I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 308 Internal Testing

Chapter 308 Internal Testing
"It's really an eye-opener." Xing Hanhan wondered if he had bumped into the civilization of some evil god, lunatic, or mentally ill.

She suddenly remembered the words of her junior brother:

Visitors from other worlds are like this!
It seems that I am superficial and too ignorant.

It turns out that other civilizations are not something that I can guess at all. The logic of thinking, the structure of brain circuits, and the shape of cells are not something I can figure out.

"Continue to observe them. Since they are too few, we will add more corvees." Xing Hanhan hid in the dark and laughed happily.

This wool is not plucked, and white is not plucked.

In the next few days, Xing Hanhan continued to observe them secretly.

This yin woman pretended to be a gentle lady with a kind face, tested their upper limit of tolerance, tested their old background, and found that they could work more than twelve hours a day, and completed these daily tasks with great enthusiasm and efficiency.

Xing Hanhan was simply astonished!
At the same time, arrange some odd jobs for them in Fengdu Ghost City.

Every sect will establish an external exchange market at the foot of the mountain to sell the special products of the sect. Now Huang Quanzong has established Fengdu in the sect to supply people from Kyushu for trading.

It can be said that it is the only platform that has opened up Kyushu so far.

However, the number of people maintaining law and order has been insufficient all year round, and they just happened to be sent to maintain law and order.

After a period of time, Xing Hanhan has become a "dog planner" without a teacher, and keeps trying to squeeze them out.

And, this fifth peak owner, sitting on the top of the fifth peak, started to write an observation diary with great interest.

The first day of the "Visitor from Another World" diary.

I found them to have a strong desire for money.

The need for contribution points is more thirsty than I imagined.

But they are willing to bear such a low salary, and they feel conscientious. It is hard to imagine what kind of harsh treatment they have experienced before.

Or maybe it is because they have endured more tragic oppression that we feel conscience, which can be used.

Diary day two.

Every one of them has ADHD.

He has an unimaginable nature of exploring and seeking knowledge about our world, and has strong hands-on ability. After completing daily tasks, he began to try to study "materials", sandstone, and building components, and tried to light a fire secretly.

They even tried to exchange their contribution points for a Bana flower, so that the so-called botanists among them could conduct plant research and improve the Bana flower.

In just a few days, I was a little surprised.

They have achieved certain results. Is it possible that they will really be able to make unprecedented achievements with Bianhua in the future?

Diary day three.

They are terribly social.

They like to accept the daily sect tasks of "Fengdu Market" very much. They communicate with the disciples of the major magic alliance sects, and try to establish a good relationship with them with an extremely humble attitude, and try to inquire about various information. The most common sentence is :

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do for you?"

The humble and charming attitude of each of them reminded me of Liu Ping, the seventh peak elder brother of Huang Quanzong.

Fourth day.

Because the supply of daily tasks in Fengdu market is in short supply, I tried to change the contribution point 2 of the daily task [go to Fengdu market for three hours to maintain law and order] in the Zongmen mission hall and changed it to contribution point 1, and they still tend to follow suit.

Day [-].

I changed it to 0 contribution points, and more and more people are accepting this task.

Day [-].

I can only try to change this quest to -2 contribution points.

Only by posting contribution points upside down can they do this daily task, and they will definitely calm down.

Seventh day.

The Zongmen mission hall was full of people, shouting inexplicable slogans such as "Hidden Zongmen mission", all posting contribution points upside down, surpassing all the enthusiasm that erupted before, and ran to the Fengdu market.

Day [-].

I found an interesting point.

I just need to change a random mission in the mission hall to a negative contribution point. If the contribution point is posted upside down, they will be more enthusiastic about that mission, and everyone will actively attack this so-called abnormal "hidden mission".

Seventh day.

They are more and more satisfying to me
Eighth day.

I think they are alive to work for our Huangquan sect.

Compared with those disciples who were lazy before and wanted the monthly basic resources of the sect, this is the best disciple choice in my dream.

I will never recruit mortal disciples outside who are troublesome, lazy, and sneaky!

If it returns to its heyday, and the millions of shady disciples in the dark places of Kyushu throughout the Yellow Spring Sect become such shady disciples, why worry that my Yellow Spring Sect is not at its peak?
I saw the future of the rich and the enemy.

ninth day.

Xing Hanhan found his junior brother, and couldn't help but be excited to ask for credit: "Junior brother, this disciple is too good, one more than 20,000 contribution points, it seems that it is not a loss at all!"


Wu Lang sat in the courtyard of Seventh Peak and meditated.

He had already guessed what would happen, so he kept busy on the Seventh Peak and left the chores to Xing Hanhan.

From now on, she will be the main person in charge of these other world players.

Before, Xing Hanhan felt that recruiting 25 mortal disciples was equivalent to being a great emperor, and it was a blood loss!
Mere mortals, are they inlaid with gold?

But what about now?
This turned out to be a buyout system!
Afterwards, these strange errant disciples, who were not those selfish demon disciples with a lot of shit and thieves at all, have always been extremely enthusiastic, and every one of them crazily paid back money, which will pay back sooner or later!

Huge investment, continuous return.

"Junior brother, do you want us to recruit a few more?"

Xing Hanhan said: "Just recruit them all, and the next wave of heavy bets!"

Wu Lang glanced at Xing Hanhan, who had a gambler mentality, and just shook his head: "It's not good to spend all the resources to summon disciples from the 'secular world'. It's not that expensive."

"With the same economy, cultivating a hundred disciples at the Golden Core stage will produce much better benefits than cultivating [-] mortals."

"That's right, it's mainly because summoning them is expensive! One more than 20,000 contribution points!"

Xing Hanhan looked distressed, "With [-] contribution points, I'm enough to smash a golden core stage monk."

She weighed it up, and immediately regained her senses, "In other words, [-] contribution points are equal to two mortal ghost disciples, and also equal to one golden core stage ghost disciple!"

Of course, it is more cost-effective to raise it to the golden core stage.

"Then what should we do now?"

Xing Hanhan said: "It's good for them to grow slowly now, but it's better to go through the weak period. Could it be that we spend resources for free and promote them to Jindan stage disciples to earn more benefits?"

Wu Lang shook his head, "Loans, we, Huang Quanzong, provide loan services."

"Eh? Eh? Loan? The kind in the world?" Xing Hanhan was stunned.

"That's right, it's impossible to give them resources directly, let them borrow." Wu Lang said: "And the interest should be high!"

Xing Hanhan was at a loss, and was taken aback when he saw the interest.

49% monthly interest rate
This simple number contains a bottomless abyss.

Every minute is rolling interest, and you can't even pay back the interest.

"Can they accept this?" Xing Hanhan looked strange.

Wu Lang nodded, "It's okay, based on my observations of them these days, the folk customs in the secular world are like this."


After getting some guidance from his junior brother, Xing Hanhan felt that it was very possible, so he hurried down to try it.

"That's the interest rate."

"This sect provides loan services for disciples, only in the initial stage, one person needs to borrow money, and nine people are required to guarantee it." Xing Hanhan announced the harsh conditions.

The result was spot on.

Ten local tyrants came out and waved their hands.

"Guarantee me, send money realistically! It will arrive in a second!"

"Don't worry that I can't pay the interest. I'm from the Li family in the capital. Everyone knows how much money I have. When the server is opened, I will hire a group of people to move the bricks. The higher interest will be paid off in minutes. Now the main thing is to strike first!"

Xing Hanhan blinked, ecstatic in his heart, and found a new routine leek!
This group of mortal sect disciples from the secular world easily accepted such a high loan interest rate.

They are so wonderful!

(End of this chapter)

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