I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 31 The Price of Death and Resurrection

Chapter 31 The Price of Death and Resurrection

Wu Lang went down the mountain and picked up the two people from the fifth peak.
After entering the seventh peak, Xing Hanhan couldn't help laughing when he saw the flowers on the other side of the mountain: "As expected of a junior, he has excellent aptitude, and he succeeded so quickly. It's really beautiful! It reminds me of the beauty of the seventh peak back then. !"

The ten halls and peaks of Huangquan each have their own strengths.

The seventh peak is good at cultivating Bianhua.

"However, your flower looks a little special." Xing Hanhan muttered.

"There was a little accident in my cultivation, and I couldn't find the orthodox path left by Master." Wu Lang showed a regretful expression.

"It's okay, as long as it works."

Xing Hanhan didn't care, she was obviously a hard worker like Granny Meng, and squatted down to pick a flower, "After feeling it, the effect seems to be not bad, you can cultivate more and provide it to us on the fifth peak, my fifth peak Too short of flowers from the other side!"

"With this Bianhua, our Fifth Peak can finally grow and start recruiting a large number of errant disciples!"

Bana has many functions.

But the main function is: to swear to the other side of the flower, so that people can swear allegiance.

Only flowers are needed to sign the Yincha, and let people work for their sect. This is a contract to restrain the Yincha.

"Naturally, I will provide more to my senior sister." Wu Lang said as he walked.

Xing Hanhan put a Bianhua flower in her bun and stood up, "Okay, I'm here to see the Bianhua flower. At the same time, these days are also the long-lost Zongmen exam. I will take you to see the excitement and show off my face .”

Wu Lang was puzzled.

Is there anyone else here?

Could it be that the Yin soldiers crossed the border?

It is not impossible.

After all, we are the underworld here.

But Xing Hanhan smiled and said mysteriously: "You will know when you come."

So, Wu Lang followed directly down the mountain.

What Wu Lang didn't expect the most was that instead of taking him to her fifth peak, she went to the legendary first peak where she had never seen her elder brother Chi Huaqing.

Soon, after going up the mountain, Wu Lang realized something was wrong.

The Huangquan Road and the fifth peak that I have been to are full of ruins. The entire Huangquan sect is completely devoid of people, but the first peak is very lively.

There is a disciple of a famous sect living and commuting, forming a lively neighborhood, which is very lively, like the Huangquan sect in its heyday.

It seems that this peak has become a small world of sects.

"Hello, elder."

"Hello, elder."

A disciple wearing a black robe pays homage.

Wu Lang observed while walking, and even found that there was a mission hall in the distance, and many disciples went to pick up the mission and exchange some contribution points.

Seeing this, Wu Lang finally couldn't help but asked: "Didn't you say before that we are the only ones left in the Huangquan sect?"

Xing Hanhan instinctively replied: Huh?Are these people not human?It's just a one-time consumption of ghost supplies!

But she held back her words and swallowed them back.

After all, senior Meng Po is not allowed to speak ill.

"Cough cough cough."

Xing Hanhan coughed twice, and secretly explained to Wu Lang:
"Our Netherworld Sect has strict rules and hierarchies, and these guys from the first peak are not considered true disciples."

"Some peak masters call them life slaves, and some call them ghosts. They use the oath of the other side to hold each other's life. They are the low-level miscellaneous fish disciples who are responsible for the extradition of Yin Ling down the mountain. They will contribute to the great cause of our Huangquan sect."

"They died very quickly." She whispered, but she couldn't hide it anyway.

Wu Lang was stunned for a moment.

After reacting, Wu Lang took a deep breath.

As expected of the Netherworld Demon Sect, it's too ruthless!
Xing Hanhan held his head high, and said righteously: "Don't tell them this! On the surface, we are elders, and they are the outer disciples of our Holy Sect! They came to us to learn art and seek longevity. We have taught them There is no class, no qualifications, only determination, anyone will accept!"

Wu Lang doesn't want to talk anymore, you can just report it as "cannon fodder".

She continued: "You should be clear that their fates are generally barely able to practice, there are few geniuses, and most of them are white and green fates."

"They work as ghost messengers, and the death rate is very high."

She clasped her fingers and began to count, "Although there are six reincarnations, and their true spirits are forcibly retrieved from the air, the average number of deaths per person is still 37 times. Every time they are retrieved, some true spirits will be mutilated, and then many people will die. Generally, more than 50 times, you will immediately lose your soul."

Wu Lang was completely silent.

In the hard-core game "Huangquan Ghost Escort", the average number of players dying after entering the mountain gate is more than 54 times. It turns out that in ancient times, Huangquanzong had such a fine tradition!

It is worthy of being the number one demon sect, and its reputation is well-deserved.

There are only wrong sect names, but no wrong sect rankings.

