I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 317 Battle Of Encounter

Chapter 317 Battle Of Encounter
Wu Lang brought Li Qingrou along for a private visit.

For this first stop, directly choose the most important location, the player's side.

Third floor south.

And Li Qingrou's avatars at the fusion stage continued to secretly open a way ahead and investigate.

"It seems that there is no problem, and the danger has been basically ruled out along the way."

Li Qingrou said with a smile: "We can just fly over there. It's the battlefield right now. Although it attracts everyone's attention and is easy to be a target, but in fact there is no danger. I chose the most suitable path."

She took out a map.

A snake-shaped map that twists and turns and even turns backwards appears in front of my eyes.

And also updated in real time.

Apparently, the avatars of each fusion period have spread all over the entire path as secret sentries.

"Well, then let's go." Wu Lang secretly admired that it was indeed the No.1 of the era, the strongest avatar system, and one person formed an army.

This is simply not too convenient, as expected of the most profligate and sloppiest person in the world.

Soon, Wu Lang and Li Qingrou traveled directly through the sky, sailed at high speed in the time carriage, and arrived at their destination in less than two days.


There was a sudden violent shock in a mountain field below.

"Huh? Someone is so bold that they fly directly from the two continents battlefield?"

A figure walked out slowly, looked at Wu Lang and the two of them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised a deep smile, "This kind of breath is the current emperor of Jingzhou. I am just here to rest and cultivate, and I actually caught a big fish!" .”

"It seems that we are destined to rise in this great world." Another great emperor who crossed the catastrophe said.

Li Qingrou's complexion changed slightly.

She couldn't help sending a voice transmission in secret: The leader is the third floor of Transcending Tribulation, Master, we are really unlucky. We met the vanguard troops on the front line, who are good at dormant and hidden. I hid here to cultivate. .

"Can you fight?" Wu Lang took a step back and asked.

"He can fight alone, but he took three of them with him to cross the first floor."

Li Qingrou stood in front, acting as a qualified guard, and said: "Even if I have the blessing of luck, it is still a bit difficult to fight in the homeland."

"Then do your best."

Wu Lang was suddenly depressed.

"That should be the case!" Li Qingrou's expression gradually became cold, as if she had entered a certain state, her eyes were ruthless, and she directly collided with them.

War broke out.

"Huh? As expected of the emperor of Jingzhou! He even has a dark hand."

The great emperor of the Transcendence Tribulation Period showed a bit of a smile, "Elders, after the suzerain kills him, our Yuxia Sect will have a great opportunity in this battle!"

The three of them from this sect were on a front-line assassination mission, but unexpectedly encountered a big fish.

Jing Tianzi is a doppelganger, and it is a great opportunity to catch it.

What's more, this avatar is the body of the Buddha, which has greater strategic significance.

next moment.

The two sides didn't say much at all. The most important thing in an encounter on the battlefield is a quick decision.

The Great Emperors of Transcending Tribulation were afraid that other local Buddha Emperors would sense the aura of war and come to rescue them, and Li Qingrou was also afraid that this enemy would show up to help.

Both sides are confident that they can win.

The sky was torn apart suddenly.

The fierce war during the tribulation period broke out immediately.

Wu Lang retreated ten kilometers away, and stood quietly in the distant battlefield.

People on both sides of the battlefield didn't want to take the opportunity to affect this emperor of Jingzhou, they all wanted to live.

Otherwise, this mere God Transformation Stage would have been easily shaken to death.

"This is the period of crossing the catastrophe. My cultivation base is still very low. I don't even have the name of a young saint, but my cultivation base is still too low." Wu Lang didn't run away either. After all, he knew that no matter who won, his own speed would not escape Lose.

Besides, Wu Lang also had confidence in Li Qingrou.

She said [-]-[-], but for this kind of protagonist, it is generally a sure win, even if it is a narrow escape, it can basically get out of that chance.

Wu Lang was just a little depressed.

Before myself, I had been on the road for so long without encountering an accident, and I had always been an ordinary passerby on the road.

But what about now?
As soon as he partnered with Li Qingrou, a sudden change occurred.


As expected of the protagonist's fate, he caused trouble everywhere and was in danger wherever he went.

Even Wu Lang was thinking at this moment:

Is it also a wrong decision to find Li Qingrou, a troublemaker, as a bodyguard?If it were me, I would probably walk around casually and not cause trouble at all.

But thinking about it carefully, the idea was revealed.

Now I am no longer an ordinary passer-by who passes by the street, but already a sage.

"In this wave, I guess it's not Li Qingrou who got me down, but me who got Li Qingrou down."

Wu Lang thought secretly, "After all, now, my protagonist's luck, after several waves of development, is much bigger than her."

Cultivation is cultivation of life.

His cultivation base is still too weak, and his time is still short, but his "fate" has far exceeded his cultivation base.

If she wants to catch up with my noble fate, she has to eat Li Hairou to catch up with my level.

"You are crazy, you committed suicide!!"

In the distance, there was a low growl.

"It doesn't matter if you kill the three of you and burn the true spirit."

On the first floor of the tribulation, resist the attack of the three great emperors.

"Let's fight, let's fight."

Wu Lang also sat on the ground bored, under a big tree to observe the battlefield in the sky in the distance, and then glanced at the players in his spare time.

"Hahahaha, I earned 300,000 this month!"

