect's generation, but I won't kill him."

Wu Lang said with a smile: "How many enemies do I have? There are even many great sage masters and faction masters in Kyushu. Why be afraid of him, a small contemporary arrogance."

Everyone just smiled.

The young emperor of Jingzhou really has a big heart.

He even knew that the world was marching into his world of cultivating immortals in Jingzhou through Huangquan Road, but he set up small Leiyin Temple post stations all over the mountains and plains to entertain these visitors who came to kill him.

Another martial arts performance was held to entertain.

His position is too high, even though his cultivation base is still low, he has already stood in the position of the peak holy masters of the Kyushu.

He really doesn't pay attention to Jing Ge, who is just a mere younger generation.


The Emperor of Liangzhou suddenly said: "The tenth seat, Liang Yunmeng is my daughter. She is talented and beautiful like a fairy, and she can get the tenth seat. If anyone can marry her, it is out of thin air. I got a combat force, and I have a good internal assistant who can help with internal affairs."

Wu Lang just hehe in his heart.

Your Human Emperor Sect recommends the two strongest disciples of the Human Emperor to be on the tenth seat.

Jing Ge is indeed the strongest in the contemporary era. His internal battle is obvious to all, but he is only slightly inferior to Mu Jiqiu's combat power, and he deserves his name.

But another woman.
Although he is indeed a genius, he is only one of the countless top geniuses among the children of the current emperor, but he has chosen to introduce a beautiful woman.

Does Wu Lang not know what their plans are?

Definitely has bad intentions.

They are cheap and greedy for their bodies.

"Everyone, the big competition is over and the situation is busy, so I won't accompany you any more." Wu Lang stood up and cupped his fists, and then appeared in the sky above Jingzhou in front of everyone in the world.

Shark Yu'er, who was wounded all over, also slowly appeared on the throne, put on the queen's costume, and sat beside her.

"Sorry." Shame Yuer whispered: "They are too strong, and the competition is fierce. If the Human Emperor Sect hadn't helped me transmit the luck of the seven human emperors in advance, I might not be able to."

"It's okay." Wu Lang just smiled.

Whispering, also ended here.

Whoa! !
Covered in golden radiance.

Above the imperial city, there are two rulers with the highest status in the entire Jingzhou, looking down.

The young emperor sat on the emperor's throne, wearing the Buddha Dragon Emperor's robe, and his appearance was picturesque. This kind of demeanor simply surpassed the beauty of all human beings.

He has already revealed his true face, and with the blessing of the good person card of the second fate, his true face is like a banished fairy descending from the earth, so handsome that he is not like ordinary people.

But at this time, this handsome and majestic young emperor exuded a strength that disregarded the world, and said slowly:

"The Jingzhou Grand Competition is over."

"The ranking has been established, ten people will come forward and let me divide the titles."

The emperor issued a decree, which attracted the attention of the world.

In the entire world of cultivating immortals in Jingzhou, the combined population of today's humans and ancient humans has already surpassed 10 billion, more than 7000 mortal nations, and 3000 more than [-] monks from various sects are silently watching this scene .

"Beginning to be sealed."

"Those villains are probably going to show their fangs."

Looking at the back of the young emperor who pioneered the era, endless admiration surged in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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