In this world of cultivating immortals, where the demon sects are more involved and black-hearted than anyone else, you who have been involved in the number one demon sect and are surrounded and suppressed by the world, you deserve your name.

The Holy Cult of the Underworld, which claims to never kill a single person, is your feeling that you let them work hard to help you, die once and save once, and then get tired to death?

People like you will go to the [-]th floor of hell after death, and you will be hanged on the street lamp!
Xing Hanhan pointed at the bustling scene of the No. [-] peak, and whispered: "This No. [-] peak was born by Senior Po Meng. There are so many people here. It is because Po Meng used most of the Bana flowers in stock. To restore the peak of the disciples of the first peak, first revive the lineage of the sect."

"And what about my fifth peak? I don't even give me the flowers of the other side! It's sparsely populated, and I have to go down the mountain to complete the quota and have enough food and clothing."

She vomited bitterness, saying that she was too difficult!
Granny Meng kept giving benefits to others, and crazily put on small shoes for herself, she was very eccentric!

Before helping the elder brother of the first peak to revive, now he is helping the new junior brother of the seventh peak!

Do I have no cards like that?
But now, the Bianhua flower has finally been re-cultivated, and she can also recruit a group of ghost messengers to work for herself in the fifth peak, which makes her very happy.

"Now, it's the sect competition at the first peak."

"Eldest brother Chi Huaqing is not here, he has been outside, busy with important affairs, let me manage the first peak for him, and I will bring you to join in the fun." The more Xing Hanhan said, the more uncomfortable he became.

The benefits are not hers, and part-time work is all her share!

She felt bitter, the fifth peak was lonely, and it was still in ruins with few people, so she could only bully the newly recruited Li Goudan to relax.

Wu Lang understood what he heard, and nodded, "These disciples can also succeed, right?"

"It's possible, it's just a little."

She seemed to have guessed that Wu Lang would ask that question a long time ago, and said: "Their qualifications are very low, and their cultivation speed is extremely slow. The white fate can barely cultivate, and some are even 30 years old. You will not join our Demon Sect."

"But we are fate cultivators, and their low-level fates can be improved. Naturally, the white and green fates may also be promoted to purple, and become the arrogance of the heavens. The speed of practice is against the sky, but this is very rare."

"Before us, there were a few peak masters in the past. They changed their lives against the sky. They were servants and servants from the bottom of the bottom. They killed all the way up, and raised their green fate to purple fate."

"It's just that their risk is extremely high. As long as they die once, most of their potential will be basically useless. If they die a few more times, there is basically no possibility of changing their fate."

"Six paths of reincarnation, although the true spirit can be retrieved, but some true spirits will inevitably be lost. If the soul is incomplete, a person will basically be useless."

She kindly reminded: "So, those of us high-level people who go down the mountain to experience, must not die."

Wu Lang nodded.

In the previous life, the player's death cost was that high.

Even, the entire game is very subtle, using the number of deaths to distinguish between high-level players and low-level players, as well as casual players.

High play, must be 0 death.

Ordinary players will basically die, and they will pave the way for high-level players, playing dungeons to fill their lives.

But if you die a lot, you are basically completely useless, and you can only transform into a casual logistics player, from the front line to the logistics.

So a high player must not die.

The price of every death in "Huangquan Ghost Escort" is extremely heavy.

Although there are some rare soul treasures that can complement the true spirit, they are still a minority.

Xing Hanhan looked solemn, and said seriously: "Even if it is you and me, if we die once, the true spirit will be incomplete, and the sect will abandon us later, and the position of acting peak master will not be guaranteed! Our best end is to become a registered elder. Dao protector elder, protect other potential disciples."

The competition here is undoubtedly cruel.

Xing Hanhan brought the new junior here this time, not only to make a good relationship, but also to show him the way of life of the Underworld Sect, and to warn him of the necessary precautions through the structure of the first peak.

She hoped that such an upright and straightforward scholar could live longer.

"I see." Wu Lang made it clear.

Although, I am different from Xing Hanhan.

If she died once, Granny Meng would most likely not give up on herself, force herself to make a small fuss, and let herself be the acting peak master, because she didn't desire her own combat power.

Wu Lang knew that he must not die once.

If I am dead and my potential is damaged, it will be difficult to have the background to turn the tables. Maybe I will have to work for Meng Po for the rest of my life, and I can only be a logistics, relying on some of my own knowledge and ability to keep Meng Po from killing me .

"So, these disciples, you already know their situation, right?" She smiled, and while speaking, she brought Wu Lang to a huge martial arts arena.

"By the way, you and I are usually acting peak masters, elders of the same generation, you must maintain your majesty and don't lose face."

Soon, she took Wu Lang and the two disciples and sat on high places respectively. She looked down and her voice became majestic and cold.

"Everyone, the Netherworld Sect's sect competition is about to begin."

(End of this chapter)

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