I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 260 Natal Artifact, Pretending to Be a Demon

Chapter 260 Natal Artifact, Pretending to Be a Demon

"Let's keep this fate."

Wu Lang took the [Essence of Evolution] and put it away, his eyes full of longing.

The spiritual root of life is also an ultra-rare non-combat type.

Find a way to lower its character and become a green one!

Then absorb it by yourself and become one of the hundreds of fates in your body. You can use this fate to evolve other green fates!
As for Xi Ruming's other fate?
[Eating Heaven] is essentially a killing and fighting fate, devouring a fighting system, it is useless to come by yourself, let alone a purple one.

Wu Lang called Shame Yuer, "This is Xi Ruming's fate [Fat Tian], the purple fate with great potential, you can take it. In this way, you can learn from Xi Ruming, by devouring the cloud monster , came to Yunwu Abyss disguised as a monster."

Some people's fate is purple, and their upper limit of potential is purple.

Some people's fate is purple, because their realm is still low. After passing through the catastrophe, their fate will inevitably change qualitatively, and it will instantly turn orange!

Xi Ruming's fate seems to be double purple, but in fact, when it grows up, it must be orange or even golden.

He is a man of immortality.

Shame Yu'er's eyes were full of joy: "My husband's dowry is really good, so how can I use this fate?"

Shame Yu'er is not a non-living puppet of the six realms of reincarnation—the player, and she doesn't have her own special physique that devours her life.

It is a normal flesh and blood life, so it is naturally impossible to carry it on the body.

You must know that the former Huangquanzong disciples usually only have two purposes after obtaining their fate: 1. Find Po Meng to take it back for contribution points. 2. Use it as a natal magic weapon by yourself.

"You can use this destiny to make a magic weapon of destiny." Wu Lang said.

"The natal artifact of the disciples of the Netherworld Sect?" Shame Yu'er was curious.

Wu Lang explained casually:
The peak master's natal magic weapon is six life wheels, composed of six life frames.

The natal magic weapon of the secondary core disciples is composed of one or two fates.

Wu Lang thought for a while, and introduced with a smile: "You use it as a natal magic weapon and refine it in your body. You can only use this magic weapon to display this talent, but it is not one-tenth of the original Xi Ruming's level. After all, you are not a living person. .”

"I understand."

Shame Yu'er was still overjoyed, after all, it is unrealistic to be a magic weapon, comparable to herself.

"However, be careful not to eat people." Wu Lang reminded.

Shame Yu'er rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I'm not a pervert! I eat cooked meat, so I eat monster meat and monster meat normally."

"The fate of being a gourmet is very good. Eating food can improve your strength. Although it is only one-tenth, another husband seems to be proficient in cooking. I am lucky."

Wu Lang nodded.

Anyway, I am not too demanding.

A certain province on this earth eats everything, and this is especially true for the human race in Kyushu. What kind of monsters, dragon meat, and unicorn meat are eaten more luxuriously.

The monks, who have lived for a long time, are even better at eating.

In short, it’s over if you don’t eat people, and it’s still a response in essence.

"By the way, I'll take you to meet Po Meng, and cast a life wheel by the way."

Wu Lang took Shark Yu'er for a walk.

Meng Po smiled and said: "Little girl, it's very good. Jingzhou is well organized, and you have contributed a lot! You bought a lot of time for your husband, and let him develop exercises for the people of the world."

"You are too much." Shame Yuer said hastily.

Granny Meng always loves her family, but just after a big victory, she was even more in a good mood when she abused several magic sects in the Shitian Mansion next door. She also opened a small fire for Yu Yuer, and took out the cultivation skills of the Shitian Mansion as a meeting gift.

After all, Kyushu No. [-] spy sect is no joke.

Shitianfu naturally attacked them!

Otherwise, their previous relationship would not have been so rigid.

"Thank you, Senior Meng Po."

Shame Yu'er was greatly moved, and on the way back she looked surprised, and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, the Holy Sect of the Underworld is not as evil and scary as the legends say, everyone is very friendly, and that old senior is even more kind-hearted, I am here There was a sense of camaraderie and harmony.”

Wu Lang could only hehe.

The world's largest spy group, can't pretend to be a good person?

Just kidding.

After bidding farewell to Granny Meng, Wu Lang took her around Xiaoleiyin Temple again.

Shame Yuer was very pleasantly surprised, and secretly interviewed the top ten leaders of the mountain spirits. They had also known Shame Yuer in Thailand for a long time, representing the leaders of the human race and the ancient human race respectively.

After playing in the temple for a while, he returned to the Seventh Peak, told her some things again, and joined the Netherworld Sect and became a disciple.

Time passed like this for a few days.

After Xia Yu'er got used to her status, she rarely came to the seventh peak of the Netherworld Sect.

After all, she has been very busy.

Because a certain person is the hands-off shopkeeper, she, the queen, is handling all kinds of affairs in Jingzhou. Now she is dealing with the funeral of Yanwu, and the arrangement of those guys is even more busy.

And her incarnation of luck dealt with Jingzhou on the bright side, and her main body also gradually became familiar with her natal magic weapon, and began to try to transform the cloud and mist demon.

After successfully proficiency, she immediately began to withdraw, and the main body came to Wu Lang secretly.

"Husband, I'm here to find you."

Her thoughts are obvious:

It's still very dangerous for me, the queen, to be in Jingzhou, and those people are likely to attack him too.

Now, living in seclusion in the cave of Yunwu Dayuan with her husband, and ruling Jingzhou with the embodiment of luck, who can find her?