"Fuck! How rich are you? In my reality, a studio has already hired me, signed a contract, and the monthly salary is only 150,000."

"As far as your fate? Feline affinity + feces fanaticism? The fate of a shit-shovel officer, what can I say, it's just a waste."

"Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years, when the time comes, I will research my method and raise a cat girl who can reach heaven and earth, and you will be proud of it!"

Players are spanking and chatting.


Now looking down at these guys from a high position, I suddenly feel that being a carefree sand sculpture rest player is also a kind of fun.

As a game, it's still fun.

It's not like me, after crossing, I was beaten up crazily, and now I'm still being besieged and beaten up, so I can only hide from a distance and watch.

Most of them are white-feathered chickens working as coolies, and a small part are humans. The city they built has also played well in the internal test.

Wu Lang was bored.

After watching them moving bricks in the city, chatting and spanking for half an hour, I felt the daily life of the sand sculpture players in the previous life, and the battle was finished in the distance.

Li Qingrou burned the eight layers of true spirits, coupled with the powerful and vast mana of the Buddha's mother's luck, and successfully suppressed and killed these three people.

This is the end.

This large-scale superior sect in Liangzhou is probably abolished.

The green and the yellow are not connected, and the top combat power is all dead.

After all, whenever there is a general trend, if you want to enter the world or enter the calamity, you will basically be close to death.

"Finished?" Wu Lang asked.

"It's done, take me to a place to rest." Li Qingrou's complexion turned pale, and she passed out directly.

Wu Lang directly waved his hand and took away the sleeping Li Qingrou.

Soon, he drove all the way and found a cave to practice, but he never expected that there was something strange about this cave.

In the cave, there are sand and stones everywhere, and one of the ordinary gravels attracted Wu Lang secretly.

He reached out and wiped it.


Bright golden light.

One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi.

Among the gravel, there is actually another huge secret place of Buddhism and Taoism.

"It seems to be a secret place in the ancient cave, which can only be opened by a pure Buddha body?" Wu Lang was stunned.

My own Buddha clay doll can pretend to be the blood of the ancient Buddha, so it can naturally pass through.

This is after the luck of the protagonist's battle, the way of heaven is favored, and there must be adventures?

some meaning.

But of course, Li Qingruan herself is the two biggest protagonists of the young age, with the superposition of luck, the strong luck in the dark is naturally huge.

Coupled with the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" to suppress luck, the luck of the disciples of the Netherworld Sect is already very strong, otherwise they would not be able to sneak into the enemy as spies.
Wu Lang entered the cave and looked around curiously.

I saw a cave that had been abandoned for thousands of years.

I saw only green grass and green hills, and it was located in a dilapidated Buddhist temple. When I walked into the temple, there was no one there, and there was still half-eaten vegetarian food on the seat, but it was not decayed.

It seemed that the owner left in a hurry and never came back.

This is a cave of the Buddhas, where a fairy Buddha once lived.

After all, there are countless Buddhas living in Daleiyin Temple. These ancient fairy Buddhas will not live together, and they will open caves in various places in the nine-story Buddha land.

Over the past 100,000 years, the caves of these Buddhas have been explored extensively. As long as there are people with prosperous Buddha luck, they can enter them and inherit them.

"This futon is a good thing. It actually has the power of time. It can flow at a rate of one to ten. It seems useless to other monks. The energy is empty, but I can use it again. I will go back to Li Hairou to recharge it some other day."

"This is an Enlightenment Cup, and there is spirit tea in it, can it be enlightened?"

"Hey, this picture scroll is not bad."

"I ate half of the dish, it was a bit dirty, I didn't mention if there was any saliva, counted 100,000 years, it didn't look stinky, who knows what will happen if I eat it? But wait a minute, it can be used as a gift for leek players. .”

Wu Lang scanned it again.

I am as rich as an enemy, but these good things are still very scarce!

After all, when robbing various sects, they will not hand over top-notch treasures, but only ordinary resources and magic weapons.

Another one, no matter how rich you are, it is also used by the state treasury to develop the entire Jingzhou cultivation world, and if it is shared equally with a country, it is also quite poor.

out of the temple.

In the pharmacy, there are tens of thousands of years of elixir, majestic blooming.

"It is estimated that in ancient times, there was a whole yard of fairy medicine, but unfortunately without the cultivation of fairy energy, it degenerated into a panacea." Wu Lang felt a little regretful.

In ancient times, immortal medicine was not scarce.

The nourishment of the fairy energy can transform the elixir into a fairy medicine, but it is a pity that the era is now in decline.

He walked around quickly, and made medicine for Li Qingrou directly on the spot. As a doctor, he directly treated her on the spot.

He has learned the dragon slaying technique, he can be called the world's first knowledge, and it is finally useful.

Accelerated by the time compass, more than ten days passed before Li Qingrou, who had been cared for carefully, woke up leisurely.

"Continue to cultivate." Wu Lang said calmly: "Repair the injury, let's go explore again."

"En." Li Qingrou nodded, blinked at the hanging bottle next to her, and the needle stuck in her arm, "What is this?"

"A medical method developed by the way of medicine." Wu Lang said, taking off her oxygen mask.

Only then did Li Qingrou notice that the uncle's aura had changed, into the aura of a medical sage ancestor, as if he had opened up a sage who cultivated the medical system.

Li Qingrou Favorability +3
(End of this chapter)

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