I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 264 Accident

Chapter 264 Accident

Bai Yuji was stunned, and soon, the two of them chatted privately.

【Bai Yu Ji Overlord】: "What's going on? Didn't you always disbelieve us? Although you've been making suggestions, you said you wanted to use subtle tricks to interrupt our delusional plot?"

[Pure Love Tengu]: "Actually, your reports are too real. My plan has been implemented, and there are all kinds of perfect real-time feedback. There are too many details. Although it is unbelievable, but now it is very likely to be true. , after all, if it’s all a fake show, everyone’s acting as a chicken is too meticulous.”

"Your account seems to have changed several people, and the tone and attitude are different. It is estimated that generations of chicken leaders are passing down the code."

"But to pretend to be so deceitful, to pretend to be tone and character one by one, it is impossible to post a post, and I have tested your words many times, and there are no flaws."

"In addition, I kept searching for information on the Internet and found that some chicken farms did have abnormalities."

"And as you said, two people appeared on Huangquan Road recently, and I also found related reports about one of them. The appearance and characteristics match."

"So, I am [-]% sure to trust you now."

Ji Fa was taken aback. In fact, he didn't want the other party to believe them.

After all, there is no benefit in believing, they just need to prostitute their wisdom.

"Believe it or not, what does it have to do with me, huh?"

Ji Fa began to beat the chicken wings and type with difficulty.

In Kyushu, he is the invincible Ji Fa, the Archeopteryx, who resists Xi Ruming, but in reality, he is just a white-feathered chicken who has always been helpless, hiding behind the Internet.

[Pure Love Tengu]: "You are too young. You seem to use human help on the Internet to gain an advantage by posting posts, but you have never had a vision. But sooner or later, something will happen, and even humans will find out that you need a real person." Human allies!"

"And I am your ally. I will do my best to help you hide in human society, raise funds, protect your safety, and grow your race in the underworld!"

【Bai Yu Ji Overlord】: "So you?"

【Pure Love Tengu】: "I want to enter the underworld."

【White Feather Ji Overlord】: "Why don't you hate a chicken??"

[Pure Love Tengu]: "It's impossible! Only [-]% of you believe in you. Maybe you are really some human being pretending to deceive people on the Internet to go to the diary of a madman. I can't be fooled!"

"One more thing, going in this way is obviously wrong, it was looked down upon by others, and was thrown back by Po Meng."

[Pure Love Tengu]: "Since you can enter by getting close to the chicken, it means that you can also enter in other ways, such as painting chicken blood and drawing symbols, and using the chicken's soul."

"I recently found this spell online."

【Bai Yu Ji Overlord】: "This is?? It seems to be some basic method of Huang Quanzong?"

[Pure Love Tengu]: "Yes, among the various exercises and symbols you sent me, I found similar spells from the Shang Dynasty on the Internet. There is a hell, and some ancient alchemists have researched some ways in it, you follow this spell, please take a look over there, change it, maybe it will work, and I will be able to enter."

【Bai Yu Ji Overlord】: "I ask the big brothers of Huang Quanzong to help me with my advice."

Wu Lang is still practicing in the cave.

Soon, Xing Hanhan called over: "Junior brother, come quickly, come quickly, I will share interesting things with you."

When Wu Lang reached the fifth peak, he glanced at the white-feathered chickens all over the mountains and plains.

This is a super farm.

Wu Lang blinked. Luckily, he grows flowers here. After all, he loves leisurely work and overtime, but he can't stand this kind of harassment from aunts who are comparable to square dancers!

"See you, Master Uncle." Ji Fa said hastily, respectfully.

Ji Fa also didn't understand that the peak master in front of him was actually that Jingzhou sage.

after all.

The real bodies of Huang Quanzong disciples are generally top secrets, and Ji Fa, who doesn't even know about other disciples, is naturally not qualified to know about it.

To be honest, if it weren't for Wu Lang's attribute page, Xing Hanhan's real Kyushu identity would not be known now, and she hides it very tightly.

"What's the matter?" Wu Lang asked.

"Listen to him." Xing Hanhan said with a chuckle, "He's stupid for a while, smart for a while, and now is the smart stage."

Ji Fa honestly explained his process and took out the spell.

Wu Lang glanced at the talisman, and was slightly startled. This was the spell of Huang Quanzong.

Is this from the Shang Dynasty?
Xing Hanhan secretly said:

"That is to say, the flow rate of time is different. When we fought on the sea of ​​endless suffering decades ago, time and space were distorted and dimensions were distorted. The six reincarnation fragments, sandwiched by the turbulent flow of time, ran directly to Thousands of years before they entered their world."

"I see."

Wu Lang nodded, thinking to himself.

The fragments went directly to the earth thousands of years ago, so various legends and even some spells were left behind.

The six reincarnation fragments on the other side have been storing ghosts on the earth for a long time, and even the ancients on the earth have explored and landed in the "fragment ruins".
It's just that the underworld over there is incomplete, not the real underworld.

"It's very interesting, isn't it?" Xing Hanhan snickered.

"In other words, the ruins of reincarnation fragments over there may be inhabited?"

Wu Lang pretended to be surprised, and tentatively said: "Some dead people in that world may have hidden in the incomplete hell over there and occupied our fragments?"

There was a trace of weirdness at the corner of his mouth.

Interesting if that's the case!

In fact, the mystery of history is still very huge.

Before the previous life time travel, who was running the so-called second world of human beings, "Huang Quan Gui Escort", and released it on the Internet?
This obviously has a big secret.

Could it be that the people responsible for the operation are the ancients of the earth hiding in the fragments of the six reincarnations, some human beings in history?
Hades of the earth in the underworld?

Even some emperors in history who wanted to live forever?

But if it is really those old immortal humans, is there some kind of conspiracy?
For example, want to seize the fragments over there, resist Po Meng, resist Huang Quan's own sect, or pretend that there is no one there, but actually plan secretly?

Various possibilities.

"Is there no one in the underworld of Huangquan fragments over there? I asked Granny Meng, but she couldn't explain clearly and couldn't sense it."

Xing Hanhan whispered: "Anyway, Po Meng said she doesn't care, after all, it's a part of her, no one can take it away, it doesn't matter if there is someone, if someone occupies it, kill her directly."

As expected of Po Meng.

Wu Lang took a deep breath: "In the history of the previous life, there would be no real people who started to try to run "Huangquan Ghost Escort". It was indeed operated by someone at the time of posting, but no one seemed to be operating it later, and the person who was operating in full automatic mode was beaten to death by Granny Meng!?"

After all, a game can’t be played without anyone’s announcement and cover. It can only be like a certain chicken, and it goes directly to the dream and enters the underworld. Can this be called a game?
And the two of them secretly communicated with each other, researching various information of this fragment of the underworld, what position it held in the world over there for thousands of years, and what legends it left behind.

But Xing Hanhan didn't care, and spread his hands, "Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's as barren as Jingzhou. There is no aura, and there is no chance of accidents. But this spell has some meaning."


Xing Hanhan said: "It seems that some ancient humans over there made it. What kind of magic spells, they jumped out of the traditional framework and never practiced. Hell, trying to survive there, trying to survive. It’s really whimsical, and it’s quite similar to your thinking, junior brother.”

Wu Lang was silent.

Can it be different?

People from one place.

Thoughts in history and the traditional education of Confucianism and Taoism for thousands of years have formed a similar mode of thinking.

He complained in his heart, looked at the spell, and said to Ji Fa: "I can try to improve it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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