In the abyss of cloud and mist, in the underground cave.

Wu Lang opened his eyes and looked at the empty cave with a peaceful expression.

I got up and poured a cup of tea to moisten my throat.

The youngest apprentice, Yun Rong, also ran out to roam around, clever and lively, single-handedly challenging the younger generation of demons everywhere in the cloud and mist abyss, and occasionally came back to visit the lonely old man and bring some wonderful condolences.

Yun Rong is the most worry-free.

Cultivating the traditional system is not like the previous brothers and sisters, who are so grotesque, they are serious classical monks.

"That girl runs around all day, if Shame Yuer comes here now, her cave will not be so deserted."

He loves to work overtime, and he is not an autistic person. As a normal man, he would certainly not reject a beautiful woman coming to his door.

But it's just a little spice of life after all.

To practice hard, to live forever, to live freely in the world, so that no one else dares to catch me, and no longer need to hide in the cave, is the real goal.


Wu Lang took a deep breath, "According to Yu'er's speed, it may take a few months before he can reach me."

"She is really young and passionate. While busy with various important matters in Jingzhou, dealing with the resettlement work of the Young Master Daoyanzong and the others, she is also busy running over with great interest to condolences to her husband."

He took out the map of Jingzhou, and looked at the red dots of "Huangquanzong disciples" large and small on it, and established sects and sects in various places in Jingzhou.

They gathered in twos and threes, and kept moving slowly.

"Pay attention to their location at any time, and you won't be afraid of them messing around."

"Now, those invaders in Jingzhou have established their sects in the mainland, and this side of the cultivation world has been fully developed."

How vast is Jingzhou?
It is bigger than the earth, after all, the earth's area is only one-third of the land.

Just imagine, if the earth is all land, then it would be a part of Jingzhou.

Such a huge land of comprehension is like a desert. The proportion of the population of tens of billions of human races has shrunk under the oppression of the mountain spirits. Before that, the human races did not even have a 3% land occupation rate.

It is naturally a great thing for these people to fill in.

And Wu Lang didn't swell to the point where he felt that he could control all the sects in Jingzhou by himself, that's unrealistic!

His dominance is not that great at all.

The huge land allows them to breed a large number of sects, holy places, and a large number of spiritual beasts. It is the right way to cultivate disciples to build secret realms, pay tribute, and pay taxes.

But Daoist sect, traditional Buddhism, and even various first-rate and second-rate Kyushu great sects come here to branch out and preach, which is the real flourishing of a hundred flowers.

As for the major demon gates of the Holy Land of Bones?

There is also an absolute ban on:
It is not allowed to do anything to weak mortals and low-level cultivators who have just practiced for less than a few years, and others are optional.

As for attacking other monks?

Crazy killing and seizing treasure?
Or dig the graves of other monks' masters in the Holy Land of Bones?

Wu Lang didn't bother to talk to them.

There is internal fighting along the way of cultivating immortals, which is the kingly way.

If I forcibly engage in a "literary prison", an absolutely peaceful world of cultivating immortals that is lifeless, free from fighting and death, and raise them into monks who know theories, kind and innocent, they are doomed to perish.

A world must have sunshine and darkness.

Magic Gate is the necessary shadow.

So the Demon Sect is stationed here, and he sees it very clearly when he comes here to kill people and seize treasures.

"Anyway, they are doing all kinds of things secretly in the Demon Sect. After the robbery, pay attention to paying tribute and paying taxes."

Don't care about his fighting between good and evil, anyway, if you beat yours, remember to pay regularly.

A vast and huge realm of comprehension, after all, developed by itself.

"It's okay to be quiet for a while."

Wu Lang closed his eyes, and said in thought: "I'm only at the stage of becoming a god. In the final analysis, it's a matter of strength and continue to improve my strength."

After avoiding another street parade incident, stabilize the situation in Jingzhou and continue to practice!

Another month passed.

The outside world has gradually entered the right track, and the upheaval in the entire Jingzhou Yanwu has also begun to subside, and the initial stage of civilization has begun to sprout.

And this is even more so for the cultivators.

They were in the Imperial City of Jingzhou, taking advantage of the fact that Wu Lang of Dabi had preached a hundred dharma, medicine, gourmet food, tattoos, martial arts, and official missions.
Various practice systems ushered in a big explosion.

Countless mortals have embarked on the road of self-cultivation, cultivating their own destiny, and recognizing their true self.

Everywhere in the streets and markets, practitioners can be seen walking back and forth, which can be said to be the real beginning of a prosperous age.

The era has completely exploded!

A cultivator whose name is widely known in Jingzhou's comprehension circle.


Wu Lang smiled, glanced at the outside world, and continued to practice.

He used to work overtime every day to cultivate a hundred kinds of knowledge in various fields, but now he can't learn all of them.
So he stopped studying.

He focused on improving his cultivation level, and spent half of his usual study time on cultivation, and his cultivation speed increased extremely fast, more than doubled.

He still worked overtime for more than fifteen hours a day, and felt that the second floor of the transformation stage was approaching visibly with the naked eye.

However, he is still not satisfied!

The higher the realm, the slower the practice. Now it takes five or six years to break through a small realm, which is too slow.

And don't go to the seasonless sea of ​​bitterness.

"Although for the general stage of transforming gods, this is already very fast. I have all kinds of elixir, magic weapons to improve cultivation, and huge luck."

Wu Lang frowned, "I have to find a way to increase my practice speed."

Just as he was thinking like this, his mind moved slightly.

Shark Yuer is here.

(End of this chapter)

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